Zone1 Am I the only one surprised when they see a commercial with all white people?

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Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.
I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.

Not to dismiss your overall point ... But I am sorry people like you are still dealing with that kind of thing.

With streaming and the ability to pay for the channels you want to watch instead of overpaying for channels you never watch ...
I cannot remember the last time I saw a commercial ... :auiqs.jpg:


What are you on about?

I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.

Like everyone else, you've become accustomed to seeing the obligatory black faces in television commercials. That, coupled with the left's hate-driven aversion to white people, makes it a shock when a commercial depictions a straight, white family.

We're all just frogs sitting in a pan of tepid water, with the burner on high. It's only a matter of time when anything and everything becomes "normal."
The purpose of a commercial is to sell a product or service. Nothing more. It makes no difference the color of the actors.

Fair enough I guess. But I always just wonder whether or not their is an ulterior motive, particularly with the Far Left media.
The purpose of a commercial is to sell a product or service. Nothing more. It makes no difference the color of the actors.

A key marketing strategy in advertising is to provide the consumer with the ability to envision themselves using the product,
and/or presenting the viewer with the opportunity to desire something tied to the exact way it is presented to them.

No need to pretend it doesn't matter how the product or service is presented and how the consumer views it in accordance to their perceptions.
That's what makes the woke garbage in commercials little more than propaganda designed to mold or indoctrinate the public.

When a corporation is trying harder to sell you their ideology than their product ...
That is a good reason to question how concerned they actually are about the quality of their product and what you are actually paying them for.

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Yeah. I disagreed with your nonsensical framing of the thread topic.

Because you are being blatantly dishonest and unreasonable.

You are doing the same disingenuous conflation right now, and it’s disgusting.

Don’t like how all these woke corporations are acting? You must be racist and want to ban interracial marriage!”

That’s you. And it’s pathetic. If I am charitable to you, I could hope and assume you were posting it in bad faith, because it would be so much worse if you actually thought that way. It would be actually pitiable if you were being honest and not trolling.
Fair enough I guess. But I always just wonder whether or not their is an ulterior motive, particularly with the Far Left media.

It's just virtue-signaling. Advertisers of those companies think they'll sell more products if they make "woke" commercials. But if anything, what's happening to Disney should be a clue. People aren't buying their shit.
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I don't remember what the commercial was for but last night I saw a commercial that had several people in it and for some reason it stood out to me all the people were white. Not only were they white but they actually talked in it also, it wasn't just music and someone dancing or anything.

Then I started thinking it stood out to me because it seems like most commercials I see are mostly non whites, or if they do have them they are in the minority or are part of a inter racial couple.

But I don't know, maybe it's just me. I'll admit though, it was nice to see all white faces.

just getting that out of the way.
Sometimes I look at a commercial that has almost all minorities and wonder who in the hell are they trying to reach with the advertisement. The demographics that buy their products are not the ones represented in the commercials.

I doubt the yahoos that produce the stupid commercials that think it is "inclusive" or whatever even know that it is bad advertising and will turn off more people than is attracted. I know I just ignore the message when all I see are Negroes or queers or whoever dancing around.

To me is just a manifestation of this wokeness sickness that is prevalent now. It is like a mental illness and it is despicable.
Basically, if you want to be “inclusive and representative” well and good, okay.

But what we’re talking about here isn’t remotely accurate representation, it’s blatant overrepresentation. On purpose. Why do they do this? Hard to say, but they are doing it and it is noticeable.

Probably that damn ESG bullshit. “Look how ‘socially conscious’ we are, now banks give us more moneyyyyy, plox.”

What all this woke shit isn’t about is their bottom line, it doesn’t help profits or their stockholders. It is malicious interference with the basic functioning of the free market system - companies that don’t seek profit and return on investment for their stockholders under normal circumstances are companies that should die and be replaced with rational actors in charge who will do what companies are supposed to do.

When companies like Gillette shit on men and focus on bullshit that is statistically irrelevant and depraved like helping your trans child learn to shave, that is pushing an agenda and telling me that as a normal dude who used to like their brand they don’t want me anymore, and so I went from buying almost always their product to never touching their output at all.
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The purpose of a commercial is to sell a product or service. Nothing more. It makes no difference the color of the actors.
It sure as hell makes a difference. The purpose of advertising is to appeal to the demographics that buys the products.

If Negroes are trying to sell a product to me as a White Boy then I am probably not going to be that interested.

Race may not be of concern if you are a sick in the head confused woke Liberal but that is not all of America by any stretch of the imagination.
Basically, if you want to be “inclusive and representative” well and good, okay.

But what we’re talking about here isn’t remotely accurate representation, it’s blatant overrepresentation. On purpose. Why do they do this? Hard to say, but they are doing it and it is noticeable.

Probably that damn ESG bullshit. “Look how ‘socially conscious’ we are, now banks give us more moneyyyyy, plox.”

What all this woke shit isn’t about is their bottom line, it doesn’t help profits or their stockholders. It is malicious interference with the basic functioning of the free market system - companies that don’t seek profit and return on investment for their stockholders under normal circumstances are companies that should die and be replaced with rational actors in charge who will do what companies are supposed to do.
search it online. you'll get some pretty interesting analyses.
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