Already, Trump destroying info, intel and healthcare

Paint it any way you want, doesn't alter reality, does it loser?

You'll always (thankfully) be in the minority, and the rest of neo-racist Americans.

I hate to break it to you snowflake, but we are way in the majority.

Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

3 million illegal votes from broke ass California, what a joke.

Always nice to hear from the idiots that believe that.
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.

You are too stupid to understand and too stuck in your leftist dogma to ever admit you are wrong so I'm wasting my time here. However, I'm bored so I'll give you the attention you do not deserve.

CNN published and promoted fake news. No doubt about that. Trump is correct.

Every time you play the NAZI card you show your stupidity and peopke know to ignore you.

The CIA had nothing to do with anything. It was the FBI that brought the report to Trump. Trump never mentions the CIA.

Trump and the GOP are already in the process of dismantling Obamacare.

Obama deserves our hate but that isn't why they are doing it. They are doing it because it was a lie to begin with and most people cannot afford it.

No one is entitled to healthcare so the street is where they belong.

Karma isn't a real thing moron.

The narcissist will be gone in a week, Trump will make America a better place.

Karma isn't a real thing moron

Remember, I told you so....
Karma may not be instant, but I guarantee, you are gonna get yours.
Paint it any way you want, doesn't alter reality, does it loser?

You'll always (thankfully) be in the minority, and the rest of neo-racist Americans.

I hate to break it to you snowflake, but we are way in the majority.

Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

Your butthurt has made your brain malfunction.

I at least know how to count. 3 million more is ........well.........more.

Again probably wasting my time talking to an idiot, and worse, a stubborn idiot but seeing as how I'm bored, I'll grant you the attention you do not deserve.

We have all three branches of government, plus the vast majority of state governorships, and the vast majority of state legislatures. All you have is 3 million illegal aliens in California and a severe case of butthurt. Go ahead and see how much you can accomplish with that you dumbass.
As someone who ACTUALLY has a journalism degree, I call total bullshit.
So let me get this straight:

1. buzzfeed gets busted engaging in 'Fake News' and is dumped on by just about everyone, including their fellow news media, like CNN....and YOU call BS?!

2. CNN (in a video linked in this thread) declares it has helped Hillary every way they can, to include giving her a pass on every scandal...and YOU call BS to the notion that media today pushes agendas?!


Buzzfeed did not print fake news. They reported undisputed facts: A dossier prepared by a retired British agent says that Russia has surveillance video and other evidence that trump hired prostitiutes to piss on a bed, met with Russians regarding hacking of the DNC and that Russia bribed trump and that trump accepted said bribes.

Buzzfeed didn't declare these stories true. They simply reported the existence of the dossier.

I realize you're too much of a simpleminded partisan hack to know the difference between that, and a report from breitbart or infowars that says Hillary and Obama smell like sulfur or that Hillary freed a child rapist. Hence I'm pretty much positive you have no kind of accredited college degree, much less an accredited journalism degree. Maybe Liberty University?
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.

Your dear leader claims 20 million covered by the UACA, now you claim that not only will 30 million lose health care, but will be removed form the abode and thrown into the streets. So tell us master DRAMA QUEEN, how long before Trump lines up 100 million to be shot and placed in mass graves? A month, two? ROFLMFAO

It probably won't be that bad. But tell me, does it need to get to that before you stop blindly defending him and realize you've been conned by a lifelong con artist?

No, I got exactly what I voted for, the hildabitch will never make a supreme court nomination. The destruction of your dear leaders "legacy" will be pure gravy.

And Trump will nominate Vince McMahon. Again, WHAT DO YOU STAND TO GAIN?

Ok, "journalist", prove that claim.
You'll always (thankfully) be in the minority, and the rest of neo-racist Americans.

I hate to break it to you snowflake, but we are way in the majority.

Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

Your butthurt has made your brain malfunction.

I at least know how to count. 3 million more is ........well.........more.

Again probably wasting my time talking to an idiot, and worse, a stubborn idiot but seeing as how I'm bored, I'll grant you the attention you do not deserve.

We have all three branches of government, plus the vast majority of state governorships, and the vast majority of state legislatures. All you have is 3 million illegal aliens in California and a severe case of butthurt. Go ahead and see how much you can accomplish with that you dumbass.

Lol @ you talking about "idiots" yet believing that 3 million undocumented aliens risked felony imprisonment and deportation to cast one vote.

You're unhinged.
It cute that you think you are being clever. We have the White House, the Senate, the House, most state governorships by a lot, most state legislators by a lot, so yeah, you idiots are in the minority by quite a lot.

Oligarchs in Russia control the entire government there....Do you see them as constituting the "majority" of that country's population?

Ok, that's too stupid to address even in my boredom. I tried to educate you, you choose to stay stupid. Enjoy the next 8 years snowflake.
A dossier prepared by a retired British agent says that Russia has surveillance video and other evidence that trump hired prostitiutes to piss on a bed, met with Russians regarding hacking of the DNC and that Russia bribed trump and that trump accepted said bribes.

The story may prove to NOT be true.....Nonetheless, can we picture a scenario where Putin sends troops all the way inside the Ukraine and if Trump objects, the threat of a video of trump in Russia could surface?
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.

Your dear leader claims 20 million covered by the UACA, now you claim that not only will 30 million lose health care, but will be removed form the abode and thrown into the streets. So tell us master DRAMA QUEEN, how long before Trump lines up 100 million to be shot and placed in mass graves? A month, two? ROFLMFAO

It probably won't be that bad. But tell me, does it need to get to that before you stop blindly defending him and realize you've been conned by a lifelong con artist?

No, I got exactly what I voted for, the hildabitch will never make a supreme court nomination. The destruction of your dear leaders "legacy" will be pure gravy.

And Trump will nominate Vince McMahon. Again, WHAT DO YOU STAND TO GAIN?

Ok, "journalist", prove that claim.

Prove what claim? That trump will nominate unqualified people? Christ look at his cabinet nominations! A brain surgeon with zero public works experience as HUD secretary? A tycoon with billions in overseas conflicts as Sec of State? Are you taking crazy pills?
Labeling CNN "fake news", Trump is trying to create his own "Nazi style" propaganda machine.

Trying to discredit the CIA, without even taking their classified daily reports, pretending to know more than they do.

And dismantling the ACA along with the cons, saying he'll replace it "almost" simultaneously is just his next big lie. It's horrifying that the republicans hate Obama so much, that they are willing to throw 30 million sick Americans out in the street.

For someone that thinks he so smart, he doesn't have a clue about karma. This narcissist will be the death of this country.

You are too stupid to understand and too stuck in your leftist dogma to ever admit you are wrong so I'm wasting my time here. However, I'm bored so I'll give you the attention you do not deserve.

CNN published and promoted fake news. No doubt about that. Trump is correct.

Every time you play the NAZI card you show your stupidity and peopke know to ignore you.

The CIA had nothing to do with anything. It was the FBI that brought the report to Trump. Trump never mentions the CIA.

Trump and the GOP are already in the process of dismantling Obamacare.

Obama deserves our hate but that isn't why they are doing it. They are doing it because it was a lie to begin with and most people cannot afford it.

No one is entitled to healthcare so the street is where they belong.

Karma isn't a real thing moron.

The narcissist will be gone in a week, Trump will make America a better place.

Karma isn't a real thing moron

Remember, I told you so....
Karma may not be instant, but I guarantee, you are gonna get yours.

Do the world a favor and hold your breath until it happens. Should be real soon right idiot?
You'll always (thankfully) be in the minority, and the rest of neo-racist Americans.

I hate to break it to you snowflake, but we are way in the majority.

Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

Your butthurt has made your brain malfunction.

I at least know how to count. 3 million more is ........well.........more.

Again probably wasting my time talking to an idiot, and worse, a stubborn idiot but seeing as how I'm bored, I'll grant you the attention you do not deserve.

We have all three branches of government, plus the vast majority of state governorships, and the vast majority of state legislatures. All you have is 3 million illegal aliens in California and a severe case of butthurt. Go ahead and see how much you can accomplish with that you dumbass.

You think 3 million illegal aliens voted. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.......HAHA
A dossier prepared by a retired British agent says that Russia has surveillance video and other evidence that trump hired prostitiutes to piss on a bed, met with Russians regarding hacking of the DNC and that Russia bribed trump and that trump accepted said bribes.

The story may prove to NOT be true.....Nonetheless, can we picture a scenario where Putin sends troops all the way inside the Ukraine and if Trump objects, the threat of a video of trump in Russia could surface?

Precisely why blackmail and conflicts of interest are critical elements of investigation into the prez-elect and all his cronies.
Ok, that's too stupid to address even in my boredom. I tried to educate you, you choose to stay stupid. Enjoy the next 8 years snowflake.

Great, go and change your Depends and go back to bed.......LOL
You'll always (thankfully) be in the minority, and the rest of neo-racist Americans.

I hate to break it to you snowflake, but we are way in the majority.

Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

Your butthurt has made your brain malfunction.

I at least know how to count. 3 million more is ........well.........more.

Again probably wasting my time talking to an idiot, and worse, a stubborn idiot but seeing as how I'm bored, I'll grant you the attention you do not deserve.

We have all three branches of government, plus the vast majority of state governorships, and the vast majority of state legislatures. All you have is 3 million illegal aliens in California and a severe case of butthurt. Go ahead and see how much you can accomplish with that you dumbass.
You also have a president-elect with the worst approval rating EVER.

I hate to break it to you snowflake, but we are way in the majority.

Perhaps at a kkk rally, or a Trump support group, but 3 million more votes proves you are not in the majority.

Your butthurt has made your brain malfunction.

I at least know how to count. 3 million more is ........well.........more.

Again probably wasting my time talking to an idiot, and worse, a stubborn idiot but seeing as how I'm bored, I'll grant you the attention you do not deserve.

We have all three branches of government, plus the vast majority of state governorships, and the vast majority of state legislatures. All you have is 3 million illegal aliens in California and a severe case of butthurt. Go ahead and see how much you can accomplish with that you dumbass.

You think 3 million illegal aliens voted. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..........HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.......HAHA

The point that your tiny malfunctioning brain can't seem to grasp is that you are the ones in the minority.

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