Allegations Of Voter Fraud: Cuccinelli To Contest Virginia Race Results

This has merit. He was leading by as much as 30 points in the early going. Suddenly McAuliffe made a miraculous comeback. If this holds true, Liberals should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm not saying it might not be true, but the reported precinct tallies went from Red to Blue counties. Northern Virginia which reported last is a shit hole of progressives and Federal Gov workers.

that does not mean that in order to get generally MORE votes they did not toss ballots for the dead, the ones who moved and the ones who already voted.

“When I die, bury me in Chicago because I want to remain politically active”
Mort Sahl
Just a few days ago the OP was laughing at people who fall for fake news sights, like the Onion --

and here he fell for the FAKE NEWS SITE National Report


Gloriously funny.

There are some outstanding headlines on their front page, definitely trolling conservatives.
So a poll swing means voter fraud? :eusa_think:

What does it mean if it swings the other way?

Btw I must have missed the part where Cuccinelli was "leading by as much as 30 points". What I remember hearing was more the other way around.

Cuccinelli was leading by 30 points 51% to 21% with 25% of the precincts reporting. Would it hurt you to look before you leap?


ur like reelly dum

Hey farty arty is back. :lol:
I suggest all the Republicans transfer their outrage to the Virginia Attorney General's race, where a recount will be forthcoming due to the razor-thin win margin by the Republican. If it's like most other recounts everywhere, there will be more provisional ballots and such from Democratic districts, meaning the Democrat will gain votes, and thus Republicans will have that excuse to scream "VOTE FRAUD!".
This has merit. He was leading by as much as 30 points in the early going. Suddenly McAuliffe made a miraculous comeback. If this holds true, Liberals should be ashamed of themselves.

I'm not saying it might not be true, but the reported precinct tallies went from Red to Blue counties. Northern Virginia which reported last is a shit hole of progressives and Federal Gov workers.

that does not mean that in order to get generally MORE votes they did not toss ballots for the dead, the ones who moved and the ones who already voted.

That’s the ticket: ignore the facts, keep the myth of voter ‘fraud’ alive.
Mr. Cuccinelli has himself to blame for loss - The Washington Post

Cuchinelli will challenge nothing.

We’re not in the business of offering advice to political parties, but we do believe that the two-party system has produced good governance for Virginia and is worth retaining. So it’s worth saying this to Republicans: If they wish to remain a viable political force in a moderate, purple state, they should take the right lessons from Tuesday’s defeat.

That means, first and foremost, that they should avoid the easy trap of concluding that Mr. Cuccinelli was the victim of money, serendipity, circumstances, foul play or inclement political head winds. Fundamentally, what caused Tuesday’s Republican wipeout was Mr. Cuccinelli himself and the record he compiled — a clear, consistent right-wing agenda forged over a decade in Richmond.
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So a poll swing means voter fraud? :eusa_think:

What does it mean if it swings the other way?

Btw I must have missed the part where Cuccinelli was "leading by as much as 30 points". What I remember hearing was more the other way around.

Cuccinelli was leading by 30 points 51% to 21% with 25% of the precincts reporting. Would it hurt you to look before you leap?


ur like reelly dum

I find use of the word 'like' incredibly misleading in this instance.
There is much to regret.

Election fraud exists in
A ) Voting illegally,
B ) wrongly counting the votes and
C ) the process of gaining (or attempting to gain) a person's voting choice by fraud (18USC1343) or bribe.
There are more counts with easily found conclusive evidence of C ).
The remedy for C ) can be fast and easy. And build momentum for a remedy to A) and B ) .

Terry 'Catfish' McAuliffe adopted 18USC1343 felony as his campaign strategy.
No Virginia Republican appears to have been prepared for a candidate that lied like Terry 'Catfish' McAuliffe .
That can change.
Never again in our lifetimes should Va experience a campaign like that of 2013.

If McAuliffe's legion of 18USC1343 felonies had been timely prosecuted by the FBI Cuccinelli, Jackson and likely Obensin would have likely won.
And may yet still if because of McAuliffe's & Northam's disability to serve due thei felonies.
Under Va24.2-804 the General Assembly may order a do-over election with candidates not disqualified.

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