Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

And incompetence exposes them.
You're thinking of the gov when it protects incompetent workers.
In the real world they get shit canned post haste because they have to answer to the stockholders.
Unlike union and gov workers.
In your own example the workers knew the CEO was bad long before he was canned. How stupid are you?

Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
You dont invest in a CEO and let him go on a whim.
Within minutes the idiot says the complete opposite:
In the real world they get shit canned post haste because they have to answer to the stockholders.
Unlike union and gov workers.

Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
You dont invest in a CEO and let him go on a whim

What a clown.'ve never worked in the private sector.
That much is obvious.
I inspected the work of a National company and found the CEO lacking.
I couldnt just go in and say that if I had no evidence. It took over a year to prove it.
Unlike a gov agency where I'd get fired for trying.
Go fuck yourself ya loser.
get consistent with your lies. You will look like less of a clown.
You calling someone else a clown is hilarious

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You just said a bit ago in the real world they get canned post haste? Are you really this stupid?

When I say post haste I mean within a year of proving their incompetence.
Unlike unions and gov workers who are never shit canned.

So you laugh because you have no answer....
I win.
You are a flip flopping idiot. You have no clue. Pathetic.

So you've never worked in the private sector.
I've worked directly with billionaire CEO's. You on the other hand are a clown.

Sure you have.....
And who were these captains of industry?
In your own example the workers knew the CEO was bad long before he was canned. How stupid are you?

Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
You dont invest in a CEO and let him go on a whim.
Within minutes the idiot says the complete opposite:
In the real world they get shit canned post haste because they have to answer to the stockholders.
Unlike union and gov workers.

Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
You dont invest in a CEO and let him go on a whim

What a clown.'ve never worked in the private sector.
That much is obvious.
I inspected the work of a National company and found the CEO lacking.
I couldnt just go in and say that if I had no evidence. It took over a year to prove it.
Unlike a gov agency where I'd get fired for trying.
Go fuck yourself ya loser.
get consistent with your lies. You will look like less of a clown.
You calling someone else a clown is hilarious

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Let me know if you ever have a point. You just babble.
When I say post haste I mean within a year of proving their incompetence.
Unlike unions and gov workers who are never shit canned.

So you laugh because you have no answer....
I win.
You are a flip flopping idiot. You have no clue. Pathetic.

So you've never worked in the private sector.
I've worked directly with billionaire CEO's. You on the other hand are a clown.

Sure you have.....
And who were these captains of industry?
Not your business, but you would know them. Do you even work? Most the righties on here are grumpy old nothings.
Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
You dont invest in a CEO and let him go on a whim.
Within minutes the idiot says the complete opposite:
In the real world they get shit canned post haste because they have to answer to the stockholders.
Unlike union and gov workers.

Holy fuck you're stupid!!!
You dont invest in a CEO and let him go on a whim

What a clown.'ve never worked in the private sector.
That much is obvious.
I inspected the work of a National company and found the CEO lacking.
I couldnt just go in and say that if I had no evidence. It took over a year to prove it.
Unlike a gov agency where I'd get fired for trying.
Go fuck yourself ya loser.
get consistent with your lies. You will look like less of a clown.
You calling someone else a clown is hilarious

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Let me know if you ever have a point. You just babble.
More hilarity ensues

You won't even answer a simple question

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So you laugh because you have no answer....
I win.
You are a flip flopping idiot. You have no clue. Pathetic.

So you've never worked in the private sector.
I've worked directly with billionaire CEO's. You on the other hand are a clown.

Sure you have.....
And who were these captains of industry?
Not your business, but you would know them. Do you even work? Most the righties on here are grumpy old nothings.

LOL....Ya got nothing like all your type.
I retired at 46,how about you wet spot?
You are a flip flopping idiot. You have no clue. Pathetic.

So you've never worked in the private sector.
I've worked directly with billionaire CEO's. You on the other hand are a clown.

Sure you have.....
And who were these captains of industry?
Not your business, but you would know them. Do you even work? Most the righties on here are grumpy old nothings.

LOL....Ya got nothing like all your type.
I retired at 46,how about you wet spot?
Ah that explains why you are so out of reality. And how long ago was that? Wife probably supporting you now? haha
American CEOs claim to be rare. But they are no more rare than CEOs in international corporations. Yet, they are paid significantly higher.

Over the last three decades, American CEOs have seen significant increases in their compensation. Yet, American companies have not done significantly better

So what does employees pay have to do with what a CEO makes? It's totally irrelevant.
Not really
It relates to the distribution of company profit.
The workers used to get a larger slice of the pie. The amount of profit that goes to workers has decreased, while the amount going to executive compensation has increased

After enough time, corporations realized it was not a successful plan. Paying workers more money does not equal greater profit. Paying a CEO more money does.
Not according to the studies I have seen. Your claim is baseless.
No more baseless than your assumptions that employees will be paid more if a ceo takes a pay cut

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It’s more than just the CEOs but the entire executive sector
The profit is there, workers used to get a larger percentage of the profit in wages and benefits. They no longer do
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

Funny that. I turn my head to the right, to the left; I check my social media feeds. Hmm . . . everyone I know save for those still in high school makes a hell of a lot more than eighteen grand per year. I guess your study applies only to people MSN knows, huh? Face it. You and your ilk want, no need the American People to suffer. If they're not suffering, your political ideology goes to shit and POTUS is doing something right; something good. And you can't have that. So you'd rather believe people are suffering on a grand scale. Hell, you'd rather it be true, than President Trump accomplish anything at all or people improve themselves, live better lives. Your kind are the worst of the worst. Sellouts to an anti-American radical ideology that depends on the suffering of your fellow Americans to survive and thrive. Shame on you. Shame.
Correct, I don't have a clue because I wasn't there. It has nothing to do with working in business. You don't know either. But why else would a company keep a guy around that isn't doing the best of jobs? What I do know is that CEO's are not hourly or salary workers. They are contract workers. So the only reasonable conclusion is they were going to not renew his contract, and let him continue working until that time. Companies do that all the time.
You know nothing ray. Everything you say sounds like it came from a business college professor who also never worked in business. It's all fantasy, it's how it should be. The reality is that it's filled with corruption. Why do you think bad ceos get golden parachute deals?

7 CEOs with the biggest golden parachutes in tech and media

Because it's part of the deal they made and in their contract when they took the job.
And you can't see the corruption in that? I'm going to take this highly paid job and when you have to can me when I suck you are going to give me a huge payout. You are honestly oblivious to how the business world is loaded with corruption? CEOs get these sweet deals because boards are filled with other CEOs who also want sweet deals. It's a complete scam.

Fine, think it's a scam all you want, but if you really want that CEO working for you, an acceptable offer has to be presented. If that's what it takes to get the employee, then you have the choice to accommodate or decline. I don't know how you can call it corrupt when that's the way business deals are made all the time. Just because you can't land a position like that doesn't mean it's a scam when others can.
Yes cause it's good practice to overpay a bad ceo and then pay them a fortune when you fire them. Nothing wrong with that....

No, there is not. Just like when a famous actor or actress is paid 15 million dollars for a single movie, and it flops. Or if a very popular band gets a recording contract for ten million dollars based on past sales, and they can't sell it at half price. That's the way it's done.

It's their risk they are taking on--not yours. Nothing is guaranteed. A company of any kind has to take their chances when they are in the businesses they are in.

Now if you object to these business practices, don't buy their products, don't use their services, boycott those baseball or football games, don't buy any recordings from that favorite band of yours. But I'm willing to bet that if you do have a managed IRA, one of the companies they invested your money into made similar business dealings as described.
So what does employees pay have to do with what a CEO makes? It's totally irrelevant.
Not really
It relates to the distribution of company profit.
The workers used to get a larger slice of the pie. The amount of profit that goes to workers has decreased, while the amount going to executive compensation has increased

After enough time, corporations realized it was not a successful plan. Paying workers more money does not equal greater profit. Paying a CEO more money does.
Not according to the studies I have seen. Your claim is baseless.
No more baseless than your assumptions that employees will be paid more if a ceo takes a pay cut

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It’s more than just the CEOs but the entire executive sector
The profit is there, workers used to get a larger percentage of the profit in wages and benefits. They no longer do
There are lots of profits. The system is against workers now with non competes and so many near monopolies.
American CEOs claim to be rare. But they are no more rare than CEOs in international corporations. Yet, they are paid significantly higher.

Over the last three decades, American CEOs have seen significant increases in their compensation. Yet, American companies have not done significantly better

So what does employees pay have to do with what a CEO makes? It's totally irrelevant.
Not really
It relates to the distribution of company profit.
The workers used to get a larger slice of the pie. The amount of profit that goes to workers has decreased, while the amount going to executive compensation has increased

After enough time, corporations realized it was not a successful plan. Paying workers more money does not equal greater profit. Paying a CEO more money does. long as they're good at what they do.
If not they can be fired just like the rest of us if we/they dont live up to expectations.

Correct, and CEO's get fired all the time. I don't know if Crane's still has their magazine out, but in it, there are pages of CEO's who are going to other companies. Those pages are included in every issue. So it's happening all the time.
Yea...they get fired with a Golden Parachute then pop up somewhere else
You know nothing ray. Everything you say sounds like it came from a business college professor who also never worked in business. It's all fantasy, it's how it should be. The reality is that it's filled with corruption. Why do you think bad ceos get golden parachute deals?

7 CEOs with the biggest golden parachutes in tech and media

Because it's part of the deal they made and in their contract when they took the job.
And you can't see the corruption in that? I'm going to take this highly paid job and when you have to can me when I suck you are going to give me a huge payout. You are honestly oblivious to how the business world is loaded with corruption? CEOs get these sweet deals because boards are filled with other CEOs who also want sweet deals. It's a complete scam.

Fine, think it's a scam all you want, but if you really want that CEO working for you, an acceptable offer has to be presented. If that's what it takes to get the employee, then you have the choice to accommodate or decline. I don't know how you can call it corrupt when that's the way business deals are made all the time. Just because you can't land a position like that doesn't mean it's a scam when others can.
Yes cause it's good practice to overpay a bad ceo and then pay them a fortune when you fire them. Nothing wrong with that....

No, there is not. Just like when a famous actor or actress is paid 15 million dollars for a single movie, and it flops. Or if a very popular band gets a recording contract for ten million dollars based on past sales, and they can't sell it at half price. That's the way it's done.

It's their risk they are taking on--not yours. Nothing is guaranteed. A company of any kind has to take their chances when they are in the businesses they are in.

Now if you object to these business practices, don't buy their products, don't use their services, boycott those baseball or football games, don't buy any recordings from that favorite band of yours. But I'm willing to bet that if you do have a managed IRA, one of the companies they invested your money into made similar business dealings such as described.
With so many near monopolies not buying their products is hardly an option. It's different when the board loaded with ceos hires the ceo for a huge salary knowing it will lead to them also getting increases in the future. Amazing you can't see the difference.
So what does employees pay have to do with what a CEO makes? It's totally irrelevant.
Not really
It relates to the distribution of company profit.
The workers used to get a larger slice of the pie. The amount of profit that goes to workers has decreased, while the amount going to executive compensation has increased

After enough time, corporations realized it was not a successful plan. Paying workers more money does not equal greater profit. Paying a CEO more money does. long as they're good at what they do.
If not they can be fired just like the rest of us if we/they dont live up to expectations.

Correct, and CEO's get fired all the time. I don't know if Crane's still has their magazine out, but in it, there are pages of CEO's who are going to other companies. Those pages are included in every issue. So it's happening all the time.
Yea...they get fired with a Golden Parachute then pop up somewhere else
It's who you know, not performance....
Not really
It relates to the distribution of company profit.
The workers used to get a larger slice of the pie. The amount of profit that goes to workers has decreased, while the amount going to executive compensation has increased

After enough time, corporations realized it was not a successful plan. Paying workers more money does not equal greater profit. Paying a CEO more money does.
Not according to the studies I have seen. Your claim is baseless.
No more baseless than your assumptions that employees will be paid more if a ceo takes a pay cut

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It’s more than just the CEOs but the entire executive sector
The profit is there, workers used to get a larger percentage of the profit in wages and benefits. They no longer do
There are lots of profits. The system is against workers now with non competes and so many near monopolies.
There are so many scams against workers now. Games with their employee status, hours, management status
Because it's part of the deal they made and in their contract when they took the job.
And you can't see the corruption in that? I'm going to take this highly paid job and when you have to can me when I suck you are going to give me a huge payout. You are honestly oblivious to how the business world is loaded with corruption? CEOs get these sweet deals because boards are filled with other CEOs who also want sweet deals. It's a complete scam.

Fine, think it's a scam all you want, but if you really want that CEO working for you, an acceptable offer has to be presented. If that's what it takes to get the employee, then you have the choice to accommodate or decline. I don't know how you can call it corrupt when that's the way business deals are made all the time. Just because you can't land a position like that doesn't mean it's a scam when others can.
Yes cause it's good practice to overpay a bad ceo and then pay them a fortune when you fire them. Nothing wrong with that....

No, there is not. Just like when a famous actor or actress is paid 15 million dollars for a single movie, and it flops. Or if a very popular band gets a recording contract for ten million dollars based on past sales, and they can't sell it at half price. That's the way it's done.

It's their risk they are taking on--not yours. Nothing is guaranteed. A company of any kind has to take their chances when they are in the businesses they are in.

Now if you object to these business practices, don't buy their products, don't use their services, boycott those baseball or football games, don't buy any recordings from that favorite band of yours. But I'm willing to bet that if you do have a managed IRA, one of the companies they invested your money into made similar business dealings such as described.
With so many near monopolies not buying their products is hardly an option. It's different when the board loaded with ceos hires the ceo for a huge salary knowing it will lead to them also getting increases in the future. Amazing you can't see the difference.

That's the way bushiness is done, and outside of boycotting it, there is nothing you can do about it.
So what does employees pay have to do with what a CEO makes? It's totally irrelevant.
Not really
It relates to the distribution of company profit.
The workers used to get a larger slice of the pie. The amount of profit that goes to workers has decreased, while the amount going to executive compensation has increased

After enough time, corporations realized it was not a successful plan. Paying workers more money does not equal greater profit. Paying a CEO more money does. long as they're good at what they do.
If not they can be fired just like the rest of us if we/they dont live up to expectations.

Correct, and CEO's get fired all the time. I don't know if Crane's still has their magazine out, but in it, there are pages of CEO's who are going to other companies. Those pages are included in every issue. So it's happening all the time.
Yea...they get fired with a Golden Parachute then pop up somewhere else

Yes they do, it's part of their contract with the company.
So you've never worked in the private sector.
I've worked directly with billionaire CEO's. You on the other hand are a clown.

Sure you have.....
And who were these captains of industry?
Not your business, but you would know them. Do you even work? Most the righties on here are grumpy old nothings.

LOL....Ya got nothing like all your type.
I retired at 46,how about you wet spot?
Ah that explains why you are so out of reality. And how long ago was that? Wife probably supporting you now? haha

Around eight years ago wet spot.
And I'm still doing whatever the fuck I want to.

Like buying this 34k travel trailer that normally goes for 40k.

.....oh,for cash.
And you can't see the corruption in that? I'm going to take this highly paid job and when you have to can me when I suck you are going to give me a huge payout. You are honestly oblivious to how the business world is loaded with corruption? CEOs get these sweet deals because boards are filled with other CEOs who also want sweet deals. It's a complete scam.

Fine, think it's a scam all you want, but if you really want that CEO working for you, an acceptable offer has to be presented. If that's what it takes to get the employee, then you have the choice to accommodate or decline. I don't know how you can call it corrupt when that's the way business deals are made all the time. Just because you can't land a position like that doesn't mean it's a scam when others can.
Yes cause it's good practice to overpay a bad ceo and then pay them a fortune when you fire them. Nothing wrong with that....

No, there is not. Just like when a famous actor or actress is paid 15 million dollars for a single movie, and it flops. Or if a very popular band gets a recording contract for ten million dollars based on past sales, and they can't sell it at half price. That's the way it's done.

It's their risk they are taking on--not yours. Nothing is guaranteed. A company of any kind has to take their chances when they are in the businesses they are in.

Now if you object to these business practices, don't buy their products, don't use their services, boycott those baseball or football games, don't buy any recordings from that favorite band of yours. But I'm willing to bet that if you do have a managed IRA, one of the companies they invested your money into made similar business dealings such as described.
With so many near monopolies not buying their products is hardly an option. It's different when the board loaded with ceos hires the ceo for a huge salary knowing it will lead to them also getting increases in the future. Amazing you can't see the difference.

That's the way bushiness is done, and outside of boycotting it, there is nothing you can do about it.
Correct and our economy suffers. This is why we have very slow growth. We no longer have capitalism, just this twisted cronyism.
I've worked directly with billionaire CEO's. You on the other hand are a clown.

Sure you have.....
And who were these captains of industry?
Not your business, but you would know them. Do you even work? Most the righties on here are grumpy old nothings.

LOL....Ya got nothing like all your type.
I retired at 46,how about you wet spot?
Ah that explains why you are so out of reality. And how long ago was that? Wife probably supporting you now? haha

Around eight years ago wet spot.
And I'm still doing whatever the fuck I want to.View attachment 293062
Like buying this 34k travel trailer that normally goes for 40k.

.....oh,for cash.
Yeah so you mooch off the wife right deadbeat?

Have you ever noticed real successful people don't retire real early? Just you deadbeats....

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