Am i the only one on this board who hates "self checkout?"

Haha funny post topic I hate self check out too . It feels unnatural :confused-84: 1st world problems

Workers are directing you to self checkout. That means they ass should be laid off lol
Perhaps they are grossed out by the smell of your breath.

Maybe u can smell my dick
No thanks.

And...why are you so familiar with the taste and smell of dick and shit fbj? Are you so fucking broke that you can't afford new condoms? You just use the free ones that you find behind the dumpsters at the store!??

And then you wonder why females will not date you?
I like self check out. IF I do not have many items. I more hate standing in line with a few items, behind others with 100 things in their cart.
I never use them, no matter how long they let the lines get at the regular check out. Aldi's doesn't have auto check outs, and they're faster than even most convenience stores when I used to go in one of those once in awhile, so we know for a fact it isn't the register people who are the problem and overpaid. They also need to put in cash only lines, so all of you morons with the stacks of crappy plastic that works half the time can waste each others' time; I stood in line behind some moron buying a 74 cent candy bar and bag of chips for 6 minutes while he tried to get his stupid cards to work. It should be legal to shoot these assholes.

Carrying cash is a thing of the past

Boy, you're a good little programmed lemming, aren't you?
You're the only one who hates things for no reason here. :funnyface:

You must be in a foul mood all day.

I hate your posts. Cancel your internet service

Hey FBJ let make a deal and you cancel your life to save the world from your pathetic rants about your mundane life!

You would make life so much better!

They are supposed to be adding a forum on this board called

"Mundane Pointless Things I Must Share"

Will all your OPs be stickied up top? :coffee:
just depends on my mood....and how many items i have and how heavy they are....if they are heavy i go thru the line....let them wand that shit...or if i am buying a bunch of one item...i dont know how to do the multiple ring ups...

what amazes me..its the same damn annoying voice (female) on all the self check outs
Who the fuck wants to go inside a store and start working? I;m not ringing up shit that's what the fucking cashiers are for. What is supposed to be the benefit? Get out the store faster?
Nobody said you have to, it's an option, for those that don't feel the need to have their ego stroked..
Plastic bags are outlawed here and you have to pay for paper bags now, I think it's called a tree tax. So unless the cashier is cute there's no reason other than laziness and you want things bagged up for you.

I do succumb to laziness but if I want to get out faster I can do it quicker. I work quick and can't stand to watch most employees, it's like they are moving through molasses, yakking about their kid or trying to be best buddies.

Some of them are clearly doped up but I like to support their jobs if it isn't too painful.
I only found out a supermarket with "self checkout" here.
I tried but I did a mess :D
So I promise to myself I'll never do it again :nono: :biggrin:
What is supposed to be the benefit? Get out the store faster?
Yes. To me, they are convenient when you only have a couple of things and the other lines have nothing but people with cart loads in them.

God bless you always!!!


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