Always remember Islam is never involved in a mass shooting. Only Christianity.

...except no Christian Syrians are being brought here. It has been reported that the total number of Christian refugees Obama has brought here is ZERO.

I am horrified-----Christian Syrians are very valuable ------they do the PITA for the USA------and stuff like that--------Obama can ----therefore SEND all of them back---
or-----to whomever wants them
We don't know the motive yet. Although, based on the evidence, this attack looks like it was planned a long time before the party.

Some attack was planned by the looks of things, not necessarily this one. It`s probably useless to speculate on a dead terrorists motive but I have to wonder what would inspire an attack on a facility that provides services for thousands of people with disabilities. It`s a very corrupt, demented world inside such a person`s head.

do you have any idea as to how traditional muslims view persons with

Far better than Trumps....
We don't know the motive yet. Although, based on the evidence, this attack looks like it was planned a long time before the party.

Some attack was planned by the looks of things, not necessarily this one. It`s probably useless to speculate on a dead terrorists motive but I have to wonder what would inspire an attack on a facility that provides services for thousands of people with disabilities. It`s a very corrupt, demented world inside such a person`s head.

do you have any idea as to how traditional muslims view persons with

I guess I don`t but I`m sure you`re going to tell me. Please define ``traditional muslim`` if you do.

OK I will tell you-------with the UTMOST in disdain-----as if such persons
have no reason to live. The gutters of muslim cities are lined with abandoned
cripples who end up being beggers. There is a reason-----having a crippled person
in one's house lowers the value and marriagability of family members----so people
get rid of them ----or they are hidden in the barn. I have it from persons well experienced in muslim societies, why are you so SURE that I would tell you?

And what happens in Christian houses on the the same educational and economic outlook?

They don't do it because they are Muslim, they do it because of culture, economics, education....

People who are uneducated and feel disadvantaged are always vulnerable to someone saying 'it is all there fault'

Look at ME and US, Hitler and Jews, Trump and immigrants,....

This is common, you feel hard done by then someone just says it is there fault...

In the ME case the US has a case to answer... They are far from innocent in messing in the ME for self interest and not the interest of the people of the ME.
Killing for religious and moral reasons in America is nothing new: ask the Quakers about the Puritans.

This, though, may be the first mass killing caused by jihad and work place revenge. Ask Dylan Roof about black Christians.
Last edited:
Getting kicked out of a party because you're being disruptive, and going on a shooting spree are two different things.

The person was kicked out of the party that happened the day before because they were being disruptive. I think that they were casing the joint.

They didn't attack until the next day, after they had cased the joint. If they really wanted to make a statement, wouldn't they have attacked during the party? Killing those who are differently abled would make more of a terrorist statement, and they might have been able to kill more.

No, there was no party crashed by terrorists. That is a made up thing from the right wing media.

Pardon me? No party crashed?

"A Muslim U.S. citizen and his wife burst into his office holiday party with assault rifles and tactical clothing, massacred 14 and injured 17 before they were both shot dead in a police chase through suburban San Bernardino.

Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, was at the celebration for local health officials but reportedly left angry before returning heavily armed with wife Tashfeen Malik, 27, and opening fire at the city's Inland Regional Center Wednesday morning"

Two suspects killed after California mass shooting
Killing for religious and moral reasons in America is nothing new: ask the Quakers about the Puritans.

This, though, may be the first mass killing caused by jihad and work place revenge. Ask Dylan Roof about black Christians.
You are such a worthless sack of hypocritical shit. With all due disrespect.
Inside their home the police found what they are calling an 'IED factory' - several pipe bombs and bomb-making material.

The FBI pointed out this was a planned attack. IF it was terrorism it was a type not seen before - no suicide attack, they planned to survive and tried to. They picked a specific target - a Christmas party the husband was invited to.

They are now digging into every aspect of their lives as the investigation continues.
I might agree if CAIR hadn't already had a press conference to condemn the actions of these muslims.

Here's where I actually feel very sorry for the Muslim community. I think it's really over the top that we expect Muslims to have to apologize whenever a radicalized whack job who just happens to be Muslim goes bonkers and slaughters people.

I was really tired when I put the OP up and I can't edit it but I should have added that I was targeting apologists in the media.

I was reading at Red State that a writer at the Guardian suggested that we should assassinate all the board members of the NRA. CNN, Alan Colmes and Bloomberg made sure they found out where the closest Planned Parenthood was.

They were frothing at the mouth and praying it was another white Christian Tea party activist.

It's wearing thin.
Killing for religious and moral reasons in America is nothing new: ask the Quakers about the Puritans.

This, though, may be the first mass killing caused by jihad and work place revenge. Ask Dylan Roof about black Christians.
You are such a worthless sack of hypocritical shit. With all due disrespect.
And you keep getting your feathers plucked, bird brain. :lol:
It's wearing thin.

Muslim US citizen is named as black-clad suspect who burst into government holiday party with a woman and massacred at least 14
  • Two suspects were killed by police in San Bernardino after a mass shooting at a conference center today
  • Police said 14 people died and a further 17 wounded after suspects opened fire at the Inland Regional Center
  • San Bernardino Police Chief Jarrod Burguan said the suspects, a male and a female, were dressed in 'assault-style' clothing and carrying handguns and assault rifles
  • A third person has been detained and a fourth suspect is believed to be on the run, the FBI said
  • Rampage reportedly sparked after gunman had an argument at a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center
  • It is not known if he left of his own accord or was kicked out, but sources say he returned heavily armed
  • Cops were in a dramatic standoff with the suspects after reports that up to three people were on the loose
  • Suspects reportedly threw pipe bombs out of the windows of their SUV before they were taken down by police
  • Armed police, armored vehicles and dozens of cop cars lined up along streets with helicopters overhead
  • An officer was taken to hospital with non life-threatening injuries after the standoff on a residential street
  • San Bernardino Fire Department sent out the first tweet about shooting in progress at 11am local time
  • Suspects fled in a black SUV and a bomb squad used a robot to detonate an apparent explosive device they left
  • The San Bernardino center was hosting a Christmas party for county employees Wednesday morning
Two suspects killed after California mass shooting

You're retarded. Only a retarded person could make such an argument.
Inside their home the police found what they are calling an 'IED factory' - several pipe bombs and bomb-making material.

The FBI pointed out this was a planned attack. IF it was terrorism it was a type not seen before - no suicide attack, they planned to survive and tried to. They picked a specific target - a Christmas party the husband was invited to.

They are now digging into every aspect of their lives as the investigation continues.
That makes sense. Work place revenge and jihadism and the intent to survive. Different altogether.
Adapting Jihadi tactics (IEDs, shootings...) for workplace violence?

Muslims attacking a Christmas party a coincidence?
I missed it-------how did dancer justify shooting up abortion clinics? (?????)
No one knows what TD is actually trying to say.
I do.

She's saying you want to ignore Islamic terrorism but focus on white mass-shooters......assuming they're Christians the moment they're identified as white.........but these whites were Muslim....much to the left's chagrin.

Mud----I am a registered democrat--- what does "white" have to do with
anything? arabs are caucasions. ----Iranians are caucasions ----and----NEVER
suggest otherwise to an Iranian-----persons of south east asia are caucasion.
Muslims from the Balkans are often VERY white---blond and blue-eyed. Are you
from Alabama?
Nope. The state I'm from is none of your business.

Like a typical reactionary you jumped to conclusions.

Liberals assume that if the assailants where described as white they have to be Christians.

I was stating that in this case the white assailants happened to be Muslims.

Any other smart-ass remarks?
I might agree if CAIR hadn't already had a press conference to condemn the actions of these muslims.

you certainly do not believe that :bsflag: do you ? muslimes are required by their koran to lie and deceive infidels.., maybe you did not know that????
Unfortunately for Obama and his desire to bring in thousands of Syrian Muslims, the simple fact that this latest mass shooting was perpetrated by Muslims - for whatever reason - will drive, right or wrong, the argument and 'justification' NOT to bring the 'refugees' here now.

The fact that these shooters were Muslim yet NOT 'widows and orphans' will drive a narrative / argument against Obama's plan. In response, right or wrong, I predict Obama will move to defuse this narrative by claiming this attack to be a case of 'workplace violence' / 'disgruntled employee' violence, perhaps correctly (we don't know yet).

The fact that they are Muslim, though, will fuel the concern over national security, American safety, Islamic Extremist / ISIS fear, valid or not.

I would like to know from the FBI is this / these individuals were at all among the reported 1,000 open cases of theirs regarding ISIS or if this was just a random / completely unexpected / unsuspected event. My guess right now is these guys were never on the FBI's RADAR.
The current Muslim American population is around 3 million.
Look at the carnage they've been causing.
For being less than 1% of the population they are doing more than their share of carnage. Maybe if we got them up to 16%, like in France, they could do even more.

We could have killings and bombings every week.
Wouldn't that be a blast?:blowup:
I missed it-------how did dancer justify shooting up abortion clinics? (?????)
No one knows what TD is actually trying to say.
I do.

She's saying you want to ignore Islamic terrorism but focus on white mass-shooters......assuming they're Christians the moment they're identified as white.........but these whites were Muslim....much to the left's chagrin.

Mud----I am a registered democrat--- what does "white" have to do with
anything? arabs are caucasions. ----Iranians are caucasions ----and----NEVER
suggest otherwise to an Iranian-----persons of south east asia are caucasion.
Muslims from the Balkans are often VERY white---blond and blue-eyed. Are you
from Alabama?
Nope. The state I'm from is none of your business.

Like a typical reactionary you jumped to conclusions.

Liberals assume that if the assailants where described as white they have to be Christians.

I was stating that in this case the white assailants happened to be Muslims.

Any other smart-ass remarks?

What do you mean by WHITE? I am so damned WHITE----that four minutes
in the sun---------and I AM COOKED-------I turn red like a lobster when done.
I am not Christian. Lots of muslims are very "white" ----maybe not as damned
white as am I-----but white. Syrians tend to be a bit white-----they got greek mixed
in them. Color is a very unreliable marker. Even tanned people (from the sun) tend to have white asses
I missed it-------how did dancer justify shooting up abortion clinics? (?????)
No one knows what TD is actually trying to say.
I do.

She's saying you want to ignore Islamic terrorism but focus on white mass-shooters......assuming they're Christians the moment they're identified as white.........but these whites were Muslim....much to the left's chagrin.

Mud----I am a registered democrat--- what does "white" have to do with
anything? arabs are caucasions. ----Iranians are caucasions ----and----NEVER
suggest otherwise to an Iranian-----persons of south east asia are caucasion.
Muslims from the Balkans are often VERY white---blond and blue-eyed. Are you
from Alabama?
Nope. The state I'm from is none of your business.

Like a typical reactionary you jumped to conclusions.

Liberals assume that if the assailants where described as white they have to be Christians.

I was stating that in this case the white assailants happened to be Muslims.

Any other smart-ass remarks?
Mud does not, indeed, live in Alabama. He just acts as if he does.
I missed it-------how did dancer justify shooting up abortion clinics? (?????)
No one knows what TD is actually trying to say.
I do.

She's saying you want to ignore Islamic terrorism but focus on white mass-shooters......assuming they're Christians the moment they're identified as white.........but these whites were Muslim....much to the left's chagrin.

Mud----I am a registered democrat--- what does "white" have to do with
anything? arabs are caucasions. ----Iranians are caucasions ----and----NEVER
suggest otherwise to an Iranian-----persons of south east asia are caucasion.
Muslims from the Balkans are often VERY white---blond and blue-eyed. Are you
from Alabama?
Nope. The state I'm from is none of your business.

Like a typical reactionary you jumped to conclusions.

Liberals assume that if the assailants where described as white they have to be Christians.

I was stating that in this case the white assailants happened to be Muslims.

Any other smart-ass remarks?

What do you mean by WHITE? I am so damned WHITE----that four minutes
in the sun---------and I AM COOKED-------I turn red like a lobster when done.
I am not Christian. Lots of muslims are very "white" ----maybe not as damned
white as am I-----but white. Syrians tend to be a bit white-----they got greek mixed
in them. Color is a very unreliable marker. Even tanned people (from the sun) tend to have white asses
Is English your second language by chance.....because it's clear you no comprendo
No one knows what TD is actually trying to say.
I do.

She's saying you want to ignore Islamic terrorism but focus on white mass-shooters......assuming they're Christians the moment they're identified as white.........but these whites were Muslim....much to the left's chagrin.

Mud----I am a registered democrat--- what does "white" have to do with
anything? arabs are caucasions. ----Iranians are caucasions ----and----NEVER
suggest otherwise to an Iranian-----persons of south east asia are caucasion.
Muslims from the Balkans are often VERY white---blond and blue-eyed. Are you
from Alabama?
Nope. The state I'm from is none of your business.

Like a typical reactionary you jumped to conclusions.

Liberals assume that if the assailants where described as white they have to be Christians.

I was stating that in this case the white assailants happened to be Muslims.

Any other smart-ass remarks?

What do you mean by WHITE? I am so damned WHITE----that four minutes
in the sun---------and I AM COOKED-------I turn red like a lobster when done.
I am not Christian. Lots of muslims are very "white" ----maybe not as damned
white as am I-----but white. Syrians tend to be a bit white-----they got greek mixed
in them. Color is a very unreliable marker. Even tanned people (from the sun) tend to have white asses
Is English your second language by chance.....because it's clear you no comprendo

is Spanish entirely mysterious do you? did you mean no comprende? (I think---but I am not sure)

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