Allah is the Moon God of Ancient Mecca

Why don't you borrow one and read it for yourself? Try Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel for starters.

So you can't show where it says all that? Just say so and we can move on.

I just told you. Are you stupid?

I'm not going through entire tracts to do you your research. Provide the relevant quotes to back up your claims :dunno:

I'm not going to go get my Bible and look it up for you either. I really am not responsible for your Biblical ignorance.

Nope, you're just responsible for supporting your claims.

This is easier than taking you through the scriptures: ALLAH, the Moon God
So you can't show where it says all that? Just say so and we can move on.

I just told you. Are you stupid?

I'm not going through entire tracts to do you your research. Provide the relevant quotes to back up your claims :dunno:

I'm not going to go get my Bible and look it up for you either. I really am not responsible for your Biblical ignorance.

Nope, you're just responsible for supporting your claims.

This is easier than taking you through the scriptures: ALLAH, the Moon God


Allah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While "Allah" could refer to God literally, the Allah of Islam is the moon god of ancient pagan Arabia.

The Arabic word for "god" is "ilah", while "al" is the Arabic for "the". Therefore, "Allah" combines "al" with "ilah" and removes the "i", to literally means, "the god".

But much like "YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah" is the personal name of the God of the Bible, "Allah" was also the personal name given to the moon god, the highest of the 360 pagan idols worshipped in Mecca, Muhammad's home town.

What evidence is there that Islam's "Allah" is the pagan moon god of ancient Mecca?

Consider what the pagan Arabians did to worship their moon god, Allah; they prayed while bowing towards K'abah, the "house of Allah" in Mecca that houses a meteorite - a stone from space - several times a day, visited it once a year, and walked around it several times during their visit.

To worship their Allah today:

• Muslims pray bowing towards the K'abah in Mecca five times a day.

• About two million Muslims visit Mecca every year and walk around the K'abah (the black cube, which is 40 feet tall, on the right).

• The Muslim "holy" month of Ramadan starts at the sighting of a new crescent moon.

• Perched atop churches across the world is the cross, the symbol of the sacrifice made by our God. Perched atop mosques across the world is the crescent moon (above), the symbol of Allah whom Muhammad chose as the god of Islam.

When confronted with the details above, Muslim typically re-assert that "Allah" still means "al" + "ilah" - i.e., "the" + "god" - and is same as the God of the Bible not the moon god of pagan Mecca. They even point out that Arabic Christian Bibles uses "Allah" to refer to God.

The "Allah" in the current Arabic Christian Bibles is literally "the God" and does refer to the God of the Bible. Advise Muslims that if this is really the "Allah" they are worshipping, then they should stop bowing down toward a meteorite five times a day and the crescent moon should neither start their "holy" month of Ramadan nor top their mosques. If the Allah they are worshipping is the God of the Bible, then they should worship Him as the Bible instructs.

And your jesus is based on the mythology of mitra


The Trinity Doctrine Is Pagan in origin

Christian Insecurity: “Jewish rejection of [Jesus] remains a mortal threat” - Blogs - Jerusalem Post
Shoot...Yawah was originally one of a bunch of martial deities: Yahweh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moon God or War God? Who cares.

Here's another one for you: Allah, the moon god of the Kaba

Apparently you care. You ran it into the ground.

And your issue with it?

I don't have an issue. I already knew about it before I ever even heard of you. It is your ignorance that has been on display.
Shoot...Yawah was originally one of a bunch of martial deities: Yahweh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moon God or War God? Who cares.

Here's another one for you: Allah, the moon god of the Kaba

Apparently you care. You ran it into the ground.

And your issue with it?

I don't have an issue. I already knew about it before I ever even heard of you. It is your ignorance that has been on display.

What ignorance would that be?
I've got nothing against moon gods...infact...I can relate to them a bit better than war gods. I like the moon....
While "Allah" could refer to God literally, the Allah of Islam is the moon god of ancient pagan Arabia.

The Arabic word for "god" is "ilah", while "al" is the Arabic for "the". Therefore, "Allah" combines "al" with "ilah" and removes the "i", to literally means, "the god".

But much like "YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah" is the personal name of the God of the Bible, "Allah" was also the personal name given to the moon god, the highest of the 360 pagan idols worshipped in Mecca, Muhammad's home town.

What evidence is there that Islam's "Allah" is the pagan moon god of ancient Mecca?

Consider what the pagan Arabians did to worship their moon god, Allah; they prayed while bowing towards K'abah, the "house of Allah" in Mecca that houses a meteorite - a stone from space - several times a day, visited it once a year, and walked around it several times during their visit.

To worship their Allah today:

• Muslims pray bowing towards the K'abah in Mecca five times a day.

• About two million Muslims visit Mecca every year and walk around the K'abah (the black cube, which is 40 feet tall, on the right).

• The Muslim "holy" month of Ramadan starts at the sighting of a new crescent moon.

• Perched atop churches across the world is the cross, the symbol of the sacrifice made by our God. Perched atop mosques across the world is the crescent moon (above), the symbol of Allah whom Muhammad chose as the god of Islam.

When confronted with the details above, Muslim typically re-assert that "Allah" still means "al" + "ilah" - i.e., "the" + "god" - and is same as the God of the Bible not the moon god of pagan Mecca. They even point out that Arabic Christian Bibles uses "Allah" to refer to God.

The "Allah" in the current Arabic Christian Bibles is literally "the God" and does refer to the God of the Bible. Advise Muslims that if this is really the "Allah" they are worshipping, then they should stop bowing down toward a meteorite five times a day and the crescent moon should neither start their "holy" month of Ramadan nor top their mosques. If the Allah they are worshipping is the God of the Bible, then they should worship Him as the Bible instructs.
You don't realize it but you inadvertantly admited you were a devil worshiper.
You admit your god is symboled of the cross (sign of death oredating the faith) and ypur faith claims the devil is the power and source of death and destruction, making the cross the sign/mark of the beast.
Furthermore you inadvertantly showed where Muslims are expressing more
Judaic revelations then your faith that claims to be out of.
Let me explain what you are missing by not knowing languages and use of words and symbols.
Regarding the Mecca meteor it was a sign given by Michael (the Evening Star), "for it's time to be revealed" and that means you are to read into it the revealed sign or secret.
Baal was the harvest sun god, your faith uses the sun symbol even behind the cross (baal cross) and claims Jesus as Baals son in Rev 22:16 the Morning Star is Lucifer son of Baal. (search engine: Canaanite dying god mythology morning star son of baal)
Al Laila aka the Night is the remover of the day (sun baal worship) says the lore of how YeruShalem becomes Shalom (peace), this is in Judaic and Islamic tradition (Al Isra).
Jews call this Shalem(evening star) hence named in the city as the Torah said it would.
Now the earliest depictions of the crescent moon was with an Eight Ray Star (Evening Star) it signifies the Shiloh (Night) not the moon, who overturns the Day (morning star=lucifer).
Therefore you proved to be the 1/3 fallen and instead of helping Islam reflect and manifest The Moshiach Michael, you thief and support Lucifer and influence them their radical propaganda, so they never know the Shiloh or reach their
Al Isra.
Your beliefs and luciferous blind Christians, but also blinds the world.

Now what is the number 7 you keep mentioning, why is it holy and significant in Judaism as well?
Clue: you are to keep the 7th day holy in rememberence of "the name".
If you do not know the Hebrew word for 7 then how do you remember the name?
Hence why it says you blotted out thw name when translating the Bible and transliterating it wrong as well.

One might suppose you would be just a mite worried about you Jews electing your idol shepherd who will pave the way for the Assyrian to invade your nation.
Shoot...Yawah was originally one of a bunch of martial deities: Yahweh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moon God or War God? Who cares.

Here's another one for you: Allah, the moon god of the Kaba

Apparently you care. You ran it into the ground.

The Surprising Origins of the Trinity Doctrine

The Surprising Origins of the Trinity Doctrine

Why don't you start a thread about the Trinity? You might lure Coyote or a few of these other low-information folks into a discussion. Think of the fun you all could have poking fun at and ridiculing Christians.
While "Allah" could refer to God literally, the Allah of Islam is the moon god of ancient pagan Arabia.

The Arabic word for "god" is "ilah", while "al" is the Arabic for "the". Therefore, "Allah" combines "al" with "ilah" and removes the "i", to literally means, "the god".

But much like "YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah" is the personal name of the God of the Bible, "Allah" was also the personal name given to the moon god, the highest of the 360 pagan idols worshipped in Mecca, Muhammad's home town.

What evidence is there that Islam's "Allah" is the pagan moon god of ancient Mecca?

Consider what the pagan Arabians did to worship their moon god, Allah; they prayed while bowing towards K'abah, the "house of Allah" in Mecca that houses a meteorite - a stone from space - several times a day, visited it once a year, and walked around it several times during their visit.

To worship their Allah today:

• Muslims pray bowing towards the K'abah in Mecca five times a day.

• About two million Muslims visit Mecca every year and walk around the K'abah (the black cube, which is 40 feet tall, on the right).

• The Muslim "holy" month of Ramadan starts at the sighting of a new crescent moon.

• Perched atop churches across the world is the cross, the symbol of the sacrifice made by our God. Perched atop mosques across the world is the crescent moon (above), the symbol of Allah whom Muhammad chose as the god of Islam.

When confronted with the details above, Muslim typically re-assert that "Allah" still means "al" + "ilah" - i.e., "the" + "god" - and is same as the God of the Bible not the moon god of pagan Mecca. They even point out that Arabic Christian Bibles uses "Allah" to refer to God.

The "Allah" in the current Arabic Christian Bibles is literally "the God" and does refer to the God of the Bible. Advise Muslims that if this is really the "Allah" they are worshipping, then they should stop bowing down toward a meteorite five times a day and the crescent moon should neither start their "holy" month of Ramadan nor top their mosques. If the Allah they are worshipping is the God of the Bible, then they should worship Him as the Bible instructs.

And the Jewish and Christian God is the Alpha and Omega which would make it Chaos which is Anu which is based off a Sumerian God...

The reality is Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all derive their God and teaching from more ancient mythologies like Sumerian, Greek, and Roman, but alas their followers will deny this, and call me a liar even if I can prove Greek and Sumerian mythology are in the Tanakh and Christian Bible...
While "Allah" could refer to God literally, the Allah of Islam is the moon god of ancient pagan Arabia.

The Arabic word for "god" is "ilah", while "al" is the Arabic for "the". Therefore, "Allah" combines "al" with "ilah" and removes the "i", to literally means, "the god".

But much like "YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah" is the personal name of the God of the Bible, "Allah" was also the personal name given to the moon god, the highest of the 360 pagan idols worshipped in Mecca, Muhammad's home town.

What evidence is there that Islam's "Allah" is the pagan moon god of ancient Mecca?

Consider what the pagan Arabians did to worship their moon god, Allah; they prayed while bowing towards K'abah, the "house of Allah" in Mecca that houses a meteorite - a stone from space - several times a day, visited it once a year, and walked around it several times during their visit.

To worship their Allah today:

• Muslims pray bowing towards the K'abah in Mecca five times a day.

• About two million Muslims visit Mecca every year and walk around the K'abah (the black cube, which is 40 feet tall, on the right).

• The Muslim "holy" month of Ramadan starts at the sighting of a new crescent moon.

• Perched atop churches across the world is the cross, the symbol of the sacrifice made by our God. Perched atop mosques across the world is the crescent moon (above), the symbol of Allah whom Muhammad chose as the god of Islam.

When confronted with the details above, Muslim typically re-assert that "Allah" still means "al" + "ilah" - i.e., "the" + "god" - and is same as the God of the Bible not the moon god of pagan Mecca. They even point out that Arabic Christian Bibles uses "Allah" to refer to God.

The "Allah" in the current Arabic Christian Bibles is literally "the God" and does refer to the God of the Bible. Advise Muslims that if this is really the "Allah" they are worshipping, then they should stop bowing down toward a meteorite five times a day and the crescent moon should neither start their "holy" month of Ramadan nor top their mosques. If the Allah they are worshipping is the God of the Bible, then they should worship Him as the Bible instructs.

no one cares

I know. Most Christians continue to believe the Pope is the antichrist. They haven't studied their Bibles enough to realize that the antichrist will come forth from the Middle East, most probably Northern Iraq or Turkey. In fact, the current Prime Minister of Turkey may lead the first attack on Israel.
Most Christians? You speak for most christians, do you?
You once again admitted you worship Lucifer.
Rome murdered the later christs, the Galilean tax revolter Yehuda in the time of Herod, and the AD era one by the Jordon River named Theudas, the one sentenced by some of his peers was the first fallen Son of the Harlot in 100bc era named Yeshu son of Mary.
The first and fallen imposyer messiah is warned by even your own faith as Lucifer.
Rome killed the apostles of Theudas, please learn your history and get your false messiahs right.

I never worshipped a Babylonian king in my life. Lucifer has long been dead and he was King of Babylon.

You now inadvertantly accused your preachers as being idiots.
Lucifer is a term they use for the one claimed more of light (Jesus is claimed that light of this world cause he is the sun) as the fallen imposter messiah and false prophet. Morning Star represented Lucifer because it was the "fallen arc" of the planet Venus. Jesus claimed to be Lucifer (bright morning star) in Rev 22:16.
Your reply is saying Jesus was calling himself Nebuchadnezar. Brilliant!

Taking a tally, in trying to prove Allah moon worship you instead managed to call your god the sun worship, devil worship, Baal worship, and his son Morning Star aka Lucifer worship.
While "Allah" could refer to God literally, the Allah of Islam is the moon god of ancient pagan Arabia.

The Arabic word for "god" is "ilah", while "al" is the Arabic for "the". Therefore, "Allah" combines "al" with "ilah" and removes the "i", to literally means, "the god".

But much like "YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah" is the personal name of the God of the Bible, "Allah" was also the personal name given to the moon god, the highest of the 360 pagan idols worshipped in Mecca, Muhammad's home town.

What evidence is there that Islam's "Allah" is the pagan moon god of ancient Mecca?

Consider what the pagan Arabians did to worship their moon god, Allah; they prayed while bowing towards K'abah, the "house of Allah" in Mecca that houses a meteorite - a stone from space - several times a day, visited it once a year, and walked around it several times during their visit.

To worship their Allah today:

• Muslims pray bowing towards the K'abah in Mecca five times a day.

• About two million Muslims visit Mecca every year and walk around the K'abah (the black cube, which is 40 feet tall, on the right).

• The Muslim "holy" month of Ramadan starts at the sighting of a new crescent moon.

• Perched atop churches across the world is the cross, the symbol of the sacrifice made by our God. Perched atop mosques across the world is the crescent moon (above), the symbol of Allah whom Muhammad chose as the god of Islam.

When confronted with the details above, Muslim typically re-assert that "Allah" still means "al" + "ilah" - i.e., "the" + "god" - and is same as the God of the Bible not the moon god of pagan Mecca. They even point out that Arabic Christian Bibles uses "Allah" to refer to God.

The "Allah" in the current Arabic Christian Bibles is literally "the God" and does refer to the God of the Bible. Advise Muslims that if this is really the "Allah" they are worshipping, then they should stop bowing down toward a meteorite five times a day and the crescent moon should neither start their "holy" month of Ramadan nor top their mosques. If the Allah they are worshipping is the God of the Bible, then they should worship Him as the Bible instructs.

no one cares

I know. Most Christians continue to believe the Pope is the antichrist. They haven't studied their Bibles enough to realize that the antichrist will come forth from the Middle East, most probably Northern Iraq or Turkey. In fact, the current Prime Minister of Turkey may lead the first attack on Israel.

The antichrist are Zionist jews, or secular Jews.
You once again admitted you worship Lucifer.
Rome murdered the later christs, the Galilean tax revolter Yehuda in the time of Herod, and the AD era one by the Jordon River named Theudas, the one sentenced by some of his peers was the first fallen Son of the Harlot in 100bc era named Yeshu son of Mary.
The first and fallen imposyer messiah is warned by even your own faith as Lucifer.
Rome killed the apostles of Theudas, please learn your history and get your false messiahs right.

I never worshipped a Babylonian king in my life. Lucifer has long been dead and he was King of Babylon.

You now inadvertantly accused your preachers as being idiots.
Lucifer is a term they use for the one claimed more of light (Jesus is claimed that light of this world cause he is the sun) as the fallen imposter messiah and false prophet. Morning Star represented Lucifer because it was the "fallen arc" of the planet Venus. Jesus claimed to be Lucifer (bright morning star) in Rev 22:16.
Your reply is saying Jesus was calling himself Nebuchadnezar. Brilliant!

Taking a tally, in trying to prove Allah moon worship you instead managed to call your god the sun worship, devil worship, Baal worship, and his son Morning Star aka Lucifer worship.

Moses worshipped the sun as well, and well lets face it, Jews worshipped El and Baal and Yahweh only when in a bind, since he was a war God. The morning star is Venus and Jesus is the light of the world, the Sun of Righteous. Whatever is hidden will be shown.
While "Allah" could refer to God literally, the Allah of Islam is the moon god of ancient pagan Arabia.

The Arabic word for "god" is "ilah", while "al" is the Arabic for "the". Therefore, "Allah" combines "al" with "ilah" and removes the "i", to literally means, "the god".

But much like "YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah" is the personal name of the God of the Bible, "Allah" was also the personal name given to the moon god, the highest of the 360 pagan idols worshipped in Mecca, Muhammad's home town.

What evidence is there that Islam's "Allah" is the pagan moon god of ancient Mecca?

Consider what the pagan Arabians did to worship their moon god, Allah; they prayed while bowing towards K'abah, the "house of Allah" in Mecca that houses a meteorite - a stone from space - several times a day, visited it once a year, and walked around it several times during their visit.

To worship their Allah today:

• Muslims pray bowing towards the K'abah in Mecca five times a day.

• About two million Muslims visit Mecca every year and walk around the K'abah (the black cube, which is 40 feet tall, on the right).

• The Muslim "holy" month of Ramadan starts at the sighting of a new crescent moon.

• Perched atop churches across the world is the cross, the symbol of the sacrifice made by our God. Perched atop mosques across the world is the crescent moon (above), the symbol of Allah whom Muhammad chose as the god of Islam.

When confronted with the details above, Muslim typically re-assert that "Allah" still means "al" + "ilah" - i.e., "the" + "god" - and is same as the God of the Bible not the moon god of pagan Mecca. They even point out that Arabic Christian Bibles uses "Allah" to refer to God.

The "Allah" in the current Arabic Christian Bibles is literally "the God" and does refer to the God of the Bible. Advise Muslims that if this is really the "Allah" they are worshipping, then they should stop bowing down toward a meteorite five times a day and the crescent moon should neither start their "holy" month of Ramadan nor top their mosques. If the Allah they are worshipping is the God of the Bible, then they should worship Him as the Bible instructs.

no one cares

I know. Most Christians continue to believe the Pope is the antichrist. They haven't studied their Bibles enough to realize that the antichrist will come forth from the Middle East, most probably Northern Iraq or Turkey. In fact, the current Prime Minister of Turkey may lead the first attack on Israel.

The antichrist are Zionist jews, or secular Jews.

the cosmic shit are penelopian islamo Nazi sluts
You once again admitted you worship Lucifer.
Rome murdered the later christs, the Galilean tax revolter Yehuda in the time of Herod, and the AD era one by the Jordon River named Theudas, the one sentenced by some of his peers was the first fallen Son of the Harlot in 100bc era named Yeshu son of Mary.
The first and fallen imposyer messiah is warned by even your own faith as Lucifer.
Rome killed the apostles of Theudas, please learn your history and get your false messiahs right.

I never worshipped a Babylonian king in my life. Lucifer has long been dead and he was King of Babylon.

You now inadvertantly accused your preachers as being idiots.
Lucifer is a term they use for the one claimed more of light (Jesus is claimed that light of this world cause he is the sun) as the fallen imposter messiah and false prophet. Morning Star represented Lucifer because it was the "fallen arc" of the planet Venus. Jesus claimed to be Lucifer (bright morning star) in Rev 22:16.
Your reply is saying Jesus was calling himself Nebuchadnezar. Brilliant!

Taking a tally, in trying to prove Allah moon worship you instead managed to call your god the sun worship, devil worship, Baal worship, and his son Morning Star aka Lucifer worship.

hashev-----please do not blame the itinerant Pharisee Jesus of Galilee, for the
silly myth of the morning star-----to wit VENUS. That crap was thrown into the
NT by the roman "Nazi" scum ---CONSTANTINE. It is an historic injustice
to an innocent victim of roman filth

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