Almost died last night


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
A few days ago, when things were looking really black, I got on my knees and asked Jesus:

"Look, I just need to know you're still there. That you haven't turned your back on me."

Then last night I swallowed a piece of chicken that was literally the "bit off more than I could chew" scenario.

For a 30 seconds to a minute I could not breathe at all. I flailed around choking. Made it to the kitchen sink and vomited out water.

After that I could breathe (barely). I croaked out to my daughter to call 911, which she did.

Long of the short. Squad came out. Took me to the hospital. That piece of meat was stuck in my esophagus, just blocking everything. I was vomiting my own saliva, because nothing could move.

They knocked me out, scoped me and shoved the thing down to my stomach to clear my air ways.

But when I woke up, they told me they discovered something, in my esophagus. I prepared myself. I thought they were going to tell me they found a tumor.

They found a rather big ulcer. that was in danger of becoming perforated. In fact, if it had continued, It could have become very serious.

Funny thing is, I never felt it. I literally had no pain with this ulcer. I have no idea it was there. They were surprised I had no pain with it. They said most people would have known something was wrong. I didn't.

If I had not choked on that meat, and had been scoped, I would have never known it was there, and it would have continued to get worse until it was perforated.

They put me on a restricted diet and I'm to see a doctor again in two weeks.

When I got home, I could just feel The Good Lord telling me. "You see that? I AM there. I haven't turned my back on you."

Blessings in disguise. That was definitely a blessing in disguise.
A few days ago, when things were looking really black, I got on my knees and asked Jesus:

"Look, I just need to know you're still there. That you haven't turned your back on me."

Then last night I swallowed a piece of chicken that was literally the "bit off more than I could chew" scenario.

For a 30 seconds to a minute I could not breathe at all. I flailed around choking. Made it to the kitchen sink and vomited out water.

After that I could breathe (barely). I croaked out to my daughter to call 911, which she did.

Long of the short. Squad came out. Took me to the hospital. That piece of meat was stuck in my esophagus, just blocking everything. I was vomiting my own saliva, because nothing could move.

They knocked me out, scoped me and shoved the thing down to my stomach to clear my air ways.

But when I woke up, they told me they discovered something, in my esophagus. I prepared myself. I thought they were going to tell me they found a tumor.

They found a rather big ulcer. that was in danger of becoming perforated. In fact, if it had continued, It could have become very serious.

Funny thing is, I never felt it. I literally had no pain with this ulcer. I have no idea it was there. They were surprised I had no pain with it. They said most people would have known something was wrong. I didn't.

If I had not choked on that meat, and had been scoped, I would have never known it was there, and it would have continued to get worse until it was perforated.

They put me on a restricted diet and I'm to see a doctor again in two weeks.

When I got home, I could just feel The Good Lord telling me. "You see that? I AM there. I haven't turned my back on you."

Blessings in disguise. That was definitely a blessing in disguise.

Glad you made it, and thanks for sharing your story.
A few days ago, when things were looking really black, I got on my knees and asked Jesus:

"Look, I just need to know you're still there. That you haven't turned your back on me."

Then last night I swallowed a piece of chicken that was literally the "bit off more than I could chew" scenario.

For a 30 seconds to a minute I could not breathe at all. I flailed around choking. Made it to the kitchen sink and vomited out water.

After that I could breathe (barely). I croaked out to my daughter to call 911, which she did.

Long of the short. Squad came out. Took me to the hospital. That piece of meat was stuck in my esophagus, just blocking everything. I was vomiting my own saliva, because nothing could move.

They knocked me out, scoped me and shoved the thing down to my stomach to clear my air ways.

But when I woke up, they told me they discovered something, in my esophagus. I prepared myself. I thought they were going to tell me they found a tumor.

They found a rather big ulcer. that was in danger of becoming perforated. In fact, if it had continued, It could have become very serious.

Funny thing is, I never felt it. I literally had no pain with this ulcer. I have no idea it was there. They were surprised I had no pain with it. They said most people would have known something was wrong. I didn't.

If I had not choked on that meat, and had been scoped, I would have never known it was there, and it would have continued to get worse until it was perforated.

They put me on a restricted diet and I'm to see a doctor again in two weeks.

When I got home, I could just feel The Good Lord telling me. "You see that? I AM there. I haven't turned my back on you."

Blessings in disguise. That was definitely a blessing in disguise.


Praise the Lord!!!

Glad you are still here!
A few days ago, when things were looking really black, I got on my knees and asked Jesus:

"Look, I just need to know you're still there. That you haven't turned your back on me."

Then last night I swallowed a piece of chicken that was literally the "bit off more than I could chew" scenario.

For a 30 seconds to a minute I could not breathe at all. I flailed around choking. Made it to the kitchen sink and vomited out water.

After that I could breathe (barely). I croaked out to my daughter to call 911, which she did.

Long of the short. Squad came out. Took me to the hospital. That piece of meat was stuck in my esophagus, just blocking everything. I was vomiting my own saliva, because nothing could move.

They knocked me out, scoped me and shoved the thing down to my stomach to clear my air ways.

But when I woke up, they told me they discovered something, in my esophagus. I prepared myself. I thought they were going to tell me they found a tumor.

They found a rather big ulcer. that was in danger of becoming perforated. In fact, if it had continued, It could have become very serious.

Funny thing is, I never felt it. I literally had no pain with this ulcer. I have no idea it was there. They were surprised I had no pain with it. They said most people would have known something was wrong. I didn't.

If I had not choked on that meat, and had been scoped, I would have never known it was there, and it would have continued to get worse until it was perforated.

They put me on a restricted diet and I'm to see a doctor again in two weeks.

When I got home, I could just feel The Good Lord telling me. "You see that? I AM there. I haven't turned my back on you."

Blessings in disguise. That was definitely a blessing in disguise.

Thank God you are still alive! I praise Jesus for saving your life! What a wonderful testimony of His not only saving your life once but twice! Who knows that the ulcer could not have been fatal later on! I praise God for your being alive today! I'm so thankful to God for this testimony! I thank God for His answers to prayer! I pray for you all to be kept alive by God and that the devil cannot kill any of you! I am praying for your salvations! Every single one of you! Even the people here who knowingly serve Satan. I pray for their salvation that they will have the courage to call upon the LORD and be saved - I understand they live in fear but I still pray that Jesus will give them a greater fear of eternal torment in hell and that they will repent and be saved according to Romans 10:9,10. If you are not saved yet - please pray Romans 10: 9,10 out loud! Do it today! Again - I am so thankful to you for sharing this testimony of how God saved your life! I'm glad you are alive.
The LORD loves you very much teapartysamurai! Very, very much! He didn't come to condemn you! He came to save you! Those who call upon the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ shall be saved. Read Romans 10:9,10. I thank God for you today. You have blessed so many by sharing this story of what happened to you! May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you mightily for openly giving him praise and thanks for saving your life! God bless you!!!
So you're thanking god for giving you an ulcer? :lame2:

Satan is the author of all sickness and disease but God can turn that curse around and use it to draw us nearer to Jesus Christ as a blessing. A great blessing. Were you to have a trouble free life and find yourself in hell you would realize a smooth path is not a sign you are on the right one. From the posts you have written it sounds as if you are most definitely on the wrong one! I'll keep you in my prayers, Taz.
So you're thanking god for giving you an ulcer? :lame2:

No, I'm Thanking God, that I learned I HAD an ulcer and can do something about it. Otherwise, It would have become worse until it was too late.
So why did god let you get an ulcer in the first place? He's not powerful enough to stop it? He has to just let you know so that someone else can do his job for him?
So you're thanking god for giving you an ulcer? :lame2:

Satan is the author of all sickness and disease but God can turn that curse around and use it to draw us nearer to Jesus Christ as a blessing. A great blessing. Were you to have a trouble free life and find yourself in hell you would realize a smooth path is not a sign you are on the right one. From the posts you have written it sounds as if you are most definitely on the wrong one! I'll keep you in my prayers, Taz.
So Satan is more powerful than god, since god can't stop Satan from making us sick?
Glad you discovered your problem before it was a crisis,and yes there is more to this world than meets the eye.
So you're thanking god for giving you an ulcer? :lame2:

No, I'm Thanking God, that I learned I HAD an ulcer and can do something about it. Otherwise, It would have become worse until it was too late.
So why did god let you get an ulcer in the first place? He's not powerful enough to stop it? He has to just let you know so that someone else can do his job for him?

Man, not God, brought sickness into this world as a result of his disobedience.
So you're thanking god for giving you an ulcer? :lame2:

No, I'm Thanking God, that I learned I HAD an ulcer and can do something about it. Otherwise, It would have become worse until it was too late.
So why did god let you get an ulcer in the first place? He's not powerful enough to stop it? He has to just let you know so that someone else can do his job for him?

Man, not God, brought sickness into this world as a result of his disobedience.
So god gives us free will and then gives us sickness because we use our free will?
So you're thanking god for giving you an ulcer? :lame2:

Sometimes God allows adversity as an opportunity to turn to Him in faith so that He may reply in grace. His servant, Job, suffered a great many trials but his faith was rewarded in the end.
Something along the lines of 580,000 people died from cancer alone last year in this country. I suppose that the Christians among that number who died didn't have quite the "faith" they needed, or they were just losers anyway so who cares if they died.

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