Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

Obviously dimwit Dupe we want less inequality

Specifically why?

You're talking about communism instead of socialism everywhere around the world but your bubble of Bologna.Why? Because we have the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history, all to save your greedy idiot GOP mega-rich from paying their fair share. we have to invest in America and Americans again....
Losing your liberty is a huge risk.

Don't you people understand, that once you surrender your healthcare to government, government gets to control your lives. They will be able to tell you what you can eat, what you can drink, how much of it you can drink, and what kind of activities you are allowed to participate in. I don't want government in charge of turning off my television or internet because they don't want me laying around too much, and to get some exercise.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

And don't say that can't happen here, because once government controls healthcare, it can.
What a load of crap. It is not government-run, it is simply organized by the government, the way it is paid for.
Split that hair how you like, but if government is "organizing" the way it's paid for, they are controlling it. Period.

And yes we need a hell of a lot more transparency so that there is actual competition. Which the GOP has blocked forever since they are totally owned by Big House big Pharma Big oil big money you name it, brainwashed functional moron.

We need to keep government out of it, entirely.
That is how we got to 18% of GDP Healthcare with no guaranteed Healthcare time of brainwash functional moron. And perfect dupe of corporate assholes...

I'm really not. I'm trying to prevent corporate assholes from controlling markets via government regulation. You're helping them to do just that.
Government regulation is the only thing we have left 2 keep corporations honest.
Regulation is what keeps dominant corporations dominant. It's what keeps them in power. It's how they suppress competition and reduce consumer options. You want to throw gasoline on the fire by giving them even more power to use their lobbying clout to ensure profits.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
No one bothers to determine how this relates to actual living conditions.
Bologna. Maybe not on the GOP garbage propaganda machine, where everything goes great under Republicans and terrible under Democrats no matter what the facts are...
The economist Jolan Chang distinguished between "relative" poverty (which most poverty in America is), and "absolute poverty" (e.x. starvation or famine).

If relative poverty is based primarily on "comparison" to what others have, not on actual living circumstances, I find it a skeptical notion.
What a load of crap. It is not government-run, it is simply organized by the government, the way it is paid for.
Split that hair how you like, but if government is "organizing" the way it's paid for, they are controlling it. Period.

And yes we need a hell of a lot more transparency so that there is actual competition. Which the GOP has blocked forever since they are totally owned by Big House big Pharma Big oil big money you name it, brainwashed functional moron.

We need to keep government out of it, entirely.
That is how we got to 18% of GDP Healthcare with no guaranteed Healthcare time of brainwash functional moron. And perfect dupe of corporate assholes...

I'm really not. I'm trying to prevent corporate assholes from controlling markets via government regulation. You're helping them to do just that.
Government regulation is the only thing we have left 2 keep corporations honest.
Regulation is what keeps dominant corporations dominant. It's what keeps them in power. It's how they suppress competition and reduce consumer options. You want to throw gasoline on the fire by giving them even more power to use their lobbying clout to ensure profits.
the GOP is the party that protects lobbyists and refuses to regulate out of control corporations. If you don't know that, you don't know anyting.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
I'm sorry you have to fear being outsourced by a wetback.

Maybe if you contributed something of value to your company other than hot air it wouldn't be such a fear.

As a failed entrepreneur, I didn't fear losing my "job" to no wetback/
Split that hair how you like, but if government is "organizing" the way it's paid for, they are controlling it. Period.

We need to keep government out of it, entirely.
That is how we got to 18% of GDP Healthcare with no guaranteed Healthcare time of brainwash functional moron. And perfect dupe of corporate assholes...

I'm really not. I'm trying to prevent corporate assholes from controlling markets via government regulation. You're helping them to do just that.
Government regulation is the only thing we have left 2 keep corporations honest.
Regulation is what keeps dominant corporations dominant. It's what keeps them in power. It's how they suppress competition and reduce consumer options. You want to throw gasoline on the fire by giving them even more power to use their lobbying clout to ensure profits.
the GOP is the party that protects lobbyists and refuses to regulate out of control corporations.
Both dominant parties do it. ACA much?
No one bothers to determine how this relates to actual living conditions.
Bologna. Maybe not on the GOP garbage propaganda machine, where everything goes great under Republicans and terrible under Democrats no matter what the facts are...
The economist Jolan Chang distinguished between "relative" poverty (which most poverty in America is), and "absolute poverty" (e.x. starvation or famine).

If relative poverty is based primarily on "comparison" to what others have, not on actual living circumstances, I find it a skeptical notion.
The GOP loves comparing us to third world shitholes. Try comparing us to other modern countries where we are the worst off of any while being the richest of all. 77% of families are living paycheck-to-paycheck and we are the only modern country without Health Care daycare living wage paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Thanks GOP
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
I'm sorry you have to fear being outsourced by a wetback.

Maybe if you contributed something of value to your company other than hot air it wouldn't be such a fear.

As a failed entrepreneur, I didn't fear losing my "job" to no wetback/

Good to hear you carved out your niche in the toilet scrubbing market or lawn mowing market.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
I'm sorry you have to fear being outsourced by a wetback.

Maybe if you contributed something of value to your company other than hot air it wouldn't be such a fear.

As a failed entrepreneur, I didn't fear losing my "job" to no wetback/

That's a cool soundbite wetback pull your head from your ass and tell us; does the presence of wetbacks affect pay scales up the the middle-class worker?
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
I'm sorry you have to fear being outsourced by a wetback.

Maybe if you contributed something of value to your company other than hot air it wouldn't be such a fear.

As a failed entrepreneur, I didn't fear losing my "job" to no wetback/

That's a cool soundbite wetback pull your head from your ass and tell us; does the presence of wetbacks affect pay scales up the the middle-class worker?
I have no idea how one could economically substantiate that.

Given that most "economic theories" are simply people mindlessly repeating some simplistic axiom from the media, accepted on faith and only substantiated via circular reasoning, often due to facts and evidence to the contrary, I could care less. Phillip Tetlock in "Superforecasting" more or less acknowledge that people acting on fear, emotions, or impulse don't tend to make good forecasts to begin with, so 99% of what passes for "economics" on TV or radio is rendered irrelevant.
A windfall of jobs isn't necessarily a win for many Americans. A Brookings report recently found that 44% of US workers are in low-wage jobs, earning a median annual salary of $18,000, despite historically low unemployment.

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Low-wage work is more pervasive than you think, and there aren’t enough “good jobs” to go around
Even as the U.S. economy hums along at a favorable pace, there is a vast segment of workers today earning wages low enough to leave their livelihood and families extremely vulnerable.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
A windfall of jobs isn't necessarily a win for many Americans. A Brookings report recently found that 44% of US workers are in low-wage jobs, earning a median annual salary of $18,000, despite historically low unemployment.

About this website


Low-wage work is more pervasive than you think, and there aren’t enough “good jobs” to go around
Even as the U.S. economy hums along at a favorable pace, there is a vast segment of workers today earning wages low enough to leave their livelihood and families extremely vulnerable.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
How much do they make per hour? I've heard it isn't good, but then again, I've never driven a truck.
A windfall of jobs isn't necessarily a win for many Americans. A Brookings report recently found that 44% of US workers are in low-wage jobs, earning a median annual salary of $18,000, despite historically low unemployment.

About this website


Low-wage work is more pervasive than you think, and there aren’t enough “good jobs” to go around
Even as the U.S. economy hums along at a favorable pace, there is a vast segment of workers today earning wages low enough to leave their livelihood and families extremely vulnerable.

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000
Want to list all those losing jobs?
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
I'm sorry you have to fear being outsourced by a wetback.

Maybe if you contributed something of value to your company other than hot air it wouldn't be such a fear.

As a failed entrepreneur, I didn't fear losing my "job" to no wetback/

My 'job' requires one to be proficient in English, posses an iQ, people / communication skills, ambition, desire and capital...I can't go to work smelling like Modello and ass. Don't worry, no wetback will be taking my job.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.
What do you think caused this economic change?

I'm no economist, but I heard that the US received a large economic boom following WWII, which in some form or another is responsible for the mass consumerism we have today compared to the 1950s and before.

I don't buy into over romanticism of the past, but this seems to be a factor in economic cycles - the US went through a similar consumerist boom in the Roaring 20s.

People could EASILY live a 1950's lifestyle on one income. People simply will not live that lifestyle anymore. One land line for the house? :eek: Nope, each child has a $1,200 iPhone..

Absolutely. My 88 year old father has to laugh, when he tells us he pays more for his cell phone every month than he did on the house we grew up in. But he's not lying either.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
I'm sorry you have to fear being outsourced by a wetback.

Maybe if you contributed something of value to your company other than hot air it wouldn't be such a fear.

As a failed entrepreneur, I didn't fear losing my "job" to no wetback/

My 'job' requires one to be proficient in English, posses an iQ, people / communication skills, ambition, desire and capital...I can't go to work smelling like Modello and ass. Don't worry, no wetback will be taking my job.
That's so vague it could mean anything.

Why are you so obsessed with wetbacks?
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
I'm sorry you have to fear being outsourced by a wetback.

Maybe if you contributed something of value to your company other than hot air it wouldn't be such a fear.

As a failed entrepreneur, I didn't fear losing my "job" to no wetback/

That's a cool soundbite wetback pull your head from your ass and tell us; does the presence of wetbacks affect pay scales up the the middle-class worker?
I have no idea how one could economically substantiate that.

Given that most "economic theories" are simply people mindlessly repeating some simplistic axiom from the media, accepted on faith and only substantiated via circular reasoning, often due to facts and evidence to the contrary, I could care less. Phillip Tetlock in "Superforecasting" more or less acknowledge that people acting on fear, emotions, or impulse don't tend to make good forecasts to begin with, so 99% of what passes for "economics" on TV or radio is rendered irrelevant.

Mumbo-jumbo...stop embarrassing yourself.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
I'm sorry you have to fear being outsourced by a wetback.

Maybe if you contributed something of value to your company other than hot air it wouldn't be such a fear.

As a failed entrepreneur, I didn't fear losing my "job" to no wetback/

That's a cool soundbite wetback pull your head from your ass and tell us; does the presence of wetbacks affect pay scales up the the middle-class worker?
I have no idea how one could economically substantiate that.

Given that most "economic theories" are simply people mindlessly repeating some simplistic axiom from the media, accepted on faith and only substantiated via circular reasoning, often due to facts and evidence to the contrary, I could care less. Phillip Tetlock in "Superforecasting" more or less acknowledge that people acting on fear, emotions, or impulse don't tend to make good forecasts to begin with, so 99% of what passes for "economics" on TV or radio is rendered irrelevant.

Mumbo-jumbo...stop embarrassing yourself.

To some extent, that's an unacceptable economic reality.

Some jobs or industries disappear, but new ones are created in the process. I fail to see what "race" has to do with this.

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