Allen West's heartfelt response regarding beating death of WWII Veteran-


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Reprehensible and disgusting. Two black male teenagers are being sought in the beating death of 88-year-old Delbert Benton. Mr. Benton was an Army WW II veteran who survived combat during the bloody Battle of Okinawa. This must end! I have yet to hear a peep out of Head of NAACP Ben Jealous at all. As an Army combat veteran and son of a WW II veteran I am beyond angry. We have a problem in the black community and it is high time we taught this generation of young black men a lesson in respect, dignity, and honor. This can no longer be tolerated. Mr. Benton was an American treasure. Farewell my Brother.

Allen West is a great American who doesn't see color.. What he does understand are words such as honor, valor, grace..

Thank you Sir for your strength and for always standing on the side of truth!
Reprehensible and disgusting. Two black male teenagers are being sought in the beating death of 88-year-old Delbert Benton. Mr. Benton was an Army WW II veteran who survived combat during the bloody Battle of Okinawa. This must end! I have yet to hear a peep out of Head of NAACP Ben Jealous at all. As an Army combat veteran and son of a WW II veteran I am beyond angry. We have a problem in the black community and it is high time we taught this generation of young black men a lesson in respect, dignity, and honor. This can no longer be tolerated. Mr. Benton was an American treasure. Farewell my Brother.

Allen West is a great American who doesn't see color.. What he does understand are words such as honor, valor, grace..

Thank you Sir for your strength and for always standing on the side of truth!

Which is why the left hates him...
Who cares?

West is a chronic failure and is most certainly mentally ill.

Quote $arah Palin. it would be just as meaningless and for the same reasons.
You know that West is going to be vilified as a racist uncle tom for this.

He's use to it.. it doesn't bother him in the least he stated last night when speaking on the Hannity Show. Even Juan Williams agreed with him and they both discussed how the black community turned on Bill Cosby.
You know that West is going to be vilified as a racist uncle tom for this.

He's use to it.. it doesn't bother him in the least he stated last night when speaking on the Hannity Show. Even Juan Williams agreed with him and they both discussed how the black community turned on Bill Cosby.

Juan Williams should watch out. He will be a chronic failure and mentally ill too. Like West and Bill Cosby.
Who cares?

West is a chronic failure and is most certainly mentally ill.

Quote $arah Palin. it would be just as meaningless and for the same reasons.

You don't have enough class in your entire body to even shine Col West's shoes much less speak about his character.
Who cares?

West is a chronic failure and is most certainly mentally ill.

Quote $arah Palin. it would be just as meaningless and for the same reasons.

Don't forget 'Uncle Tom' and a Republican 'House ******'.

As to Sarah, don't forget to pick on her Downs Syndrome afflicted son, threaten to have some of your 'Big Black Borthers' gang-rape her and suggest that her daughter be raped by baseball players.
Say want you want about Allen West -- fair enough -- but on this one he is absolutely 100% correct and it really cant be argued otherwise.

If im one of the people like Ben Jealous or Al Sharpton who live off racism, Id be very worried about this one. The MSM will downplay it or ignore it but that may not do it -- this could have legs and really cause people who so far have been initmidated by political correctness from engaging in this debate to overcome their reluctance.
It is to liberal benefit to silence the sane voices among blacks. Increasing violence among black people is a basic weapon for them.
Hopefully justice will be dealt to those 2 swiftly. I agree with what he said but he is only spouting off and not providing a solution. I dont know enough about him to make a determination if he is an uncle tom but I definitely dont think Bill Cosby is.
Hopefully justice will be dealt to those 2 swiftly. I agree with what he said but he is only spouting off and not providing a solution. I dont know enough about him to make a determination if he is an uncle tom but I definitely dont think Bill Cosby is.

Hey Scrotumbrain, tell us why only Black Conservatives are "UNCLE TOMS" and what exactly constitutes an "UNCLE TOM" by you librul RACE PIMPS?
Reprehensible and disgusting. Two black male teenagers are being sought in the beating death of 88-year-old Delbert Benton. Mr. Benton was an Army WW II veteran who survived combat during the bloody Battle of Okinawa. This must end! I have yet to hear a peep out of Head of NAACP Ben Jealous at all. As an Army combat veteran and son of a WW II veteran I am beyond angry. We have a problem in the black community and it is high time we taught this generation of young black men a lesson in respect, dignity, and honor. This can no longer be tolerated. Mr. Benton was an American treasure. Farewell my Brother.

Allen West is a great American who doesn't see color.. What he does understand are words such as honor, valor, grace..

Thank you Sir for your strength and for always standing on the side of truth!

Allen West is a fool.

And you're a fool for not seeing that.


Who cares?

West is a chronic failure and is most certainly mentally ill.

Quote $arah Palin. it would be just as meaningless and for the same reasons.

So it's ok for some pussy thugs to beat a 88 year old man to death? Are you for real? West just pointed out what happened fool, it's not about West, its about some teenage thugs beating an 88 year old to death who served his country and stood in harms way in defense of this country. You have a problem with it, then move your freaking ass out of this country, you don't deserve the right to live here!
Who cares?

West is a chronic failure and is most certainly mentally ill.

Quote $arah Palin. it would be just as meaningless and for the same reasons.

So it's ok for some pussy thugs to beat a 88 year old man to death? Are you for real? West just pointed out what happened fool, it's not about West, its about some teenage thugs beating an 88 year old to death who served his country and stood in harms way in defense of this country. You have a problem with it, then move your freaking ass out of this country, you don't deserve the right to live here!

Make the same connections liberals do.

The old guy served his country. Allen West served his country. Allen West is mentally ill and a chronic failure. So is the old guy.

In a way, I'm starting to agree with liberals, serving the country, as it is today would certainly mean someone is mentally ill. But, West served when we still were worthwhile. He retired before the worst of it hit, so he isn't mentally ill. Bradley Manning is now the emblem of our present day military.
Who cares?

West is a chronic failure and is most certainly mentally ill.

Quote $arah Palin. it would be just as meaningless and for the same reasons.

It is no wonder that you are out of the rep system here. Certainly, you would have nothing but red blotches under your info block.

Your imbecilic posts suggest a redefinition of "worthless".

...and it's not just you. It's all of the idiotic liberals that malign and smear anyone and everyone that stands for moral and honest government BY THE PEOPLE and FOR THE PEOPLE instead of the blatant demagoguery of the Asshole in Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.
Reprehensible and disgusting. Two black male teenagers are being sought in the beating death of 88-year-old Delbert Benton. Mr. Benton was an Army WW II veteran who survived combat during the bloody Battle of Okinawa. This must end! I have yet to hear a peep out of Head of NAACP Ben Jealous at all. As an Army combat veteran and son of a WW II veteran I am beyond angry. We have a problem in the black community and it is high time we taught this generation of young black men a lesson in respect, dignity, and honor. This can no longer be tolerated. Mr. Benton was an American treasure. Farewell my Brother.

Allen West is a great American who doesn't see color.. What he does understand are words such as honor, valor, grace..

Thank you Sir for your strength and for always standing on the side of truth!


Why the hell is this being turned in to some kind racial issue??!! WTF is wrong with some of you assholes???

Oh wait, sorry that was your response to the killing of 2 white people. Different rules I guess
You know that West is going to be vilified as a racist uncle tom for this.

Is that because he always calls out black people to do something while he does nothing?

Or do you think its because everytime he speaks its about blacks? The topics include:

STFU Black people
Stop Crying Black people
Get your shit together black people
Its so hard being black because of BLACK PEOPLE
Embrace me white guys for I am a good black

Has Allen West ever ever ever said anything positive about blacks? When you answer no then ask yourself this:

Why would blacks embrace someone who is smearing shit on their shirt?
You know that West is going to be vilified as a racist uncle tom for this.

Is that because he always calls out black people to do something while he does nothing?

Or do you think its because everytime he speaks its about blacks? The topics include:

STFU Black people
Stop Crying Black people
Get your shit together black people
Its so hard being black because of BLACK PEOPLE
Embrace me white guys for I am a good black

Has Allen West ever ever ever said anything positive about blacks? When you answer no then ask yourself this:

Why would blacks embrace someone who is smearing shit on their shirt?

Allen West says negative things about blacks who commit wrong doing. He is not an Obama/ NAACP lap dog and for that the 'msm' and lwing bozos hate him for it.
You know that West is going to be vilified as a racist uncle tom for this.

Is that because he always calls out black people to do something while he does nothing?

Or do you think its because everytime he speaks its about blacks? The topics include:

STFU Black people
Stop Crying Black people
Get your shit together black people
Its so hard being black because of BLACK PEOPLE
Embrace me white guys for I am a good black

Has Allen West ever ever ever said anything positive about blacks? When you answer no then ask yourself this:

Why would blacks embrace someone who is smearing shit on their shirt?

Allen West says negative things about blacks who commit wrong doing. He is not an Obama/ NAACP lap dog and for that the 'msm' and lwing bozos hate him for it.

And he says positive things about blacks.....


So why again who black people embrace someone who spends most of their time shitting on them? Could it be the same reason as why white people don't embrace Sharpton?

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