Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

Who do you blame - them or the companies who hire them illegally for slave wages? It takes two to tango.

Racial clashes are archaic, and won't have any viability in an information economy.

NEGATIVE, the problem originates at our border..."companies" aren't traversing it and trespassing.
If they're hiring them illegally, they're breaking the law. What do you have to say about that?

Companies that knowingly hire wetbacks should hang in public.
Your circle talk and foolish justification is quite fascinating....What part of Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking good real Americans over?
Could care less about barely literate trailer trash like yourself, you were slaves today, and you were slaves in the day of the Framers by virtue of your own immorality - America was always aristocratic and meritocratic, and were it not for bringing average literacy up to the 6th grade level, you'd unlikely have the ability to participate in politics at all, and for good reason, nothing more than a slave on one of the framer's plantations, if you were lucky.

A Hispanic entrepreneur deserves more rights than a "white" degenerate, who is probably a.mixed-breed freak to begin with, nothing close to "pure Aryan". The more of these illiterate, immoral scum whose jobs get outsourced to more virtuous Hispanics, the better. Let them go extinct and get replaced by the information economy and robotics.

Same with degenerate "men" who can't respect women who demonstrate merit, which has always been around in some variety or another. Merit has always been around, respect it, or don't at your own peril.

haha...there you go, you bit hook line and sinker...I brought the real you out and made you expose yourself for the disgusting unAmerican piece of shit you actually are...haha...thanks for playing.
Read the law, read history - America is made by entrepreneurs and aristocrats, not white trash, or trash period - as is any civilized nation.

What you call "unamerican" means nothing to me, or any ambitious American man or woman, race be damned. In America's history books, you'll be remembered as nothing more than another barely literate idiot, mass media addict to whom "unamerican" means whatever the hell you want it to.

I support the entrepreneurial spirit - you want jobs "subsidized" because you fear wetbacks taking your job.
A more interesting question would be how many Americans like their jobs? I say well under 30 percent.
You try so hard, and yet fail every time. I sort of pity you.

Let me see if I can explain this Barney style so someone like you can understand.

The study in the OP broke down income into 3 categories...low, mid and high.

Now, for the sake of keeping it simple, lets just say that anyone under 50,000 is low, and anyone over 200,000 is high. This is not the number the study used, I am just picking some nice round number as to not confuse you.

Now, according to the study, almost half of American workers fall into the low category. That means that the rest fall into the other two categories.

Now, the study went further and said that median income of just those in the lower group is 18,000. That number has no bearing at all on the distribution of the other two groups, it was just the median income of the lower group.

The number of people in each group is not equal, as the groups are not set by the number in them, but by the income they make.

Thus, anything that is said about the lower group alone has no bearing on the other two groups.

I hope I made that simple enough, but I am not hopeful.

What is the median income of the higher income group? The average of those two is the AVERAGE.

You're on the list of far-left Progressives who refuse to answer this simple question.

Rightwinger. francoHFW, Dragonlady, georgephillips, GolfingGator, BWK,

What is the average household income where one worker earns the minimum wage?

This thread says that the median of the low. Duhhhhh...
4. The Wall will obviously work. YOu know it. YOur allies know it. That is why they get so upset when we even talk about it. If it was not a threat to them, they would not be pissed off.

What pisses them off about a wall is that it would be difficult, if not politically impossible, to remove if they ever get power back. Policies and laws can change, but a wall will not. Like Supreme Court justices, it's something they will have to put up with for a very long time.

Mmm, good point.
Yes yes, all our experts and government officials and journalists and law enforcement know nothing, only your bought off high school grad ex cokehead DJ idiot pundits know the truth. And racists who are obsessed with this crap. OoPS brainwashed functional racists. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and end this scam GOP wedge issue. In the entire world only the 5% brainwashed functional morons of the GOP know the truth LOL. Idiot. Oops brainwashed functional idiot.

Yet, you can't explain why your side is the one that is actively preventing getting hard numbers on the problem.

Your sides's actions support my case, while all you have is a lot of "RACISM" and similar personal attacks.

So, fuck you.
seriously I don't give a damn either way. Pass the 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card that works everywhere else and end this incredibly stupid GOP scam for the dupes that has been going on forever. Then we can get a handle on the problem and stop more from coming unless they deserve to.
of course the entire world tells you it's about 12 million illegals here but you refuse to listen, BRAINWASHED functional moron. You will never get anything like the real story from your media. I caramba!
Sorry but you are the one who is brainwashed

Liberals cling to the lower number for the sake of amnesty that they are pushing for

and they know average Americans would be shocked if they knew the truth
I don't give a damn what the number is, fix the problem with an ID card and a comprehensive immigration Bill like the Democrats want. Fix it get it? Jesus....
An ID card is not a cure all

Libs have no stomach for deporting illegal aliens

Or stopping them at the border

So they will continue to come as long as the door is open

And did you note how he accepts the wage suppression?
At times liberals demand that American companies pay everyone a “living wage”

Then at other times they complain that American workers get paid more than the chinese

LIberals just say shit. It don't mean nothing. NOt to them, and thus, it should not to anyone else either.
A more interesting question would be how many Americans like their jobs? I say well under 30 percent.

It sounds like a personal problem.

I can't honestly say I ever worked a job I did not like. Even my job one summer as a pearl diver in a bowling alley restaurant had its perks.
Good for you. And them.
Some of my friends have children who are making their career choices now. It is not easy. And the stakes are very high
I think we should have policies that make it easier for young Americans to succeed, instead of just dismissing them, and their interests.

What sort of policies do you have in mind?

1. Better trade policy, to encourage better jobs here.

2. Better immigration policy to lower the supply of labor and thus competition for jobs, (and college slots for that matter)

for starters.
Back in the day when America was great, GM (with all those nasty union jobs) was the largest employer. Dad made enough money to have a stay at home wife to look after things.

Nowadays it’s Wal Mart with all those “wonderful” retail jobs with their cooley wages.

What was the wetback population in the U.S. "back in the day"?
Is 2+2 adding up for you?
I'm sorry you have to fear being outsourced by a wetback.

Maybe if you contributed something of value to your company other than hot air it wouldn't be such a fear.

As a failed entrepreneur, I didn't fear losing my "job" to no wetback/

That's a cool soundbite wetback pull your head from your ass and tell us; does the presence of wetbacks affect pay scales up the the middle-class worker?
I have no idea how one could economically substantiate that.

Given that most "economic theories" are simply people mindlessly repeating some simplistic axiom from the media, accepted on faith and only substantiated via circular reasoning, often due to facts and evidence to the contrary, I could care less. Phillip Tetlock in "Superforecasting" more or less acknowledge that people acting on fear, emotions, or impulse don't tend to make good forecasts to begin with, so 99% of what passes for "economics" on TV or radio is rendered irrelevant.

Mumbo-jumbo...stop embarrassing yourself.

So organize our employment system with an ID card and end this mess forever. Building a wall and harassment laws do nothing.
NEGATIVE, the problem originates at our border..."companies" aren't traversing it and trespassing.
If they're hiring them illegally, they're breaking the law. What do you have to say about that?

Companies that knowingly hire wetbacks should hang in public.
Your circle talk and foolish justification is quite fascinating....What part of Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking good real Americans over?
Could care less about barely literate trailer trash like yourself, you were slaves today, and you were slaves in the day of the Framers by virtue of your own immorality - America was always aristocratic and meritocratic, and were it not for bringing average literacy up to the 6th grade level, you'd unlikely have the ability to participate in politics at all, and for good reason, nothing more than a slave on one of the framer's plantations, if you were lucky.

A Hispanic entrepreneur deserves more rights than a "white" degenerate, who is probably a.mixed-breed freak to begin with, nothing close to "pure Aryan". The more of these illiterate, immoral scum whose jobs get outsourced to more virtuous Hispanics, the better. Let them go extinct and get replaced by the information economy and robotics.

Same with degenerate "men" who can't respect women who demonstrate merit, which has always been around in some variety or another. Merit has always been around, respect it, or don't at your own peril.

haha...there you go, you bit hook line and sinker...I brought the real you out and made you expose yourself for the disgusting unAmerican piece of shit you actually are...haha...thanks for playing.
Read the law, read history - America is made by entrepreneurs and aristocrats, not white trash, or trash period - as is any civilized nation.

What you call "unamerican" means nothing to me, or any ambitious American man or woman, race be damned. In America's history books, you'll be remembered as nothing more than another barely literate idiot, mass media addict to whom "unamerican" means whatever the hell you want it to.

I support the entrepreneurial spirit - you want jobs "subsidized" because you fear wetbacks taking your job.

"American" is more than the soil you stand's a behavioral thing, a philosophy, an ideology which aligns with our framers intent.
What you should support is our Declaration Of Independence and America's right to sovereignty....foreign pieces of shit never understand that...weird huh?
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If they're hiring them illegally, they're breaking the law. What do you have to say about that?

Companies that knowingly hire wetbacks should hang in public.
Your circle talk and foolish justification is quite fascinating....What part of Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking good real Americans over?
Could care less about barely literate trailer trash like yourself, you were slaves today, and you were slaves in the day of the Framers by virtue of your own immorality - America was always aristocratic and meritocratic, and were it not for bringing average literacy up to the 6th grade level, you'd unlikely have the ability to participate in politics at all, and for good reason, nothing more than a slave on one of the framer's plantations, if you were lucky.

A Hispanic entrepreneur deserves more rights than a "white" degenerate, who is probably a.mixed-breed freak to begin with, nothing close to "pure Aryan". The more of these illiterate, immoral scum whose jobs get outsourced to more virtuous Hispanics, the better. Let them go extinct and get replaced by the information economy and robotics.

Same with degenerate "men" who can't respect women who demonstrate merit, which has always been around in some variety or another. Merit has always been around, respect it, or don't at your own peril.

haha...there you go, you bit hook line and sinker...I brought the real you out and made you expose yourself for the disgusting unAmerican piece of shit you actually are...haha...thanks for playing.
Read the law, read history - America is made by entrepreneurs and aristocrats, not white trash, or trash period - as is any civilized nation.

What you call "unamerican" means nothing to me, or any ambitious American man or woman, race be damned. In America's history books, you'll be remembered as nothing more than another barely literate idiot, mass media addict to whom "unamerican" means whatever the hell you want it to.

I support the entrepreneurial spirit - you want jobs "subsidized" because you fear wetbacks taking your job.

"American" is more than the soil you stand's a behavioral thing, a philosophy, an ideology which aligns with our framers.
What you should support is our Declaration Of Independence and America's right to sovereignty....foreign pieces of shit never understand that...weird huh?
America's founders were aristocratic and meritocratic - they never would have wanted you, or the majority of people whose education stopped at 6th grade - you'd likely have been fortunate enough to be a slave on one of their plantations.

Nor were they overly concerned about foreigners, given that's what they were themselves.

The reality is that America, as well as any civilization of value was made by thinking men and women, of high values, not people whose only sense of identity comes from mass media, most of which is merely about selling or branding rather than informing.
Companies that knowingly hire wetbacks should hang in public.
Your circle talk and foolish justification is quite fascinating....What part of Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking good real Americans over?
Could care less about barely literate trailer trash like yourself, you were slaves today, and you were slaves in the day of the Framers by virtue of your own immorality - America was always aristocratic and meritocratic, and were it not for bringing average literacy up to the 6th grade level, you'd unlikely have the ability to participate in politics at all, and for good reason, nothing more than a slave on one of the framer's plantations, if you were lucky.

A Hispanic entrepreneur deserves more rights than a "white" degenerate, who is probably a.mixed-breed freak to begin with, nothing close to "pure Aryan". The more of these illiterate, immoral scum whose jobs get outsourced to more virtuous Hispanics, the better. Let them go extinct and get replaced by the information economy and robotics.

Same with degenerate "men" who can't respect women who demonstrate merit, which has always been around in some variety or another. Merit has always been around, respect it, or don't at your own peril.

haha...there you go, you bit hook line and sinker...I brought the real you out and made you expose yourself for the disgusting unAmerican piece of shit you actually are...haha...thanks for playing.
Read the law, read history - America is made by entrepreneurs and aristocrats, not white trash, or trash period - as is any civilized nation.

What you call "unamerican" means nothing to me, or any ambitious American man or woman, race be damned. In America's history books, you'll be remembered as nothing more than another barely literate idiot, mass media addict to whom "unamerican" means whatever the hell you want it to.

I support the entrepreneurial spirit - you want jobs "subsidized" because you fear wetbacks taking your job.

"American" is more than the soil you stand's a behavioral thing, a philosophy, an ideology which aligns with our framers.
What you should support is our Declaration Of Independence and America's right to sovereignty....foreign pieces of shit never understand that...weird huh?
America's founders were aristocratic and meritocratic - they never would have wanted you, or the majority of people whose education stopped at 6th grade - you'd likely have been fortunate enough to be a slave on one of their plantations.

Nor were they overly concerned about foreigners, given that's what they were themselves.

The reality is that America, as well as any civilization of value was made by thinking men and women, of high values, not people whose only sense of identity comes from mass media, most of which is merely about selling or branding rather than informing.

The truth is; we both know you don't know shit about me....we also know that you've exposed yourself as a filthy piece of shit by any real American standard.
hahaha....You really need to read the Naturalization Act Of 1790...our framers were crystal clear, they wanted nothing to do with dark pieces of shit like you.

"The first statute in the United States to codify naturalization law. Alternately known as the Nationality Act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted citizenship to "any alien, being a free white person" who had been in the U.S. for two years. In effect, it left out indentured servants, slaves, and most women."
The truth is; we both know you don't know shit about me....we also know that you've exposed yourself as a filthy piece of shit by any real American standard.
hahaha....You really need to read the Naturalization Act Of 1790...our framers were crystal clear, they wanted nothing to do with dark pieces of shit like you.
Please, oh please tell me what you'd actually do if you encountered a black athlete such as Michael Jordan, or a black military officer such as Allen B West - The Republican party won't take that, so your only place will be the Nazis, who idolize a German dictator who declared war on their country.

You lose. The darkies win. Even if in theory, you were "right", in practice, you've lost. Might as well give up, call it quits, and respect merit. If you were forced to take a DNA test, you probably wouldn't turn out to be as "white" as you think anyway.

I'm not dark, I respect merit in men and women regardless of race - the Framers were men of merit, more than anything else as far as I'm concerned.

"The first statute in the United States to codify naturalization law. Alternately known as the Nationality Act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted citizenship to "any alien, being a free white person" who had been in the U.S. for two years. In effect, it left out indentured servants, slaves, and most women."
This is like the argument that "the second Amendment" only gave people the right to own muskets or 18th century firearms.

Even per Constitutional originalism - as in Justice Scalia, this is false and not what the Originalist philosophy was about.

Regardless, more Amendments have been added since that day and age, as per the Constitutional process.
What is the average household income where one worker earns the minimum wage?

This thread says that the median of the low. Duhhhhh...

I already answered this.

No you have not, like all the other far-left Progressives, you ducked and ran. Every time.

Invite your brethren, perhaps combined you can come up with the answer.

Rightwinger. francoHFW, Dragonlady, georgephillips, GolfingGator, BWK,

What is the average household income where one worker earns the minimum wage?
You are clueless once again, doing nothing but parroting the party talking points.

Don’t Blame China For Taking U.S. Jobs

"The study reports as well that trade accounted for 13% of the lost U.S. factory jobs, but 88% of the jobs were taken by robots and other factors at home."

"Investment in automation and software has doubled the output per U.S. manufacturing worker over the past two decades. Robots are replacing workers, regardless of trade at an accelerating pace."

Why do you think that there was no drop in output while there was a drop in employment?

Employee numbers started dropping in 2000

View attachment 293513

yet there was only a tiny dip in output that recovered with in 2 years.

View attachment 293516

Mac-7.... Gater, is entirely 100% correct on this point.

The vast vast majority of job-loss has came from automation. The only place where jobs in manufacturing has increased, is in China, where the price of labor is so low, that it is actually profit-losing to automate.

In Mexico even, most of the manufacturing plants being built are more automated than those in the US.

Manufacturing is not dying, and manufacturing jobs will never cease to exist..... but they will also never be a major force in the US economy.

Now that isn't to say that foreign companies helped in this process. Most certainly Unions made their respective companies un-competitive on the market, relative to the non-union foreign companies.

Even within our own country, we see the rise of non-union steel companies, overtaking the union ones. Nucor for example is non-union, and slowly edging out US Steel in steel production.

So Unions certainly helped to wipe out jobs, relative to non-union foreign companies, clearly harmed employment.

However, the bottom line is that automation wiped out more jobs, than anything China did.

And even if we blocked all trade with China, it would never bring those jobs back.

If they brought iPhone production to the US, it would be entirely automated. You wouldn't have tons of high paid manufacturing workers, doing it.
We have millions of low education workers who are not suitable for high tech manufacturing

But they still need jobs

And we need to keep more of the $350-500 billion going to china in America

If automation is the future I want it in America rather than in china

I want the robots designed and manufactured here as well as put to work here

The problem is it will still be a huge loss to total jobs in the US. Can we stop it, do we stop it? I don't think that's possible.

One of our customers had plastic parts made for a product they mostly sold through Walmart. Walmart got on their ass about producing it even cheaper. So they turned to the factory that was producing the plastic parts. The plastic place couldn't make them any cheaper because as time went on, they didn't invest in technology. So our customer had us pick up the die, and take it to another customer of ours who did stay with the times. They've been making the plastic parts since; for about four or five years now.

The old plastic place called us to make a delivery to another customer for them. When I went back, it was a shell of what it used to be like. Most of the lights were off, just a few people around. Back in the day, there were tow motors running around all over the place. Employees frantically trying to label the boxes to get ready for shipment. Docks full and a line of us in the street waiting to get in. They couldn't work fast enough. Just a real shame.
The world economy is not as simple as your example. Everyone knows the iPhone comes from China. However, it is only assembled in China. Components are manufactured all over the world. The glass screen, audio chips, and wifi chips are manufactured in the US. Japan manufactures the compass, the camera, and LCD screen. The Gyroscope is manufactured in Switzerland. China manufactures the battery. However, it doesn't stop there. Most of the memory and processor chips in the iphone are manufactured in South Korea and the US. The iPhone is designed in the US as are a number of the major components. Most of the advertising for Apple products comes from the US. Apple products are sold in over 500 Apple stores in 25 countries and also sold in in over 10,000 retailers worldwide.

The assembly, manufacture, and marketing of the iPhone is a perfect example of capitalism in action. Contractors are selected based on quality, and cost. The result is a device that if created entirely in the US would cost 3 to 5 times the current cost and quality would most likely be less.
Merely by assembling the phone in the US would drive the cost up 3to 5 times?

I find that hard to believe
No, I said if the device was created entirely in the US. That means both assembly and manufacturing of all components that go into the device was done in the US. The fact is most of the technology we use comes from abroad, not just assembly. We don't make most types memory chips anymore, LCD panels, semiconductors, resistors, capacitors, micro transformers, piezoelectric components, micro keyboards, etc. The plants to build them simple don't exist in the US today.
No you have not, like all the other far-left Progressives, you ducked and ran. Every time.

Invite your brethren, perhaps combined you can come up with the answer.

Rightwinger. francoHFW, Dragonlady, georgephillips, GolfingGator, BWK,

What is the average household income where one worker earns the minimum wage?

Nope, I replied directly to this in this very thread and even came up with a ballpark figure.
Only You brainwashed functional morons think one month means something. They have 350,000 more jobs than this time last year. From your link. How many times do I have to tell you, brainwashed functional moron?
They also have a living wage free healthcare paid parental leave cheap college and training just like every other modern country but us thanks to you idiots and your scumbag leaders.

What is their unemployment rate and what is ours today?

Yeah, they have "free" inferior health care.

The only modern country withan inferior Healthcare system is the United States. Healthcare is 18% of GDP here and so many people are not even covered, thanks a lot g o p for an incredible scam system forever. We are the richest country in the world and the only modern country without Healthcare living wage hey daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Thanks GOP scumbags and silly dupes like you. Everything you know is wrong, ignoramus.
Maybe because drug companies offset their R&D costs here and charge vastly more for their stuff than they do elsewhere. Allow us to buy our drugs from Canada and that will change.

Sure, drugs are cheaper if you don't pay for R&D.
Buying at Canadian prices would be awesome....if you don't want/need any new drugs.
We start buying our drugs from Canada their prices will go up and ours will go down.
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,
Fake news.
What is their unemployment rate and what is ours today?

Yeah, they have "free" inferior health care.

The only modern country withan inferior Healthcare system is the United States. Healthcare is 18% of GDP here and so many people are not even covered, thanks a lot g o p for an incredible scam system forever. We are the richest country in the world and the only modern country without Healthcare living wage hey daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great vacations and infrastructure and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Thanks GOP scumbags and silly dupes like you. Everything you know is wrong, ignoramus.
Dont call it inferior just because it costs more

like the man said, you get what you pay for
your admiration for incredibly overpriced unfair Healthcare is noted, super dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
I am pleased with my healthcare both in quality and price
If you are in a Republican state without expanded medicaid, just wait until something anything happens.... Or the next rate hike...also raises the cost of your company's product whatever it is.... Obamacare has made your policy guaranteed instead of a scam. You're welcome. Now get the GOP to stop sabotaging it and go after the costs...
Government has been screwing up the private healthcare system since WWII

And more government involvement will only make it worse

I know liberals dream of free healthcare for everyone and it sounds good on paper

And I know its too late to reform healthcare by getting government out of the process

But socialized medicine is not a step forward

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