Always remember Islam is never involved in a mass shooting. Only Christianity.

Compare the 'carnage' they have brought to the record-setting daily-increasing violence in Chicago, for example. By statistical comparison non-Muslim Americans produce much more violence / carnage...for different reasons. I am not defending Muslims, making excuses for them, etc. I am just saying (sorta) we don't need more Islamic Extremist, or otherwise, violence here because we (non-Muslim) already needlessly produce enough of our own.
We don't know the motive yet. Although, based on the evidence, this attack looks like it was planned a long time before the party.
Of course you can't figure it out.

How could you.

These pissed off Muslims hosed down a Christmas party.....


If they gave awards for being a dumbass you'd have yet another one to add to your massive collection.:stupid:

Actually, they DIDN'T "hose down a Christmas party", they used the party to case the place and were kicked out.

The "hosing down" didn't come until the next day.

No, these gunmen didn't attack the party, they waited until the next day.

Get your news from something other than FAUX Nooze.
I missed it-------how did dancer justify shooting up abortion clinics? (?????)
No one knows what TD is actually trying to say.
I do.

She's saying you want to ignore Islamic terrorism but focus on white mass-shooters......assuming they're Christians the moment they're identified as white.........but these whites were Muslim....much to the left's chagrin.

That post only muddies the water. Where did you get the idea that the attackers were white? Where did you get the idea that we on the left want to ignore Islamic terrorism? I`ll admit that some on the left tend to exaggerate the importance of religion on a mass shooters actions and push the christian killer meme as much as the far right condemns all muslims for the actions of a fanatical few. They shouldn`t fall victim to frustration that easily.
Compare the 'carnage' they have brought to the record-setting daily-increasing violence in Chicago. By statistical comparison non-Muslim Americans produce much more violence...for different reasons. I am not defending Muslims, making excuses for them, etc. I am just saying (sorta) we don't need more Islamic Extremist, or itherwise, violence here because we (non-Muslim) already produce enough of our own needlessly.

are all the people in Chicago non muslims? crime stats in the USA are not reported based on religion
I missed it-------how did dancer justify shooting up abortion clinics? (?????)
No one knows what TD is actually trying to say.
I do.

She's saying you want to ignore Islamic terrorism but focus on white mass-shooters......assuming they're Christians the moment they're identified as white.........but these whites were Muslim....much to the left's chagrin.

That post only muddies the water. Where did you get the idea that the attackers were white? Where did you get the idea that we on the left want to ignore Islamic terrorism? I`ll admit that some on the left tend to exaggerate the importance of religion on a mass shooters actions and push the christian killer meme as much as the far right condemns all muslims for the actions of a fanatical few. They shouldn`t fall victim to frustration that easily.
Good grief you people are idiots.
"The Left" bring up the "Christian killer meme" to put the constant Muslim killer meme espoused by the right into perspective.
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We don't know the motive yet. Although, based on the evidence, this attack looks like it was planned a long time before the party.

Some attack was planned by the looks of things, not necessarily this one. It`s probably useless to speculate on a dead terrorists motive but I have to wonder what would inspire an attack on a facility that provides services for thousands of people with disabilities. It`s a very corrupt, demented world inside such a person`s head.

do you have any idea as to how traditional muslims view persons with

I guess I don`t but I`m sure you`re going to tell me. Please define ``traditional muslim`` if you do.
We don't know the motive yet. Although, based on the evidence, this attack looks like it was planned a long time before the party.
Of course you can't figure it out.

How could you.

These pissed off Muslims hosed down a Christmas party.....


If they gave awards for being a dumbass you'd have yet another one to add to your massive collection.:stupid:

Actually, they DIDN'T "hose down a Christmas party", they used the party to case the place and were kicked out.

The "hosing down" didn't come until the next day.

No, these gunmen didn't attack the party, they waited until the next day.

Get your news from something other than FAUX Nooze.

Why did the shooters enter the building, NOT target anyone in the 1st floor, go directly up to the 2nd floor, and choose that conference room to begin their shooting spree, as it is being reported witnesses have told police happened?

Yoo much is not known, has not been reported, is being speculated right now.

A lot of people criticize Obama for speaking out before knowing all the facts. I recommend we should probably follow our own advice and wait to find out more before 'declaring' what happened.
We don't know the motive yet. Although, based on the evidence, this attack looks like it was planned a long time before the party.

Some attack was planned by the looks of things, not necessarily this one. It`s probably useless to speculate on a dead terrorists motive but I have to wonder what would inspire an attack on a facility that provides services for thousands of people with disabilities. It`s a very corrupt, demented world inside such a person`s head.

do you have any idea as to how traditional muslims view persons with

I guess I don`t but I`m sure you`re going to tell me. Please define ``traditional muslim`` if you do.
It's different to 'all Muslims' so I guess it's some sort of intellectual evolution.
Getting kicked out of a party because you're being disruptive, and going on a shooting spree are two different things.

The person was kicked out of the party that happened the day before because they were being disruptive. I think that they were casing the joint.

They didn't attack until the next day, after they had cased the joint. If they really wanted to make a statement, wouldn't they have attacked during the party? Killing those who are differently abled would make more of a terrorist statement, and they might have been able to kill more.

No, there was no party crashed by terrorists. That is a made up thing from the right wing media.

Except there was mass activity according to neighbors at his house that involved people that looked like smelly sandNIGGERS going in and out of his pathetic house. She did not say anything to anyone cause she did not want to be blamed for racially profiling.

Liberal pc bullshit, caused it. That is what that means.

Another fucking liberal moron, thinking this was some spontaneous attack.

Liberals are nothing more than people who deserve to be punched right in their fucking face. All of them. No exceptions.
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td normally makes good sense. She make have been drinking or bonging to excess when she posted. Cut her some slack until she posts again.
Doesn't matter if they are "traditional Muslims" or "radical Muslims".

We have one of the terrorists in custody right now, the other two are dead.

Guess that Daesh should realize that we have cameras that record whatever happens, and they will be caught.
We don't know the motive yet. Although, based on the evidence, this attack looks like it was planned a long time before the party.

Some attack was planned by the looks of things, not necessarily this one. It`s probably useless to speculate on a dead terrorists motive but I have to wonder what would inspire an attack on a facility that provides services for thousands of people with disabilities. It`s a very corrupt, demented world inside such a person`s head.

do you have any idea as to how traditional muslims view persons with

I guess I don`t but I`m sure you`re going to tell me. Please define ``traditional muslim`` if you do.
It's different to 'all Muslims' so I guess it's some sort of intellectual evolution.

You must have a reason for nipping at my ankle.....Yawn....
We don't know the motive yet. Although, based on the evidence, this attack looks like it was planned a long time before the party.

Some attack was planned by the looks of things, not necessarily this one. It`s probably useless to speculate on a dead terrorists motive but I have to wonder what would inspire an attack on a facility that provides services for thousands of people with disabilities. It`s a very corrupt, demented world inside such a person`s head.

do you have any idea as to how traditional muslims view persons with

I guess I don`t but I`m sure you`re going to tell me. Please define ``traditional muslim`` if you do.

OK I will tell you-------with the UTMOST in disdain-----as if such persons
have no reason to live. The gutters of muslim cities are lined with abandoned
cripples who end up being beggers. There is a reason-----having a crippled person
in one's house lowers the value and marriagability of family members----so people
get rid of them ----or they are hidden in the barn. I have it from persons well experienced in muslim societies, why are you so SURE that I would tell you?
when I use the term traditional muslims----I am, in general, referring to those living in muslim countries that adhere to shariah law ----or those muslims from muslim countries who LIKE shariah law
Unfortunately for Obama and his desire to bring in thousands of Syrian Muslims, the simple fact that this latest mass shooting was perpetrated by Muslims - for whatever reason - will drive, right or wrong, the argument and 'justification' NOT to bring the 'refugees' here now.

The fact that these shooters were Muslim yet NOT 'widows and orphans' will drive a narrative / argument against Obama's plan. In response, right or wrong, I predict Obama will move to defuse this narrative by claiming this attack to be a case of 'workplace violence' / 'disgruntled employee' violence, perhaps correctly (we don't know yet).

The fact that they are Muslim, though, will fuel the concern over national security, American safety, Islamic Extremist / ISIS fear, valid or not.

I would like to know from the FBI is this / these individuals were at all among the reported 1,000 open cases of theirs regarding ISIS or if this was just a random / completely unexpected / unsuspected event. My guess right now is these guys were never on the FBI's RADAR.

Your right.

Most Americans don't want these refugees here at all. Having Muslim gunmen kill fourteen people will reinforce that feeling. Hell. Americans will demand that these refugees go somewhere else.

If Obama and his pack of boobs are smart they will cease with the refugee bullshit ASAP.
...except no Christian Syrians are being brought here. It has been reported that the total number of Christian refugees Obama has brought here is ZERO.
...except no Christian Syrians are being brought here. It has been reported that the total number of Christian refugees Obama has brought here is ZERO.

Yup. That's what I read as well. The only Syrians those fucking idiots are bringing here are Muslims.

We are governed by fucking morons.

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