Almost 140 serious injuries to Capitol Cops

Make it both. The only reason you want to stop at ISP's is you think it would help silence your opposition.
I think your way of regulating Twitter would turn it into a cesspool of human filth.

Is that what you want? Maybe. I bet you want social media companies to be destroyed.

No, I want the assholes on both sides to be treated equally, you want lefty assholes to get away with shit but righty assholes to be silenced.
You want righty assholes to be able to spread their garbage freely. It’s not about fairness it’s about what’s best for you.

Lefty assholes already spread their garbage freely. "The election was a fraud" gets banned but "Russia Russia Russia" gets spread to the hills.

Blue Anon cuck.
Don’t care. You want to spread lies and conspiracy, don’t expect people to help you.

Which raises an important point as to why you think the country will be better off with nutters being able to spread their lies more freely.

I trust people to be able to figure shit out by themselves, or suffer the consequences if they don't. Like most lefties you despise your fellow citizens because they don't think like you do.
I despise people who abuse the idiots like yourself. I don’t think anyone should be required to help them abuse you.

The biggest abusers of the people are leftists, because you all assume most people are too stupid to accept your viewpoints, so you try to bully them into submission, or go through routes like the courts so you don't need the people's approval.

It's amazing the unearned and actually non-existent superiority twats like you feel over your fellow citizens.
And what is so necessary about Twitter that you think people have to be able to speak on it rather than any other platform?

It's one of the main ways people now participate in discussions, including political discussions. If one side controls it, you basically secede control of viewpoints to that side.

Which is what lefties like you want because you know your ideas are bullshit.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.

They aren't discriminating on the class, but on the event, they have never denied point of sale items to anyone.

Political views are a class in plenty of States, New York for one.

You are stuck in your own trap. Somehow ruining a baker is OK, but making twitter live up to their claims of neutrality is evil incarnate.

You just want to eliminate those you hate, and are lazy enough to let others do it for you.
Discriminating on the event? What’s the event? Oh, right a marriage. Sorry, that’s the same thing. Like claiming you’re not discriminating against Jewish people by banning kippahs. They’re indistinguishable.

Or discriminating against Gentiles by not selling pork in a halal or kosher butcher?

That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not discriminating against people for not selling a product they happen to want.


yes it is. I demand pork!

It's amazing the left can't just let a simple thing like a baker not wanting to do one specific thing slide, because it's either the SJW twat way 100% or fuck you.
It’s not. You’re an idiot.

Baker bakes a cake for straight people, they bake a cake for gay people too.

They do bake for gay people, as they never deny non custom point of sale items to anyone. They just didn't want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, something they find morally wrong.

One of the bakers also doesn't do Halloween cakes for religious purposes.
Not selling Halloween cakes doesn’t discriminate against anyone based on a fundamental characteristic or that person.

They bake a wedding cake for a straight couple, but not a gay couple, they’re discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. They’re both wedding cakes, the only difference is the baker doesn’t like one couple.

Sorry, but a person's right to free exercise doesn't end because someone is part of a "protected" class.

Like a typical leftist, you can only accept total obedience to your asshole viewpoints.

Where in the constitution does is say free exercise doesn't count due to a fundamental characteristic of a person?
Free exercise of what exactly? Religion?

Give me a break, it’s supposedly against someone’s religion to bake a cake for a gay couple? How could that be?
Make it both. The only reason you want to stop at ISP's is you think it would help silence your opposition.
I think your way of regulating Twitter would turn it into a cesspool of human filth.

Is that what you want? Maybe. I bet you want social media companies to be destroyed.

No, I want the assholes on both sides to be treated equally, you want lefty assholes to get away with shit but righty assholes to be silenced.
You want righty assholes to be able to spread their garbage freely. It’s not about fairness it’s about what’s best for you.

Lefty assholes already spread their garbage freely. "The election was a fraud" gets banned but "Russia Russia Russia" gets spread to the hills.

Blue Anon cuck.
Don’t care. You want to spread lies and conspiracy, don’t expect people to help you.

Which raises an important point as to why you think the country will be better off with nutters being able to spread their lies more freely.

I trust people to be able to figure shit out by themselves, or suffer the consequences if they don't. Like most lefties you despise your fellow citizens because they don't think like you do.
I despise people who abuse the idiots like yourself. I don’t think anyone should be required to help them abuse you.

The biggest abusers of the people are leftists, because you all assume most people are too stupid to accept your viewpoints, so you try to bully them into submission, or go through routes like the courts so you don't need the people's approval.

It's amazing the unearned and actually non-existent superiority twats like you feel over your fellow citizens.
And what is so necessary about Twitter that you think people have to be able to speak on it rather than any other platform?

It's one of the main ways people now participate in discussions, including political discussions. If one side controls it, you basically secede control of viewpoints to that side.

Which is what lefties like you want because you know your ideas are bullshit.
So you think people are too stupid to use any other platforms?
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.

They aren't discriminating on the class, but on the event, they have never denied point of sale items to anyone.

Political views are a class in plenty of States, New York for one.

You are stuck in your own trap. Somehow ruining a baker is OK, but making twitter live up to their claims of neutrality is evil incarnate.

You just want to eliminate those you hate, and are lazy enough to let others do it for you.
Discriminating on the event? What’s the event? Oh, right a marriage. Sorry, that’s the same thing. Like claiming you’re not discriminating against Jewish people by banning kippahs. They’re indistinguishable.

Or discriminating against Gentiles by not selling pork in a halal or kosher butcher?

That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not discriminating against people for not selling a product they happen to want.


yes it is. I demand pork!

It's amazing the left can't just let a simple thing like a baker not wanting to do one specific thing slide, because it's either the SJW twat way 100% or fuck you.
It’s not. You’re an idiot.

Baker bakes a cake for straight people, they bake a cake for gay people too.

They do bake for gay people, as they never deny non custom point of sale items to anyone. They just didn't want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, something they find morally wrong.

One of the bakers also doesn't do Halloween cakes for religious purposes.
Not selling Halloween cakes doesn’t discriminate against anyone based on a fundamental characteristic or that person.

They bake a wedding cake for a straight couple, but not a gay couple, they’re discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. They’re both wedding cakes, the only difference is the baker doesn’t like one couple.

Sorry, but a person's right to free exercise doesn't end because someone is part of a "protected" class.

Like a typical leftist, you can only accept total obedience to your asshole viewpoints.

Where in the constitution does is say free exercise doesn't count due to a fundamental characteristic of a person?
Free exercise of what exactly? Religion?

Give me a break, it’s supposedly against someone’s religion to bake a cake for a gay couple? How could that be?

Yes, Religion.

To some people marriage is between a man and a woman, a concept that has only in the past 2 decades been questioned by pretty much anyone.

To provide a service or good to said ceremony to them is endorsing it.
Make it both. The only reason you want to stop at ISP's is you think it would help silence your opposition.
I think your way of regulating Twitter would turn it into a cesspool of human filth.

Is that what you want? Maybe. I bet you want social media companies to be destroyed.

No, I want the assholes on both sides to be treated equally, you want lefty assholes to get away with shit but righty assholes to be silenced.
You want righty assholes to be able to spread their garbage freely. It’s not about fairness it’s about what’s best for you.

Lefty assholes already spread their garbage freely. "The election was a fraud" gets banned but "Russia Russia Russia" gets spread to the hills.

Blue Anon cuck.
Don’t care. You want to spread lies and conspiracy, don’t expect people to help you.

Which raises an important point as to why you think the country will be better off with nutters being able to spread their lies more freely.

I trust people to be able to figure shit out by themselves, or suffer the consequences if they don't. Like most lefties you despise your fellow citizens because they don't think like you do.
I despise people who abuse the idiots like yourself. I don’t think anyone should be required to help them abuse you.

The biggest abusers of the people are leftists, because you all assume most people are too stupid to accept your viewpoints, so you try to bully them into submission, or go through routes like the courts so you don't need the people's approval.

It's amazing the unearned and actually non-existent superiority twats like you feel over your fellow citizens.
And what is so necessary about Twitter that you think people have to be able to speak on it rather than any other platform?

It's one of the main ways people now participate in discussions, including political discussions. If one side controls it, you basically secede control of viewpoints to that side.

Which is what lefties like you want because you know your ideas are bullshit.
So you think people are too stupid to use any other platforms?

No, I think lefties would then go after any other platform like they did with Parler, and that they will point to the one sided views on current platforms as "proof" that their views are popular.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.

They aren't discriminating on the class, but on the event, they have never denied point of sale items to anyone.

Political views are a class in plenty of States, New York for one.

You are stuck in your own trap. Somehow ruining a baker is OK, but making twitter live up to their claims of neutrality is evil incarnate.

You just want to eliminate those you hate, and are lazy enough to let others do it for you.
Discriminating on the event? What’s the event? Oh, right a marriage. Sorry, that’s the same thing. Like claiming you’re not discriminating against Jewish people by banning kippahs. They’re indistinguishable.

Or discriminating against Gentiles by not selling pork in a halal or kosher butcher?

That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not discriminating against people for not selling a product they happen to want.


yes it is. I demand pork!

It's amazing the left can't just let a simple thing like a baker not wanting to do one specific thing slide, because it's either the SJW twat way 100% or fuck you.
It’s not. You’re an idiot.

Baker bakes a cake for straight people, they bake a cake for gay people too.

They do bake for gay people, as they never deny non custom point of sale items to anyone. They just didn't want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, something they find morally wrong.

One of the bakers also doesn't do Halloween cakes for religious purposes.
Not selling Halloween cakes doesn’t discriminate against anyone based on a fundamental characteristic or that person.

They bake a wedding cake for a straight couple, but not a gay couple, they’re discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. They’re both wedding cakes, the only difference is the baker doesn’t like one couple.

Sorry, but a person's right to free exercise doesn't end because someone is part of a "protected" class.

Like a typical leftist, you can only accept total obedience to your asshole viewpoints.

Where in the constitution does is say free exercise doesn't count due to a fundamental characteristic of a person?
Free exercise of what exactly? Religion?

Give me a break, it’s supposedly against someone’s religion to bake a cake for a gay couple? How could that be?

Yes, Religion.

To some people marriage is between a man and a woman, a concept that has only in the past 2 decades been questioned by pretty much anyone.

To provide a service or good to said ceremony to them is endorsing it.
That excuse has been used before. Amazing how people feel their religious beliefs can be enforced on others.
Make it both. The only reason you want to stop at ISP's is you think it would help silence your opposition.
I think your way of regulating Twitter would turn it into a cesspool of human filth.

Is that what you want? Maybe. I bet you want social media companies to be destroyed.

No, I want the assholes on both sides to be treated equally, you want lefty assholes to get away with shit but righty assholes to be silenced.
You want righty assholes to be able to spread their garbage freely. It’s not about fairness it’s about what’s best for you.

Lefty assholes already spread their garbage freely. "The election was a fraud" gets banned but "Russia Russia Russia" gets spread to the hills.

Blue Anon cuck.
Don’t care. You want to spread lies and conspiracy, don’t expect people to help you.

Which raises an important point as to why you think the country will be better off with nutters being able to spread their lies more freely.

I trust people to be able to figure shit out by themselves, or suffer the consequences if they don't. Like most lefties you despise your fellow citizens because they don't think like you do.
I despise people who abuse the idiots like yourself. I don’t think anyone should be required to help them abuse you.

The biggest abusers of the people are leftists, because you all assume most people are too stupid to accept your viewpoints, so you try to bully them into submission, or go through routes like the courts so you don't need the people's approval.

It's amazing the unearned and actually non-existent superiority twats like you feel over your fellow citizens.
And what is so necessary about Twitter that you think people have to be able to speak on it rather than any other platform?

It's one of the main ways people now participate in discussions, including political discussions. If one side controls it, you basically secede control of viewpoints to that side.

Which is what lefties like you want because you know your ideas are bullshit.
So you think people are too stupid to use any other platforms?

No, I think lefties would then go after any other platform like they did with Parler, and that they will point to the one sided views on current platforms as "proof" that their views are popular.
What did they do to Parler? That’s right, decided not to aid them in their efforts to be assholes.

There’s a vast array of platforms where you can be free to say damn near what you want or you can make your own website to do so.

What’s so important about Twitter?
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.

They aren't discriminating on the class, but on the event, they have never denied point of sale items to anyone.

Political views are a class in plenty of States, New York for one.

You are stuck in your own trap. Somehow ruining a baker is OK, but making twitter live up to their claims of neutrality is evil incarnate.

You just want to eliminate those you hate, and are lazy enough to let others do it for you.
Discriminating on the event? What’s the event? Oh, right a marriage. Sorry, that’s the same thing. Like claiming you’re not discriminating against Jewish people by banning kippahs. They’re indistinguishable.

Or discriminating against Gentiles by not selling pork in a halal or kosher butcher?

That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not discriminating against people for not selling a product they happen to want.


yes it is. I demand pork!

It's amazing the left can't just let a simple thing like a baker not wanting to do one specific thing slide, because it's either the SJW twat way 100% or fuck you.
It’s not. You’re an idiot.

Baker bakes a cake for straight people, they bake a cake for gay people too.

They do bake for gay people, as they never deny non custom point of sale items to anyone. They just didn't want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, something they find morally wrong.

One of the bakers also doesn't do Halloween cakes for religious purposes.
Not selling Halloween cakes doesn’t discriminate against anyone based on a fundamental characteristic or that person.

They bake a wedding cake for a straight couple, but not a gay couple, they’re discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. They’re both wedding cakes, the only difference is the baker doesn’t like one couple.

Sorry, but a person's right to free exercise doesn't end because someone is part of a "protected" class.

Like a typical leftist, you can only accept total obedience to your asshole viewpoints.

Where in the constitution does is say free exercise doesn't count due to a fundamental characteristic of a person?
Free exercise of what exactly? Religion?

Give me a break, it’s supposedly against someone’s religion to bake a cake for a gay couple? How could that be?

Yes, Religion.

To some people marriage is between a man and a woman, a concept that has only in the past 2 decades been questioned by pretty much anyone.

To provide a service or good to said ceremony to them is endorsing it.
That excuse has been used before. Amazing how people feel their religious beliefs can be enforced on others.

It's amazing that you think forcing them to bake the cake is somehow righteous.

Just because you can't comprehend their beliefs doesn't mean their beliefs have no merit.

Typical leftist, all about you, all about your views only, and all about government force to get your way 100%.

No compromise at all.
Make it both. The only reason you want to stop at ISP's is you think it would help silence your opposition.
I think your way of regulating Twitter would turn it into a cesspool of human filth.

Is that what you want? Maybe. I bet you want social media companies to be destroyed.

No, I want the assholes on both sides to be treated equally, you want lefty assholes to get away with shit but righty assholes to be silenced.
You want righty assholes to be able to spread their garbage freely. It’s not about fairness it’s about what’s best for you.

Lefty assholes already spread their garbage freely. "The election was a fraud" gets banned but "Russia Russia Russia" gets spread to the hills.

Blue Anon cuck.
Don’t care. You want to spread lies and conspiracy, don’t expect people to help you.

Which raises an important point as to why you think the country will be better off with nutters being able to spread their lies more freely.

I trust people to be able to figure shit out by themselves, or suffer the consequences if they don't. Like most lefties you despise your fellow citizens because they don't think like you do.
I despise people who abuse the idiots like yourself. I don’t think anyone should be required to help them abuse you.

The biggest abusers of the people are leftists, because you all assume most people are too stupid to accept your viewpoints, so you try to bully them into submission, or go through routes like the courts so you don't need the people's approval.

It's amazing the unearned and actually non-existent superiority twats like you feel over your fellow citizens.
And what is so necessary about Twitter that you think people have to be able to speak on it rather than any other platform?

It's one of the main ways people now participate in discussions, including political discussions. If one side controls it, you basically secede control of viewpoints to that side.

Which is what lefties like you want because you know your ideas are bullshit.
So you think people are too stupid to use any other platforms?

No, I think lefties would then go after any other platform like they did with Parler, and that they will point to the one sided views on current platforms as "proof" that their views are popular.
What did they do to Parler? That’s right, decided not to aid them in their efforts to be assholes.

There’s a vast array of platforms where you can be free to say damn near what you want or you can make your own website to do so.

What’s so important about Twitter?

And the goalposts move as usual for a leftist.

1. get your own platform
2. your own platform has to be hosted by yourself
3. we wont put your platform on our app list because reasons.

Twitter is the current digital commons of choice for discourse, including political discourse.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.

They aren't discriminating on the class, but on the event, they have never denied point of sale items to anyone.

Political views are a class in plenty of States, New York for one.

You are stuck in your own trap. Somehow ruining a baker is OK, but making twitter live up to their claims of neutrality is evil incarnate.

You just want to eliminate those you hate, and are lazy enough to let others do it for you.
Discriminating on the event? What’s the event? Oh, right a marriage. Sorry, that’s the same thing. Like claiming you’re not discriminating against Jewish people by banning kippahs. They’re indistinguishable.

Or discriminating against Gentiles by not selling pork in a halal or kosher butcher?

That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not discriminating against people for not selling a product they happen to want.


yes it is. I demand pork!

It's amazing the left can't just let a simple thing like a baker not wanting to do one specific thing slide, because it's either the SJW twat way 100% or fuck you.
It’s not. You’re an idiot.

Baker bakes a cake for straight people, they bake a cake for gay people too.

They do bake for gay people, as they never deny non custom point of sale items to anyone. They just didn't want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, something they find morally wrong.

One of the bakers also doesn't do Halloween cakes for religious purposes.
Not selling Halloween cakes doesn’t discriminate against anyone based on a fundamental characteristic or that person.

They bake a wedding cake for a straight couple, but not a gay couple, they’re discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. They’re both wedding cakes, the only difference is the baker doesn’t like one couple.

Sorry, but a person's right to free exercise doesn't end because someone is part of a "protected" class.

Like a typical leftist, you can only accept total obedience to your asshole viewpoints.

Where in the constitution does is say free exercise doesn't count due to a fundamental characteristic of a person?
Free exercise of what exactly? Religion?

Give me a break, it’s supposedly against someone’s religion to bake a cake for a gay couple? How could that be?

Yes, Religion.

To some people marriage is between a man and a woman, a concept that has only in the past 2 decades been questioned by pretty much anyone.

To provide a service or good to said ceremony to them is endorsing it.
That excuse has been used before. Amazing how people feel their religious beliefs can be enforced on others.

It's amazing that you think forcing them to bake the cake is somehow righteous.

Just because you can't comprehend their beliefs doesn't mean their beliefs have no merit.

Typical leftist, all about you, all about your views only, and all about government force to get your way 100%.

No compromise at all.
I think the couple did nothing wrong but are being treated as second class citizens.

On the other hand, you think that forcing Twitter to disseminate harassment and hatred is righteous.

It’s as if your priorities are completely misplaced.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.

They aren't discriminating on the class, but on the event, they have never denied point of sale items to anyone.

Political views are a class in plenty of States, New York for one.

You are stuck in your own trap. Somehow ruining a baker is OK, but making twitter live up to their claims of neutrality is evil incarnate.

You just want to eliminate those you hate, and are lazy enough to let others do it for you.
Discriminating on the event? What’s the event? Oh, right a marriage. Sorry, that’s the same thing. Like claiming you’re not discriminating against Jewish people by banning kippahs. They’re indistinguishable.

Or discriminating against Gentiles by not selling pork in a halal or kosher butcher?

That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not discriminating against people for not selling a product they happen to want.


yes it is. I demand pork!

It's amazing the left can't just let a simple thing like a baker not wanting to do one specific thing slide, because it's either the SJW twat way 100% or fuck you.
It’s not. You’re an idiot.

Baker bakes a cake for straight people, they bake a cake for gay people too.

They do bake for gay people, as they never deny non custom point of sale items to anyone. They just didn't want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, something they find morally wrong.

One of the bakers also doesn't do Halloween cakes for religious purposes.
Not selling Halloween cakes doesn’t discriminate against anyone based on a fundamental characteristic or that person.

They bake a wedding cake for a straight couple, but not a gay couple, they’re discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. They’re both wedding cakes, the only difference is the baker doesn’t like one couple.

Sorry, but a person's right to free exercise doesn't end because someone is part of a "protected" class.

Like a typical leftist, you can only accept total obedience to your asshole viewpoints.

Where in the constitution does is say free exercise doesn't count due to a fundamental characteristic of a person?
Free exercise of what exactly? Religion?

Give me a break, it’s supposedly against someone’s religion to bake a cake for a gay couple? How could that be?

Yes, Religion.

To some people marriage is between a man and a woman, a concept that has only in the past 2 decades been questioned by pretty much anyone.

To provide a service or good to said ceremony to them is endorsing it.
That excuse has been used before. Amazing how people feel their religious beliefs can be enforced on others.

The person enforcing their beliefs here, are teh liberals who want to force people to celebrate gay marriage.
Make it both. The only reason you want to stop at ISP's is you think it would help silence your opposition.
I think your way of regulating Twitter would turn it into a cesspool of human filth.

Is that what you want? Maybe. I bet you want social media companies to be destroyed.

No, I want the assholes on both sides to be treated equally, you want lefty assholes to get away with shit but righty assholes to be silenced.
You want righty assholes to be able to spread their garbage freely. It’s not about fairness it’s about what’s best for you.

Lefty assholes already spread their garbage freely. "The election was a fraud" gets banned but "Russia Russia Russia" gets spread to the hills.

Blue Anon cuck.
Don’t care. You want to spread lies and conspiracy, don’t expect people to help you.

Which raises an important point as to why you think the country will be better off with nutters being able to spread their lies more freely.

I trust people to be able to figure shit out by themselves, or suffer the consequences if they don't. Like most lefties you despise your fellow citizens because they don't think like you do.
I despise people who abuse the idiots like yourself. I don’t think anyone should be required to help them abuse you.

The biggest abusers of the people are leftists, because you all assume most people are too stupid to accept your viewpoints, so you try to bully them into submission, or go through routes like the courts so you don't need the people's approval.

It's amazing the unearned and actually non-existent superiority twats like you feel over your fellow citizens.
And what is so necessary about Twitter that you think people have to be able to speak on it rather than any other platform?

It's one of the main ways people now participate in discussions, including political discussions. If one side controls it, you basically secede control of viewpoints to that side.

Which is what lefties like you want because you know your ideas are bullshit.
So you think people are too stupid to use any other platforms?

No, I think lefties would then go after any other platform like they did with Parler, and that they will point to the one sided views on current platforms as "proof" that their views are popular.
What did they do to Parler? That’s right, decided not to aid them in their efforts to be assholes.

There’s a vast array of platforms where you can be free to say damn near what you want or you can make your own website to do so.

What’s so important about Twitter?

And the goalposts move as usual for a leftist.

1. get your own platform
2. your own platform has to be hosted by yourself
3. we wont put your platform on our app list because reasons.

Twitter is the current digital commons of choice for discourse, including political discourse.
Not moving goalposts. Same goalposts as always. Get a platform. Host it yourself. You want speech, that’s your right. Don’t expect others to help you. Don’t FORCE others to help you.

You think people are too stupid to use any other website?
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.

They aren't discriminating on the class, but on the event, they have never denied point of sale items to anyone.

Political views are a class in plenty of States, New York for one.

You are stuck in your own trap. Somehow ruining a baker is OK, but making twitter live up to their claims of neutrality is evil incarnate.

You just want to eliminate those you hate, and are lazy enough to let others do it for you.
Discriminating on the event? What’s the event? Oh, right a marriage. Sorry, that’s the same thing. Like claiming you’re not discriminating against Jewish people by banning kippahs. They’re indistinguishable.

Or discriminating against Gentiles by not selling pork in a halal or kosher butcher?

That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not discriminating against people for not selling a product they happen to want.


yes it is. I demand pork!

It's amazing the left can't just let a simple thing like a baker not wanting to do one specific thing slide, because it's either the SJW twat way 100% or fuck you.
It’s not. You’re an idiot.

Baker bakes a cake for straight people, they bake a cake for gay people too.

They do bake for gay people, as they never deny non custom point of sale items to anyone. They just didn't want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, something they find morally wrong.

One of the bakers also doesn't do Halloween cakes for religious purposes.
Not selling Halloween cakes doesn’t discriminate against anyone based on a fundamental characteristic or that person.

They bake a wedding cake for a straight couple, but not a gay couple, they’re discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. They’re both wedding cakes, the only difference is the baker doesn’t like one couple.

Sorry, but a person's right to free exercise doesn't end because someone is part of a "protected" class.

Like a typical leftist, you can only accept total obedience to your asshole viewpoints.

Where in the constitution does is say free exercise doesn't count due to a fundamental characteristic of a person?
Free exercise of what exactly? Religion?

Give me a break, it’s supposedly against someone’s religion to bake a cake for a gay couple? How could that be?

Yes, Religion.

To some people marriage is between a man and a woman, a concept that has only in the past 2 decades been questioned by pretty much anyone.

To provide a service or good to said ceremony to them is endorsing it.
That excuse has been used before. Amazing how people feel their religious beliefs can be enforced on others.

It's amazing that you think forcing them to bake the cake is somehow righteous.

Just because you can't comprehend their beliefs doesn't mean their beliefs have no merit.

Typical leftist, all about you, all about your views only, and all about government force to get your way 100%.

No compromise at all.
I think the couple did nothing wrong but are being treated as second class citizens.

On the other hand, you think that forcing Twitter to disseminate harassment and hatred is righteous.

It’s as if your priorities are completely misplaced.

Excellent spin.

In the real world, the bakers still have to bake the cake or be destroyed, and Twitter bans people selectively, based not on "hate" but on partisan affiliation.

You people are the ones causing harm to people
The person enforcing their beliefs here, are teh liberals who want to force people to celebrate gay marriage.
Really? They forcing the baker to come to their wedding and toast champagne?

That would be the next step in the witch hunt. But you people need an offense to give you power over people.

So, if it is not baking a cake, it might very well be not attending.

Sounds crazy?

Go back in time 10 years and tell people about trans men competing in woman's sports. They would accuse you of the slippery slope fallacy and laugh at you.

Now, it's the law.
The person enforcing their beliefs here, are teh liberals who want to force people to celebrate gay marriage.
Really? They forcing the baker to come to their wedding and toast champagne?

That would be the next step in the witch hunt. But you people need an offense to give you power over people.

So, if it is not baking a cake, it might very well be not attending.

Sounds crazy?

Go back in time 10 years and tell people about trans men competing in woman's sports. They would accuse you of the slippery slope fallacy and laugh at you.

Now, it's the law.
Well, then you don’t understand the issue.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.

They aren't discriminating on the class, but on the event, they have never denied point of sale items to anyone.

Political views are a class in plenty of States, New York for one.

You are stuck in your own trap. Somehow ruining a baker is OK, but making twitter live up to their claims of neutrality is evil incarnate.

You just want to eliminate those you hate, and are lazy enough to let others do it for you.
Discriminating on the event? What’s the event? Oh, right a marriage. Sorry, that’s the same thing. Like claiming you’re not discriminating against Jewish people by banning kippahs. They’re indistinguishable.

Or discriminating against Gentiles by not selling pork in a halal or kosher butcher?

That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not discriminating against people for not selling a product they happen to want.


yes it is. I demand pork!

It's amazing the left can't just let a simple thing like a baker not wanting to do one specific thing slide, because it's either the SJW twat way 100% or fuck you.
It’s not. You’re an idiot.

Baker bakes a cake for straight people, they bake a cake for gay people too.

They do bake for gay people, as they never deny non custom point of sale items to anyone. They just didn't want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, something they find morally wrong.

One of the bakers also doesn't do Halloween cakes for religious purposes.
Not selling Halloween cakes doesn’t discriminate against anyone based on a fundamental characteristic or that person.

They bake a wedding cake for a straight couple, but not a gay couple, they’re discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. They’re both wedding cakes, the only difference is the baker doesn’t like one couple.

Sorry, but a person's right to free exercise doesn't end because someone is part of a "protected" class.

Like a typical leftist, you can only accept total obedience to your asshole viewpoints.

Where in the constitution does is say free exercise doesn't count due to a fundamental characteristic of a person?
Free exercise of what exactly? Religion?

Give me a break, it’s supposedly against someone’s religion to bake a cake for a gay couple? How could that be?

Yes, Religion.

To some people marriage is between a man and a woman, a concept that has only in the past 2 decades been questioned by pretty much anyone.

To provide a service or good to said ceremony to them is endorsing it.
That excuse has been used before. Amazing how people feel their religious beliefs can be enforced on others.

It's amazing that you think forcing them to bake the cake is somehow righteous.

Just because you can't comprehend their beliefs doesn't mean their beliefs have no merit.

Typical leftist, all about you, all about your views only, and all about government force to get your way 100%.

No compromise at all.
I think the couple did nothing wrong but are being treated as second class citizens.

On the other hand, you think that forcing Twitter to disseminate harassment and hatred is righteous.

It’s as if your priorities are completely misplaced.

So treat the bakers as second class citizens instead?

Sorry, but spending 5 minutes finding another baker isn't being relegated to plebian status.

So all right wing views are hatred and harassment right?
Make it both. The only reason you want to stop at ISP's is you think it would help silence your opposition.
I think your way of regulating Twitter would turn it into a cesspool of human filth.

Is that what you want? Maybe. I bet you want social media companies to be destroyed.

No, I want the assholes on both sides to be treated equally, you want lefty assholes to get away with shit but righty assholes to be silenced.
You want righty assholes to be able to spread their garbage freely. It’s not about fairness it’s about what’s best for you.

Lefty assholes already spread their garbage freely. "The election was a fraud" gets banned but "Russia Russia Russia" gets spread to the hills.

Blue Anon cuck.
Don’t care. You want to spread lies and conspiracy, don’t expect people to help you.

Which raises an important point as to why you think the country will be better off with nutters being able to spread their lies more freely.

I trust people to be able to figure shit out by themselves, or suffer the consequences if they don't. Like most lefties you despise your fellow citizens because they don't think like you do.
I despise people who abuse the idiots like yourself. I don’t think anyone should be required to help them abuse you.

The biggest abusers of the people are leftists, because you all assume most people are too stupid to accept your viewpoints, so you try to bully them into submission, or go through routes like the courts so you don't need the people's approval.

It's amazing the unearned and actually non-existent superiority twats like you feel over your fellow citizens.
And what is so necessary about Twitter that you think people have to be able to speak on it rather than any other platform?

It's one of the main ways people now participate in discussions, including political discussions. If one side controls it, you basically secede control of viewpoints to that side.

Which is what lefties like you want because you know your ideas are bullshit.
So you think people are too stupid to use any other platforms?

No, I think lefties would then go after any other platform like they did with Parler, and that they will point to the one sided views on current platforms as "proof" that their views are popular.
What did they do to Parler? That’s right, decided not to aid them in their efforts to be assholes.

There’s a vast array of platforms where you can be free to say damn near what you want or you can make your own website to do so.

What’s so important about Twitter?

And the goalposts move as usual for a leftist.

1. get your own platform
2. your own platform has to be hosted by yourself
3. we wont put your platform on our app list because reasons.

Twitter is the current digital commons of choice for discourse, including political discourse.
Not moving goalposts. Same goalposts as always. Get a platform. Host it yourself. You want speech, that’s your right. Don’t expect others to help you. Don’t FORCE others to help you.

You think people are too stupid to use any other website?

And your side will find a new reason to destroy the platform because you can't share.
The person enforcing their beliefs here, are teh liberals who want to force people to celebrate gay marriage.
Really? They forcing the baker to come to their wedding and toast champagne?

That would be the next step in the witch hunt. But you people need an offense to give you power over people.

So, if it is not baking a cake, it might very well be not attending.

Sounds crazy?

Go back in time 10 years and tell people about trans men competing in woman's sports. They would accuse you of the slippery slope fallacy and laugh at you.

Now, it's the law.
Well, then you don’t understand the issue.

No, he does, you intentionally ignore a person's constitutional right to free exercise because it doesn't fit your bigoted viewpoints.
It's natural for lefties to point to the mob, i.e. twitter to justify their views, and it helps when the mob self corrects to the proper leftist view.
And that’s how you justify steamrolling their rights?

LOL, "steamrolling".

steamrolling is what the left does to anyone who isn't part of the groupthink. Dogpiling would also be applicable.

You’ve got a bone to pick and you are willing to trash the rights of others to suit your needs.

You’re a thug.

No I'm just a fly in the ointment.

Om Nom Nom Nom.
You’re nipping at the heels of people who do things you could never dream.

Could have you created Twitter? No. Obviously not. But somehow you’ve decided you know how they should operate.

LOL you?

Basement dwelling soy boy cuck.
No, not me you dumbass. You’re demanding that social media companies serve your interests despite not contributing anything to their success and you demand that specifically because they are successful.

That’s what it’s like to be a heel nipper.

I demand power companies provide me power when I turn a switch, I demand McDonalds provides me with a Big Mac when I pay for it, I demand an airline pilot flies me safely when I'm on an airplane. Sorry but demanding things I could never do myself from providers in a specialized society isn't hypocrisy or wrong.
Yeah, because power companies are natural monopolies and regulated as utilities.

You don’t get to demand McDonalds serve you if you walk into their restaurant and act like an asshole yet you’re demanding Twitter do so.

I get to demand they make a Big Mac in 1 minute even though I can't do that myself, as long as I pay for it. I pay for facebook by allowing it's advertisement content on my computer.
You can demand service long as they’re willing to do business with you.

You can’t demand they serve you while acting like an asshole.

So what about the baker?
What about them?

They were not willing to do business in one specific scenario, and yet you would force them to do it, because you are a fucking hypocrite and a moron.

Die. Die. Die.
If the couple came into the bakery telling everyone to “Die. Die. Die.” I’d be happily defending the bakers right to deny them service.

Would you?

Dodging the question. Why should a baker be forced to bake a cake for a same sex wedding if they don't want to?
Because they’re engaging in discrimination based on a class.

Furthermore, the bakery isn’t forced to engage in public speech in order to accomplish the task.

That’s completely incomparable to anything you’re talking about with social media.

They aren't discriminating on the class, but on the event, they have never denied point of sale items to anyone.

Political views are a class in plenty of States, New York for one.

You are stuck in your own trap. Somehow ruining a baker is OK, but making twitter live up to their claims of neutrality is evil incarnate.

You just want to eliminate those you hate, and are lazy enough to let others do it for you.
Discriminating on the event? What’s the event? Oh, right a marriage. Sorry, that’s the same thing. Like claiming you’re not discriminating against Jewish people by banning kippahs. They’re indistinguishable.

Or discriminating against Gentiles by not selling pork in a halal or kosher butcher?

That doesn’t make any sense. It’s not discriminating against people for not selling a product they happen to want.


yes it is. I demand pork!

It's amazing the left can't just let a simple thing like a baker not wanting to do one specific thing slide, because it's either the SJW twat way 100% or fuck you.
It’s not. You’re an idiot.

Baker bakes a cake for straight people, they bake a cake for gay people too.

They do bake for gay people, as they never deny non custom point of sale items to anyone. They just didn't want to bake a cake for a same sex wedding, something they find morally wrong.

One of the bakers also doesn't do Halloween cakes for religious purposes.
Not selling Halloween cakes doesn’t discriminate against anyone based on a fundamental characteristic or that person.

They bake a wedding cake for a straight couple, but not a gay couple, they’re discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. They’re both wedding cakes, the only difference is the baker doesn’t like one couple.

Sorry, but a person's right to free exercise doesn't end because someone is part of a "protected" class.

Like a typical leftist, you can only accept total obedience to your asshole viewpoints.

Where in the constitution does is say free exercise doesn't count due to a fundamental characteristic of a person?
Free exercise of what exactly? Religion?

Give me a break, it’s supposedly against someone’s religion to bake a cake for a gay couple? How could that be?

Yes, Religion.

To some people marriage is between a man and a woman, a concept that has only in the past 2 decades been questioned by pretty much anyone.

To provide a service or good to said ceremony to them is endorsing it.
That excuse has been used before. Amazing how people feel their religious beliefs can be enforced on others.

It's amazing that you think forcing them to bake the cake is somehow righteous.

Just because you can't comprehend their beliefs doesn't mean their beliefs have no merit.

Typical leftist, all about you, all about your views only, and all about government force to get your way 100%.

No compromise at all.
I think the couple did nothing wrong but are being treated as second class citizens.

On the other hand, you think that forcing Twitter to disseminate harassment and hatred is righteous.

It’s as if your priorities are completely misplaced.

So treat the bakers as second class citizens instead?

Sorry, but spending 5 minutes finding another baker isn't being relegated to plebian status.

So all right wing views are hatred and harassment right?
The baker is not a second class citizen. I can’t discriminate based on their religious identity.

Don’t be such a snowflake. I said nothing about “all right wing views”.

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