All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

It was 100% accurate. And it points out the flaw you guys are arguing that slavery and racism are inseparably connected.
No, you're 100% wrong.

And you have the temerity to call others stupid.

Well, you denied the facts, that sure showed me.

If you too lazy or unable to follow a simple discussion, then you are stupid.
They are not "facts," you idiot.

I already showed you slavery was legalized in Massachusetts in 1641.

There were laws regarding fugitive slaves there in the 1630's.

That happened pre-your Punch tingle, so stuff it lady.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
sheesh, amazing to watch

he said blah blah blah

lets just overlook what this government did to him
sheesh, amazing to watch

he said blah blah blah

lets just overlook what this government did to him

what did the government do to him, outside of expect him to follow the law?
and i do agree. we already knew he was a lawless mooch scumbag. now we know he's a racist lawless mooch scumbag. not really surprising.
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We are talking about US History. And for 200 years Black=Slave

Trying to nibble at the edges does not refute that fact. Neither does it refute that Cliven Bundy is a racist asshole
It was not a racist statement Bundy said about negroes. Even after slavery black families worked and their family unit was intact with moral values and ethics. Now that is all gone since the Civil Rights Act was passed and putting them on government subsidies. Bundy made a good accurate analogy that was the gospel truth.

Coming from a guy with the first family depicted as apes in his avatar

It befuddles me how some racists think they're hiding it.
Sure, some folks try to scream racism when none exists and some try to claim "no racism" where it clearly exists. Apparently some people think they are making the water muddy. What a joke.

Reasonable people really don't have too much trouble spotting real racism when they see/hear it.
Dem Logic:

"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- Not racist

Democrat programs have devastated the black family -- racist

Did that clear it up?
And CF get's his 10,000th LBJ boner!


If you can't deal with the truth, marginalize it right?

What truth?

LBJ had some salty language.

He was also a southerner.

That doesn't make him a racist.

Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.
And CF get's his 10,000th LBJ boner!


If you can't deal with the truth, marginalize it right?

What truth?

LBJ had some salty language.

He was also a southerner.

That doesn't make him a racist.

Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.

So you think a quote from 50 years ago - and holding a historical figure to contemporary standards proves a point? Even if what you insinuate were 100% true, it still wouldn't "unspeak" the words Bundy used.
It was not a racist statement Bundy said about negroes. Even after slavery black families worked and their family unit was intact with moral values and ethics. Now that is all gone since the Civil Rights Act was passed and putting them on government subsidies. Bundy made a good accurate analogy that was the gospel truth.

Coming from a guy with the first family depicted as apes in his avatar

It befuddles me how some racists think they're hiding it.
Sure, some folks try to scream racism when none exists and some try to claim "no racism" where it clearly exists. Apparently some people think they are making the water muddy. What a joke.

Reasonable people really don't have too much trouble spotting real racism when they see/hear it.

Bundy is a fucking racist any way you look at it
And CF get's his 10,000th LBJ boner!


If you can't deal with the truth, marginalize it right?

Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.
Doesn't matter what his true feelings about negroes were and that was he didn't respect them. He passed the Civil Rights Act to pacify others who pressured him to do it for JFK and MLK.
And CF get's his 10,000th LBJ boner!


If you can't deal with the truth, marginalize it right?

What truth?

LBJ had some salty language.

He was also a southerner.

That doesn't make him a racist.

Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.

"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******." -- LBJ explaining appointing Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS

On the Way With L.B.J. -
If you can't deal with the truth, marginalize it right?

Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.
Doesn't matter what his true feelings about negroes were and that was he didn't respect them. He passed the Civil Rights Act to pacify others who pressured him to do it for JFK and MLK.

That's one of the most idiotic things I've seen you post.

The civil rights act was extremely unpopular. It locked up the south for the GOP.

This is for informing people. i don't see an invite for people to show up and confront anyone. Also, I didn't see who actually made the website.

That's it tell him boyo.

In the face of facts? Move the goalposts.

Bundy had the Oath Keeper terrorists surrounding him when he was on a diatribe about ordering the local sheriff to disarm the Federal Agents.

What terrorists?
Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.
Doesn't matter what his true feelings about negroes were and that was he didn't respect them. He passed the Civil Rights Act to pacify others who pressured him to do it for JFK and MLK.

That's one of the most idiotic things I've seen you post.

The civil rights act was extremely unpopular. It locked up the south for the GOP.

The civil rights act was extremely unpopular with Democrats like LBJ and Al Gore Sr which is why they sat on Ike's Civil Right Bill for 7 years

There fixed it for ya
And CF get's his 10,000th LBJ boner!


If you can't deal with the truth, marginalize it right?

What truth?

LBJ had some salty language.

He was also a southerner.

That doesn't make him a racist.

Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.

He was the Senator who lead the fillibuster against the Civil Rights Act.

But if LBJ wasnt a racist, then Bundy isn't either. Do you really believe that?
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If you can't deal with the truth, marginalize it right?

What truth?

LBJ had some salty language.

He was also a southerner.

That doesn't make him a racist.

Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.

"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******." -- LBJ explaining appointing Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS

On the Way With L.B.J. -


That's the way.

LBJ thought he was so superior and black Americans were so inferior that he appoints one the the Supreme Court.

That so makes sense.

After all the black vote was going to keep the Presidency for the Democrats in the 1960s..

United States presidential election, 1968 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh wait..
well the good ole Nytimes has lived up to it's nickname New York slimes
something to think about

when they gleefully throw in your face how 95% of blacks vote Democrat, doesn't that sound like slavery to you and in a sense they own those people?

mention slavey and the left goes insane like they have the moral high ground on it


have at it
If you can't deal with the truth, marginalize it right?

What truth?

LBJ had some salty language.

He was also a southerner.

That doesn't make him a racist.

Combine that with the fact he passed the Civil Rights Act and you look really fucking stupid bringing up this meme over and over again.

He was the Senator he lead the fillibuster against the Civil Rights Act.

But if LBJ wasnt a racist, then Bundy isn't either. Do you really believe that?


LBJ wasn't a racist.

Bundy is.

Dredging up what LBJ did as a Senator shows how little you understand about history..and politics.
This is for informing people. i don't see an invite for people to show up and confront anyone. Also, I didn't see who actually made the website.

That's it tell him boyo.

In the face of facts? Move the goalposts.

Bundy had the Oath Keeper terrorists surrounding him when he was on a diatribe about ordering the local sheriff to disarm the Federal Agents.

You have to work real hard (and be more than a little dishonest imho) to continue the "unsolicited support" meme

From the website about the party they had.

Hey everyone! Come out today for the patriot party! Play at the river! We will be having entertainment throughout the afternoon and evening and We will be serving dinner. Let's remember to keep this fun and PEACEFUL. Please respect the land and other people around you!

I didn't see any request for people to come and surround his property or confront anyone. If you can find it on the site, please post it.
well the good ole Nytimes has lived up to it's nickname New York slimes
something to think about

when they gleefully throw in your face how 95% of blacks vote Democrat, doesn't that sound like slavery to you and in a sense they own those people?

mention slavey and the left goes insane like they have the moral high ground on it


have at it
what did the government do to him?

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