Almost died last night

So you're thanking god for giving you an ulcer? :lame2:

No, I'm Thanking God, that I learned I HAD an ulcer and can do something about it. Otherwise, It would have become worse until it was too late.
So why did god let you get an ulcer in the first place? He's not powerful enough to stop it? He has to just let you know so that someone else can do his job for him?

Man, not God, brought sickness into this world as a result of his disobedience.
So god gives us free will and then gives us sickness because we use our free will?

Yup! He offered mankind a choice. Both choices came with a corresponding promises. Adam and Eve chose incorrectly. Thank Christ that He paid the penalty for that wrong choice and man's corresponding sins. All can claim Christ's payment if and when they accept Christ. Another choice stands before everlasting life and death in hell. Choose wisely.
So you're thanking god for giving you an ulcer? :lame2:

Sometimes God allows adversity as an opportunity to turn to Him in faith so that He may reply in grace. His servant, Job, suffered a great many trials but his faith was rewarded in the end.
Something along the lines of 580,000 people died from cancer alone last year in this country. I suppose that the Christians among that number who died didn't have quite the "faith" they needed, or they were just losers anyway so who cares if they died.

There's one fact of life that nothing will change because God keeps His promises. The penalty for sin is death. Whether that death occurs as a result of cancer or a car accident, death is inevitable. That's the death of the body. However, man can overcome the second death by accepting Christ as Savior and Redeemer (receiving everlasting life as a result). Reject Him and the second death is inevitable and unavoidable.
A few days ago, when things were looking really black, I got on my knees and asked Jesus:

"Look, I just need to know you're still there. That you haven't turned your back on me."

Then last night I swallowed a piece of chicken that was literally the "bit off more than I could chew" scenario.

For a 30 seconds to a minute I could not breathe at all. I flailed around choking. Made it to the kitchen sink and vomited out water.

After that I could breathe (barely). I croaked out to my daughter to call 911, which she did.

Long of the short. Squad came out. Took me to the hospital. That piece of meat was stuck in my esophagus, just blocking everything. I was vomiting my own saliva, because nothing could move.

They knocked me out, scoped me and shoved the thing down to my stomach to clear my air ways.

But when I woke up, they told me they discovered something, in my esophagus. I prepared myself. I thought they were going to tell me they found a tumor.

They found a rather big ulcer. that was in danger of becoming perforated. In fact, if it had continued, It could have become very serious.

Funny thing is, I never felt it. I literally had no pain with this ulcer. I have no idea it was there. They were surprised I had no pain with it. They said most people would have known something was wrong. I didn't.

If I had not choked on that meat, and had been scoped, I would have never known it was there, and it would have continued to get worse until it was perforated.

They put me on a restricted diet and I'm to see a doctor again in two weeks.

When I got home, I could just feel The Good Lord telling me. "You see that? I AM there. I haven't turned my back on you."

Blessings in disguise. That was definitely a blessing in disguise.

If you want to believe that a mythical sky fairy saved you from choking that's certainly your prerogative, but back in the real world what happened to you has happened to lots of other people including myself. I just had an endoscopy done a month ago because I've had a piece of meat stuck in my throat THREE times this year and after about an hour of vomiting and coughing water back up every time I tried to swallow some it ultimately dislodged on its own and went down. It turns out I too have an ulcer in my throat as well as eosinophilic esophagitis which I am now taking some meds for.

I am not religious, do not go to church, and never asked Jesus to let me know if he is still there and I too did not choke to death despite having your experience three times. A supernatural being didn't reach into your throat and bless you. You didn't choke for the same reason all the rest of us who have had this issue don't choke to death when it happens. The fact that a few days beforehand you chose to pray to a non-existent entity is nothing more than coincidence.
Lesson to be learned here is to take smaller bites.


Why do people cram such enormous amounts of food in their mouth?

Small bites, chew well.
Satan is the author of all sickness and disease

Actually viruses and bacteria are

Your so cerebral! if you wish to think that - fine, Don't Taz Me Bro. I get it that you are a highly intelligent man, but do not think you can figure out everything - Gods ways are higher than our ways and I'm telling you - Satan is the author of sickness! It's true! Sickness can be rebuked - fevers can be rebuked - Jesus rebuked the fever in Peter's mother in law and it left. I'm telling you. It's true! If it is in the Word of God - I believe it - that settles it for me. You'll be there one day. I KNOW YOU WILL. I believe it by faith! Then you'll laugh and say oh! I see it now!
Satan is the author of all sickness and disease

Actually viruses and bacteria are
Yeah. I had Bronchitis two years ago and no amount of rattling bones, burning incense, reading tea leaves or praying before plastic effigies worked to cure the infection. At least not until I took a ten day regimen of antibiotics, then, like magic, the rattling bones, burning incense, reading tea leaves and praying before plastic effigies actually worked.

Gawds work in strange and mysterious ways,
A few days ago, when things were looking really black, I got on my knees and asked Jesus:

"Look, I just need to know you're still there. That you haven't turned your back on me."

Then last night I swallowed a piece of chicken that was literally the "bit off more than I could chew" scenario.

For a 30 seconds to a minute I could not breathe at all. I flailed around choking. Made it to the kitchen sink and vomited out water.

After that I could breathe (barely). I croaked out to my daughter to call 911, which she did.

Long of the short. Squad came out. Took me to the hospital. That piece of meat was stuck in my esophagus, just blocking everything. I was vomiting my own saliva, because nothing could move.

They knocked me out, scoped me and shoved the thing down to my stomach to clear my air ways.

But when I woke up, they told me they discovered something, in my esophagus. I prepared myself. I thought they were going to tell me they found a tumor.

They found a rather big ulcer. that was in danger of becoming perforated. In fact, if it had continued, It could have become very serious.

Funny thing is, I never felt it. I literally had no pain with this ulcer. I have no idea it was there. They were surprised I had no pain with it. They said most people would have known something was wrong. I didn't.

If I had not choked on that meat, and had been scoped, I would have never known it was there, and it would have continued to get worse until it was perforated.

They put me on a restricted diet and I'm to see a doctor again in two weeks.

When I got home, I could just feel The Good Lord telling me. "You see that? I AM there. I haven't turned my back on you."

Blessings in disguise. That was definitely a blessing in disguise.

If you want to believe that a mythical sky fairy saved you from choking that's certainly your prerogative, but back in the real world what happened to you has happened to lots of other people including myself. I just had an endoscopy done a month ago because I've had a piece of meat stuck in my throat THREE times this year and after about an hour of vomiting and coughing water back up every time I tried to swallow some it ultimately dislodged on its own and went down. It turns out I too have an ulcer in my throat as well as eosinophilic esophagitis which I am now taking some meds for.

I am not religious, do not go to church, and never asked Jesus to let me know if he is still there and I too did not choke to death despite having your experience three times. A supernatural being didn't reach into your throat and bless you. You didn't choke for the same reason all the rest of us who have had this issue don't choke to death when it happens. The fact that a few days beforehand you chose to pray to a non-existent entity is nothing more than coincidence.

I wrote down your ailments and will be praying over your screen name that you are healed of this ulcer in your throat and the eosinophilic esophagitis goes, In Jesus name. I prayed for your toe. You haven't mentioned it - what is that feeling like these days? I'm telling you God answers prayer, Taz. He does!
Satan is the author of all sickness and disease

Actually viruses and bacteria are
Yeah. I had Bronchitis two years ago and no amount of rattling bones, burning incense, reading tea leaves or praying before plastic effigies worked to cure the infection. At least not until I took a ten day regimen of antibiotics, then, like magic, the rattling bones, burning incense, reading tea leaves and praying before plastic effigies actually worked.

Gawds work in strange and mysterious ways,
Jesus said you'll have whatever you say. Your confession was negative and you got what you said you'd have. Mystery solved, Holly. Next time do not be so stubborn and ask someone to pray for you instead.
A few days ago, when things were looking really black, I got on my knees and asked Jesus:

"Look, I just need to know you're still there. That you haven't turned your back on me."

Then last night I swallowed a piece of chicken that was literally the "bit off more than I could chew" scenario.

For a 30 seconds to a minute I could not breathe at all. I flailed around choking. Made it to the kitchen sink and vomited out water.

After that I could breathe (barely). I croaked out to my daughter to call 911, which she did.

Long of the short. Squad came out. Took me to the hospital. That piece of meat was stuck in my esophagus, just blocking everything. I was vomiting my own saliva, because nothing could move.

They knocked me out, scoped me and shoved the thing down to my stomach to clear my air ways.

But when I woke up, they told me they discovered something, in my esophagus. I prepared myself. I thought they were going to tell me they found a tumor.

They found a rather big ulcer. that was in danger of becoming perforated. In fact, if it had continued, It could have become very serious.

Funny thing is, I never felt it. I literally had no pain with this ulcer. I have no idea it was there. They were surprised I had no pain with it. They said most people would have known something was wrong. I didn't.

If I had not choked on that meat, and had been scoped, I would have never known it was there, and it would have continued to get worse until it was perforated.

They put me on a restricted diet and I'm to see a doctor again in two weeks.

When I got home, I could just feel The Good Lord telling me. "You see that? I AM there. I haven't turned my back on you."

Blessings in disguise. That was definitely a blessing in disguise.

If you want to believe that a mythical sky fairy saved you from choking that's certainly your prerogative, but back in the real world what happened to you has happened to lots of other people including myself. I just had an endoscopy done a month ago because I've had a piece of meat stuck in my throat THREE times this year and after about an hour of vomiting and coughing water back up every time I tried to swallow some it ultimately dislodged on its own and went down. It turns out I too have an ulcer in my throat as well as eosinophilic esophagitis which I am now taking some meds for.

I am not religious, do not go to church, and never asked Jesus to let me know if he is still there and I too did not choke to death despite having your experience three times. A supernatural being didn't reach into your throat and bless you. You didn't choke for the same reason all the rest of us who have had this issue don't choke to death when it happens. The fact that a few days beforehand you chose to pray to a non-existent entity is nothing more than coincidence.
X I disagree.

God saved his life. Twice. He's grateful and gave God the glory. You should try it too - God will answer more prayers for you in the future when you show a grateful heart. Seriously.

Sometimes Tea, we wander off, but God never does. I am so glad you are ok.

Pslam 46:1-3
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

That's why we praise His name in the sunshine and the rain.

Amen! The one the LORD gave me the other day is for Tea too! It is Psalm 145: 18,19,20, 21 That is for Tea! Be blessed, Tea! Jesus loves you!
Satan is the author of all sickness and disease

Actually viruses and bacteria are
Yeah. I had Bronchitis two years ago and no amount of rattling bones, burning incense, reading tea leaves or praying before plastic effigies worked to cure the infection. At least not until I took a ten day regimen of antibiotics, then, like magic, the rattling bones, burning incense, reading tea leaves and praying before plastic effigies actually worked.

Gawds work in strange and mysterious ways,
Jesus said you'll have whatever you say. Your confession was negative and you got what you said you'd have. Mystery solved, Holly. Next time do not be so stubborn and ask someone to pray for you instead.
You're saying I'm stubborn because I sought competent medical care instead of prayer to cure an illness.

You're scarin' me now.
No, you should definitely seek medical care - I never said you should not seek medical care - I just said that you got what you said you'd have. Your unbelief is working against you, Hollie. On top of that your just heaping up judgment upon yourself when you mock the LORD - so why do you not come to your senses, repent and ask Him to forgive your sins? You need to be saved, Hollie. You need the LORD. Do you think he couldn't forgive you of your sins? Ha. You're mistaken. The LORD will forgive you - humble yourself and repent.
Satan is the author of all sickness and disease

Actually viruses and bacteria are
Yeah. I had Bronchitis two years ago and no amount of rattling bones, burning incense, reading tea leaves or praying before plastic effigies worked to cure the infection. At least not until I took a ten day regimen of antibiotics, then, like magic, the rattling bones, burning incense, reading tea leaves and praying before plastic effigies actually worked.

Gawds work in strange and mysterious ways,
Jesus said you'll have whatever you say. Your confession was negative and you got what you said you'd have. Mystery solved, Holly. Next time do not be so stubborn and ask someone to pray for you instead.
You're saying I'm stubborn because I sought competent medical care instead of prayer to cure an illness.

You're scarin' me now.

You should be afraid every night when you go to sleep without Salvation, Hollie. You're playing Russian Roulette with your eternity - for what? For nothing. That's what. Wake up. You can repent - receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior and go to sleep tonight knowing that if you didn't wake up you'd be in heaven. Completely forgiven of your sins. What are you waiting for?
It is appointed to every man to die once. You, who have no faith, will meet the same fate.. Your belief or lack thereof does not change God's plan. The only difference is where you spend eternity.

You look at life and death as finite. God knows better, and has told you so. The time we spend in this condition is a wisp of time. It is not even 1 second of your eternal life.
So don't be concerned with worldly things. Set you mind on God. The best is yet to come. :)
It is appointed to every man to die once. You, who have no faith, will meet the same fate.. Your belief or lack thereof does not change God's plan. The only difference is where you spend eternity.

You look at life and death as finite. God knows better, and has told you so. The time we spend in this condition is a wisp of time. It is not even 1 second of your eternal life.
So don't be concerned with worldly things. Set you mind on God. The best is yet to come. :)

Jesus Christ is more eager to save these people then they are to be saved! His love for the lost is so great if there had been only one person on earth - he would have went to the cross for that one person! That is how much Jesus loves people!
Satan is the author of all sickness and disease

Actually viruses and bacteria are

Your so cerebral! if you wish to think that - fine, Don't Taz Me Bro.

I think it because it's a scientific fact. It's just that simple. If you believe God created all life on the planet then you have to believe he also created the Protista and the Monera, otherwise you're not being consistent in your beliefs.
I wrote down your ailments and will be praying over your screen name that you are healed of this ulcer in your throat and the eosinophilic esophagitis goes, In Jesus name. I prayed for your toe. You haven't mentioned it - what is that feeling like these days? I'm telling you God answers prayer, Taz. He does!

The toe has not healed
Satan is the author of all sickness and disease

Actually viruses and bacteria are

Your so cerebral! if you wish to think that - fine, Don't Taz Me Bro.

I think it because it's a scientific fact. It's just that simple. If you believe God created all life on the planet then you have to believe he also created the Protista and the Monera, otherwise you're not being consistent in your beliefs.

I'm just going to be up front, Don't taz me, Bro. I do not know what a Protista and a Monera is! Seriously, I do not have your level of education nor intelligence at all - never claimed to - I just know that God is the Creator of all things. Yes. All things.
Satan is the author of all sickness and disease

Actually viruses and bacteria are

Your so cerebral! if you wish to think that - fine, Don't Taz Me Bro.

I think it because it's a scientific fact. It's just that simple. If you believe God created all life on the planet then you have to believe he also created the Protista and the Monera, otherwise you're not being consistent in your beliefs.

I'm just going to be up front, Don't taz me, Bro. I do not know what a Protista and a Monera is! Seriously, I do not have your level of education nor intelligence at all - never claimed to - I just know that God is the Creator of all things. Yes. All things.

Then God created sickness and disease, not Satan.

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