Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
That's also bullshit. It's advertisers who are paying Facebook, not you.

Based on the assumption that I am watching the advertisements. That's the model used. My attention is the currency the advertisers turn into actual currency for facebook.
You think one can be neutral while not being neutral, as long as it's your side they are protecting.

And you didn't actually answer my point.
I think Twitter is being neutral. You don't.

Your welcome to your opinions. The only opinion that matters is that of people who own the platform.

Twitter is as neutral as lye.

But keep sucking that corporate media dick!
Are you neutral?

I don't pretend to be. I would say I'm a strict constructionist with libertarian (small "l") leanings.
Then why should anyone care about your biased opinion on whether someone else is biased or not?

Your opinion of what is or isn’t fair cannot be considered fair.

You've cared for 10's of pages, lol.

Everyone is biased, anyone claiming otherwise is lying.
It’s entertainment for me. I enjoy watching you squirm when your argument falls apart.

So who is going to enforce fairness on social media since we are all so biased? This is a fundamental problem with your complaint.

Delusional unfunny treasonous ronin.

Who enforces any form of "fairness"?
The judiciary usually.

What? We going to have a jury trial for anything being off social media?

Jesus, what a disaster that would be.

Kind of like any form of lawmaking over non criminal actions?

yet you think regulating 01010100010 via net neutrality would be "easy".

And of course, fining someone over $200k for not baking a cake.....
People are denied service all the time. Legally.

The beauty of net neutrality is that it requires the absence of special systems. Treat all data alike.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
"I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch"


Great example! And guess what happens if you fail to abide by the agreement you made with them when you signed up? Like not paying your bill....

Colfux was talking about me not being able to do what the founders of facebook/twitter did disqualifying me from my opinion. I proved the logical fallacy of that position.

I can't generate massive megawatts and distribute it so I can't demand the power company provide me with power and maintain said power to me, as long as I pay for it.

I "pay" for twitter and facebook via allowing their advertising onto my computer.
Nope, now you're lying to prop up your failed argument. In reality, you pay nothing for their services as they are free to the public.

And your analogy with a power company is perfect with why you lose this argument. Like with Twitter, you agree to certain terms with the power company. Should you violate those terms, you can have your service cut off.

Nope, my attention is just currency turned into money by the advertisers. Same model as TV and radio.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
That's also bullshit. It's advertisers who are paying Facebook, not you.

Based on the assumption that I am watching the advertisements. That's the model used. My attention is the currency the advertisers turn into actual currency for facebook.
Stop lying. You paid $0.00 to post on Twitter or Facebook.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?
You think one can be neutral while not being neutral, as long as it's your side they are protecting.

And you didn't actually answer my point.
I think Twitter is being neutral. You don't.

Your welcome to your opinions. The only opinion that matters is that of people who own the platform.

Twitter is as neutral as lye.

But keep sucking that corporate media dick!
Are you neutral?

I don't pretend to be. I would say I'm a strict constructionist with libertarian (small "l") leanings.
Then why should anyone care about your biased opinion on whether someone else is biased or not?

Your opinion of what is or isn’t fair cannot be considered fair.

You've cared for 10's of pages, lol.

Everyone is biased, anyone claiming otherwise is lying.
It’s entertainment for me. I enjoy watching you squirm when your argument falls apart.

So who is going to enforce fairness on social media since we are all so biased? This is a fundamental problem with your complaint.

Delusional unfunny treasonous ronin.

Who enforces any form of "fairness"?
The judiciary usually.

What? We going to have a jury trial for anything being off social media?

Jesus, what a disaster that would be.

Kind of like any form of lawmaking over non criminal actions?

yet you think regulating 01010100010 via net neutrality would be "easy".

And of course, fining someone over $200k for not baking a cake.....
People are denied service all the time. Legally.

The beauty of net neutrality is that it requires the absence of special systems. Treat all data alike.

Nice dodge, dickless.

LOL, you really don't understand the actual mechanics of "net neutrality" and how it would fuck things up like bandwidth control innovation.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
That's also bullshit. It's advertisers who are paying Facebook, not you.

Based on the assumption that I am watching the advertisements. That's the model used. My attention is the currency the advertisers turn into actual currency for facebook.
Stop lying. You paid $0.00 to post on Twitter or Facebook.

I paid my time watching the advertisements, without which they would have to charge actually money.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
You think one can be neutral while not being neutral, as long as it's your side they are protecting.

And you didn't actually answer my point.
I think Twitter is being neutral. You don't.

Your welcome to your opinions. The only opinion that matters is that of people who own the platform.

Twitter is as neutral as lye.

But keep sucking that corporate media dick!
Are you neutral?

I don't pretend to be. I would say I'm a strict constructionist with libertarian (small "l") leanings.
Then why should anyone care about your biased opinion on whether someone else is biased or not?

Your opinion of what is or isn’t fair cannot be considered fair.

You've cared for 10's of pages, lol.

Everyone is biased, anyone claiming otherwise is lying.
It’s entertainment for me. I enjoy watching you squirm when your argument falls apart.

So who is going to enforce fairness on social media since we are all so biased? This is a fundamental problem with your complaint.

Delusional unfunny treasonous ronin.

Who enforces any form of "fairness"?
The judiciary usually.

What? We going to have a jury trial for anything being off social media?

Jesus, what a disaster that would be.

Kind of like any form of lawmaking over non criminal actions?

yet you think regulating 01010100010 via net neutrality would be "easy".

And of course, fining someone over $200k for not baking a cake.....
People are denied service all the time. Legally.

The beauty of net neutrality is that it requires the absence of special systems. Treat all data alike.

Nice dodge, dickless.

LOL, you really don't understand the actual mechanics of "net neutrality" and how it would fuck things up like bandwidth control innovation.
We could make carve outs for latency rules. The point is that ISPs should be considered common carriers. Twitter isn’t.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
That's also bullshit. It's advertisers who are paying Facebook, not you.

Based on the assumption that I am watching the advertisements. That's the model used. My attention is the currency the advertisers turn into actual currency for facebook.
Stop lying. You paid $0.00 to post on Twitter or Facebook.

I paid my time watching the advertisements, without which they would have to charge actually money.
Which still cost you $0.00.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
That's also bullshit. It's advertisers who are paying Facebook, not you.

Based on the assumption that I am watching the advertisements. That's the model used. My attention is the currency the advertisers turn into actual currency for facebook.
Stop lying. You paid $0.00 to post on Twitter or Facebook.

I paid my time watching the advertisements, without which they would have to charge actually money.
Which still cost you $0.00.
Duh Faun. The fact that he sees ads obviously gives him rights or something.
You think one can be neutral while not being neutral, as long as it's your side they are protecting.

And you didn't actually answer my point.
I think Twitter is being neutral. You don't.

Your welcome to your opinions. The only opinion that matters is that of people who own the platform.

Twitter is as neutral as lye.

But keep sucking that corporate media dick!
Are you neutral?

I don't pretend to be. I would say I'm a strict constructionist with libertarian (small "l") leanings.
Then why should anyone care about your biased opinion on whether someone else is biased or not?

Your opinion of what is or isn’t fair cannot be considered fair.

You've cared for 10's of pages, lol.

Everyone is biased, anyone claiming otherwise is lying.
It’s entertainment for me. I enjoy watching you squirm when your argument falls apart.

So who is going to enforce fairness on social media since we are all so biased? This is a fundamental problem with your complaint.

Delusional unfunny treasonous ronin.

Who enforces any form of "fairness"?
The judiciary usually.

What? We going to have a jury trial for anything being off social media?

Jesus, what a disaster that would be.

Kind of like any form of lawmaking over non criminal actions?

yet you think regulating 01010100010 via net neutrality would be "easy".

And of course, fining someone over $200k for not baking a cake.....
People are denied service all the time. Legally.

The beauty of net neutrality is that it requires the absence of special systems. Treat all data alike.

Nice dodge, dickless.

LOL, you really don't understand the actual mechanics of "net neutrality" and how it would fuck things up like bandwidth control innovation.
We could make carve outs for latency rules. The point is that ISPs should be considered common carriers. Twitter isn’t.

Make it both. The only reason you want to stop at ISP's is you think it would help silence your opposition.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
That's also bullshit. It's advertisers who are paying Facebook, not you.

Based on the assumption that I am watching the advertisements. That's the model used. My attention is the currency the advertisers turn into actual currency for facebook.
Stop lying. You paid $0.00 to post on Twitter or Facebook.

I paid my time watching the advertisements, without which they would have to charge actually money.
Which still cost you $0.00.

Still, It's my attention is what gets them paid.
Make it both. The only reason you want to stop at ISP's is you think it would help silence your opposition.
I think your way of regulating Twitter would turn it into a cesspool of human filth.

Is that what you want? Maybe. I bet you want social media companies to be destroyed.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
That's also bullshit. It's advertisers who are paying Facebook, not you.

Based on the assumption that I am watching the advertisements. That's the model used. My attention is the currency the advertisers turn into actual currency for facebook.
Stop lying. You paid $0.00 to post on Twitter or Facebook.

I paid my time watching the advertisements, without which they would have to charge actually money.
Which still cost you $0.00.

Still, It's my attention is what gets them paid.
Yes, but not by you. You paid nothing.

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