Almost 80 million with employer health care plans could have coverage canceled

It doesn't much matter wether the FOX News report is true or not, it is true that a whole lot of people will lose their plans from their employer. My employer provides us with a plan that is going to be considered a Cadillac plan when the employer mandate finally kicks in (conveniently after the 2014 elections). My employer will have to pay a fine for providing us with that Cadillac plan. If I'm lucky enough to not lose my plan entirely, I will certainly not have as good a plan then as I do now.

In all likelihood, many people, it could very well be 80 million or more that end up losing their plans from their employers due to the employer mandate.
g5000...I'm done. People can read the OP's story. There can read the National review story. Here is a link from a google search of hundreds of stories from reputable news outlets all saying the same thing. Enormous millions will lose their employer based coverage. (I provided this because either you cannot read or do not know how to use a search engine).

Please link to the CNN and New York Times articles which you claimed existed about 80 million having their employer insurance cancelled.

I can see why you say you are done. You can't substantiate your claims.
Health plans being cancelled is a FEATURE of ObamaCare to force people onto the exchanges, and to pave the way for Nationalized Single Payer Health Care.

That's the Left's agenda, and sadly, a bunch of dupes believed Obama when he said they could keep their plans and voted for him.
g5000...I'm done. People can read the OP's story. There can read the National review story. Here is a link from a google search of hundreds of stories from reputable news outlets all saying the same thing. Enormous millions will lose their employer based coverage. (I provided this because either you cannot read or do not know how to use a search engine).

Please link to the CNN and New York Times articles which you claimed existed about 80 million having their employer insurance cancelled.

I can see why you say you are done. You can't substantiate your claims.

Read it for your self in the Federal Registry. Table 3.
g, what does 'lose grandfather status' mean?

it means the cancellation of the policies you like.

But don't expect the obamabots to admit it.

Now he claims "as the administration predicted it" - but the administration LIED all the way up yo October 1 "if you like your plan -you will keep it ".

And I can bet during those years all obamabots, including g were singing the same tune

Was hoping g would have answered this.

no, he is an obamabot.

it's like a broken record :D
Internal Obama Administration numbers have been found saying 55% of people with employer sponsored insurance will lose their plans as soon as the employer mandate kicks in.

Prove this claim.

Show me the evidence.

I have linked to the Federal Register for you, so it should be a piece of cake to quote from it to prove your claim. :lol:

The Federal Register is the source of all the data, as well as Dept of Justice Briefs saying the majority of employer based plans will be cancelled. I have proved that infromation countless times. That figure is in multiple media reports. The evidence has been provided over and over again. Read it for yourself.

Quote from the Register. Show us where they said policies would be cancelled.

Don't run away now. Do it.

You can't. Because it isn't in there.

Fox lied, and you drank their piss.
g5000...I'm done. People can read the OP's story. There can read the National review story. Here is a link from a google search of hundreds of stories from reputable news outlets all saying the same thing. Enormous millions will lose their employer based coverage. (I provided this because either you cannot read or do not know how to use a search engine).

Please link to the CNN and New York Times articles which you claimed existed about 80 million having their employer insurance cancelled.

I can see why you say you are done. You can't substantiate your claims.

Read it for your self in the Federal Registry. Table 3.

Please screen capture or quote the part about cancellations.

You can't. Because it isn't in there.

You people fucked up. You conflated "losing grandfather status" with "cancellations".
I already told you I went to HR and our plans will be changed. Because the current one will be cancelled.

Changed =/= cancelled.

I see you are very selective in what you will answer.
The ONLY reason my plan will get changed (and probably cost more in the process) is because my firm follows my industry lead and since we're a multi million dollar a year firm, the higher ups will shift the plan to a compliant one. The current plan is still cancelled.

You really are engaged in a game of sophistry, dude.

Not everyone is going to be as licky as me. If you call having to pay a lot more for coverage you dont need as lucky.
Please link to the CNN and New York Times articles which you claimed existed about 80 million having their employer insurance cancelled.

I can see why you say you are done. You can't substantiate your claims.

Read it for your self in the Federal Registry. Table 3.

Please screen capture or quote the part about cancellations.

You can't. Because it isn't in there.

You people fucked up. You conflated "losing grandfather status" with "cancellations".

Nope. I'm not going to read it for you.
it means the cancellation of the policies you like.

But don't expect the obamabots to admit it.

Now he claims "as the administration predicted it" - but the administration LIED all the way up yo October 1 "if you like your plan -you will keep it ".

And I can bet during those years all obamabots, including g were singing the same tune

Was hoping g would have answered this.

no, he is an obamabot.

it's like a broken record :D

I have answered it. You are wrong. A cancellation of a policy does not automatically follow from losing grandfather status.

I'm dealing with a bunch of ignorant rubes who don't know the difference.
that's not what the federal registry seems to think. Where is the evidence that "most companies plans meet or exceed the ACA minimums"? Show it. Saying ti means nothing.

No. It does not.

You are an idiot. One does not necessarily follow the other.

This is awesome. When people speak to their HR departments, they will realize who the flaming idiots are. Their HR people will tell them, "Yeah. We lost our grandfather status a while ago. So? Your insurance isn't going away."

I already told you I went to HR and our plans will be changed. Because the current one will be cancelled. The only remaining question for me, persoanlly, is how much more I'll have to pay for insurance to have that maternity leave and prenatal care.

Now, answer the question. SHOW ME where "Most company plans meet or exceed the ACA requirements."

I'll wait.

He won't answer. He has no answers. But he'll say you're an idiot and everyone is wrong but him. :) :lol:

Apparently, you're right. We have to take his word on it that "most companies already have plans that exceed the ACA minimum reqs.

Well, thats a load off, g5000 said so. Shew. Close call.
My wife went to HR and G is correct.
Why don't some of you ask your spouse or child to do the same?
Was hoping g would have answered this.

no, he is an obamabot.

it's like a broken record :D

I have answered it. You are wrong. A cancellation of a policy does not automatically follow from losing grandfather status.

I'm dealing with a bunch of ignorant rubes who don't know the difference.

File that under "who are you going to believe, Obama or your own Lying Eyes".

Millions of people in the individual market are losing their plans because they don't have the grandfathered status. That is a preview of coming attractions for the Employer Provided ones, bub. You can spin all you want, but only other foaming moonbats will fall for the lies a second time around.
g, what does 'lose grandfather status' mean?

it means the cancellation of the policies you like.

But don't expect the obamabots to admit it.

Now he claims "as the administration predicted it" - but the administration LIED all the way up yo October 1 "if you like your plan -you will keep it ".

And I can bet during those years all obamabots, including g were singing the same tune

No its just cancelation of policies that you like and dislike. You seem to keep forgetting that the reason the US went this route is because people in general were being fucked in the ass by their health insurance

nobody was fucked up before if one has had insurance. Because one was able to choose from a huge variety of plans, which are not existent anymore - because of this crap obamacare.

NOW we all are grossly fucked up - some already, some starting from 2018
Well before the start of the recession, a steady decline of employer health coverage was underway with fewer firms offering coverage and fewer workers taking up coverage—likely because of rising health care costs.

Employer health coverage has become unaffordable for a growing share of the population, especially for low-income families, or those with incomes below 200 percent of the federal poverty level—$44,100 for a family of four in 2010 (see Figure 2). Between 2001 and 2010, the proportion of low-income nonelderly people with employer coverage dropped from 42 percent to 24 percent. Among middle-income people—200 to 400 percent of poverty—and higher-income people—above 400 percent of poverty—employer coverage held more or less steady until 2007 and then dropped sharply, suggesting affordability problems are spreading up the income ladder.
The chronic health care affordability problem and the more recent loss of employment have had a compound effect on the decline in employer health coverage.

NIHCR: Great Recession Accelerated Long-Term Decline of Employer Health Coverage

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Was hoping g would have answered this.

no, he is an obamabot.

it's like a broken record :D

I have answered it. You are wrong. A cancellation of a policy does not automatically follow from losing grandfather status.

I'm dealing with a bunch of ignorant rubes who don't know the difference.

no, you did not. losing grandfahtered status means exatly cancellation - of the policies the vast majority of Americans liked and wanted to keep.
But you are an obamabot and you will parrot whatever the talking points are sent to you.

the one for the day is "cancellation and losing the grandfathered status are two different things" :lol:
You really aren't going to answer where you get the notion that most company plans are already compliant regardless of grandfather status, are you?

You're going to avoid that important morsel of your argument like the plaque.

And on that note, I'm out. This circle is worn clean out.
no, he is an obamabot.

it's like a broken record :D

I have answered it. You are wrong. A cancellation of a policy does not automatically follow from losing grandfather status.

I'm dealing with a bunch of ignorant rubes who don't know the difference.

File that under "who are you going to believe, Obama or your own Lying Eyes".

Millions of people in the individual market are losing their plans because they don't have the grandfathered status. That is a preview of coming attractions for the Employer Provided ones, bub. You can spin all you want, but only other foaming moonbats will fall for the lies a second time around.

oh, that is a talking point for the day - losing grandfathered status does not mean cancellation LOL.

the one for the previous weeks was - your insurance ( the one you liked and were happy with) is bad one, substandard, and WE, the gubmint, know better, what you need and what is better for you.

Lies, damn lies and even more lies - that's all obamacare is about. and that iis what obamabots are singing in choir.

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