am i doomed to hell?

Trump has no morals and his outcome has been pretty good. EPIC FAIL.
No one is all good or all bad, Taz. People don’t do wrong for the sake of evil, they do wrong for the sake of their own good.

But putting that aside this is explained by subjectivity. Where man rationalizates he isn’t doing wrong even when he is.

You do it all the time and it will take its toll on you.

What's your excuse?
For what?

For that.
Let me know when you have something of substance to add.

There are three stages of truth. First truth is ridiculed. Then truth is violently opposed. And finally truth is accepted as being self evident.

Thus proving that truth usually hurts before it helps.
No there's not. That's how you personally react to truth, but as far as speaking for anyone else that stops right at about your nostrils.
lol.. I would rather be a militant atheist Jew than a pusillanimous gullible numbskull anytime, but, I am not Jewish for christ's sake..Whats your problem? I'm pretty sure I told you about a thousand times.


Why do I feel like I'm in The Life of Brian?

Asking Ding not to act like a plonker is about as pointless as arguing against gravity.

Can you imagine the chaos and how messed up the world would get if the world was full of ding dongs?

Can you imagine the type of idiot a herd of ding dongs would elect?

uh oh...wait a minute..... never mind.

He's the placebo effect.

His algorithms don't match.
If you have never eaten Jesus how could you possibly know whether or not he is delicious?

I couldn't. I'm not a Catholic.

See? his logic is impeccable.

You have never eaten Jesus, therefore you will never know whether or not he is delicious.
So no proof. Got it.
The proof is in the physical, biological and moral laws of nature.
No such thing as moral laws of nature. Otherwise, name 5.
I can do better than that.

Point #6: Man believes in a universal right and wrong.

If the universe were created through natural process and we are an accidental happenstance of matter and energy doing what matter and energy do, then there should be no expectation for absolute morals. Morals can be anything we want them to be. The problem is that nature does have a preference for an outcome. Societies and people which behave with virtue experience order and harmony. Societies and people which behave without virtue experience disorder and chaos. So we can see from the outcomes that not all behaviors have equal outcomes. That some behaviors have better outcomes and some behaviors have worse outcomes. This is the moral law at work. If the universe was created by spirit for the express purpose of creating beings that know and create we would expect that we would receive feedback on how we behave. The problem is that violating moral laws are not like violating physical laws. When we violate a physical law the consequences are immediate. If you try to defy gravity by jumping off a roof you will fall. Whereas the consequences for violating a moral law are more probabilistic in nature; many times we get away with it.

Morals are effectively standards. For any given thing there exists a standard which is the highest possible standard. This standard exists independent of anything else. It is in effect a universal standard. It exists for a reason. When we deviate from this standard and normalize our deviance from the standard, eventually the reason the standard exists will be discovered. The reason this happens is because error cannot stand. Eventually error will fail and the truth will be discovered. Thus proving that morals cannot be anything we want them to be but are indeed based upon some universal code of common decency that is independent of man.

So the question that naturally begs to be asked is if there is a universal code of common decency that is independent of man how come we all don't behave the same way when it comes to right and wrong? The reason man doesn't behave the same way is because of subjectivity. The difference between being objective and being subjective is bias. Bias is eliminated when there is no preference for an outcome. To eliminate a preference for an outcome one must have no thought of the consequences to one's self. If one does not practice this they will see subjective truth instead of objective truth. Subjective truth leads to moral relativism. Where consequences to self and preferences for an outcome leads to rationalizations of right and wrong.

Man does know right from wrong and when he violates it rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he did not violate it. You can see this behavior in almost all quarrels and disagreements. At the heart of every quarrel and disagreement is a belief in a universal right and wrong. So even though each side believes right to be different each side expects the other to believe their side should be universally known and accepted. It is this behavior which tells us there is an expectation for an absolute truth.

If there were never a universal truth that existed man would never have an expectation of fairness to begin with because fairness would have no meaning. The fact that each of us has an expectation of fairness and that we expect everyone else to follow ought to raise our suspicion on the origin of that expectation.
Trump has no morals and his outcome has been pretty good. EPIC FAIL.
No one is all good or all bad, Taz. People don’t do wrong for the sake of evil, they do wrong for the sake of their own good.

But putting that aside this is explained by subjectivity. Where man rationalizates he isn’t doing wrong even when he is.

You do it all the time and it will take its toll on you.
No one is all good or all bad

then of those none will receive a final judgement for Admission to the Everlasting - maybe they will send bing to a primer school. for the incomplete, lazy ...
I asked the Spaghetti God if the flood happened, He told me no, so I ate Him. Delicious.

If you did indeed speak to him, you would know it's the Flying Spaghetti Monster... You, sir, are no Pastafarian...

Are you suggesting his eminence the FSM (tomato sauce be unto Him) does not have the power to land??

Heretic! Stone him! :death:

Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."
I asked the Spaghetti God if the flood happened, He told me no, so I ate Him. Delicious.

If you did indeed speak to him, you would know it's the Flying Spaghetti Monster... You, sir, are no Pastafarian...

Are you suggesting his eminence the FSM (tomato sauce be unto Him) does not have the power to land??

Heretic! Stone him! :death:

Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.
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I asked the Spaghetti God if the flood happened, He told me no, so I ate Him. Delicious.

If you did indeed speak to him, you would know it's the Flying Spaghetti Monster... You, sir, are no Pastafarian...

Are you suggesting his eminence the FSM (tomato sauce be unto Him) does not have the power to land??

Heretic! Stone him! :death:

Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Ah yes I had a Sicilian GF who called it "gravy" too. Sectarian diversity. Maybe it's an eye-talian thing.
I asked the Spaghetti God if the flood happened, He told me no, so I ate Him. Delicious.

If you did indeed speak to him, you would know it's the Flying Spaghetti Monster... You, sir, are no Pastafarian...

Are you suggesting his eminence the FSM (tomato sauce be unto Him) does not have the power to land??

Heretic! Stone him! :death:

Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Americans have a thing for gravy. Your pour it all over all sorts of things.
If you did indeed speak to him, you would know it's the Flying Spaghetti Monster... You, sir, are no Pastafarian...

Are you suggesting his eminence the FSM (tomato sauce be unto Him) does not have the power to land??

Heretic! Stone him! :death:

Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Americans have a thing for gravy. Your pour it all over all sorts of things.

I know right? I'm sayin', if tomato sauce is to be 'gravy' what's that brown meaty stuff next to the turkey on Thanksgiving? Sauce?

This ^^ was the point of the Great Schism of the FSM. That's when I went to follow Bob.

If you did indeed speak to him, you would know it's the Flying Spaghetti Monster... You, sir, are no Pastafarian...

Are you suggesting his eminence the FSM (tomato sauce be unto Him) does not have the power to land??

Heretic! Stone him! :death:

Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Ah yes I had a Sicilian GF who called it "gravy" too. Sectarian diversity. Maybe it's an eye-talian thing.

lol...Who knows? did she ever say to you, vaffanculo a chi t’è morto when you said sauce?
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Are you suggesting his eminence the FSM (tomato sauce be unto Him) does not have the power to land??

Heretic! Stone him! :death:

Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Americans have a thing for gravy. Your pour it all over all sorts of things.

I know right? I'm sayin', if tomato sauce is to be 'gravy' what's that brown meaty stuff next to the turkey on Thanksgiving? Sauce?

This ^^ was the point of the Great Schism of the FSM. That's when I went to follow Bob.


who's Bob? lol

How can I join? How much does it cost? Do I have to mutilate any body parts?
Are you suggesting his eminence the FSM (tomato sauce be unto Him) does not have the power to land??

Heretic! Stone him! :death:

Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Ah yes I had a Sicilian GF who called it "gravy" too. Sectarian diversity. Maybe it's an eye-talian thing.

lol...Who knows? did she ever say to you, vaffanculo a chi t’è morto ?

She did teach me the sublimely superlative expression ""fuck the fuck you"....
Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Ah yes I had a Sicilian GF who called it "gravy" too. Sectarian diversity. Maybe it's an eye-talian thing.

lol...Who knows? did she ever say to you, vaffanculo a chi t’è morto ?

She did teach me the sublimely superlative expression ""fuck the fuck you"....
lol...she must have been in love with you dummy.
Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Americans have a thing for gravy. Your pour it all over all sorts of things.

I know right? I'm sayin', if tomato sauce is to be 'gravy' what's that brown meaty stuff next to the turkey on Thanksgiving? Sauce?

This ^^ was the point of the Great Schism of the FSM. That's when I went to follow Bob.


who's Bob? lol

How can I join? How much does it cost? Do I have to mutilate any body parts?

J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, Church of the Subgenius. Mutilating body parts is optional, but I'll wager it scores you points, as long as it's somebody else's body parts.

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Ah yes I had a Sicilian GF who called it "gravy" too. Sectarian diversity. Maybe it's an eye-talian thing.

lol...Who knows? did she ever say to you, vaffanculo a chi t’è morto ?

She did teach me the sublimely superlative expression ""fuck the fuck you"....
lol...she must have been in love with you dummy.

I tellya what, she makes DA BEST meatballs.
Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Ah yes I had a Sicilian GF who called it "gravy" too. Sectarian diversity. Maybe it's an eye-talian thing.

lol...Who knows? did she ever say to you, vaffanculo a chi t’è morto ?

She did teach me the sublimely superlative expression ""fuck the fuck you"....
lol...she must have been in love with you dummy.

I tellya what, she makes DA BEST meatballs.

lol... no doubt!

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"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Americans have a thing for gravy. Your pour it all over all sorts of things.

I know right? I'm sayin', if tomato sauce is to be 'gravy' what's that brown meaty stuff next to the turkey on Thanksgiving? Sauce?

This ^^ was the point of the Great Schism of the FSM. That's when I went to follow Bob.


who's Bob? lol

How can I join? How much does it cost? Do I have to mutilate any body parts?

J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, Church of the Subgenius. Mutilating body parts is optional, but I'll wager it scores you points, as long as it's somebody else's body parts.


lol... Very tempting indeed. I often ask myself what would Jesus do. So I'll pass.

I'm going into the wilderness to live among the wild beasts of the field, party with sinners and prostitutes, keep company with all sorts of bad characters, and live out the rest of my days eating pasta puttanesca..with a nice an a spicy sicillian meata balls on the side.

If that doesn't work out I can always nail myself to a flagpole and start a new religion.
is there
Are you suggesting his eminence the FSM (tomato sauce be unto Him) does not have the power to land??

Heretic! Stone him! :death:

Not so fast! What better way is there to show love and devotion to the FSM than to celebrate his torture in boiling water and death as you eat?

"Take eat, for this is my body, and how 'bout this sauce. And blessèd is the fruit of thy parmesean cheeses."

Its not sauce, Its gravy!

Off to the pot sink you flippant twit where you can ponder your sins and polish the holy vessels with elbow grease.

Americans have a thing for gravy. Your pour it all over all sorts of things.

I know right? I'm sayin', if tomato sauce is to be 'gravy' what's that brown meaty stuff next to the turkey on Thanksgiving? Sauce?

This ^^ was the point of the Great Schism of the FSM. That's when I went to follow Bob.

Is there a word for GRAVY in Italian or Latin? I mean the "flour and
pan scrapings" which is called "gravy" in the civilized world? "jus"
as in "au jus" is not gravy-------since it is not glopped up with flour etc

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