Zone1 Alright All Romantic Couples Be Honest

Maybe not for you, but it doesn't mean the rest of us can't.
You can do whatever you please, I didn’t say otherwise. I will say this, when there is friendships of the opposite sex, one of them usually has arterial motives.
You can do whatever you please, I didn’t say otherwise. I will say this, when there is friendships of the opposite sex, one of them usually has arterial motives.

Maybe in prehistoric caveman times. :rolleyes:
In all but the fewest of instances... people don't form "friendships" with the opposite sex. They form prospects...
When I was 20 years younger, I tutored remarkably beautiful young ladies who very obviously threw themselves in my direction but I managed to maintain composure and control and not do anything inappropriate. I'm confident about doing so going forward.
Would you let your significant hangout with friends of the opposite sex? In my relationship we have the mutual understanding that the more people that care about you the better. Male, or female it doesn't matter to us as we have complete trust in one another. I'm just curious what other people on here think about that.
So your wife dates other guys?

Do you imagine your wife respects you or values your relationship when you both date members of the opposite sex?
Would you let your significant hangout with friends of the opposite sex? In my relationship we have the mutual understanding that the more people that care about you the better. Male, or female it doesn't matter to us as we have complete trust in one another. I'm just curious what other people on here think about that.

First of all, my significant other is a grown woman. I do not "let" her do anything.

Now, is it a problem if she hangs out with male friends? Absolutely not. Infidelity is not an issue for us, so there is that. But also, she enjoys the company of her friends, male and female. She should not be restricted because of my insecurities, nor me because of hers. Luckily, neither of us is that insecure.

As for any gossip that would start because she is seen out in the company of a man, that is not my problem. That is the problem of those who start it and those who believe it.
So your wife dates other guys?

Do you imagine your wife respects you or values your relationship when you both date members of the opposite sex?

If it is a mutually agreed situation that both can date, it works just fine. I would say my significant other respects me more because I am secure in our relationship.
I guess she respects you so much she prefers the company of other men.

I have a feeling she’s thoroughly respecting you repeatedly in some cheap motel at this very moment.

She respects me because I know who I am and what we have. And I respect her for the same reasons.

If it is all out in the open, and we are honest with each other, there are no cheap hotels involved.
We live in an age where a mans business relationship s involve women so he has no choice but to interact with women not his wife. That's where good ethics and morals come in. And if your an upper income person you have these gossip rags photographers to deal with. A wealthy man I knew saved himself and marriage by following the arms length rule. :thup:
Oh expensive hotels only

That’s good.

Where ever they go on their date. We are polyamorous.

But that is not really the topic. The topic is about whether or not people "allow" their significant other to have platonic friends of the opposite gender.
So your wife dates other guys?

Do you imagine your wife respects you or values your relationship when you both date members of the opposite sex?

First of all I am a woman and second of all I don't date other guys.
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