All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Just a question from us "knee jerk conservatives:"

Was it not you liberals knee jerking when you voted for Obama? Twice? Yes, I thought as much.

WTF does that have to do with Conservative hero Bundys being a racist?
It is quite interesting seeing on one try to dispute the facts you have posted.

Why do folks keep referring to Article 1, Sec., Claus 2. That relates to land acquisition related to purchase of lands for specific purposes in already established states.
The BLM lands are controlled under Article 4, Sec. 3, Claus 2.
Federal lands are lands that were owned by the federal government as territorial lands before the state in question became a state. When it did become a state it's new state(s) did not have the resources or ability to protect or develop the land in question. They still don't. In addition, by this late date, the American tax payers from all states have made huge investments in their mutually owned real estate. It would be horribly unfair and financially foolish to suddenly give this valuable real estate away after investing in it's up keep and maintenance for over a century.

It is quite interesting seeing on one try to dispute the facts you have posted.

Why do folks keep referring to Article 1, Sec., Claus 2. That relates to land acquisition related to purchase of lands for specific purposes in already established states.
The BLM lands are controlled under Article 4, Sec. 3, Claus 2.
Federal lands are lands that were owned by the federal government as territorial lands before the state in question became a state. When it did become a state it's new state(s) did not have the resources or ability to protect or develop the land in question. They still don't. In addition, by this late date, the American tax payers from all states have made huge investments in their mutually owned real estate. It would be horribly unfair and financially foolish to suddenly give this valuable real estate away after investing in it's up keep and maintenance for over a century.

Please explain the HUGE INVESTMENTS
I realize you are suffering from George Zimmerman withdrawal syndrome, but it's so nice that your new hero is speaking up and revealing himself as the true American he...and you stupid rednecks...perceive him to be:

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,” he said. Mr. Bundy recalled driving past a public-housing project in North Las Vegas, “and in front of that government house the door was usually open and the older people and the kids — and there is always at least a half a dozen people sitting on the porch — they didn’t have nothing to do. They didn’t have nothing for their kids to do. They didn’t have nothing for their young girls to do.

“And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

First, he was a man stating up to unlawful government intrusion on private property. That is a noble and worthy cause. Does that require him to be a perfect individual or a PC done? Absolutely not. His cause is worthy and it's something every American should support. Second, while his means and words were arrogant and ignorant, if you could take your partisan blinders off for a minute, you could see he was making a valid point. He made an extreme and offensive comparison. I mean slavery is horrendous. You are property of your master, he can beat, rape, murder and sell off your offspring without a care in the world. Freeman are always better off than slaves.

HOWEVER, he makes a great and righteous point. Government dependency has DESTROYED the black community. 78% of black babies are born out of wedlock. Blacks make up 1/2 of all abortions. Poverty is an epidemic. He is right and the main culprit is government dependency brought on by Dimocrats.

Funny how the media is leaving out when he praised the hispanic, esp hispanic families. He praised their strong commitment to provide for their family.

He came off arrogantly and libtards will gloat, but the message he was trying to protray was righteous.

LOL - except that the intrusion was lawful and the property wasn't private and his point about black people being better off as slaves was certainly not valid - now who lined up to thank this poster for lying? hmmmm what does it say about him, his friends, and their cause? That they are more committed to ideology than truth.
Surely you jest, BRO. Not mad. Nazi's like you aren't men or women enough to make me "mad" - but you do concern me. And you concern me a great deal. This country is in deep doo doo from all sides and you liberal pussies seem to delight in it.

The last time that happened was the Bolsheviks. Trust me. don't try that again. your side WILL lose.

Have a nice day, Bro. :D

Nazis huh?


[ame=]Cliven Bundy Neo Nazi Posse Comitatus - YouTube[/ame]

That is the best Maddow segment I have seen in a long, long time. Spot-on.

Rachel Maddow is a blithering idiot working for a Nazi organization.
your inferiority complex is acting out.

but i will tell you where you are rambling on. it is not hard to find. it is, for example, in the post to which i responded. you know, the one to toro, which had no reasonable connection to what he said. you did this earlier in this tread, too. and i saw you do it many times on this board. you just gurgle out some shit, and when called on it, you disappear.

now, the lesson is over.

I'm right here. Not going anywhere Professor. No "inferiority complex" as you claim. So let's go, big shot! I'm Colleg educated - I can take your "lesson" :bad grin:

I'm Still waiting.......

that is so sad. you missed the lesson.

your tell is that you are calling me "professor". you are not far off, btw.

i heard that colleg aducation in merica pertty much sucks.

not good for you.

...and still nothing. You're a shit talker. :cuckoo:
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I'm right here. Not going anywhere Professor. No "inferiority complex" as you claim. So let's go, big shot! I'm Colleg educated - I can take your "lesson" :bad grin:

I'm Still waiting.......

that is so sad. you missed the lesson.

your tell is that you are calling me "professor". you are not far off, btw.

i heard that colleg aducation in merica pertty much sucks.

not good for you.

...and still nothing. You're a shit talker. :cuckoo:
That is the best Maddow segment I have seen in a long, long time. Spot-on.

Rachel Maddow is a blithering idiot working for a Nazi organization.
From someone who has no idea what a Nazi is.

OK ...for the last time. ANY liberal in the United States is a Nazi. Now, do you get it?

They want to stifle free speech, they want to persecute anyone who speaks out against them, they would just as soon see conservatives in "camps", they believe Obozo should be appointed "High Potentate" for life, they believe that they, and they alone have the moral high ground, They are atheists, They would deny every American their Constitutional Rights, They would shut down Freedom Of Religion (except for Islam, they're TERRIFIED of those guys) They believe in perverting Man/Woman marriage, they despise the elderly, They despise the wealthy (except for those they deem "worthy"), They despise Capitalism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and success. They believe that "government" is all powerful.

In other words - Nazis. So from this point on, I will refer to liberals as either Nazis, Progressive Nazis or Brownshirts

Don't like being called a Nazi? Hell, use your God given Intellect to become an American Conservative!
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Rachel Maddow is a blithering idiot working for a Nazi organization.
From someone who has no idea what a Nazi is.

OK ...for the last time. ANY liberal in the United States is a Nazi. Now, do you get it?

They want to stifle free speech, they want to persecute anyone who speaks out against them, they would just as soon see conservatives in "camps", they believe Obozo should be appointed "High Potentate" for life, they believe that they, and they alone have the moral high ground, They are atheists, They would deny every American their Constitutional Rights, They would shut down Freedom Of Religion (except for Islam, they're TERRIFIED of those guys) They believe in perverting Man/Woman marriage, they despise the elderly, They despise the wealthy (except for those they deem "worthy"), They despise Capitalism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and success. They believe that "government" is all powerful.

In other words - Nazis. So from this point on, I will refer to liberals as either Nazis, Progressive Nazis or

Don't like being called a Nazi? Hell, use your God given Intellect to become an American Conservative!
And bear arms against the country that you love in defense of a rich racist criminal.

Go fuck yourself, American Taliban.
From someone who has no idea what a Nazi is.

OK ...for the last time. ANY liberal in the United States is a Nazi. Now, do you get it?

They want to stifle free speech, they want to persecute anyone who speaks out against them, they would just as soon see conservatives in "camps", they believe Obozo should be appointed "High Potentate" for life, they believe that they, and they alone have the moral high ground, They are atheists, They would deny every American their Constitutional Rights, They would shut down Freedom Of Religion (except for Islam, they're TERRIFIED of those guys) They believe in perverting Man/Woman marriage, they despise the elderly, They despise the wealthy (except for those they deem "worthy"), They despise Capitalism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and success. They believe that "government" is all powerful.

In other words - Nazis. So from this point on, I will refer to liberals as either Nazis, Progressive Nazis or

Don't like being called a Nazi? Hell, use your God given Intellect to become an American Conservative!
And bear arms against the country that you love in defense of a rich racist criminal.

Go fuck yourself, American Taliban.

Go fuck yourself, American hater!!
OK ...for the last time. ANY liberal in the United States is a Nazi. Now, do you get it?

They want to stifle free speech, they want to persecute anyone who speaks out against them, they would just as soon see conservatives in "camps", they believe Obozo should be appointed "High Potentate" for life, they believe that they, and they alone have the moral high ground, They are atheists, They would deny every American their Constitutional Rights, They would shut down Freedom Of Religion (except for Islam, they're TERRIFIED of those guys) They believe in perverting Man/Woman marriage, they despise the elderly, They despise the wealthy (except for those they deem "worthy"), They despise Capitalism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and success. They believe that "government" is all powerful.

In other words - Nazis. So from this point on, I will refer to liberals as either Nazis, Progressive Nazis or

Don't like being called a Nazi? Hell, use your God given Intellect to become an American Conservative!
And bear arms against the country that you love in defense of a rich racist criminal.

Go fuck yourself, American Taliban.

Go fuck yourself, American hater!!

Damn! You beat me to it! :D

This coming from a dickhead that has never worn the uniform of ANY branch of the Military. Pure trash.
OK ...for the last time. ANY liberal in the United States is a Nazi. Now, do you get it?

They want to stifle free speech, they want to persecute anyone who speaks out against them, they would just as soon see conservatives in "camps", they believe Obozo should be appointed "High Potentate" for life, they believe that they, and they alone have the moral high ground, They are atheists, They would deny every American their Constitutional Rights, They would shut down Freedom Of Religion (except for Islam, they're TERRIFIED of those guys) They believe in perverting Man/Woman marriage, they despise the elderly, They despise the wealthy (except for those they deem "worthy"), They despise Capitalism, Patriotism, Exceptionalism, and success. They believe that "government" is all powerful.

In other words - Nazis. So from this point on, I will refer to liberals as either Nazis, Progressive Nazis or

Don't like being called a Nazi? Hell, use your God given Intellect to become an American Conservative!
And bear arms against the country that you love in defense of a rich racist criminal.

Go fuck yourself, American Taliban.

Go fuck yourself, American hater!!
Yes, you stupid piece of white trash. "I" hate America. That's why I was cheering for the armed rednecks when those ignorant racists drove from all over to bear arms against the US government for enforcing a court order. Liberals hate America, and that's why dumbass rednecks drew guns against America. The fact that you believe that is why the American Taliban is so dangerous.

The right-wing GOPbagger party is the American Taliban. Stop being such a god-damned ignorant inbred white trash Conservative right-wing redneck Republican or get the fuck out of our country.
And bear arms against the country that you love in defense of a rich racist criminal.

Go fuck yourself, American Taliban.

Go fuck yourself, American hater!!

Damn! You beat me to it! :D
This coming from a dickhead that has never worn the uniform of ANY branch of the Military. Pure trash.
I turned 19 in basic. I swore an oath to defend the US Constitution, not some old rich racist criminal. Fuck yourself, American Taliban.
And bear arms against the country that you love in defense of a rich racist criminal.

Go fuck yourself, American Taliban.

Go fuck yourself, American hater!!
Yes, you stupid piece of white trash. "I" hate America. That's why I was cheering for the armed rednecks when those ignorant racists drove from all over to bear arms against the US government for enforcing a court order. Liberals hate America, and that's why dumbass rednecks drew guns against America. The fact that you believe that is why the American Taliban is so dangerous.

The right-wing GOPbagger party is the American Taliban. Stop being such a god-damned ignorant inbred white trash Conservative right-wing redneck Republican or get the fuck out of our country.

Umm....That might be a bit hard for me to do. I'm black. :D

"Our" Country? And you wonder why I call you pieces of liberal trash "Nazis" :D

You make my point easy, Sonny.
Go fuck yourself, American hater!!

Damn! You beat me to it! :D
This coming from a dickhead that has never worn the uniform of ANY branch of the Military. Pure trash.
I turned 19 in basic. I swore an oath to defend the US Constitution, not some old rich racist criminal. Fuck yourself, American Taliban.

I'm sure you did Sonny. Anything you say, puss. You "swore" an oath to the Constitution, huh? Apparently it didn't sink in, did it Nazi?
Go fuck yourself, American hater!!
Yes, you stupid piece of white trash. "I" hate America. That's why I was cheering for the armed rednecks when those ignorant racists drove from all over to bear arms against the US government for enforcing a court order. Liberals hate America, and that's why dumbass rednecks drew guns against America. The fact that you believe that is why the American Taliban is so dangerous.

The right-wing GOPbagger party is the American Taliban. Stop being such a god-damned ignorant inbred white trash Conservative right-wing redneck Republican or get the fuck out of our country.

Umm....That might be a bit hard for me to do. I'm black. :D

"Our" Country? And you wonder why I call you pieces of liberal trash "Nazis" :D

You make my point easy, Sonny.
Yes, ****. You, the American Taliban, stupid right-wing Republicans, threatened violence against America to defend an old rich racist criminal. Even now you are trying to justify your treason. After 9/11, do we really need Americans threatening violence against America? Does the American Taliban want another Civil War? The racist Confederacy lost last time and we have drones now.

You threaten our country with violence and We the People will treat you like al-Qaeda. Got that, American Taliban?

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