Allowing conceal carry in schools


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Will they be acting as an agent of the government when carrying or will they be functioning as an individual.

Who will be liable for an incident/accident?

I seem to remember after Newtown that some liability insurers told schools they would drop their policies if they were asked to insure teachers being armed or charge something like over $2,000 a head for a rider policy for each staff member authorized to carry on school property.

An extremely stupid idea from an extremely stupid person. While there are some teachers that endorse this, the vast majority of teachers are against it.
An extremely stupid idea from an extremely stupid person. While there are some teachers that endorse this, the vast majority of teachers are against it.
You will cite a source of course? And who cares if some teachers don't want to carry? No one is going to make them.
You mean you trust immature teenagers to have, or even be around, guns in a school. Wow, you are either really trusting or really naive.

When I think of teachers having guns in schools the first thing I think is "How long till the kids make it a game to try and take the teacher's gun?"

Even if I did support this, I would demand teachers go through the most strenuous background check imaginable. If a friend the teacher knew 10 years ago says they saw the teacher showing road rage after being cut off, no gun in school for you.
The schools have always had the choice of doing this, via their state/local/school board governments.
ANY child being allowed to carry a gun in school is the most ridiculous thing I've heard today.

i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Who decides which students are mature enough to carry a loaded weapon? This is a really dumb idea.
A practical real life problem I see with this is that a person intent on killing a classroom full of kids, who knows that teachers might be carrying a gun,

would simply shoot the teacher first.
no teacher is going to grab a pistol , exit a room abandoning the kids, and enter a hall with some idiot shooting an AK up and down the hall killing people ... teachers arent as fucking stupid as RW's
An extremely stupid idea from an extremely stupid person. While there are some teachers that endorse this, the vast majority of teachers are against it.
Does this have to be a national conversation? I live in a very rural area and some of our teachers would be comfortable carrying in school. Some actually have a gun stowed at school already (mostly in case a coyote or a rabid skunk wanders onto the playground). I agree there should be a lot of additional training for such a horrid situation, but if the community and the teacher is comfortable with it, okay. Making it a national initiative is cwazy.
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Just because someone can teach calculus does not mean that they can hit the broad side of a barn with a gun.
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Just because someone can teach calculus does not mean that they can hit the broad side of a barn with a gun.

even if they could their shooting skills abandon them if someone is shooting back if they're not VERY HIGHLY TRAINED in a firefight situation ..
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Liberals just say that because they know they don't trust themselves to hold a gun, so they think no one else can be trusted either. There is no downside to concealed carry in a school--- lessee: how many hundreds of school kids killed now because no one could defend them? Meantime, how many school kids killed because the teacher himself went batshit crazy with a gun? ZERO.
Even trained military and law enforcement panic in tense situations. Only 20% of the projectiles hit their in tented target.
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Just because someone can teach calculus does not mean that they can hit the broad side of a barn with a gun.

even if they could their shooting skills abandon them if someone is shooting back if they're not VERY HIGHLY TRAINED in a firefight situation ..

TOTAL BULL. You obviously don't know that most people with a carry license DO get training and DO practice regularly. If someone is trying to kill you with a gun, you will be trying your damned best to get them first. Skill or no skill, better to be able to shoot back and have a chance of hitting them than NO CHANCE AT ALL, besides, while you are shooting at the attacker, he will be tied down with your fire, backing off, rather than spraying the classroom killing the school kids. Just once show a little common sense.
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?
That's because you haven't considered the issue comprehensively, you're not familiar with the use of pistols, and don't understand what happens during an active shooter emergency - there are nothing but down sides.
An extremely stupid idea from an extremely stupid person. While there are some teachers that endorse this, the vast majority of teachers are against it.

Why is it stupid to have teachers willing to protect our children?

You guys keep saying it’s stupid or insane but can’t provide one good reason for it

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