All You Bundy Lovers....Your New Hero Speaks....Shoots Self in Foot

Damn! You beat me to it! :D
This coming from a dickhead that has never worn the uniform of ANY branch of the Military. Pure trash.
I turned 19 in basic. I swore an oath to defend the US Constitution, not some old rich racist criminal. Fuck yourself, American Taliban.

Yes, everyone hates "Dirty Harry" Reid!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Now do t remind him that Harry Reid is a "Rich, White Criminal Thief". Hell, Gutter Trash Harry EARNED that 28 Million!! :D

A conservative? Obviously they STEAL their money..... :D
Yes, you stupid piece of white trash. "I" hate America. That's why I was cheering for the armed rednecks when those ignorant racists drove from all over to bear arms against the US government for enforcing a court order. Liberals hate America, and that's why dumbass rednecks drew guns against America. The fact that you believe that is why the American Taliban is so dangerous.

The right-wing GOPbagger party is the American Taliban. Stop being such a god-damned ignorant inbred white trash Conservative right-wing redneck Republican or get the fuck out of our country.

Umm....That might be a bit hard for me to do. I'm black. :D

"Our" Country? And you wonder why I call you pieces of liberal trash "Nazis" :D

You make my point easy, Sonny.
Yes, ****. You, the American Taliban, stupid right-wing Republicans, threatened violence against America to defend an old rich racist criminal. Even now you are trying to justify your treason. After 9/11, do we really need Americans threatening violence against America? Does the American Taliban want another Civil War? The racist Confederacy lost last time and we have drones now.

You threaten our country with violence and We the People will treat you like al-Qaeda. Got that, American Taliban?

Hey dumbass, just for the record, WHEN have I EVER advocated violence against the United States? WHEN?

We, the people my ass. At best you Nazis are 5% of "The People". Thankfully, only a few are as stupid as you are, Sonny.
Did I ever say that I support Harry Reid? No. I said traitorous right-wing Republicans took up arms and threatened violence against the United States of America and for that they need to be treated like common terrorists.

Umm....That might be a bit hard for me to do. I'm black. :D

"Our" Country? And you wonder why I call you pieces of liberal trash "Nazis" :D

You make my point easy, Sonny.
Yes, ****. You, the American Taliban, stupid right-wing Republicans, threatened violence against America to defend an old rich racist criminal. Even now you are trying to justify your treason. After 9/11, do we really need Americans threatening violence against America? Does the American Taliban want another Civil War? The racist Confederacy lost last time and we have drones now.

You threaten our country with violence and We the People will treat you like al-Qaeda. Got that, American Taliban?

Hey dumbass, just for the record, WHEN have I EVER advocated violence against the United States? WHEN?

We, the people my ass. At best you Nazis are 5% of "The People". Thankfully, only a few are as stupid as you are, Sonny.
Yeah, Liberals are the stupid ones who took up arms against America and are still trying to defend their rich racist Conservative criminal hero, Cliven Bundy.

If you threaten America with violence, you will be treated like our nation's enemies. Maybe we should waterboard Cliven Bundy to find out who he had contact with in the American Taliban besides Sean Hannity. After all, waterboarding isn't torture.

You're either with us or with the terrorists.
Did I ever say that I support Harry Reid? No. I said traitorous right-wing Republicans took up arms and threatened violence against the United States of America and for that they need to be treated like common terrorists.

And the patriots that founded this country below, you called racist *****!!! You pieces of shit, you're what the FASCIST LEFT is all about, deranged, brain dead little douchebags! They haven't the balls to stand up to ANYTHING like the Patriots did in Nevada, they HIDE behind the OWS and shit on police cars, you dumb mother fucking ****!

You think that shitting on a police car is worse than taking up sniper positions behind unarmed human shields in defense of a rich racist criminal?

That's why the American Taliban is so dangerous.
You think that shitting on a police car is worse than taking up sniper positions behind unarmed human shields in defense of a rich racist criminal?

That's why the American Taliban is so dangerous.

Defecating on police cars was one of the better things OWS did. The sexual assualts, thefts, and all around thuggery was much worse.

The real question is why is either one good in your eyes?
You think that shitting on a police car is worse than taking up sniper positions behind unarmed human shields in defense of a rich racist criminal?

That's why the American Taliban is so dangerous.

Defecating on police cars was one of the better things OWS did. The sexual assualts, thefts, and all around thuggery was much worse.

The real question is why is either one good in your eyes?
Fuck you deep, Republican. You stupid fucks were trying to get women shot to make yourselves look like heroes. You threatened violence against America to defend a racist criminal. Right-wing Republicans do not get to talk anymore about America, freedom, justice or anything else. You shut your fucking mouths or you get the fuck out of our country, or you will be hunted and killed like terrorists. We'll write your families off as "collateral damage" because that is what we do to terrorist scum who threaten America.
You think that shitting on a police car is worse than taking up sniper positions behind unarmed human shields in defense of a rich racist criminal?

That's why the American Taliban is so dangerous.

Scumbag, go out there and tell that to any of them, face to face, fagot boy!:eusa_clap:
I already have, coward. I've been to white pride Teabagger rallies and borrowed one of their own bullhorns to tell them why they were wrong and then I dropped the megaphone and walked away. That was then, before the American Taliban threatened armed violence against America. Now you get an ultimatum: get your head out of your ass or get out of our country. Traitors who want to kill Americans deserve to get shot.

You're either with or you're with the terrorists, remember?
You think that shitting on a police car is worse than taking up sniper positions behind unarmed human shields in defense of a rich racist criminal?

That's why the American Taliban is so dangerous.

Defecating on police cars was one of the better things OWS did. The sexual assualts, thefts, and all around thuggery was much worse.

The real question is why is either one good in your eyes?
Fuck you deep, Republican. You stupid fucks were trying to get women shot to make yourselves look like heroes. You threatened violence against America to defend a racist criminal. Right-wing Republicans do not get to talk anymore about America, freedom, justice or anything else. You shut your fucking mouths or you get the fuck out of our country, or you will be hunted and killed like terrorists. We'll write your families off as "collateral damage" because that is what we do to terrorist scum who threaten America.

Funny I completely denounced using women to as human shields. It's despicable and unmanly.

I am the one sitting here calling for non-violence. Find a single post where i called for violence. If you do, ill be surprised and Ill apologize.

I defend people who violate the law everyday. This is the United States of America. Everyone is entitled to be defended.

And no. Im not going to shut my mouth. Because you need to hear what I am saying. You need to let go of your anger and learn to love not only your brother, but also your enemy. Because if you don't you will become that which you fear.
You think that shitting on a police car is worse than taking up sniper positions behind unarmed human shields in defense of a rich racist criminal?

That's why the American Taliban is so dangerous.

Scumbag, go out there and tell that to any of them, face to face, fagot boy!:eusa_clap:
I already have, coward. I've been to white pride Teabagger rallies and borrowed one of their own bullhorns to tell them why they were wrong and then I dropped the megaphone and walked away. That was then, before the American Taliban threatened armed violence against America. Now you get an ultimatum: get your head out of your ass or get out of our country. Traitors who want to kill Americans deserve to get shot.

You're either with or you're with the terrorists, remember?

That's the second biggest bag of horseshit you've ever posted, the first is in my signature, you commie tool!

Now I haven't paid a lot of attention to this whole Bundy thing, because it's hyped by media and largely bullshit. The only other comment I recall making was:

I have to keep my opinion is reserve.

Bundy says he doesn't recognize the fed's authority.

Just because someone doesn't recognize it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

However the feds have a long history of abusing authority, and I'm inclined to believe this is another of those cases.

Now from what I've read of his recent "racist" comments I shouldn't be surprised about the stupid reaction from EVERYONE.

Are black people REALLY more free now than they were 160 years ago?

Are whites? Are any of us?

What is the difference between blacks held as chattle by a democrook aristocracy and forced to harvest resources, than EVERYONE held has a "human resource" by a republicrat aristocracy that intentionally deprives EVERYONE of the most simple rights laid out by the founders?

Are black people better off living in the conditions their leaders have led them to presently, than they would have been if their REPUBLICAN leader not been KILLED BY A DEMOCROOK KLANSMAN?

Not that I give a shit what the bed wetters say, but it seems pretty damn evident to me that if MLK had dodged the bullet and Jesse Jackass been hit instead, black people would be far more prosperous.

MLK was all about spirituality, he was a good man and loved ALL people. He wanted to elevate us all as a single race, not divide us into hyphenated groups and classes. Modern black "leaders" disgrace his legacy, and if the bed wetters in this country had a single synapse of independent thought...

This thread wouldn't exist
Scumbag, go out there and tell that to any of them, face to face, fagot boy!:eusa_clap:
I already have, coward. I've been to white pride Teabagger rallies and borrowed one of their own bullhorns to tell them why they were wrong and then I dropped the megaphone and walked away. That was then, before the American Taliban threatened armed violence against America. Now you get an ultimatum: get your head out of your ass or get out of our country. Traitors who want to kill Americans deserve to get shot.

You're either with or you're with the terrorists, remember?
That's the second biggest bag of horseshit you've ever posted, the first is in my signature, you commie tool!

This is the Soldier's Oath:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office - U.S. Army Center of Military History

You would know that if you really love America. Quote that in your signature.
I already have, coward. I've been to white pride Teabagger rallies and borrowed one of their own bullhorns to tell them why they were wrong and then I dropped the megaphone and walked away. That was then, before the American Taliban threatened armed violence against America. Now you get an ultimatum: get your head out of your ass or get out of our country. Traitors who want to kill Americans deserve to get shot.

You're either with or you're with the terrorists, remember?
That's the second biggest bag of horseshit you've ever posted, the first is in my signature, you commie tool!

This is the Soldier's Oath:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office - U.S. Army Center of Military History
You would know that if you really love America. Quote that in your signature.

Been there, done that back when Vietnam was NEW.... I now quote YOU, a subversive bastard, that I was fighting against then, and who my father fought against in WW II! I KNOW scum, when they post, and I've dispatched scum on the other side of the world, you are nothing compared to a hungry Viet Cong! ....Absolutely NOTHING!
I already have, coward. I've been to white pride Teabagger rallies and borrowed one of their own bullhorns to tell them why they were wrong and then I dropped the megaphone and walked away. That was then, before the American Taliban threatened armed violence against America. Now you get an ultimatum: get your head out of your ass or get out of our country. Traitors who want to kill Americans deserve to get shot.

You're either with or you're with the terrorists, remember?
That's the second biggest bag of horseshit you've ever posted, the first is in my signature, you commie tool!

This is the Soldier's Oath:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Oaths of Enlistment and Oaths of Office - U.S. Army Center of Military History

You would know that if you really love America. Quote that in your signature.

I do love America, I am an Oath Keeper. I've Sworn more than once to keep that oath and put myself into places you would piss your pants in. I did so without regard for my own safety or well being. I did so knowing that if I was killed, no one would be enriched. If I were maimed I would be at the mercy of government healthcare that people in 3rd world countries would prefer to pay their way out of. I stand with a %1 who've signed on the line to sacrifice their lives, fortunes, and sacred honors to defend this nation against parasitic scum like you.
The Media set him up so they could take his comments out of context and use them to demonize the real patriots, and the republicans. It's entirely too bad that the right-leaning media types didn't do their homework and fight back against this outlandishly slanted news reporting. Hell, he is sympathetic to the conditions of minorities in this country. More than I can say for the Dems, their lapdog media, and their rabid followers.
Been there, done that back when Vietnam was NEW.... I now quote YOU, a subversive bastard, that I was fighting against then, and who my father fought against in WW II! I KNOW scum, when they post, and I've dispatched scum on the other side of the world, you are nothing compared to a hungry Viet Cong! ....Absolutely NOTHING!
You're claiming to be a Vietnam veteran who supports the American government by fighting subversives and commies, yet you side with Cliven Bundy against the United States of America?

Sounds like the Agent Orange is starting to cause some cognitive dissonance. You should contact your VA representative as soon as possible.
Been there, done that back when Vietnam was NEW.... I now quote YOU, a subversive bastard, that I was fighting against then, and who my father fought against in WW II! I KNOW scum, when they post, and I've dispatched scum on the other side of the world, you are nothing compared to a hungry Viet Cong! ....Absolutely NOTHING!
You're claiming to be a Vietnam veteran who supports the American government by fighting subversives and commies, yet you side with Cliven Bundy against the United States of America?

Sounds like the Agent Orange is starting to cause some cognitive dissonance. You should contact your VA representative as soon as possible.

A patriot knows another patriot, just like we all know that your RACIST ***** remarks about the Founders makes you a fagot scumbag!:cuckoo::eusa_clap:
Been there, done that back when Vietnam was NEW.... I now quote YOU, a subversive bastard, that I was fighting against then, and who my father fought against in WW II! I KNOW scum, when they post, and I've dispatched scum on the other side of the world, you are nothing compared to a hungry Viet Cong! ....Absolutely NOTHING!
You're claiming to be a Vietnam veteran who supports the American government by fighting subversives and commies, yet you side with Cliven Bundy against the United States of America?

Sounds like the Agent Orange is starting to cause some cognitive dissonance. You should contact your VA representative as soon as possible.

Yeah, so that some drone like you can put him on a waiting list until he dies.

Parasites like you are beneath contempt.

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