Alzheimer's to get big funding from Obama administration~

It's good to see a section of Mental Illness is getting a bump. Usually these things are the first on the cutting board. For those of us who have lived thru the hell and damage Mental Illness causes, it's heartening. This stuff doesn't care if you're to the right or left, it leaves both sides a wreck.
It's good to see a section of Mental Illness is getting a bump. Usually these things are the first on the cutting board. For those of us who have lived thru the hell and damage Mental Illness causes, it's heartening. This stuff doesn't care if you're to the right or left, it leaves both sides a wreck.

Having been a first-hand witness (my mother) I have to say that the most horrible thing I have seen in my life was watching that beautiful, brilliant mind get eaten away.
It's good to see a section of Mental Illness is getting a bump. Usually these things are the first on the cutting board. For those of us who have lived thru the hell and damage Mental Illness causes, it's heartening. This stuff doesn't care if you're to the right or left, it leaves both sides a wreck.

Yeah, it's a good thread in spite of the lesser cultivated who have decided to ruin it.

Not sure, but I don't think Alzheimer's is a 'reportable' disease. Due to most of them being cared for in the home the numbers we have are skewed. We have prolonged 'life' as to the body, but we have not prolonged life as to the mind. I have seen family friends outlive their minds by decades. My SIL's mother was one. She was in a nursing home for 20 years. There are two sides to everything. One side to this illness I have is that I will not have to spend years in a nursing home.
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Obama leading the fight against Alzheimer's...
US adopts revolutionary strategy against Alzheimer’s
Wed, May 16, 2012 - US President Barack Obama’s administration adopted a landmark strategy to fight Alzheimer’s yesterday, setting the clock ticking toward a deadline of 2025 to finally find effective ways to treat, or stall, the mind-destroying disease.
Starting yesterday, embattled families and caregivers can check a one-stop Web site for information about dementia and where to get help. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is greenlighting some new studies of possible therapies, including a form of insulin that is squirted into the nose. The world’s top Alzheimer’s scientists gathered this week to decide what other research should take place next in order to meet that ambitious 2025 deadline.

The US’ first National Alzheimer’s Plan comes at what many scientists think is a pivotal moment. Alzheimer’s is poised to become a defining disease of the rapidly aging population. “There’s a sense of optimism” thanks to some new discoveries, National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins told scientists at the Alzheimer’s Research Summit on Monday. Collins said the NIH would grant US$8 million yesterday to study an insulin nasal spray that could help Alzheimer’s.

Also, the NIH was contributing US$16 million to an international study of whether a treatment targeting amyloid, Alzheimer’s hallmark brain plaque, could prevent the disease. However, “we need to figure out exactly where is the best window of opportunity” to battle back Alzheimer’s, Collins added. Already, 5.4 million US citizens have Alzheimer’s or related dementias. Barring a breakthrough, those numbers will rise significantly by 2050 to up to 16 million. Already it is the sixth-leading killer and there is no cure.

Beyond the suffering, it is a budget-busting disease for Medicare, Medicaid and families. Caring for people with dementia will cost the US US$200 billion this year alone and US$1 trillion by 2050. Sufferers lose the ability to do the simplest activities of daily life and can survive that way for a decade or more. Family members provide most of the care, unpaid, and too often their own health crumbles under the stress. Alzheimer’s Association estimates. Even that staggering figure does not fully reflect the toll. Sufferers lose the ability to do the simplest activities of daily life and can survive that way for a decade or more. Family members provide most of the care, unpaid, and too often their own health crumbles under the stress.

US adopts revolutionary strategy against Alzheimer?s - Taipei Times
If this much amount of money will be given for the research work of Alzheimer as a "fund" then what about the other cases where daily new diseases are found. Seems that the government has enough money for donation.
Come on folks, Obama BELIEVES our tax dollars are his to do as he wishes and we should just sit and hail him a hero.

The knee-jerk need to bash Obama, no matter what, is the funniest thing about you guys to me.

The number of lives that have been saved by government funded medical research in this country is STAGGERING.

I would argue that it's the single BEST thing the government could spend money on.
People even bitch when Obama does something completely non-controversial.


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