Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

It's been a lot better actually. Again, slow growth and trillion dollar deficits. That's is straight awful. We have a president constantly manipulating the stock market with tweets. We are not in a good way.

Nobody's tweets can affect the stock market. Most don't even pay attention to what Trump says tweeting. They pay attention to what he's doing like lowering taxes, challenging our trading partners, and removing business regulations. That's what they are paying attention to.

But that begs the question: given that we have 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to do them, how much more growth would you like to see?
The market moves by 300+ points every time he says something about China trade. Where have you been? Look at today....

It has nothing to do what what Trump says, it has more to do with what's being reported.
Yeah it's a coincidence that every time he says something about China trade the market has a huge move up or down. What's being reported is what Trump said. Man you are lost.

People don't trade stocks based on tweets, they trade stocks based on actions. And the market has taken these ups and downs when Trump doesn't say anything, it's more reports on the foreign markets like Europe, who only wish they could have our economy.
Look at today. Trump says there probably won't be a trade deal till after the election. Stocks dropped like a rock. That's how it keeps happening. Wake up!
I could have retired 4 years before I did.
Figured I didnt want to get bored.
glad you found a sugar momma, deadbeat.

So how many pieces of hardware have you built for the NASA Shuttle program?
Or better yet how many parts did you make for the prototype F-22 Raptor?
Go pound sand piss're a nobody.
I hope you tell your wife you love her for all the support.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes ya feel better.
I've got nothing I need to feel better about. I find it funny you are a mooch though. haha know nothing about my Wife.
If you continue to make assumptions I just might report you.
My Wife gave me Blessings to take a three month adventure through Nevada,Cali and Nevada. I'd guess you cant afford that or your women wont let you do it.
Go ahead and weep ya piss ant. My Wife understands my wanderlust and trusts me to adhere to our wedding vows.
Maybe your boyfriends adherence to clean American values is lacking.
glad you found a sugar momma, deadbeat.

So how many pieces of hardware have you built for the NASA Shuttle program?
Or better yet how many parts did you make for the prototype F-22 Raptor?
Go pound sand piss're a nobody.
I hope you tell your wife you love her for all the support.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes ya feel better.
I've got nothing I need to feel better about. I find it funny you are a mooch though. haha know nothing about my Wife.
If you continue to make assumptions I just might report you.
My Wife gave me Blessings to take a three month adventure through Nevada,Cali and Nevada. I'd guess you cant afford that or your women wont let you do it.
Go ahead and weep ya piss ant. My Wife understands my wanderlust and trusts me to adhere to our wedding vows.
Maybe your boyfriends adherence to clean American values is lacking.
I'm glad you enjoy having a sugar momma.
glad you found a sugar momma, deadbeat.

So how many pieces of hardware have you built for the NASA Shuttle program?
Or better yet how many parts did you make for the prototype F-22 Raptor?
Go pound sand piss're a nobody.
I hope you tell your wife you love her for all the support.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes ya feel better.
I've got nothing I need to feel better about. I find it funny you are a mooch though. haha know nothing about my Wife.
If you continue to make assumptions I just might report you.
My Wife gave me Blessings to take a three month adventure through Nevada,Cali and Nevada. I'd guess you cant afford that or your women wont let you do it.
Go ahead and weep ya piss ant. My Wife understands my wanderlust and trusts me to adhere to our wedding vows.
Maybe your boyfriends adherence to clean American values is lacking.

I love the fantasies that people post on this forum!
So how many pieces of hardware have you built for the NASA Shuttle program?
Or better yet how many parts did you make for the prototype F-22 Raptor?
Go pound sand piss're a nobody.
I hope you tell your wife you love her for all the support.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes ya feel better.
I've got nothing I need to feel better about. I find it funny you are a mooch though. haha know nothing about my Wife.
If you continue to make assumptions I just might report you.
My Wife gave me Blessings to take a three month adventure through Nevada,Cali and Nevada. I'd guess you cant afford that or your women wont let you do it.
Go ahead and weep ya piss ant. My Wife understands my wanderlust and trusts me to adhere to our wedding vows.
Maybe your boyfriends adherence to clean American values is lacking.
I'm glad you enjoy having a sugar momma.

LOL....keep proving you're weak brain.
I hope you tell your wife you love her for all the support.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes ya feel better.
I've got nothing I need to feel better about. I find it funny you are a mooch though. haha know nothing about my Wife.
If you continue to make assumptions I just might report you.
My Wife gave me Blessings to take a three month adventure through Nevada,Cali and Nevada. I'd guess you cant afford that or your women wont let you do it.
Go ahead and weep ya piss ant. My Wife understands my wanderlust and trusts me to adhere to our wedding vows.
Maybe your boyfriends adherence to clean American values is lacking.
I'm glad you enjoy having a sugar momma.

LOL....keep proving you're weak brain.
I have a job, moocher.
So they got fired because they were full of corruption?
Will wonders never cease.....
Like you said, the workers know he was bad long before he was canned. Corruption protects them.

And incompetence exposes them.
You're thinking of the gov when it protects incompetent workers.
In the real world they get shit canned post haste because they have to answer to the stockholders.
Unlike union and gov workers.
That has always been true. But when Reagan started the average CEO made 40 times an average worker. Now it's over 300 times. What the hell are you talking about anyway LOL?

But when Reagan started the average CEO made 40 times an average worker. Now it's over 300 times.

Liar. Idiot.

Yeah, it is really only like 265-to-1

No, it really isn't.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Funny that. I turn my head to the right, to the left; I check my social media feeds. Hmm . . . everyone I know save for those still in high school makes a hell of a lot more than eighteen grand per year. I guess your study applies only to people MSN knows, huh? Face it. You and your ilk want, no need the American People to suffer. If they're not suffering, your political ideology goes to shit and POTUS is doing something right; something good. And you can't have that. So you'd rather believe people are suffering on a grand scale. Hell, you'd rather it be true, than President Trump accomplish anything at all or people improve themselves, live better lives. Your kind are the worst of the worst. Sellouts to an anti-American radical ideology that depends on the suffering of your fellow Americans to survive and thrive. Shame on you. Shame.
Bologna. We think will go with government statistics rather than your anecdotes.we have the worst any quality and worst upward Mobility ever anywhere and it is not fake news. Yours is.
Keep telling yourself that if it makes ya feel better.
I've got nothing I need to feel better about. I find it funny you are a mooch though. haha know nothing about my Wife.
If you continue to make assumptions I just might report you.
My Wife gave me Blessings to take a three month adventure through Nevada,Cali and Nevada. I'd guess you cant afford that or your women wont let you do it.
Go ahead and weep ya piss ant. My Wife understands my wanderlust and trusts me to adhere to our wedding vows.
Maybe your boyfriends adherence to clean American values is lacking.
I'm glad you enjoy having a sugar momma.

LOL....keep proving you're weak brain.
I have a job, moocher.

So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
I've got nothing I need to feel better about. I find it funny you are a mooch though. haha know nothing about my Wife.
If you continue to make assumptions I just might report you.
My Wife gave me Blessings to take a three month adventure through Nevada,Cali and Nevada. I'd guess you cant afford that or your women wont let you do it.
Go ahead and weep ya piss ant. My Wife understands my wanderlust and trusts me to adhere to our wedding vows.
Maybe your boyfriends adherence to clean American values is lacking.
I'm glad you enjoy having a sugar momma.

LOL....keep proving you're weak brain.
I have a job, moocher.

So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
Yeah, lotta you deadbeats out there. know nothing about my Wife.
If you continue to make assumptions I just might report you.
My Wife gave me Blessings to take a three month adventure through Nevada,Cali and Nevada. I'd guess you cant afford that or your women wont let you do it.
Go ahead and weep ya piss ant. My Wife understands my wanderlust and trusts me to adhere to our wedding vows.
Maybe your boyfriends adherence to clean American values is lacking.
I'm glad you enjoy having a sugar momma.

LOL....keep proving you're weak brain.
I have a job, moocher.

So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
Yeah, lotta you deadbeats out there.

Oh man are you jealous..... know nothing about my Wife.
If you continue to make assumptions I just might report you.
My Wife gave me Blessings to take a three month adventure through Nevada,Cali and Nevada. I'd guess you cant afford that or your women wont let you do it.
Go ahead and weep ya piss ant. My Wife understands my wanderlust and trusts me to adhere to our wedding vows.
Maybe your boyfriends adherence to clean American values is lacking.
I'm glad you enjoy having a sugar momma.

LOL....keep proving you're weak brain.
I have a job, moocher.

So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
Yeah, lotta you deadbeats out there.

Awww ...come on spoogy! Are you really gonna come out as a jealous little pussy?
Thats pretty weak all things considered.
I mean you really want to come out as a little bitch?
LOL....keep proving you're weak brain.
I have a job, moocher.

So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
Yeah, lotta you deadbeats out there.

Awww ...come on spoogy! Are you really gonna come out as a jealous little pussy?
Thats pretty weak all things considered.
I mean you really want to come out as a little bitch?
That's funny coming from the housewife. Hope you had dinner ready when she got home today...

Nah....I told her to stop at Olive Garden on the way home.
Wanted a bit of pasta.
So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
Yeah, lotta you deadbeats out there.

Oh man are you jealous.....
Nope, I couldn't waste my talents being supported by a sugar momma. That's just sad.

So tell me little pussy?
Where did you come up with your so called info?
My Wife will tell you you're full of shit.
So go ahead and talk trash about my Wife and see what happens.
Trash about your wife? I think it's very nice she took on a charity case like you. I'm talking trash about you, deadbeat.

Boy I could buy you like a ******.
So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
Yeah, lotta you deadbeats out there.

Oh man are you jealous.....
Nope, I couldn't waste my talents being supported by a sugar momma. That's just sad.

So tell me little pussy?
Where did you come up with your so called info?
My Wife will tell you you're full of shit.
So go ahead and talk trash about my Wife and see what happens.
Trash about your wife? I think it's very nice she took on a charity case like you. I'm talking trash about you, deadbeat.

I find it funny you talk like you do when my Wife wouldnt give trash like you the time of day.
She's a staunch Conservative and would spit in your face at the first opportunity.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,
........................................compared to the other half. lmao

LOL....keep proving you're weak brain.
I have a job, moocher.

So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
Yeah, lotta you deadbeats out there.

Awww ...come on spoogy! Are you really gonna come out as a jealous little pussy?
Thats pretty weak all things considered.
I mean you really want to come out as a little bitch?
That's funny coming from the housewife. Hope you had dinner ready when she got home today...

I'll tell you what's really funny. I haven't met a leftist on this forum yet that admitted to having a medium income blue collar job. All the leftist that post here all day tell me they are either independently wealthy, own their own company, work from home, or comfortably retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

Given the fact you also have been here all day, WTF do you do for a living? I bet you choose one of the items I listed above. Because you certainly can't tell me you have a blue collar full-time job spending your entire day here.

So I anxiously await your answer, just to prove my point.
I have a job, moocher.

So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
Yeah, lotta you deadbeats out there.

Awww ...come on spoogy! Are you really gonna come out as a jealous little pussy?
Thats pretty weak all things considered.
I mean you really want to come out as a little bitch?
That's funny coming from the housewife. Hope you had dinner ready when she got home today...

I'll tell you what's really funny. I haven't met a leftist on this forum yet that admitted to having a medium income blue collar job. All the leftist that post here all day tell me they are either independently wealthy, own their own company, work from home, or comfortably retired. Me? I'm the only truck driver here.

Given the fact you also have been here all day, WTF do you do for a living? I bet you choose one of the items I listed above. Because you certainly can't tell me you have a blue collar full-time job spending your entire day here.

So I anxiously await your answer, just to prove my point.

Dont hold your breath......
All liberals are making millions ........or they're making min wage.
Nah....I told her to stop at Olive Garden on the way home.
Wanted a bit of pasta.
You sure know how to mooch. Bravo.

So no one loves you....
No surprise there ya penis worshipper.
Says the guy who's dream was to be a housewife. Not my thing, but glad you are living the dream mooch.

Keep on poll smoking boy.
I dont see you getting ahead if ya dont.
No need, I'm doing quite well. You wouldn't understand as I'm not a mooch. It's man stuff.

Come on brain!!!
Tell me more about myself.
I have a job, moocher.

So you're still a punk.
I stopped needing a job almost a decade ago.
Good luck spooge.
Yeah, lotta you deadbeats out there.

Oh man are you jealous.....
Nope, I couldn't waste my talents being supported by a sugar momma. That's just sad.

So tell me little pussy?
Where did you come up with your so called info?
My Wife will tell you you're full of shit.
So go ahead and talk trash about my Wife and see what happens.

Come on franco!!
Give me some real info.

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