Am I the only one who doesn't care if ALi died?

I was wondering why this is getting so much air time. I really don't want to spend a lot of time on this man's death. Sad but I would really like to go on with my life.
He's one of the greatest Americans. An icon. I'm sure the coverage will end in a day but they don't make em like that anymore. Great athelete and a great symbol of pride for blacks

The draft dodger, Cassius Clay who turned his back on his country.

Is that the great American you are talking about?

I'm not a big fan of Ali........BUT.....

He wasn't a "draft dodger". He never dodged the draft; he opposed it, accepting the legal consequences without any attempt to evade them. He didn’t flee to Canada or enroll in college to obtain a deferment. From the moment he learned of his induction, Ali stood firmly in the proud tradition of civil disobedience, saying “just take me to jail". He faced down the government, held on to principle, spoke his mind, and never sold out a damn thing in spite of his incarceration. He didn’t run – he stayed and fought the establishment, even as the government tried to destroy him.

He earned his respect.

Bottom line is this, its either Ali for a few more days or Trump 24/7....I'll take Ali, cause I'm sick to death of racist stupid white people!!
Not as sick as they are of racist stupid black people.

Bitch, show me one clip of a nigga showing racism that isn't factual or true, other wise roach sac, shut the fuck up and scratch!!
I'm was an amateur boxer in high school and college, so I respect Cassius Clay as indeed one of the great athletes of my time, RIP.

As for his politics, I could less about them, or any other sports figure or entertainer, as most of them are just shallow self-centered idiots about anything outside their narrow little worlds, and their opinions are neither informed nor worth anything.

As for his 'CO' claim, it's ridiculous for a Muslim to claim some religious reason for opposing war and killing, as their cult is all about killing and oppression; their entire history is nothing but murder and killing and extortion, so I never bought it; his real reason was he was making a lot of money for himself and nothing else mattered to him, certainly not moral principles.

He was a draft dodger, period. And, many CO's served proudly in our military, and during war time, and many served in Viet Nam. They weren't cowards nor enemy traitors as were most of the faux 'peace left', who were enthusiastically cheering on vermin like Mao and Khrushchev and Brezhnev and supporting their butchery of millions upon millions of people, in their own countries and any other country they could find gangsters and psychotic murderers who would take their weapons and murder on demand.
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He's one of the greatest Americans. An icon. I'm sure the coverage will end in a day but they don't make em like that anymore. Great athelete and a great symbol of pride for blacks

The draft dodger, Cassius Clay who turned his back on his country.

Is that the great American you are talking about?

I'm not a big fan of Ali........BUT.....

He wasn't a "draft dodger". He never dodged the draft; he opposed it, accepting the legal consequences without any attempt to evade them. He didn’t flee to Canada or enroll in college to obtain a deferment. From the moment he learned of his induction, Ali stood firmly in the proud tradition of civil disobedience, saying “just take me to jail". He faced down the government, held on to principle, spoke his mind, and never sold out a damn thing in spite of his incarceration. He didn’t run – he stayed and fought the establishment, even as the government tried to destroy him.

He earned his respect.

Bottom line is this, its either Ali for a few more days or Trump 24/7....I'll take Ali, cause I'm sick to death of racist stupid white people!!
Not as sick as they are of racist stupid black people.

Bitch, show me one clip of a nigga showing racism that isn't factual or true, other wise roach sac, shut the fuck up and scratch!!
Any of your posts, bitch.
I'm was an amateur boxer in high school and college, so I respect Cassius Clay as indeed one of the great athletes of my time, RIP.

As for his politics, I could less about them, or any other sports figure or entertainer, as most of them are just shallow self-centered idiots about anything outside their narrow little worlds, and their opinions are neither informed nor worth anything.

As for his 'CO' claim, it's ridiculous for a Muslim to claim some religious reason for opposing war and killing, as their cult is all about killing and oppression; their entire history is nothing but murder and killing and extortion, so I never bought it; his real reason was he was making a lot of money for himself and nothing else mattered to him, certainly not moral principles.
BS, if you follow his story, Ali donated his first check to charity, gave most of his winnings to charities, never made the big bucks like most do today and spoke at a time that was not only dangerous for blacks, but could have cost him his life. If anyone is owed all due respect, its this brother and he was 1000% correct....why should any person of color, as in WWII fight for any country to enjoy a democracy and freedom, when nigga's right here in America were denied theirs? Them nigga's that put their lives on the line to fight fuckin Germans and Japs, came back to this fucked up country, unable to eat, live, vote and thrive as american citizens until the civil rights act was passed almost 20 years later. And like the man said, them rice eating fucks over there wasn't making his life a living hell, it was you white motherfuckers over here...that's why he didn't go.
The draft dodger, Cassius Clay who turned his back on his country.

Is that the great American you are talking about?

I'm not a big fan of Ali........BUT.....

He wasn't a "draft dodger". He never dodged the draft; he opposed it, accepting the legal consequences without any attempt to evade them. He didn’t flee to Canada or enroll in college to obtain a deferment. From the moment he learned of his induction, Ali stood firmly in the proud tradition of civil disobedience, saying “just take me to jail". He faced down the government, held on to principle, spoke his mind, and never sold out a damn thing in spite of his incarceration. He didn’t run – he stayed and fought the establishment, even as the government tried to destroy him.

He earned his respect.

Bottom line is this, its either Ali for a few more days or Trump 24/7....I'll take Ali, cause I'm sick to death of racist stupid white people!!
Not as sick as they are of racist stupid black people.

Bitch, show me one clip of a nigga showing racism that isn't factual or true, other wise roach sac, shut the fuck up and scratch!!
Any of your posts, bitch.
I rest my case...good night lice ball and scratch!!
I'm was an amateur boxer in high school and college, so I respect Cassius Clay as indeed one of the great athletes of my time, RIP.

As for his politics, I could less about them, or any other sports figure or entertainer, as most of them are just shallow self-centered idiots about anything outside their narrow little worlds, and their opinions are neither informed nor worth anything.

As for his 'CO' claim, it's ridiculous for a Muslim to claim some religious reason for opposing war and killing, as their cult is all about killing and oppression; their entire history is nothing but murder and killing and extortion, so I never bought it; his real reason was he was making a lot of money for himself and nothing else mattered to him, certainly not moral principles.
Muslims in America are not the same as muslims abroad. In fact I bet most Muslims are peaceful just like most American Christians are

But try telling that to Viet Nam. Christianity, particularly america, is a pretty violent place. They could say the same about us
Well, your life is wanting to defund everything that keeps America a first world power. Ali was a man that wanted to be the best and you woould go crazy if we weren't the best but heck, lets defund it all and somehow expect to be afterwards. Idiocy.

Liberalism would say Ali cannot land more punches than his opponent. That for every 10 Ali lands....he must allow the opponent 5 freebies to be fair.
I'm not a big fan of Ali........BUT.....

He wasn't a "draft dodger". He never dodged the draft; he opposed it, accepting the legal consequences without any attempt to evade them. He didn’t flee to Canada or enroll in college to obtain a deferment. From the moment he learned of his induction, Ali stood firmly in the proud tradition of civil disobedience, saying “just take me to jail". He faced down the government, held on to principle, spoke his mind, and never sold out a damn thing in spite of his incarceration. He didn’t run – he stayed and fought the establishment, even as the government tried to destroy him.

He earned his respect.

Bottom line is this, its either Ali for a few more days or Trump 24/7....I'll take Ali, cause I'm sick to death of racist stupid white people!!
Not as sick as they are of racist stupid black people.

Bitch, show me one clip of a nigga showing racism that isn't factual or true, other wise roach sac, shut the fuck up and scratch!!
Any of your posts, bitch.
I rest my case...good night lice ball and scratch!!
You didn't have a case to rest, slimeball.
As to the OP....I don't care that he's dead or feel any emotion other than he's another cultural icon that's passed away. I dabble in boxing so I admire him as an athlete. The man's politics...never cared much to hear it.
I'm was an amateur boxer in high school and college, so I respect Cassius Clay as indeed one of the great athletes of my time, RIP.

As for his politics, I could less about them, or any other sports figure or entertainer, as most of them are just shallow self-centered idiots about anything outside their narrow little worlds, and their opinions are neither informed nor worth anything.

As for his 'CO' claim, it's ridiculous for a Muslim to claim some religious reason for opposing war and killing, as their cult is all about killing and oppression; their entire history is nothing but murder and killing and extortion, so I never bought it; his real reason was he was making a lot of money for himself and nothing else mattered to him, certainly not moral principles.
BS, if you follow his story, Ali donated his first check to charity, gave most of his winnings to charities, never made the big bucks like most do today and spoke at a time that was not only dangerous for blacks, but could have cost him his life. If anyone is owed all due respect, its this brother and he was 1000% correct....why should any person of color, as in WWII fight for any country to enjoy a democracy and freedom, when nigga's right here in America were denied theirs? Them nigga's that put their lives on the line to fight fuckin Germans and Japs, came back to this fucked up country, unable to eat, live, vote and thrive as american citizens until the civil rights act was passed almost 20 years later. And like the man said, them rice eating fucks over there wasn't making his life a living hell, it was you white motherfuckers over here...that's why he didn't go.

lol ... quit pretending to be 'black'; it's just getting pathetic. You don't know shit about black people. Most of us who do know they are among the most patriotic people in the U.S., most are proud of their military service, and don't give a rat's ass about the hippies, the Freddy Greys, the Michael Browns, or any of those hood rat vermin you're making such lame attempts at impersonating on the innernetz.

Grow up.
I'm was an amateur boxer in high school and college, so I respect Cassius Clay as indeed one of the great athletes of my time, RIP.

As for his politics, I could less about them, or any other sports figure or entertainer, as most of them are just shallow self-centered idiots about anything outside their narrow little worlds, and their opinions are neither informed nor worth anything.

As for his 'CO' claim, it's ridiculous for a Muslim to claim some religious reason for opposing war and killing, as their cult is all about killing and oppression; their entire history is nothing but murder and killing and extortion, so I never bought it; his real reason was he was making a lot of money for himself and nothing else mattered to him, certainly not moral principles.
Muslims in America are not the same as muslims abroad. In fact I bet most Muslims are peaceful just like most American Christians are

But try telling that to Viet Nam. Christianity, particularly america, is a pretty violent place. They could say the same about us

I was wondering why this is getting so much air time. I really don't want to spend a lot of time on this man's death. Sad but I would really like to go on with my life.
He's one of the greatest Americans. An icon. I'm sure the coverage will end in a day but they don't make em like that anymore. Great athelete and a great symbol of pride for blacks

The draft dodger, Cassius Clay who turned his back on his country.

Is that the great American you are talking about?

Turned his back on his country? For refusing to be drafted in a system that punished the poor, protected the rich, and treated people of his color like shit? Ali refused to go to a war we should never have been in and one in which the priority was good press and making the economy better. When your country helps hide klan murderers of children, allows restaurants to refuse you service, and treats you like a second class citizen, it takes a special sort of audacity to criticize someone for refusing to go kill people.

Then he should had moved out of the country and renounced his citizenship. But of course, like most blacks, they all know it's ten times better for blacks in America than it is back in any African shithole country.
Then you should move when hillary wins or you should have left when Obama won a second term.

After bush lied us into Iraq I wouldn't allow myself to be drafted. If you don't have the right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness how free are you really?

Unlike you, if I happen to disagree with a current administration that doesn't mean I would be a pussy and become a rabid anti-American.

If Bush "lied" about Iraq, then so did Hillary. So have fun explaining how Hillary is a better choice than Trump, when it's been Trump that has been critical of Bush and how he carried out the war in Iraq.
He's one of the greatest Americans. An icon. I'm sure the coverage will end in a day but they don't make em like that anymore. Great athelete and a great symbol of pride for blacks

The draft dodger, Cassius Clay who turned his back on his country.

Is that the great American you are talking about?

Turned his back on his country? For refusing to be drafted in a system that punished the poor, protected the rich, and treated people of his color like shit? Ali refused to go to a war we should never have been in and one in which the priority was good press and making the economy better. When your country helps hide klan murderers of children, allows restaurants to refuse you service, and treats you like a second class citizen, it takes a special sort of audacity to criticize someone for refusing to go kill people.

Then he should had moved out of the country and renounced his citizenship. But of course, like most blacks, they all know it's ten times better for blacks in America than it is back in any African shithole country.
Then you should move when hillary wins or you should have left when Obama won a second term.

After bush lied us into Iraq I wouldn't allow myself to be drafted. If you don't have the right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness how free are you really?

Unlike you, if I happen to disagree with a current administration that doesn't mean I would be a pussy and become a rabid anti-American.

If Bush "lied" about Iraq, then so did Hillary. So have fun explaining how Hillary is a better choice than Trump, when it's been Trump that has been critical of Bush and how he carried out the war in Iraq.
Hillary was lied to. We all were. Bush lied not everyone who voted for it
The draft dodger, Cassius Clay who turned his back on his country.

Is that the great American you are talking about?

Turned his back on his country? For refusing to be drafted in a system that punished the poor, protected the rich, and treated people of his color like shit? Ali refused to go to a war we should never have been in and one in which the priority was good press and making the economy better. When your country helps hide klan murderers of children, allows restaurants to refuse you service, and treats you like a second class citizen, it takes a special sort of audacity to criticize someone for refusing to go kill people.

Then he should had moved out of the country and renounced his citizenship. But of course, like most blacks, they all know it's ten times better for blacks in America than it is back in any African shithole country.
Then you should move when hillary wins or you should have left when Obama won a second term.

After bush lied us into Iraq I wouldn't allow myself to be drafted. If you don't have the right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness how free are you really?

Unlike you, if I happen to disagree with a current administration that doesn't mean I would be a pussy and become a rabid anti-American.

If Bush "lied" about Iraq, then so did Hillary. So have fun explaining how Hillary is a better choice than Trump, when it's been Trump that has been critical of Bush and how he carried out the war in Iraq.
Hillary was lied to. We all were. Bush lied not everyone who voted for it

LOL. Keep telling yourself that, Corkey.
Turned his back on his country? For refusing to be drafted in a system that punished the poor, protected the rich, and treated people of his color like shit? Ali refused to go to a war we should never have been in and one in which the priority was good press and making the economy better. When your country helps hide klan murderers of children, allows restaurants to refuse you service, and treats you like a second class citizen, it takes a special sort of audacity to criticize someone for refusing to go kill people.

Then he should had moved out of the country and renounced his citizenship. But of course, like most blacks, they all know it's ten times better for blacks in America than it is back in any African shithole country.
Then you should move when hillary wins or you should have left when Obama won a second term.

After bush lied us into Iraq I wouldn't allow myself to be drafted. If you don't have the right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness how free are you really?

Unlike you, if I happen to disagree with a current administration that doesn't mean I would be a pussy and become a rabid anti-American.

If Bush "lied" about Iraq, then so did Hillary. So have fun explaining how Hillary is a better choice than Trump, when it's been Trump that has been critical of Bush and how he carried out the war in Iraq.
Hillary was lied to. We all were. Bush lied not everyone who voted for it

LOL. Keep telling yourself that, Corkey.
If we go far back enough bet you supported/defended bush. So why didn't you nominate a real Republican? Your party already lost the white house.

Although trumps a con 4sho
He's one of the greatest Americans. An icon. I'm sure the coverage will end in a day but they don't make em like that anymore. Great athelete and a great symbol of pride for blacks

The draft dodger, Cassius Clay who turned his back on his country.

Is that the great American you are talking about?

Turned his back on his country? For refusing to be drafted in a system that punished the poor, protected the rich, and treated people of his color like shit? Ali refused to go to a war we should never have been in and one in which the priority was good press and making the economy better. When your country helps hide klan murderers of children, allows restaurants to refuse you service, and treats you like a second class citizen, it takes a special sort of audacity to criticize someone for refusing to go kill people.

Then he should had moved out of the country and renounced his citizenship. But of course, like most blacks, they all know it's ten times better for blacks in America than it is back in any African shithole country.
Then you should move when hillary wins or you should have left when Obama won a second term.

After bush lied us into Iraq I wouldn't allow myself to be drafted. If you don't have the right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness how free are you really?

Unlike you, if I happen to disagree with a current administration that doesn't mean I would be a pussy and become a rabid anti-American.

If Bush "lied" about Iraq, then so did Hillary. So have fun explaining how Hillary is a better choice than Trump, when it's been Trump that has been critical of Bush and how he carried out the war in Iraq.

You know................I had a really hard time trying to figure out Trump and the way that he operates.

I was kind of like Stephen Hawking..................I didn't understand the appeal. He never talked about policy or how he would do things, he just told us how great he was and how bad his opposition was, and how he would "make America great again". Got news for you, but I was born around 52 years ago, and America has been the greatest nation that everyone turns to since I was born. Matter of fact, that is why I gave 20 years of my adult life to service in the Navy for this country.

Now? Enough people have seen what Trump does and how he does it. Got news for you, he appeals to emotions, as well as tells you how great you are going to be if you follow him.

Jim Jones did the same thing. So did all cult leaders since the beginning of time. Wanna talk about Warren Jeffs? How about David Koresh?

They all used the same language, the language of emotion to make you think that you were better than the others, but didn't tell you why.

Nope...............sorry....................but I don't believe in the cult of Trump, nor will I vote for someone who is going to make this entire country drink the Kool-Aid laced with cyanide if he's elected.

Yanno...............the Independent party is starting to look good.
I was around back then. And I remember understanding the difference between punching a willing combatant in an athletic competition, and killing people for political reasons.
I just said "Their standards, not mine", didn't I?

As the US Supreme Court ruled, the federal gov't failed to properly show why the rejected his application.
Again, ordinary citizens were jailed for refusing to go after being ordered to. They didn't make it to the SC. Ali, being a black celebrity, may have had a few fans in high places to help him with a favorable outcome where others did not.

Yeah, that may be. Much like some of the college deferments or those who have doctor's notes about problems with their foot. If he felt strongly about not fighting the war, he would be a fool not to make use of such resources.
Got some documented examples or are you just grasping at straws and throwing out red herrings?

As much as you do for your claim that Ali had fans in high places that helped him.
Then he should had moved out of the country and renounced his citizenship. But of course, like most blacks, they all know it's ten times better for blacks in America than it is back in any African shithole country.
Then you should move when hillary wins or you should have left when Obama won a second term.

After bush lied us into Iraq I wouldn't allow myself to be drafted. If you don't have the right to life liberty and the persuit of happiness how free are you really?

Unlike you, if I happen to disagree with a current administration that doesn't mean I would be a pussy and become a rabid anti-American.

If Bush "lied" about Iraq, then so did Hillary. So have fun explaining how Hillary is a better choice than Trump, when it's been Trump that has been critical of Bush and how he carried out the war in Iraq.
Hillary was lied to. We all were. Bush lied not everyone who voted for it

LOL. Keep telling yourself that, Corkey.
If we go far back enough bet you supported/defended bush. So why didn't you nominate a real Republican? Your party already lost the white house.

Although trumps a con 4sho

Feel free to dig as much as you want. I have always been critical of Bush's war decisions. I said from the beginning we should had never given the oil away to the corrupt Iraqis, who in turn sold it to the Chinese, Russians, French, and other asswipes that opposed the war. We should had carpet bombed everything and left the nation building nonsense to the UN or to the third world Muslims themselves.

I have also long advocated using tariffs on China, another thing Trump is right about.

Trump says a lot of dumb things, but his stance on China, Mexico, and Muslims is spot on, and those are all something the establishment GOP refuse to take a stand against because they are so afraid of the PC Nazis.
I was around back then. And I remember understanding the difference between punching a willing combatant in an athletic competition, and killing people for political reasons.
I just said "Their standards, not mine", didn't I?

As the US Supreme Court ruled, the federal gov't failed to properly show why the rejected his application.
Again, ordinary citizens were jailed for refusing to go after being ordered to. They didn't make it to the SC. Ali, being a black celebrity, may have had a few fans in high places to help him with a favorable outcome where others did not.

Yeah, that may be. Much like some of the college deferments or those who have doctor's notes about problems with their foot. If he felt strongly about not fighting the war, he would be a fool not to make use of such resources.
Got some documented examples or are you just grasping at straws and throwing out red herrings?

As much as you do for your claim that Ali had fans in high places that helped him.
I don't think it's any secret that he had the whole civil rights movement behind him as well as a lot of prominent people in the entertainment industry.
He's dead.

So (will be) you, yes you, in the fullness of time, if you're reading this post.

In fact, even if you don't read it you're tenure in this "life" is finite.

Get used to it.

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