Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled

So Fox News is lying? Right. How about Forbes, CNN, the New York Times or The National Review among many others. Why do liberals always lie? It is easy to google the story and get the real facts, but libtards would rather lie like their Messiah. Here is another source saying exactly the same thing.

In 2010, Administration Predicted 'Majority' of Employer-Based Health Plans Would Disappear | National Review Online

Show me the New York Times and CNN reporting this.

We don't need to see that. The FEDERAL REGISTER includes that information.

Back in 2010, the Obama Administration estimated that millions of plans would lose the grandfathered status, making all of Obama's keep your plan statements utter lies.

% of Employer Plans losing grandfathered status in 2013:

Low estimate: 39%
Mid estimate: 51%
High estimate: 69%


The Magnitude of the Lie | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

If Obama had told the truth, it is highly likely he would not be President today. He lied to get reelected - and even worse, led a scheme to defraud American citizens.

Another idiot who does not know the difference between losing grandfather status and CANCELLING POLICIES.
G doesn't accept that the loss of grandfather status means the plan will be cancelled. That's why this has run in complete circles for 78 posts. Apparently it simply means, much like an episode of Maury, that you are "not the grandfather".
Losing grandfather status means plans are not acceptable to the government.


You have no clue.

Losing grandfather status means they changed their policy to the point it is no longer the one which was grandfathered. It does not automatically mean they do not meet the ACA minimum standards.

Right. So what happens to that plan that is no longer grandfathered?

If it already exceeds the ACA standards, NOTHING happens to your insurance. A shit ton of companies have already lost their grandfather status and it affects them going forward not at all.

Ask your HR department.

It was the loss of grandfather status which is predicted in the register. NOT cancellations. That's two different things.
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Show me the New York Times and CNN reporting this.

We don't need to see that. The FEDERAL REGISTER includes that information.

Back in 2010, the Obama Administration estimated that millions of plans would lose the grandfathered status, making all of Obama's keep your plan statements utter lies.

% of Employer Plans losing grandfathered status in 2013:

Low estimate: 39%
Mid estimate: 51%
High estimate: 69%


The Magnitude of the Lie | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

If Obama had told the truth, it is highly likely he would not be President today. He lied to get reelected - and even worse, led a scheme to defraud American citizens.

Another idiot who does not know the difference between losing grandfather status and CANCELLING POLICIES.

You're the idiot. You fall for the spin to cover Obama's lies.

Here, read the Federal Register document yourself. They KNEW millions of people would lose their plans.
Some things you might find useful:

I've checked that out and am looking into an intermediary way of offering health insurance to my employees by circumventing the aca. I've hired legal counsel and so far its looks like it may be possible. Im about to cross the threshold of 50.
Your lawyer may have problems. The word I am getting is that the lack of case law and other court decisions is so bad that hard numbers on different options don't really exist yet. Because compliant non-exchange policies and different ways of running compliant medical care has not yet made it through the courts moving what operations you can to a non-compliant state and using a labor contractor at all sites is probably the safety play until the situation clears up.

That's possible too WW. I'm going to have to set a limit on his billable hours. Hell, he could string me on for months. Lol. In the interim, I'll be dropping coverages and cutting hours, once I hit 50 employees, to avoid the dilemma. The whole fiasco sucks.
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Most companies meet or exceed the ACA's minimum standards, so losing grandfather status means nothing. They do not have to raise their standards to meet the ACA since they already exceed it, and always have, before there even was an ACA.

that's not what the federal registry seems to think. Where is the evidence that "most companies plans meet or exceed the ACA minimums"? Show it. Saying ti means nothing.
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G doesn't accept that the loss of grandfather status means the plan will be cancelled.

No. It does not.

You are an idiot. One does not necessarily follow the other.

This is awesome. When people speak to their HR departments, they will realize who the flaming idiots are. Their HR people will tell them, "Yeah. We lost our grandfather status a while ago. So? Your insurance isn't going away."
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More people without insurance (due to it becoming unaffordable) than people gaining insurance.

The far left will just throw money at the problem and claim it as a fix to the problem.
g, what does 'lose grandfather status' mean?

it means the cancellation of the policies you like.

But don't expect the obamabots to admit it.

Now he claims "as the administration predicted it" - but the administration LIED all the way up yo October 1 "if you like your plan -you will keep it ".

And I can bet during those years all obamabots, including g were singing the same tune

No its just cancelation of policies that you like and dislike. You seem to keep forgetting that the reason the US went this route is because people in general were being fucked in the ass by their health insurance
The only companies which will have to scramble will be those who lost their grandfather status whose policies fall below the ACA standards.

This will be nowhere near 80 million people.

And nowhere in the Federal Register does it say that.

The dipshit who started this bullshit lie in Forbes a couple weeks ago is wrong. He was a Romney campaign flack.
g, what does 'lose grandfather status' mean?

it means the cancellation of the policies you like.

But don't expect the obamabots to admit it.

Now he claims "as the administration predicted it" - but the administration LIED all the way up yo October 1 "if you like your plan -you will keep it ".

And I can bet during those years all obamabots, including g were singing the same tune

No its just cancelation of policies that you like and dislike. You seem to keep forgetting that the reason the US went this route is because people in general were being fucked in the ass by their health insurance

Possibly, but now govt is ramming it home side saddle without the reach around.
Most companies meet or exceed the ACA's minimum standards, so losing grandfather status means nothing. They do not have to raise their standards to meet the ACA since they already exceed it, and always have, before there even was an ACA.

that's not what the federal registry seems to think. Where is the evidence that "most companies plans meet or exceed the ACA minimums"? Show it. Saying ti means nothing.

G doesn't accept that the loss of grandfather status means the plan will be cancelled.

No. It does not.

You are an idiot. One does not necessarily follow the other.

This is awesome. When people speak to their HR departments, they will realize who the flaming idiots are. Their HR people will tell them, "Yeah. We lost our grandfather status a while ago. So? Your insurance isn't going away."

I already told you I went to HR and our plans will be changed. Because the current one will be cancelled. The only remaining question for me, persoanlly, is how much more I'll have to pay for insurance to have that maternity leave and prenatal care.

Now, answer the question. SHOW ME where "Most company plans meet or exceed the ACA requirements."

I'll wait.
Most companies meet or exceed the ACA's minimum standards, so losing grandfather status means nothing. They do not have to raise their standards to meet the ACA since they already exceed it, and always have, before there even was an ACA.

that's not what the federal registry seems to think. Where is the evidence that "most companies plans meet or exceed the ACA minimums"? Show it. Saying ti means nothing.

G doesn't accept that the loss of grandfather status means the plan will be cancelled.

No. It does not.

You are an idiot. One does not necessarily follow the other.

This is awesome. When people speak to their HR departments, they will realize who the flaming idiots are. Their HR people will tell them, "Yeah. We lost our grandfather status a while ago. So? Your insurance isn't going away."

I already told you I went to HR and our plans will be changed. Because the current one will be cancelled. The only remaining question for me, persoanlly, is how much more I'll have to pay for insurance to have that maternity leave and prenatal care.

Now, answer the question. SHOW ME where "Most company plans meet or exceed the ACA requirements."

I'll wait.

He won't answer. He has no answers. But he'll say you're an idiot and everyone is wrong but him. :) :lol:
Most companies meet or exceed the ACA's minimum standards, so losing grandfather status means nothing. They do not have to raise their standards to meet the ACA since they already exceed it, and always have, before there even was an ACA.

that's not what the federal registry seems to think. Where is the evidence that "most companies plans meet or exceed the ACA minimums"? Show it. Saying ti means nothing.

G doesn't accept that the loss of grandfather status means the plan will be cancelled.

No. It does not.

You are an idiot. One does not necessarily follow the other.

This is awesome. When people speak to their HR departments, they will realize who the flaming idiots are. Their HR people will tell them, "Yeah. We lost our grandfather status a while ago. So? Your insurance isn't going away."

I already told you I went to HR and our plans will be changed. Because the current one will be cancelled. The only remaining question for me, persoanlly, is how much more I'll have to pay for insurance to have that maternity leave and prenatal care.

Now, answer the question. SHOW ME where "Most company plans meet or exceed the ACA requirements."

I'll wait.

The Union plans meet or exceed as they are Cadillac plans and will be subject to huge tax in 2018. Not to mention those idiots in Washington have the best healthcare that exceeds that any normal citizen can get.
g, what does 'lose grandfather status' mean?

Those employers who sponsored health insurance for their employees prior to the enactment of the ACA were grandfathered. For example, if you work at Intel you have had kickass insurance coverage from that company since long before the ACA, and so your plan was grandfathered.

The ACA contains a provision which states the parameters a company's grandfathered plan must remain inside of to retain its grandfather status. If the company changes their plan outside of these parameters, they lose their grandfather status. For example, if your company raises or lowers your cost share by more than ten percent, the company loses its grandfather status.

Let's say Intel made such a change, and so it loses its grandfather status.

This means Intel's insurance plan must now meet the ACA minimum standards of coverage.

If Intel is like most employers, this bar is already exceeded. They have a great plan which is far and above better than the minimum standards of the ACA.

Therefore, if they lose their grandfather status, how in any way would this cause them to cancel their insurance plan for their employees?

It wouldn't. And that is why cancelling insurance does not necessarily follow your company losing its grandfather status.

This is why I keep stressing to people to ask their HR departments about this and not to just take my word for it. If you are so unfamiliar with your own insurance plan, then you damn well better get your ass down to HR and get more informed about it.

Chance are very good that if your company sponsors health insurance, it is better insurance than the minimum standards. So losing grandfather status will have no impact on you or your company.
Oh what the hell....I had several questions which he ignored....I'll try again.

1. Grandfathered...cancelled....what is the difference? All of this was stopped because Obama illegally delayed the employer mandate for a year and is not forcing companies to comply with HHS regs....for now.

Address those questions please.

2. I like my employer plan. The President promised I can keep my plan. Period. Okay...I want to keep it. That's okay, right?
The grandfather status is completely arbitrary and is subject to the whim of HHS and Obama. They can change the regs whenever they want (as they have already done many times) and you are fucked. They will change the regs eventually to eliminate every employer plan in America. Anyone who is thinking differently is crazy.
Here is an example of what I was talking about:
For years, UC has provided comprehensive, affordable health insurance for registered students. UC SHIP helps cover health care expenses so that students can focus on their academic goals.

UC SHIP already exceeds the coverage standards introduced by the Affordable Care Act (ACA):
§§ Guaranteed coverage to all students, with no waiting periods or exclusions of pre-existing conditions
§§ 100% coverage of preventive care services and women’s health care
§§ Coverage of all Essential Health Benefits as determined by the law with no annual or
lifetime limits

If the UC SHIP plan was available on the Insurance Exchanges, it would be categorized as a Platinum plan, the highest level of coverage, but at the price of a Bronze plan.

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