Alyssa Milano has armed security at an anti gun rally, and they push people out of public park.

The NRA rally that banned guns but personal bodyguards of the president were present and armed?
I'd like to call that a stretch of an analogy but I cannot find the analogy in it
Tis da truth.....When Trump attended the NRA convention no other weapons were allowed in the arena but his armed SS agents..

This has been written 100 times, but no weapons are allowed in any place
where the Pres and/or VP are.

Even when they tour bases in war zones...The on base military men are

But you knew all of that, you just didn't have another excuse to use
for that hypocritical whore who was holding the rally.
Another hypocrite from Hollyweird.

Typical of the left, one set of rules for them, another set for the rest of us.
If it is wrong for people that want to be armed with the president that are not his bodyguards what is the problem?

I thought you guys have discipline?

NRA members do....the Secret Service is afraid a democrat will pretend to be an NRA member.....since a lefty already tried to murder the President during the campaign, and another lefty tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....
Yeah, makeup lies....It happens at every event Trump shows up to..But it's wrong if someone else dos it...
The left hates guns in the hands of everyone except themselves. They consider themselves special.
And this is classic...... at the anti gun rally during the NRA convention, speaker Alyssa Milano is discovered to have armed security guards....these guards then proceed to order law abiding citizens out of the public park where the anti-gun nutters are holding their rally...

Video below...

PERFECT! Anti-gun rally near NRA convention features Alyssa Milano (and is that... ARMED security?)

And because it wouldn’t be the perfect situation without a dose of liberal celebrity hypocrisy, the rally is being guarded by — you guessed it — private security carrying guns:

This is Will Haraway a CCW @nra member. He asked @Alyssa_Milano’s security if he was armed (he was) and then asked Alyssa about it. Here’s what happened. (She comes to talk to him after this and I will post that longer video shortly).

HYPOCRISY alert! Not only that, but the armed security guarding an anti-gun liberal was moving people out of a public park.

Like envy, greed, and sloth, for leftists, blind, unwitting hypcrisy is a virtue.
All of them live safely ensconced behind walls, guarded by armed guards. Yet, speak out against walls. All of them take tax breaks and yell when they get tax breaks. They do absoluely nothing for the planet and use as much or more oil than any average middle class person, yet they blame the white middle class person for using too much oil.

On and on and on...
All of them live safely ensconced behind walls, guarded by armed guards. Yet, speak out against walls. All of them take tax breaks and yell when they get tax breaks. They do absoluely nothing for the planet and use as much or more oil than any average middle class person, yet they blame the white middle class person for using too much oil.

On and on and on...
That's how wealthy people live, yes indeed, all I gotz is a barbed wire fence.
If it is wrong for people that want to be armed with the president that are not his bodyguards what is the problem?

I thought you guys have discipline?

NRA members do....the Secret Service is afraid a democrat will pretend to be an NRA member.....since a lefty already tried to murder the President during the campaign, and another lefty tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team.....
Yeah, makeup lies....It happens at every event Trump shows up to..But it's wrong if someone else dos it...

No, Trump isn't calling for ending the 2nd Amendment and confiscating guns....Milano is....

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