Almost half of Americans work in low paid jobs

Anything that gets health care for everyone and cuts costs is a great thing. My father the doctor was for socialized medicine since 1940. The amount we could have saved in lives and money is staggering. If you don't know that you don't know anything, super duper. Doctors have been overwhelmingly Republicans and absolutely a disgrace on this...
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
So a lot of people just die instead of screwing themselves and their family over.... Of course before Obamacare it was a lot worse. But thanks for the total misinformation GOP Outlook LOL.... But at least you're all right. Don't expect a warm welcome in the afterlife for not bothering with your fellow citizens.... They are not into willful ignorance...
It is the individual’s personal responsibility to manage their lives in a way to provide for their needs

Many people are libs or support the democrat socialist agenda because they want government to do what they failed to do for themselves
This comes straight out of Rightwing asses right here, because there is no association with truth or facts. You are as much a recipient of Socialism as the guy next door. What a crock of shit.
Then why are some you agitating for more government handouts and the rest of us are not
Government has been screwing up the private healthcare system since WWII

And more government involvement will only make it worse

I know liberals dream of free healthcare for everyone and it sounds good on paper

And I know its too late to reform healthcare by getting government out of the process

But socialized medicine is not a step forward
Anything that gets health care for everyone and cuts costs is a great thing. My father the doctor was for socialized medicine since 1940. The amount we could have saved in lives and money is staggering. If you don't know that you don't know anything, super duper. Doctors have been overwhelmingly Republicans and absolutely a disgrace on this...
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
I am pleased with my healthcare both in quality and price
If you are in a Republican state without expanded medicaid, just wait until something anything happens.... Or the next rate hike...also raises the cost of your company's product whatever it is.... Obamacare has made your policy guaranteed instead of a scam. You're welcome. Now get the GOP to stop sabotaging it and go after the costs...
Government has been screwing up the private healthcare system since WWII

And more government involvement will only make it worse

I know liberals dream of free healthcare for everyone and it sounds good on paper

And I know its too late to reform healthcare by getting government out of the process

But socialized medicine is not a step forward
Anything that gets health care for everyone and cuts costs is a great thing. My father the doctor was for socialized medicine since 1940. The amount we could have saved in lives and money is staggering. If you don't know that you don't know anything, super duper. Doctors have been overwhelmingly Republicans and absolutely a disgrace on this...
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
It's hard to believe humans can be this stupid. So here it is folks, a classic argument coming from an idiot. "Everyone gets healthcare." Does everyone get that? Lol! Then, the poster states "though people who pay for it get better healthcare." :auiqs.jpg:This shit is unreal. When did we all of a sudden decide "healthcare" and 'better healthcare" was a thing? Through our healthcare system with doctors and hospitals, you either get back healthy or you don't. If you go to the hospital with the Flu, are they going to give you "healthcare" or "better health care" in order to get you better? Are you saying "healthcare" won't make you better, but "better healthcare" will? Do you have even the foggiest idea of what you are talking about?
I think you know what I’m saying

We cant all get the same state-of-art treatment that obama gets
Here's why people are still in bad jobs:

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract -- A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.

The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.

Female workers suffered most heavily in this economy, as work in traditionally feminine fields, like education and medicine, declined during the era.

The research by economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.

Krueger, a former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, was surprised by the finding.

The disappearance of conventional full-time work, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work, has hit every demographic. “Workers seeking full-time, steady work have lost,” said Krueger.

Under Obama, 1 million fewer workers, overall, are working than before the beginning of the Great Recession.

The outgoing president believes his administration was a net positive for workers, however.

"Since I signed Obamacare into law (in 2010), our businesses have added more than 15 million new jobs," said Obama, during his farewell press conference last Friday, covered by

ME: A little information for the lying Democrat bitches in this forum who try to say that Obama created as many jobs as Trump. Obama created worthless shit jobs that could not even support a single person. Trump is bringing back real jobs, manufacturing jobs, and an economic boom
The same as is today, most new jobs today are either contract jobs/temp jobs. Whenever we start to approach full employment, (under a 5% unemployment rate), new jobs are mostly contract workers. We are experiencing a tight labor market and in our 11th year of economic expansion in this business cycle. Under these conditions employers are hesitant to hire permanent full time workers.
Here's why people are still in bad jobs:

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract -- A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary positions.

The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.

Female workers suffered most heavily in this economy, as work in traditionally feminine fields, like education and medicine, declined during the era.

The research by economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University shows that the proportion of workers throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.

Krueger, a former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, was surprised by the finding.

The disappearance of conventional full-time work, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work, has hit every demographic. “Workers seeking full-time, steady work have lost,” said Krueger.

Under Obama, 1 million fewer workers, overall, are working than before the beginning of the Great Recession.

The outgoing president believes his administration was a net positive for workers, however.

"Since I signed Obamacare into law (in 2010), our businesses have added more than 15 million new jobs," said Obama, during his farewell press conference last Friday, covered by

ME: A little information for the lying Democrat bitches in this forum who try to say that Obama created as many jobs as Trump. Obama created worthless shit jobs that could not even support a single person. Trump is bringing back real jobs, manufacturing jobs, and an economic boom
The same as is today, most new jobs today are either contract jobs/temp jobs. Whenever we start to approach full employment, (under a 5% unemployment rate), new jobs are mostly contract workers. We are experiencing a tight labor market and in our 11th year of economic expansion in this business cycle. Under these conditions employers are hesitant to hire permanent full time workers.

I would strongly disagree with that. I spend my days in industrial areas. They are littered with HELP WANTED signs. It's not like they are up for a week or two, they stay up month after month.

The industries that mostly use temporary help are those looking for full-time workers. Their claim is that by using temp services, they can see how the potential employee will work out. Younger people today take a job, and quit it a few weeks or a month later. The theory is that if you can do the job for the crap money at the temp agency for several months, and do a good job besides, then chances are you will make a good full-time employee. So after a grace period, the company hires the temp from the temp service, and of course, they have to pay a fee for doing so.
If you are in a Republican state without expanded medicaid, just wait until something anything happens.... Or the next rate hike...also raises the cost of your company's product whatever it is.... Obamacare has made your policy guaranteed instead of a scam. You're welcome. Now get the GOP to stop sabotaging it and go after the costs...
Government has been screwing up the private healthcare system since WWII

And more government involvement will only make it worse

I know liberals dream of free healthcare for everyone and it sounds good on paper

And I know its too late to reform healthcare by getting government out of the process

But socialized medicine is not a step forward
Anything that gets health care for everyone and cuts costs is a great thing. My father the doctor was for socialized medicine since 1940. The amount we could have saved in lives and money is staggering. If you don't know that you don't know anything, super duper. Doctors have been overwhelmingly Republicans and absolutely a disgrace on this...
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
It's hard to believe humans can be this stupid. So here it is folks, a classic argument coming from an idiot. "Everyone gets healthcare." Does everyone get that? Lol! Then, the poster states "though people who pay for it get better healthcare." :auiqs.jpg:This shit is unreal. When did we all of a sudden decide "healthcare" and 'better healthcare" was a thing? Through our healthcare system with doctors and hospitals, you either get back healthy or you don't. If you go to the hospital with the Flu, are they going to give you "healthcare" or "better health care" in order to get you better? Are you saying "healthcare" won't make you better, but "better healthcare" will? Do you have even the foggiest idea of what you are talking about?
I think you know what I’m saying

We cant all get the same state-of-art treatment that obama gets
I know what you are saying, the same way you know what I am saying. The difference is, I don't lie to myself. I don't have to hide behind the lie that private health is going to help everyone. Once you accumulate a catastrophic condition, even your private health is no good.

Try and function with your brain for once, instead of your emotional hatred for a certain group of people.

And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for. In other words, the guy holding the insurance policy was "mandated" to pay more because someone didn't. Why not mandate everyone pay into a universal program like every other developed nation does? Why do we have to continue playing dangerous musical chair games with everyone's health because we insist on pedaling the lie that market based insurance covers all? It doesn't and that is reality.
Government has been screwing up the private healthcare system since WWII

And more government involvement will only make it worse

I know liberals dream of free healthcare for everyone and it sounds good on paper

And I know its too late to reform healthcare by getting government out of the process

But socialized medicine is not a step forward
Anything that gets health care for everyone and cuts costs is a great thing. My father the doctor was for socialized medicine since 1940. The amount we could have saved in lives and money is staggering. If you don't know that you don't know anything, super duper. Doctors have been overwhelmingly Republicans and absolutely a disgrace on this...
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
It's hard to believe humans can be this stupid. So here it is folks, a classic argument coming from an idiot. "Everyone gets healthcare." Does everyone get that? Lol! Then, the poster states "though people who pay for it get better healthcare." :auiqs.jpg:This shit is unreal. When did we all of a sudden decide "healthcare" and 'better healthcare" was a thing? Through our healthcare system with doctors and hospitals, you either get back healthy or you don't. If you go to the hospital with the Flu, are they going to give you "healthcare" or "better health care" in order to get you better? Are you saying "healthcare" won't make you better, but "better healthcare" will? Do you have even the foggiest idea of what you are talking about?
I think you know what I’m saying

We cant all get the same state-of-art treatment that obama gets
I know what you are saying, the same way you know what I am saying. The difference is, I don't lie to myself. I don't have to hide behind the lie that private health is going to help everyone. Once you accumulate a catastrophic condition, even your private health is no good.

Try and function with your brain for once, instead of your emotional hatred for a certain group of people.

And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for. In other words, the guy holding the insurance policy was "mandated" to pay more because someone didn't. Why not mandate everyone pay into a universal program like every other developed nation does? Why do we have to continue playing dangerous musical chair games with everyone's health because we insist on pedaling the lie that market based insurance covers all? It doesn't and that is reality.

And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for.

You just explained why the cost of healthcare keeps going up

Too many deadbeats who mooch off society
And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for. In other words, the guy holding the insurance policy was "mandated" to pay more because someone didn't. Why not mandate everyone pay into a universal program like every other developed nation does? Why do we have to continue playing dangerous musical chair games with everyone's health because we insist on pedaling the lie that market based insurance covers all? It doesn't and that is reality.

You hit on two very important points with your reply. What you don't know is that Medicare and Medicaid does exactly that. They only pay about 2/3 for the services of government patients. And yes, health facilities have to recoup those losses by increased prices.

Not that's not bad for an eighty dollar doctors visit, but real bad for a 400K surgery and post care, which most of us will receive when we are on Medicare.

So now we have government healthcare. So who is going to make up the difference in the shortages once there is no private insurance to sack with those losses?
You just explained why the cost of healthcare keeps going up

Too many deadbeats who mooch off society

Would you support doing away with the law that forces doctor and medical facilities to provide care irregardless of the patients ability to pay?
Anything that gets health care for everyone and cuts costs is a great thing. My father the doctor was for socialized medicine since 1940. The amount we could have saved in lives and money is staggering. If you don't know that you don't know anything, super duper. Doctors have been overwhelmingly Republicans and absolutely a disgrace on this...
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
That is not a Charity Hospital you have to pay, absolutely oblivious brainwashed functional moron LOL. Yes I looked at the website.
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
Present your counter argument.

Not for me to do. Our resident Troll made the statement, he can't and won't prove his allegation.

I guess you believe in charity hospitals too. LOL idiot troll.
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
So a lot of people just die instead of screwing themselves and their family over.... Of course before Obamacare it was a lot worse. But thanks for the total misinformation GOP Outlook LOL.... But at least you're all right. Don't expect a warm welcome in the afterlife for not bothering with your fellow citizens.... They are not into willful ignorance...
It is the individual’s personal responsibility to manage their lives in a way to provide for their needs

Many people are libs or support the democrat socialist agenda because they want government to do what they failed to do for themselves
This comes straight out of Rightwing asses right here, because there is no association with truth or facts. You are as much a recipient of Socialism as the guy next door. What a crock of shit.
Then why are some you agitating for more government handouts and the rest of us are not
I have no real complaints about the safety net in blue states with expanded medicaid. we seem to be more worried about the middle class which has been going to hell for 35 years slowly but surely under the GOP give away to the rich and screw job for everyone else. On the other hand we should have a lot of help for daycare paid parental leave cheap college in training infrastructure and vacations. Which will never happen under the GOP.

you are such a dupe you believe we're lucky the rich don't actually enslave us LOL. Plus you believe in charity hospitals that don't exist along with the rest of your imaginary GOP dupe planet. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and Google the only tax graph you need to know. The first tells us the middle class has gone to hell and only continues due to incredible borrowing, the second shows that we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Wake up and smell the coffee. And no we don't want to tax you any more. Welcome to reality.
Last edited:
Anything that gets health care for everyone and cuts costs is a great thing. My father the doctor was for socialized medicine since 1940. The amount we could have saved in lives and money is staggering. If you don't know that you don't know anything, super duper. Doctors have been overwhelmingly Republicans and absolutely a disgrace on this...
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital

That is a non-profit hospital, not a charity hospital.
And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for. In other words, the guy holding the insurance policy was "mandated" to pay more because someone didn't. Why not mandate everyone pay into a universal program like every other developed nation does? Why do we have to continue playing dangerous musical chair games with everyone's health because we insist on pedaling the lie that market based insurance covers all? It doesn't and that is reality.

You hit on two very important points with your reply. What you don't know is that Medicare and Medicaid does exactly that. They only pay about 2/3 for the services of government patients. And yes, health facilities have to recoup those losses by increased prices.

Not that's not bad for an eighty dollar doctors visit, but real bad for a 400K surgery and post care, which most of us will receive when we are on Medicare.

So now we have government healthcare. So who is going to make up the difference in the shortages once there is no private insurance to sack with those losses?
Believe me, the payment is more than two thirds. I'm on Medicare, and have never paid the other third. Link please, proving it is only two thirds? Never heard of such a thing.

No one ever said that individuals couldn't buy into their own private plan. I know quite a few countries that have universal care with the ability to purchase a private plan.
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
Sure the people without insurance get Healthcare and then they have to pay for the rest of their lives or go bankrupt and lose everything.
Or got the charity hospital and get treated there
Where the hell is the Charity Hospital? And how big is the waiting list or how big is the raffle for that etc... LOL
They have in the deep red state I live in

Google Parkland Hospital
That is not a Charity Hospital you have to pay, absolutely oblivious brainwashed functional moron LOL. Yes I looked at the website.
If you can pay you dont go to Parkland

If you are an illegal alien about to drop an anchor baby you go to Parkland for free sevice
Anything that gets health care for everyone and cuts costs is a great thing. My father the doctor was for socialized medicine since 1940. The amount we could have saved in lives and money is staggering. If you don't know that you don't know anything, super duper. Doctors have been overwhelmingly Republicans and absolutely a disgrace on this...
Everyone gets healthcare now

though people who pay for it get better healthcare than people who dont pay

and VIPs like obama or the swamp rats in washington get the best care of all
It's hard to believe humans can be this stupid. So here it is folks, a classic argument coming from an idiot. "Everyone gets healthcare." Does everyone get that? Lol! Then, the poster states "though people who pay for it get better healthcare." :auiqs.jpg:This shit is unreal. When did we all of a sudden decide "healthcare" and 'better healthcare" was a thing? Through our healthcare system with doctors and hospitals, you either get back healthy or you don't. If you go to the hospital with the Flu, are they going to give you "healthcare" or "better health care" in order to get you better? Are you saying "healthcare" won't make you better, but "better healthcare" will? Do you have even the foggiest idea of what you are talking about?
I think you know what I’m saying

We cant all get the same state-of-art treatment that obama gets
I know what you are saying, the same way you know what I am saying. The difference is, I don't lie to myself. I don't have to hide behind the lie that private health is going to help everyone. Once you accumulate a catastrophic condition, even your private health is no good.

Try and function with your brain for once, instead of your emotional hatred for a certain group of people.

And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for. In other words, the guy holding the insurance policy was "mandated" to pay more because someone didn't. Why not mandate everyone pay into a universal program like every other developed nation does? Why do we have to continue playing dangerous musical chair games with everyone's health because we insist on pedaling the lie that market based insurance covers all? It doesn't and that is reality.

And another thing, if there are those who aren't paying, then the next guy who shows up to the doctors office or hospital "HAS" to pay more for a service someone else didn't pay for.

You just explained why the cost of healthcare keeps going up

Too many deadbeats who mooch off society
And that's why 100% market based health insurance doesn't work. :5_1_12024: Folks,he finally got it.
What happened was, Capitalism went in reverse so it could cater to the rich. It started right about the time Reagan took office; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

"Capitalism went in reverse"?


Ed Schultze, expert on capitalism......DURR
The Center for Tax policy. Duhhhhhh!!!!!!

The Tax Policy Center (TPC) is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution.

About the Tax Policy Center

Yup, no nutty libs there......DURR
So, your counter arguments to those facts is to attack the institution, but not the facts? :auiqs.jpg:Talk about losing biggley here.

Vulture chart was facts? LOL!

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