Almost twice as many Republicans than Democrats died of Covid, study says

Hey dumbfuck, Florida certainly is a Republican State. Including Miami-Dade you moron. You still lose. As you’ve been beaten this entire thread yet laughably keep stomping your feet and whining.
Too always amuse with your habit of declaring victory..regardless of the actual facts. Legend in your own mind eh? Is cool...the intellectually challenged deserve leeway~

Do you think there are no Dems in Florida? Did you just forget Ohio? Just because the Republicans won an election does not automatically make Florida a 'republican' state....and has no bearing on the millions..yup millions of registered Democrats. Very close to even in fact

Too always amuse with your habit of declaring victory..regardless of the actual facts. Legend in your own mind eh? Is cool...the intellectually challenged deserve leeway~

Do you think there are no Dems in Florida? Did you just forget Ohio? Just because the Republicans won an election does not automatically make Florida a 'republican' state....and has no bearing on the millions..yup millions of registered Democrats. Very close to even in fact

YOU are one stupid fucking illiterate coward shitstain. Hey asswipe, YOU stated Florida wasn’t a Republican area retard. You fucking retard. Florida just had a Republican Governor and Senator win by huge margins, including carrying Miami-Dade. Maybe learn something before making yourself look like an ass as usual. You are nothing but a fucking tool who can’t even remember what you posted. Cry harder crybaby,
YOU are one stupid fucking illiterate coward shitstain. Hey asswipe, YOU stated Florida wasn’t a Republican area retard. You fucking retard. Florida just had a Republican Governor and Senator win by huge margins, including carrying Miami-Dade. Maybe learn something before making yourself look like an ass as usual. You are nothing but a fucking tool who can’t even remember what you posted. Cry harder crybaby,

all the insults in the world won't make you smarter...but you are free to try~

all the insults in the world won't make you smarter...but you are free to try~
Your cowardice, stupidity, and ignorance on full display against you piece of shit. I’m calling you exactly what you are. So cry to the mods like you always do when I destroy your argument. Florida is a red state no matter what you cry and whine about. You aren’t close to my (or any conservative’s) intelligence moron. Keep crying asshole. I’ll just keep slapping you like the bitch you are,
Thank you for confirming my very wise assessment of your -- ahem -- intellectual capability.

Have a lovely day.

I had a great day. Took the day off from work and spent the afternoon with my daughter at a farm, checking out the animals and riding horses.

But tell me more about your RED WAVE...

God, it's going to be fun listening to y'all cry on Nov 9.
Hey dumbfuck, Florida certainly is a Republican State. Including Miami-Dade you moron. You still lose. As you’ve been beaten this entire thread yet laughably keep stomping your feet and whining.

In 2020, the Republican candidate for president won Florida by the slim margin of 51% to 48%. Florida has almost as many Democrats as it has Republicans.
YOU are one stupid fucking illiterate coward shitstain. Hey asswipe, YOU stated Florida wasn’t a Republican area retard. You fucking retard. Florida just had a Republican Governor and Senator win by huge margins, including carrying Miami-Dade. Maybe learn something before making yourself look like an ass as usual. You are nothing but a fucking tool who can’t even remember what you posted. Cry harder crybaby,

Many people don't bother to vote in midterms. Still, there are almost as many Democrats as there are Republicans.
Your cowardice, stupidity, and ignorance on full display against you piece of shit. I’m calling you exactly what you are. So cry to the mods like you always do when I destroy your argument. Florida is a red state no matter what you cry and whine about. You aren’t close to my (or any conservative’s) intelligence moron. Keep crying asshole. I’ll just keep slapping you like the bitch you are,

Florida is a red state in that most elected officials are Republican. But that's because most Democrats in the state reside in just a few counties while Republicans are spread out more across the state.

But population-wise, there are almost as many Democrats as Republicans. EvilEyeFleegle even showed you the number of voter registrations, on which that study was based.

You denying this fact only serves to demonstrate just how disconnected from reality you are. You know, a typical conservative.
Your cowardice, stupidity, and ignorance on full display against you piece of shit. I’m calling you exactly what you are. So cry to the mods like you always do when I destroy your argument. Florida is a red state no matter what you cry and whine about. You aren’t close to my (or any conservative’s) intelligence moron. Keep crying asshole. I’ll just keep slapping you like the bitch you are,
**** lol
We gratefully acknowledge support from the Tobin Center for Economic Policy at Yale University and the Yale School of Public Health COVID-19 Rapid Response Research Fund. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research. NBER working papers are circulated for discussion and comment purposes. They have not been peer-reviewed or been subject to the review this should be an eye opener for some..but--it won't be.
I see this as a purely Darwinian exercise---sad but inevitable.

Political affiliation has emerged as a potential risk factor for COVID-19, amid evidence that Republican-leaning counties have had higher COVID-19 death rates than Democrat- leaning counties and evidence of a link between political party affiliation and vaccination views. This study constructs an individual-level dataset with political affiliation and excess death rates during the COVID-19 pandemic via a linkage of 2017 voter registration in Ohio and Florida to mortality data from 2018 to 2021. We estimate substantially higher excess death rates for registered Republicans when compared to registered Democrats, with almost all of the difference concentrated in the period after vaccines were widely available in our study states. Overall, the excess death rate for Republicans was 5.4 percentage points (pp), or 76%, higher than the excess death rate for Democrats. Post- vaccines, the excess death rate gap between Republicans and Democrats widened from 1.6 pp (22% of the Democrat excess death rate) to 10.4 pp (153% of the Democrat excess death rate). The gap in excess death rates between Republicans and Democrats is concentrated in counties with low vaccination rates and only materializes after vaccines became widely available.

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused over one million deaths in the United
States [6], leading to considerable interest in identifying risk factors for COVID-19 mortality.
Political affiliation has emerged as one potentially significant risk factor, amid evidence that
Republican-leaning counties have had higher COVID-19 death rates than Democrat-leaning
counties [11, 14]. But it is unknown whether this county-level association — which may be
subject to the ecological fallacy [12] — persists at the individual level. Prior research has also
established differences in vaccination attitudes and social distancing based on political party
affiliation [1, 9, 2, 8, 13], but it has been more difficult thus far to establish corresponding
links to health outcomes due to data limitations. This study overcomes that challenge by
linking voter registration data in Ohio and Florida to mortality data to assess the individual-
level association between political party affiliation and excess mortality during the COVID-19
pandemic. We estimate higher excess death rates for registered Republicans when compared
to registered Democrats after vaccines were widely available — and not before — and these
differences were concentrated in counties with lower vaccination rates.
What you people labled as "COVID deaths" arent actually deaths from COVID, so your numbers are dishonest from the start. It could be that more republicans died, but i have zero faith in your biased studies. I will wait for real scientists to get back to doing real science, then we can reexamine the deaths.
Explains this...


Oh, That's a nice looking blog, I guess.

Your cult lies, cheats and steals and this is the reason no one believes a word you say.

You know it and are terrified.

Sadly, soon the voting rolls will be entirely lopsided due to Republican deaths.

Diamond hasn’t been posting in this thread in a while. Anyone know why?


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