Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

44% of all workers—qualify as “low-wage.” Their median hourly wages are $10.22, and median annual earnings are about $18,000

What a muddled claim.

So half of these "low-wage" workers earn more than $18,000 a year, half earn less.
Half earn less than $10.22 an hour, half earn more.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,

If we booted 20 million low wage illegals, low wage Americans would earn more.
No kidding? Have you thought about arresting their enablers for stealing good wages away from legal citizens? Hell no, because a coward wouldn't do such a thing. Those folks blame the symptom not the cause. That's why they are called cowards.

Have you thought about arresting their enablers for stealing good wages away from legal citizens?

Sure, why not?

Mandate E-Verify and if an employer hires someone with fake ID, throw them in jail while
you deport the illegal alien hire.

After the first thousand publicized arrests, illegals would be running away from their jobs.
Go after the employers who are the criminals. The illegals are just responding to an open invitation thanks to the GOP refusal of an ID card and enforcement. E-verify will not work without a good ID card and some goddamn organization for crying out loud...

Go after the employers who are the criminals.

And the illegal aliens who are also criminals.
Actually, overwhelmingly hard workers and great people who have been invited here by the GOP for decades. And still doing it...

Yup, boot the hard working criminals too.

Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis
Craig Wong The Canadian Press Published Friday, December 6, 2019 8:50 AM ESTLast Updated Friday, December 6, 2019 1:28 PM EST

OTTAWA -- The Canadian economy posted its biggest monthly job loss since the financial crisis in November, pushing the unemployment rate higher and raising the possibility the Bank of Canada may cut interest rates next year.

Statistics Canada said Friday the economy lost 71,200 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rose four-tenths of a percentage point to 5.9 per cent to its highest point since August 2018 when it hit six per cent.
Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis

Isn't Canada being run by far-left Liberals?
Only You brainwashed functional morons think one month means something. They have 350,000 more jobs than this time last year. From your link. How many times do I have to tell you, brainwashed functional moron?
They also have a living wage free healthcare paid parental leave cheap college and training just like every other modern country but us thanks to you idiots and your scumbag leaders.

What is their unemployment rate and what is ours today?

Yeah, they have "free" inferior health care.

And our catastrophic health insurance if we incur a million in costs versus Canada? :auiqs.jpg:We are all one illness away from losing everything we ever worked for in our lives. Do you know how many of those out there exist, or will exist? Ha dumb ass, here's a friggin clue for you; way more than any benefit from having private health care, because at that point, private health care is worth teats. The problem folks, is these idiots aren't smart enough to understand the difference between limits with private care, versus universal care and no limits or risk.

Losing your liberty is a huge risk.

Don't you people understand, that once you surrender your healthcare to government, government gets to control your lives. They will be able to tell you what you can eat, what you can drink, how much of it you can drink, and what kind of activities you are allowed to participate in. I don't want government in charge of turning off my television or internet because they don't want me laying around too much, and to get some exercise.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

And don't say that can't happen here, because once government controls healthcare, it can.
That is the conservatives in the UK screwing over people dumbass. The conservatives in the UK are the second-worst party in the modern world. They don't spend enough on Healthcare in the UK. Here we spend 18%, in France 12% for the best Healthcare anywhere, and lowest is the UK about 8% thanks to their scumbag conservatives....
Only You brainwashed functional morons think one month means something. They have 350,000 more jobs than this time last year. From your link. How many times do I have to tell you, brainwashed functional moron?
They also have a living wage free healthcare paid parental leave cheap college and training just like every other modern country but us thanks to you idiots and your scumbag leaders.

What is their unemployment rate and what is ours today?

Yeah, they have "free" inferior health care.

And our catastrophic health insurance if we incur a million in costs versus Canada? :auiqs.jpg:We are all one illness away from losing everything we ever worked for in our lives. Do you know how many of those out there exist, or will exist? Ha dumb ass, here's a friggin clue for you; way more than any benefit from having private health care, because at that point, private health care is worth teats. The problem folks, is these idiots aren't smart enough to understand the difference between limits with private care, versus universal care and no limits or risk.

Losing your liberty is a huge risk.

Don't you people understand, that once you surrender your healthcare to government, government gets to control your lives. They will be able to tell you what you can eat, what you can drink, how much of it you can drink, and what kind of activities you are allowed to participate in. I don't want government in charge of turning off my television or internet because they don't want me laying around too much, and to get some exercise.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

And don't say that can't happen here, because once government controls healthcare, it can.
What a load of crap. It is not government-run, it is simply organized by the government, the way it is paid for.
Split that hair how you like, but if government is "organizing" the way it's paid for, they are controlling it. Period.

And yes we need a hell of a lot more transparency so that there is actual competition. Which the GOP has blocked forever since they are totally owned by Big House big Pharma Big oil big money you name it, brainwashed functional moron.

We need to keep government out of it, entirely.
No kidding? Have you thought about arresting their enablers for stealing good wages away from legal citizens? Hell no, because a coward wouldn't do such a thing. Those folks blame the symptom not the cause. That's why they are called cowards.

Have you thought about arresting their enablers for stealing good wages away from legal citizens?

Sure, why not?

Mandate E-Verify and if an employer hires someone with fake ID, throw them in jail while
you deport the illegal alien hire.

After the first thousand publicized arrests, illegals would be running away from their jobs.
Go after the employers who are the criminals. The illegals are just responding to an open invitation thanks to the GOP refusal of an ID card and enforcement. E-verify will not work without a good ID card and some goddamn organization for crying out loud...

Go after the employers who are the criminals.

And the illegal aliens who are also criminals.
Actually, overwhelmingly hard workers and great people who have been invited here by the GOP for decades. And still doing it...

Yup, boot the hard working criminals too.
way to keep this mess going forever, brainwashed functional moron racist a******....
They also have a living wage free healthcare paid parental leave cheap college and training just like every other modern country but us thanks to you idiots and your scumbag leaders.

What is their unemployment rate and what is ours today?

Yeah, they have "free" inferior health care.

And our catastrophic health insurance if we incur a million in costs versus Canada? :auiqs.jpg:We are all one illness away from losing everything we ever worked for in our lives. Do you know how many of those out there exist, or will exist? Ha dumb ass, here's a friggin clue for you; way more than any benefit from having private health care, because at that point, private health care is worth teats. The problem folks, is these idiots aren't smart enough to understand the difference between limits with private care, versus universal care and no limits or risk.

Losing your liberty is a huge risk.

Don't you people understand, that once you surrender your healthcare to government, government gets to control your lives. They will be able to tell you what you can eat, what you can drink, how much of it you can drink, and what kind of activities you are allowed to participate in. I don't want government in charge of turning off my television or internet because they don't want me laying around too much, and to get some exercise.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

And don't say that can't happen here, because once government controls healthcare, it can.
What a load of crap. It is not government-run, it is simply organized by the government, the way it is paid for.
Split that hair how you like, but if government is "organizing" the way it's paid for, they are controlling it. Period.

And yes we need a hell of a lot more transparency so that there is actual competition. Which the GOP has blocked forever since they are totally owned by Big House big Pharma Big oil big money you name it, brainwashed functional moron.

We need to keep government out of it, entirely.
That is how we got to 18% of GDP Healthcare with no guaranteed Healthcare, brainwash functional moron. And perfect dupe of corporate assholes...
What is their unemployment rate and what is ours today?

Yeah, they have "free" inferior health care.

And our catastrophic health insurance if we incur a million in costs versus Canada? :auiqs.jpg:We are all one illness away from losing everything we ever worked for in our lives. Do you know how many of those out there exist, or will exist? Ha dumb ass, here's a friggin clue for you; way more than any benefit from having private health care, because at that point, private health care is worth teats. The problem folks, is these idiots aren't smart enough to understand the difference between limits with private care, versus universal care and no limits or risk.

Losing your liberty is a huge risk.

Don't you people understand, that once you surrender your healthcare to government, government gets to control your lives. They will be able to tell you what you can eat, what you can drink, how much of it you can drink, and what kind of activities you are allowed to participate in. I don't want government in charge of turning off my television or internet because they don't want me laying around too much, and to get some exercise.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

And don't say that can't happen here, because once government controls healthcare, it can.
What a load of crap. It is not government-run, it is simply organized by the government, the way it is paid for.
Split that hair how you like, but if government is "organizing" the way it's paid for, they are controlling it. Period.

And yes we need a hell of a lot more transparency so that there is actual competition. Which the GOP has blocked forever since they are totally owned by Big House big Pharma Big oil big money you name it, brainwashed functional moron.

We need to keep government out of it, entirely.
That is how we got to 18% of GDP Healthcare with no guaranteed Healthcare time of brainwash functional moron. And perfect dupe of corporate assholes...

I'm really not. I'm trying to prevent corporate assholes from controlling markets via government regulation. You're helping them to do just that.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,


Your desperation is duly noted!

Which means, MORE THAN HALF of Americans are in HIGH PAYING JOBS!
You can prove that right? Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

What would I have to prove? One of our far-left Trolls, Rightwinger, stated it by starting this thread.
Last edited:
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,


Your desperation is duly noted!

Which means, MORE THAN HALF of Americans are in HIGH PAYING JOBS!
You can prove that right? Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

What would I have to prove? Our far-left Troll, Rightwinger, stated it by starting this thread.

but you made the stupid ass claim that if half the country is in low paying jobs the other half has to be in high paying if there is nothing in the middle of those two things.

Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis
Craig Wong The Canadian Press Published Friday, December 6, 2019 8:50 AM ESTLast Updated Friday, December 6, 2019 1:28 PM EST

OTTAWA -- The Canadian economy posted its biggest monthly job loss since the financial crisis in November, pushing the unemployment rate higher and raising the possibility the Bank of Canada may cut interest rates next year.

Statistics Canada said Friday the economy lost 71,200 jobs last month and the unemployment rate rose four-tenths of a percentage point to 5.9 per cent to its highest point since August 2018 when it hit six per cent.
Canadian economy posts biggest monthly job loss since financial crisis

Isn't Canada being run by far-left Liberals?
Only You brainwashed functional morons think one month means something. They have 350,000 more jobs than this time last year. From your link. How many times do I have to tell you, brainwashed functional moron?
They also have a living wage free healthcare paid parental leave cheap college and training just like every other modern country but us thanks to you idiots and your scumbag leaders.

What is their unemployment rate and what is ours today?

Yeah, they have "free" inferior health care.

The only modern country withan inferior Healthcare system is the United States. Healthcare is 18% of GDP here and so many people are not even covered, thanks a lot g o p for an incredible scam system forever. We are the richest country in the world and the only modern country without Healthcare living wage hey daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Thanks GOP scumbags and silly dupes like you. Everything you know is wrong, ignoramus.

Inferior? If you ever get cancer, go to Mexico, or Canada for care, stupid fuck....
And thanks to Obamacare, they don't even cut you off anymore.... Now go after the costs, brainwashed functional moron. And try and remain calm... LOL
In 1953, Charles E. Wilson, then the president of General Motors, famously told a congressional committee that “what was good for our country was good for General Motors, and vice versa

Instead allegiance to America as in Charlie Wilson’s time GM’s first love now is china

thats sad

are you honestly this stupid or is this just an act for the internet?

GM sells cars and trucks...that is their reason for existence.

Why should they limit that to only Americans? That is just fucking stupid.

Them selling cars to Chinese people is not an attack on America, it is not about them loving is about them loving profit....which is all they should love.

And you lack the basic integrity to admit you were wrong about them selling cars to China.

You do nothing but parrot GOP talking points.
They love capitalism making money but they sell cars to the enemies of Capitalism who would see Capitalism crushed and defeated in the name of Communism. They are digging the knife in their own backs.

China is not the enemy of Capitalism, they are becoming more and more capitalist all the time. The plan for dominance revolves around Capitalism. They are investing in future customers and suppliers as we pull back behind our all and our tariffs. We are letting them take our spot as the world leading in trade and commerce.
Only You brainwashed functional morons think one month means something. They have 350,000 more jobs than this time last year. From your link. How many times do I have to tell you, brainwashed functional moron?
They also have a living wage free healthcare paid parental leave cheap college and training just like every other modern country but us thanks to you idiots and your scumbag leaders.

What is their unemployment rate and what is ours today?

Yeah, they have "free" inferior health care.

The only modern country withan inferior Healthcare system is the United States. Healthcare is 18% of GDP here and so many people are not even covered, thanks a lot g o p for an incredible scam system forever. We are the richest country in the world and the only modern country without Healthcare living wage hey daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Thanks GOP scumbags and silly dupes like you. Everything you know is wrong, ignoramus.

Inferior? If you ever get cancer, go to Mexico, or Canada for care, stupid fuck....
And thanks to Obamacare, they don't even cut you off anymore.... Now go after the costs, brainwashed functional moron. And try and remain calm... LOL

You're too drunk to post coherently - again..
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.
Typical submissive, subservient, idiot to a system that has been fucking you in the ass for forty years. Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart' Get a clue dumb ass, and stop drinking the Oligarch Kool-aid.

Please be specific. How much came out of your pocket because a few people earned a lot more money than you? Why does it matter?

As Walter Williams, Ph.D. said: "These people would have an argument if there were piles of money on the ground called income, with billionaires and millionaires surreptitiously getting to those piles first and taking their unfair shares. In that case, corrective public policy would require a redistribution of the income, wherein the ill-gotten gains of the few would be taken and returned to their rightful owners. The same could be said if there were a dealer of dollars who — because of his being a racist, sexist, multinationalist and maybe a Republican — didn’t deal the dollars fairly. If he dealt millions to some and mere crumbs to others, decent public policy would demand a re-dealing of the dollars, or what some call income redistribution.

You say, “Williams, that’s lunacy.” You’re right. In a free society, people earn income by serving their fellow man."

Is he right or wrong? That is not an essay question.

China is not the enemy of Capitalism, they are becoming more and more capitalist all the time. The plan for dominance revolves around Capitalism. They are investing in future customers and suppliers as we pull back behind our all and our tariffs. We are letting them take our spot as the world leading in trade and commerce.

Chinese troll said WHAT? :eek:

What a fucking idiot.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.
What do you think caused this economic change?

I'm no economist, but I heard that the US received a large economic boom following WWII, which in some form or another is responsible for the mass consumerism we have today compared to the 1950s and before.

I don't buy into over romanticism of the past, but this seems to be a factor in economic cycles - the US went through a similar consumerist boom in the Roaring 20s. The past had its evils, just as the present does, and future will.

I believe many Americans today are sheltered, consumerist, and degenerate, and that it's a generational thing.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those wonderful high paying retail jobs.

So what was life like, Comrade? 800 square foot house? No air conditioning. 1 car if you were lucky. One black and white 19 inch TV. Hot dogs and hamburger helper for most dinners. Maybe go out to eat twice a year. If you want a drink, get it from the hose, no soda and sure the fuck no Red Bull. Hang the wash in the back yard, couldn't afford a dryer.

China is not the enemy of Capitalism, they are becoming more and more capitalist all the time. The plan for dominance revolves around Capitalism. They are investing in future customers and suppliers as we pull back behind our all and our tariffs. We are letting them take our spot as the world leading in trade and commerce.

Chinese troll said WHAT? :eek:

What a fucking idiot.


I am sorry that you lack the IQ to see beyond the party talking points. But I cannot help the willfully ignorant.
Other countries invent a lot of new drugs without this incredible GOP scam.

Prove to us which country, or group of countries for that matter who have developed more life-extending, life-saving drugs, new technology, and new medical procedures than the United States.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.
What do you think caused this economic change?

I'm no economist, but I heard that the US received a large economic boom following WWII, which in some form or another is responsible for the mass consumerism we have today compared to the 1950s and before.

I don't buy into over romanticism of the past, but this seems to be a factor in economic cycles - the US went through a similar consumerist boom in the Roaring 20s.

People could EASILY live a 1950's lifestyle on one income. People simply will not live that lifestyle anymore. One land line for the house? :eek: Nope, each child has a $1,200 iPhone..

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