Allowing conceal carry in schools

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A practical real life problem I see with this is that a person intent on killing a classroom full of kids, who knows that teachers might be carrying a gun,

would simply shoot the teacher first.

The point of conceal carry is that you don’t need to reveal that you have a weapon
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i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Just because someone can teach calculus does not mean that they can hit the broad side of a barn with a gun.

And no one is suggesting every teacher needs to
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Just because someone can teach calculus does not mean that they can hit the broad side of a barn with a gun.

even if they could their shooting skills abandon them if someone is shooting back if they're not VERY HIGHLY TRAINED in a firefight situation ..

TOTAL BULL. You obviously don't know that most people with a carry license DO get training and DO practice regularly. If someone is trying to kill you with a gun, you will be trying your damned best to get them first. Skill or no skill, better to be able to shoot back and have a chance of hitting them than NO CHANCE AT ALL, besides, while you are shooting at the attacker, he will be tied down with your fire, backing off, rather than spraying the classroom killing the school kids. Just once show a little common sense.

I have a carry license dipshit .. I can give you a third eye at 40 yards OR TAKE THE SECOND BUTTON OFF YOUR SHIRT AT 300 YARDS .. accuracy isnt the issue - mental training and applying it is .. hard core breech and neutralize teams like SWAT or SEALS train more times a year than you have IQ points.. average pukes like you change dramatically when youre being shot at .. everything but your mouth and internet bravado ..
Conduct another poll, when an armed shooter enters their classroom.
Why? Do you think that will change a teachers mind? Teachers are barely getting paid enough to do their primary duty to teach. Now, trump wants them to carry guns, just in case? That may work in urban public schools But these child massacres are happening in suburban public schools. All of the perps have been males.
I have a carry license dipshit .. I can give you a third eye at 40 yards OR TAKE THE SECOND BUTTON OFF YOUR SHIRT AT 300 YARDS .. accuracy isnt the issue - mental training and applying it is .. hard core breech and neutralize teams like SWAT or SEALS train more times a year than you have IQ points.. average pukes like you change dramatically when youre being shot at .. everything but your mouth and internet bravado ..
I've brought down deer at 300+ yards but could never shoot the buttons off of anything at that distance. You are good.
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i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Just because someone can teach calculus does not mean that they can hit the broad side of a barn with a gun.

even if they could their shooting skills abandon them if someone is shooting back if they're not VERY HIGHLY TRAINED in a firefight situation ..

Ideally they will never have to.

But if it’s a choice between protecting the students with nothing and protecting them with a gun, what is more rational?
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Even trained military and law enforcement panic in tense situations. Only 20% of the projectiles hit their in tented target.

Even if true which is better:

Protecting students with nothing


Protecting students with a gun?
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i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?
That's because you haven't considered the issue comprehensively, you're not familiar with the use of pistols, and don't understand what happens during an active shooter emergency - there are nothing but down sides.

Yet no one seems to be able to name one
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?
That's because you haven't considered the issue comprehensively, you're not familiar with the use of pistols, and don't understand what happens during an active shooter emergency - there are nothing but down sides.

Yet no one seems to be able to name one
Many have been named.

You are willfully ignorant.
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Just because someone can teach calculus does not mean that they can hit the broad side of a barn with a gun.

even if they could their shooting skills abandon them if someone is shooting back if they're not VERY HIGHLY TRAINED in a firefight situation ..

Ideally they will never have to.

But if it’s a choice between protecting the students with nothing and protecting them with a gun, what is more rational?

lock the classroom door and protect your students .. shootouts aint the Fn answer.
ANY child being allowed to carry a gun in school is the most ridiculous thing I've heard today.


You think a 17-18 year old jrotc trainee carrying is ridiculous. Why?
Because they are CHILDREN. I don't care what organization they belong to. Most boys haven't matured until their twenties. Your idea is FUCKING NUTS
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Just because someone can teach calculus does not mean that they can hit the broad side of a barn with a gun.

even if they could their shooting skills abandon them if someone is shooting back if they're not VERY HIGHLY TRAINED in a firefight situation ..

TOTAL BULL. You obviously don't know that most people with a carry license DO get training and DO practice regularly. If someone is trying to kill you with a gun, you will be trying your damned best to get them first. Skill or no skill, better to be able to shoot back and have a chance of hitting them than NO CHANCE AT ALL, besides, while you are shooting at the attacker, he will be tied down with your fire, backing off, rather than spraying the classroom killing the school kids. Just once show a little common sense.

I have a carry license dipshit .. I can give you a third eye at 40 yards OR TAKE THE SECOND BUTTON OFF YOUR SHIRT AT 300 YARDS .. accuracy isnt the issue - mental training and applying it is .. hard core breech and neutralize teams like SWAT or SEALS train more times a year than you have IQ points.. average pukes like you change dramatically when youre being shot at .. everything but your mouth and internet bravado ..

Aside being being a total bullshit liar, you're an idiot for suggesting that a person needs a level of skill and training impractical and unattainable to nearly all before they should arm themselves and fight back to save their life and those of children in a set of situations you cannot possible even anticipate! Congrats, Moron, you've just topped your own record for dumbest possible things said ever.
The defender is always at a disadvantage. But, in the few times this has happened, there seem to always be stories of the shooter trying or succeeding in getting into locked or barricaded rooms. If I were in that position, I'd rather have any distance weapon to defend myself and my students than to have nothing at all.
The odds of anyone's school being shot up by a crazed fucker are not great enough for us to arm teachers.

It's stupid. It won't help and it will make schools more dangerous.
i really don’t see the downside of allowing teachers or even mature students carrying concealed weapons at school. In the 18th and 19th century this was a common occurrence without any issue.

I keep getting told that we can’t trust our teachers with a firearm. That makes no sense. If we can’t trust our teachers to protect our children then how can we trust them to teach our children?

Just because someone can teach calculus does not mean that they can hit the broad side of a barn with a gun.

even if they could their shooting skills abandon them if someone is shooting back if they're not VERY HIGHLY TRAINED in a firefight situation ..

TOTAL BULL. You obviously don't know that most people with a carry license DO get training and DO practice regularly. If someone is trying to kill you with a gun, you will be trying your damned best to get them first. Skill or no skill, better to be able to shoot back and have a chance of hitting them than NO CHANCE AT ALL, besides, while you are shooting at the attacker, he will be tied down with your fire, backing off, rather than spraying the classroom killing the school kids. Just once show a little common sense.

I have a carry license dipshit .. I can give you a third eye at 40 yards OR TAKE THE SECOND BUTTON OFF YOUR SHIRT AT 300 YARDS .. accuracy isnt the issue - mental training and applying it is .. hard core breech and neutralize teams like SWAT or SEALS train more times a year than you have IQ points.. average pukes like you change dramatically when youre being shot at .. everything but your mouth and internet bravado ..

Aside being being a total bullshit liar, you're an idiot for suggesting that a person needs a level of skill and training impractical and unattainable to nearly all before they should arm themselves and fight back to save their life and those of children in a set of situations you cannot possible even anticipate! Congrats, Moron, you've just topped your own record for dumbest possible things said ever.

so why in hell does LAW ENFORCEMENT disagree with your stupid ass ...

gawd, RW's get dumber by the F'n second ... dipshit message board members know MUCH BETTER than the people that do it for a living.

go rub one off moron.
Someone made the point today that we have secured our airports, so why not our schools?

secured with trained security guards NOT teachers !!

no one is against increasing school security as long as they're not teaching spelling to second graders too ..

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