Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
That is not a Charity Hospital you have to pay, absolutely oblivious brainwashed functional moron LOL. Yes I looked at the website.
If you can pay you dont go to Parkland

If you are an illegal alien about to drop an anchor baby you go to Parkland for free sevice
If you're an illegal alien, you're a victim of American imperialism of Central and South America. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
"Capitalism went in reverse"?


Ed Schultze, expert on capitalism......DURR
The Center for Tax policy. Duhhhhhh!!!!!!

The Tax Policy Center (TPC) is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution.

About the Tax Policy Center

Yup, no nutty libs there......DURR
So, your counter arguments to those facts is to attack the institution, but not the facts? :auiqs.jpg:Talk about losing biggley here.

Vulture chart was facts? LOL!
It must be. You haven't moved the needle one notch debunking it have you? Lol! What a loser.
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
That is not a Charity Hospital you have to pay, absolutely oblivious brainwashed functional moron LOL. Yes I looked at the website.
If you can pay you dont go to Parkland

If you are an illegal alien about to drop an anchor baby you go to Parkland for free sevice
Yes as long as you have no assets and no address and you can get away with this. If you have an address or assets you're screwed. And you don't get any preventive care. That's why this is so dumb....If you are an illegal alien you can go to any emergency room and get care. Parkland is no different. That is the stupid GOP system. In a blue state they would have Medicaid or insurance. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and get the damn system organized. And no that doesn't mean throwing 12 million hard-working illegals out of the country when your party invited them in. Right now all your party does is distract you with bologna that won't work and is un American
Shows how hollow the Trump economy is

Almost half of Americans work in low-wage jobs

America's unemployment rate is at a half-century low, but it also has a job-quality problem that affects nearly half the population, with a study finding 44% of U.S. workers are employed in low-wage jobs that pay median annual wages of $18,000.

Contrary to popular opinion, these workers aren't teenagers or young adults just starting their careers,
Thanks to democrats and trash like you. You've turned out the stupidest kids ever from school.
Ed Schultze, expert on capitalism......DURR
The Center for Tax policy. Duhhhhhh!!!!!!

The Tax Policy Center (TPC) is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution.

About the Tax Policy Center

Yup, no nutty libs there......DURR
So, your counter arguments to those facts is to attack the institution, but not the facts? :auiqs.jpg:Talk about losing biggley here.

Vulture chart was facts? LOL!
It must be. You haven't moved the needle one notch debunking it have you? Lol! What a loser.

Vultures earn income? Silly twat.
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
That is not a Charity Hospital you have to pay, absolutely oblivious brainwashed functional moron LOL. Yes I looked at the website.
If you can pay you dont go to Parkland

If you are an illegal alien about to drop an anchor baby you go to Parkland for free sevice
Yes as long as you have no assets and no address and you can get away with this. If you have an address or assets you're screwed. And you don't get any preventive care. That's why this is so dumb....If you are an illegal alien you can go to any emergency room and get care. Parkland is no different. That is the stupid GOP system. In a blue state they would have Medicaid or insurance. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and get the damn system organized. And no that doesn't mean throwing 12 million hard-working illegals out of the country when your party invited them in. Right now all your party does is distract you with bologna that won't work and is un American

2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card

Bill #?
Link to the bill?
And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for. In other words, the guy holding the insurance policy was "mandated" to pay more because someone didn't. Why not mandate everyone pay into a universal program like every other developed nation does? Why do we have to continue playing dangerous musical chair games with everyone's health because we insist on pedaling the lie that market based insurance covers all? It doesn't and that is reality.

You hit on two very important points with your reply. What you don't know is that Medicare and Medicaid does exactly that. They only pay about 2/3 for the services of government patients. And yes, health facilities have to recoup those losses by increased prices.

Not that's not bad for an eighty dollar doctors visit, but real bad for a 400K surgery and post care, which most of us will receive when we are on Medicare.

So now we have government healthcare. So who is going to make up the difference in the shortages once there is no private insurance to sack with those losses?
Believe me, the payment is more than two thirds. I'm on Medicare, and have never paid the other third. Link please, proving it is only two thirds? Never heard of such a thing.

No one ever said that individuals couldn't buy into their own private plan. I know quite a few countries that have universal care with the ability to purchase a private plan.
I think the payment from Medicare or Medicaid is about two-thirds what private insurance would pay. It is also about the same amount as the second most expensive country in the world France would pay. And of course they have amazing Healthcare not our crap patchwork give away to big health big Pharma hospitals and doctors remainder of the longtime GOP scam non-system....
Not all work is created equal, the Boomer generation was a lazy generation.

It probably takes more "work", as in exertion to post on a forum like this than to do the bare minimum required at a service job - some of those 'jobs' were so easy, I practically did them in my sleep while working on my entrepreneurship.

From that matter, pro-athletes, or performers such as David Blaine voluntarily do "work", such as living for 40 days in cased by Ice for fun that most Americans would be scared to.

Some people just don't care. And for that matter, the best workers, such as CEOs like David Allen are able to perform what most would consider "a lot of work" while being fairly "relaxed" or in the zone, not an idiot who is bumbling and incompetent ,and false equates "hard" work with wasted energy and stress due to his own idiocy and lack of creativity or fluidity to do anything which couldn't be better automated by a robot - it would be the equivalent of beating your head against a brick wall and calling that "hard" work, because you're too stupid, inept, or lazy to learn a better way or method, not because it's efficient in terms of time, energy, productivity and such.

Many Americans are so stupid they don't even know how much "work" they actually do, overestimate they actual hours they "worked", and don't even know the difference between hours spent on the "clock" and actual productivity, many of which hours are just wasted, unproductive effort - it's pretty sad really, and any real worker or entrepreneur would be rolling in his grave over what the average inept, immoral idiot pretends or purports to be "work".

And yes, lately I am of the opinion that people who supposedly "have" to work 100 hours a week for minimum wage due to having multiple babies which they can't support are nothing to be admired, they to some extent, put themselves in that situation due to their own immoral life choices, choosing to pop out children like rabbits instead of pursue education or entrepreneurship as I have.

Some CEOs voluntarily work 100 weeks because they enjoy it and care about adding value to their company, not because they're lazy, immoral, inept and are practically forced to in order to meet the child support demands due to the bastard children they sired.
Yeah, screw the non Rich who are now 70% of the country thanks to your lie and steal GOP, super duper. why is the richest country in the world the only modern country that screws over their citizens. Look in the mirror jackass.
I'm a failed entrepreneur, and sometimes I honestly feel that the "rich" are generous in not outright eliminating or enslaving the masses, due to how immoral many, but not all of them are, and how little they care for anything resembling the American Dream, the "Puritan work ethic", or other cultural mythos which are really only for the chosen few, not the many selfish, lazy and immoral.

I'm sure there are immoral and entitled "rich", possibly more likely in the case of those who didn't earn it through legitimate mean, such as lottery, but the immorality of the "average" person seems stronger in my opinion, especially given that "absolute poverty" is rare to nonexistent according to economists such as Jolan Chang, and that most is "relative poverty", or people just selfishly envying what others have, not something which accounts for their actual living conditions.

I accepted my right to fail, potentially even end up homeless, but I went with the Dream regardless, many simply don't care.
Most Americans, actually about 99% are not entrepreneurs. When it comes to risking their future and that of their family on a business scheme, they are simply not prepared to do that. They want a steady job, a livable income, retirement, and healthcare.

I believe one of the big problems we face, is most Americans in the market for a job are being forced into an entrepreneurial mode which they are not prepared for. They have to accept contract work or dead end jobs with few if any benefits and little hope that their employer's success will be shared with the employees. This is not what most people want in a job but they don't have much choice today. They owe their job to the fact that their employer is unable to replace them with a machine or ship their jobs overseas. The result is there is no employer or employee loyalty.
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
That is not a Charity Hospital you have to pay, absolutely oblivious brainwashed functional moron LOL. Yes I looked at the website.
If you can pay you dont go to Parkland

If you are an illegal alien about to drop an anchor baby you go to Parkland for free sevice
Yes as long as you have no assets and no address and you can get away with this. If you have an address or assets you're screwed. And you don't get any preventive care. That's why this is so dumb....If you are an illegal alien you can go to any emergency room and get care. Parkland is no different. That is the stupid GOP system. In a blue state they would have Medicaid or insurance. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and get the damn system organized. And no that doesn't mean throwing 12 million hard-working illegals out of the country when your party invited them in. Right now all your party does is distract you with bologna that won't work and is un American

2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card

Bill #?
Link to the bill?
Google it troll. It started with an ID card, which the GOP has blocked forever because they actually love the cheap easily bullied labor and distracting you idiots with ridiculous walls and harassment laws that turned out to be unconstitutional....
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital

That is a non-profit hospital, not a charity hospital.
Call it what you want

They both amount to the same thing to patients who pay nothing
If you are in a Republican state without expanded medicaid, just wait until something anything happens.... Or the next rate hike...also raises the cost of your company's product whatever it is.... Obamacare has made your policy guaranteed instead of a scam. You're welcome. Now get the GOP to stop sabotaging it and go after the costs...
Government has been screwing up the private healthcare system since WWII

And more government involvement will only make it worse

I know liberals dream of free healthcare for everyone and it sounds good on paper

And I know its too late to reform healthcare by getting government out of the process

But socialized medicine is not a step forward
Anything that gets health care for everyone and cuts costs is a great thing. My father the doctor was for socialized medicine since 1940. The amount we could have saved in lives and money is staggering. If you don't know that you don't know anything, super duper. Doctors have been overwhelmingly Republicans and absolutely a disgrace on this...
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
Or goto the charity hospital and get treated there
There are no charity hospitals today. They all take medicaid. What is considered charity in hospitals is writing off bad debts from patients they can't sell or collect.
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
That is not a Charity Hospital you have to pay, absolutely oblivious brainwashed functional moron LOL. Yes I looked at the website.
If you can pay you dont go to Parkland

If you are an illegal alien about to drop an anchor baby you go to Parkland for free sevice
Yes as long as you have no assets and no address and you can get away with this. If you have an address or assets you're screwed. And you don't get any preventive care. That's why this is so dumb....If you are an illegal alien you can go to any emergency room and get care. Parkland is no different. That is the stupid GOP system. In a blue state they would have Medicaid or insurance. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and get the damn system organized. And no that doesn't mean throwing 12 million hard-working illegals out of the country when your party invited them in. Right now all your party does is distract you with bologna that won't work and is un American

2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card

Bill #?
Link to the bill?
Google it troll. It started with an ID card, which the GOP has blocked forever because they actually love the cheap easily bullied labor and distracting you idiots with ridiculous walls and harassment laws that turned out to be unconstitutional....

You've been pushing it for years and you don't have a link? DURR
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
It's hard to believe humans can be this stupid. So here it is folks, a classic argument coming from an idiot. "Everyone gets healthcare." Does everyone get that? Lol! Then, the poster states "though people who pay for it get better healthcare." :auiqs.jpg:This shit is unreal. When did we all of a sudden decide "healthcare" and 'better healthcare" was a thing? Through our healthcare system with doctors and hospitals, you either get back healthy or you don't. If you go to the hospital with the Flu, are they going to give you "healthcare" or "better health care" in order to get you better? Are you saying "healthcare" won't make you better, but "better healthcare" will? Do you have even the foggiest idea of what you are talking about?
I think you know what I’m saying

We cant all get the same state-of-art treatment that obama gets
I know what you are saying, the same way you know what I am saying. The difference is, I don't lie to myself. I don't have to hide behind the lie that private health is going to help everyone. Once you accumulate a catastrophic condition, even your private health is no good.

Try and function with your brain for once, instead of your emotional hatred for a certain group of people.

And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for. In other words, the guy holding the insurance policy was "mandated" to pay more because someone didn't. Why not mandate everyone pay into a universal program like every other developed nation does? Why do we have to continue playing dangerous musical chair games with everyone's health because we insist on pedaling the lie that market based insurance covers all? It doesn't and that is reality.

And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for.

You just explained why the cost of healthcare keeps going up

Too many deadbeats who mooch off society
And that's why 100% market based health insurance doesn't work. :5_1_12024: Folks,he finally got it.
Stop feeding the deadbeats

I’ve known that all along
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
That is not a Charity Hospital you have to pay, absolutely oblivious brainwashed functional moron LOL. Yes I looked at the website.
If you can pay you dont go to Parkland

If you are an illegal alien about to drop an anchor baby you go to Parkland for free sevice
If you're an illegal alien, you're a victim of American imperialism of Central and South America. CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
We all have our problems

Just stop bringing them to the US when you dont belong here
And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for. In other words, the guy holding the insurance policy was "mandated" to pay more because someone didn't. Why not mandate everyone pay into a universal program like every other developed nation does? Why do we have to continue playing dangerous musical chair games with everyone's health because we insist on pedaling the lie that market based insurance covers all? It doesn't and that is reality.

You hit on two very important points with your reply. What you don't know is that Medicare and Medicaid does exactly that. They only pay about 2/3 for the services of government patients. And yes, health facilities have to recoup those losses by increased prices.

Not that's not bad for an eighty dollar doctors visit, but real bad for a 400K surgery and post care, which most of us will receive when we are on Medicare.

So now we have government healthcare. So who is going to make up the difference in the shortages once there is no private insurance to sack with those losses?
Believe me, the payment is more than two thirds. I'm on Medicare, and have never paid the other third. Link please, proving it is only two thirds? Never heard of such a thing.

No one ever said that individuals couldn't buy into their own private plan. I know quite a few countries that have universal care with the ability to purchase a private plan.

No, they won't bill you either. They just take the loss. I worked in medical for ten years. My father is on Medicare, and he tells me what's going on with his bills. He does have secondary insurance that covers what Medicare doesn't, but a lot of older folks are not in that financial position to get that private policy.

Doctors limit new Medicare patients -
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
That is not a Charity Hospital you have to pay, absolutely oblivious brainwashed functional moron LOL. Yes I looked at the website.
If you can pay you dont go to Parkland

If you are an illegal alien about to drop an anchor baby you go to Parkland for free sevice
Yes as long as you have no assets and no address and you can get away with this. If you have an address or assets you're screwed. And you don't get any preventive care. That's why this is so dumb....If you are an illegal alien you can go to any emergency room and get care. Parkland is no different. That is the stupid GOP system. In a blue state they would have Medicaid or insurance. Pass the goddamn 2010 Democratic comprehensive immigration bill with an ID card and get the damn system organized. And no that doesn't mean throwing 12 million hard-working illegals out of the country when your party invited them in. Right now all your party does is distract you with bologna that won't work and is un American
It costs very little to care for illegal aliens if you just deport them

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