Amanda Knox Guilt Reinstated.

The Italian courts will determine, ultimately, whether she is "innocent" or otherwise, and no U.S. Court would presume to second-guess their findings. At the end of the process, if the Italians reaffirm her conviction (even if it takes a second trial), and demand her extradition, then the U.S. Government will be OBLIGED, by binding international treaty, to turn her over.

And when her lawyers start to fight extradition, I guaran-fucking-tee they will not be making any bullshit arguments about "double-jeopardy" or whining that she didn't do it. Those arguments will be totally IRRELEVANT to whether she should be extradited.

And the President cannot pardon her either, so don't get that crazy idea.

If it plays out this way, it will be a huge stink, and the U.S. Government will have no choice but to send her cute little ass back over to Italy. This is no joke.
The Italian courts will determine, ultimately, whether she is "innocent" or otherwise, and no U.S. Court would presume to second-guess their findings. At the end of the process, if the Italians reaffirm her conviction (even if it takes a second trial), and demand her extradition, then the U.S. Government will be OBLIGED, by binding international treaty, to turn her over.

And when her lawyers start to fight extradition, I guaran-fucking-tee they will not be making any bullshit arguments about "double-jeopardy" or whining that she didn't do it. Those arguments will be totally IRRELEVANT to whether she should be extradited.

And the President cannot pardon her either, so don't get that crazy idea.

If it plays out this way, it will be a huge stink, and the U.S. Government will have no choice but to send her cute little ass back over to Italy. This is no joke.

No, its not a joke. What it would be is a miscarriage of justice. We should not have an extradition treaty with a nation that has such an ass backwards "legal" system. I wholeheartedly hope that the family of this young woman is taking steps to get her out of the country, and someplace safe from this persecution. If not, I do think it will be a shit-storm.
The Italian courts will determine, ultimately, whether she is "innocent" or otherwise, and no U.S. Court would presume to second-guess their findings. At the end of the process, if the Italians reaffirm her conviction (even if it takes a second trial), and demand her extradition, then the U.S. Government will be OBLIGED, by binding international treaty, to turn her over.

And when her lawyers start to fight extradition, I guaran-fucking-tee they will not be making any bullshit arguments about "double-jeopardy" or whining that she didn't do it. Those arguments will be totally IRRELEVANT to whether she should be extradited.

And the President cannot pardon her either, so don't get that crazy idea.

If it plays out this way, it will be a huge stink, and the U.S. Government will have no choice but to send her cute little ass back over to Italy. This is no joke.

Not it isn't a joke, but it isn't going to be a slam dunk that she will be sent back...and the U.S. Government does have a choice, and I guarantee you, Knox won't be going back to serve 28 years for a conviction where there was no shred of evidence that she had anything to do with it.

If the Italian government requests her extradition—the Italian Supreme Court will likely address the case first— legal commentators see some paths to lawfully block it. Legal scholar Alan Dershowitz observed that double jeopardy might not affect Knox because the newest verdict is simply a reversal of her original acquittal, not a new verdict from a second trial – but a sympathetic federal judge might disagree and block on those grounds nonetheless. (Unlike Italy, acquittals cannot be appealed or overturned by higher courts in the U.S. justice system.) Slate’s Justin Peters hypothesized that the U.S. could use Article X of its extradition treaty with Italy, which requires the requesting nation to prove “a reasonable basis to believe that the person sought committed the offense for which extradition is requested,” to block her extradition.

There are more drastic options the U.S. government could take to protect Knox, though. Could Congress and/or President Obama override the extradition treaty with Italy to shield Knox, for example? Yes, says Julian Ku, an international law professor at Hofstra University, but they’re unlikely to do so. “I doubt there will be any need for Congress to intervene,” he said. “If the political winds blow so strongly in favor of Knox, Secretary [of State John] Kerry has all the authority he needs to keep her in the U.S.”

Peters also noted that the Italian government could simply not ask the U.S. government to extradite Knox, which he foresees as the most likely scenario. It wouldn’t be the first time: Italian government officials have repeatedly demurred on requesting extradition for 23 Americans convicted in Italian courts for their involvement in the CIA-orchestrated rendition of Egyptian terror suspect Abu Omar in 2003.

But even if Italy does request Knox’s extradition, Kerry can still simply refuse regardless of whether there are legal problems, says Ku. “It would be a real diplomatic blow, and a bad policy decision in my view, but neither illegal nor unconstitutional.”
Will Amanda Knox Be Sent Back to Italy? - Matt Ford - The Atlantic
The Italian courts will determine, ultimately, whether she is "innocent" or otherwise, and no U.S. Court would presume to second-guess their findings. At the end of the process, if the Italians reaffirm her conviction (even if it takes a second trial), and demand her extradition, then the U.S. Government will be OBLIGED, by binding international treaty, to turn her over.

And when her lawyers start to fight extradition, I guaran-fucking-tee they will not be making any bullshit arguments about "double-jeopardy" or whining that she didn't do it. Those arguments will be totally IRRELEVANT to whether she should be extradited.

And the President cannot pardon her either, so don't get that crazy idea.

If it plays out this way, it will be a huge stink, and the U.S. Government will have no choice but to send her cute little ass back over to Italy. This is no joke.

You know jack squat about how extradition treaties work. Please stop embarrassing yourself.
No, its not a joke. What it would be is a miscarriage of justice. We should not have an extradition treaty with a nation that has such an ass backwards "legal" system. I wholeheartedly hope that the family of this young woman is taking steps to get her out of the country, and someplace safe from this persecution. If not, I do think it will be a shit-storm.

Ass backwards because it's not the way you want it to be. And in case you haven't noticed the US system is just as fucked up.
Italian courts are no better or worse than American ones, yes there is some corruption over there just as there is in the US (probably more so at the top of government Bunga Bunga) but their court system is just fine. This was always going to be a close run thing as the prosectution had enough for a conviction but not enough for lawyers to punch enough holes in that conviction so she could escape.

What is missing here and I'm more than a little disappointed about is pictures of her as she is hot as hell.


Mmmmm danger sex
No, its not a joke. What it would be is a miscarriage of justice. We should not have an extradition treaty with a nation that has such an ass backwards "legal" system. I wholeheartedly hope that the family of this young woman is taking steps to get her out of the country, and someplace safe from this persecution. If not, I do think it will be a shit-storm.

Ass backwards because it's not the way you want it to be. And in case you haven't noticed the US system is just as fucked up.

The "investigator" was also the "prosecutor." And if you don't know why that's fucked up to begin with there isn't any help for you. He has a religious complex that rivals the times of the Salem Witch trials. He was charged and found guilty of prosecutorial misconduct IN THAT CASE! And [MENTION=47158]Manchester[/MENTION], too, no matter how fucked up our system is too - he would never get around the conflict of interest regarding THAT to have another shot at her, much less the protections we have about double jeopardy if her trial and (winning!) appeal took place here.

The Italian court, via that "investigator / prosecutor" gave the guy whose DNA was all over the crime scene and IN THE VICTIM a reduced sentence!

How deep must your misogyny run to have the attitude that this young woman rolled the dice and took her chances, that there is ANYTHING just in what she has experienced so far? :cuckoo:
You mean like how Holder is the investigator and prosecutor? My post clearly said I completely understand how fucked up it is so your claim I don't is idiotic. However your position is clear. You don't believe people should abide by other countries laws. That is classic American.
No, its not a joke. What it would be is a miscarriage of justice. We should not have an extradition treaty with a nation that has such an ass backwards "legal" system. I wholeheartedly hope that the family of this young woman is taking steps to get her out of the country, and someplace safe from this persecution. If not, I do think it will be a shit-storm.

Ass backwards because it's not the way you want it to be. And in case you haven't noticed the US system is just as fucked up.

The "investigator" was also the "prosecutor." And if you don't know why that's fucked up to begin with there isn't any help for you. He has a religious complex that rivals the times of the Salem Witch trials. He was charged and found guilty of prosecutorial misconduct IN THAT CASE! And [MENTION=47158]Manchester[/MENTION], too, no matter how fucked up our system is too - he would never get around the conflict of interest regarding THAT to have another shot at her, much less the protections we have about double jeopardy if her trial and (winning!) appeal took place here.

The Italian court, via that "investigator / prosecutor" gave the guy whose DNA was all over the crime scene and IN THE VICTIM a reduced sentence!

How deep must your misogyny run to have the attitude that this young woman rolled the dice and took her chances, that there is ANYTHING just in what she has experienced so far? :cuckoo:

How is an investigator / prosecuter a conflict of interests, the defence also gets to investigate. It's how their system works and it has worked well enough for them for them to be accepted in to the EU, an organisation with rigorous standards in the infrastructure of member states.

I do like the allegation of mysogyny running in parallel with the clear assumption that because a man's DNA is inside a woman then he clearly was the only one to do her any harm and that the only other woman in this trial MUST be innocent. Clear sexism aginst men if I've ever seen it.
Ass backwards because it's not the way you want it to be. And in case you haven't noticed the US system is just as fucked up.

The "investigator" was also the "prosecutor." And if you don't know why that's fucked up to begin with there isn't any help for you. He has a religious complex that rivals the times of the Salem Witch trials. He was charged and found guilty of prosecutorial misconduct IN THAT CASE! And [MENTION=47158]Manchester[/MENTION], too, no matter how fucked up our system is too - he would never get around the conflict of interest regarding THAT to have another shot at her, much less the protections we have about double jeopardy if her trial and (winning!) appeal took place here.

The Italian court, via that "investigator / prosecutor" gave the guy whose DNA was all over the crime scene and IN THE VICTIM a reduced sentence!

How deep must your misogyny run to have the attitude that this young woman rolled the dice and took her chances, that there is ANYTHING just in what she has experienced so far? :cuckoo:

How is an investigator / prosecuter a conflict of interests, the defence also gets to investigate. It's how their system works and it has worked well enough for them for them to be accepted in to the EU, an organisation with rigorous standards in the infrastructure of member states.

I do like the allegation of mysogyny running in parallel with the clear assumption that because a man's DNA is inside a woman then he clearly was the only one to do her any harm and that the only other woman in this trial MUST be innocent. Clear sexism aginst men if I've ever seen it.

and [MENTION=30967]Politico[/MENTION], wow - way to miss the POINT, you two. the investocutor was charged by the Italian courts of misconduct in the case he was then allowed to reopen! ALL for wounded pride and a gawd complex! And the DNA was not only inside the woman, it was all OVER the crime scene, he was found guilty of the murder and got a reduced sentence!
No, its not a joke. What it would be is a miscarriage of justice. We should not have an extradition treaty with a nation that has such an ass backwards "legal" system. I wholeheartedly hope that the family of this young woman is taking steps to get her out of the country, and someplace safe from this persecution. If not, I do think it will be a shit-storm.

Ass backwards because it's not the way you want it to be. And in case you haven't noticed the US system is just as fucked up.

Yes, it is.

But there's a certain point where it stops trying to convict people who didn't do what they were accused of.
Ass backwards because it's not the way you want it to be. And in case you haven't noticed the US system is just as fucked up.

well, in the united states, if a verdict is thrown out, it can't be "reinstated". you might get a new trial, but they aren't going to say "oh yeah, well… we were just kidding… you're really guilty again".

and prosecutors aren't getting a "not guilty" verdict overturned.
The "investigator" was also the "prosecutor." And if you don't know why that's fucked up to begin with there isn't any help for you. He has a religious complex that rivals the times of the Salem Witch trials. He was charged and found guilty of prosecutorial misconduct IN THAT CASE! And [MENTION=47158]Manchester[/MENTION], too, no matter how fucked up our system is too - he would never get around the conflict of interest regarding THAT to have another shot at her, much less the protections we have about double jeopardy if her trial and (winning!) appeal took place here.

The Italian court, via that "investigator / prosecutor" gave the guy whose DNA was all over the crime scene and IN THE VICTIM a reduced sentence!

How deep must your misogyny run to have the attitude that this young woman rolled the dice and took her chances, that there is ANYTHING just in what she has experienced so far? :cuckoo:

How is an investigator / prosecuter a conflict of interests, the defence also gets to investigate. It's how their system works and it has worked well enough for them for them to be accepted in to the EU, an organisation with rigorous standards in the infrastructure of member states.

I do like the allegation of mysogyny running in parallel with the clear assumption that because a man's DNA is inside a woman then he clearly was the only one to do her any harm and that the only other woman in this trial MUST be innocent. Clear sexism aginst men if I've ever seen it.

and [MENTION=30967]Politico[/MENTION], wow - way to miss the POINT, you two. the investocutor was charged by the Italian courts of misconduct in the case he was then allowed to reopen! ALL for wounded pride and a gawd complex! And the DNA was not only inside the woman, it was all OVER the crime scene, he was found guilty of the murder and got a reduced sentence!

Why haven't you told us what the misconduct was? Cos all I remember was him getting to hot water over bugging a reporters phone for some reason. Instead of just blanket stating he was convicted of misconduct and leaving it there as though that one very thing means he MUST have just made his whole case up why don't you tell us what he did? How that makes the conviction of Knox unsafe?
For those who are saying here that there is "no evidence" against Amanda Knox, please read the following summary by Ann Coulter. Ann is admittedly a flame thrower, but facts is facts.

Despite liberals' desperate need for Europeans to like them, the American media have enraged the entire nation of Italy with their bald-faced lies about a heinous murder in Perugia committed by a fresh-faced American girl, Amanda Knox.

The facts aren't elusive: In December 2009, the Italian court released a 400-plus page report detailing the mountains of evidence that led the judges and jury to conclude that Knox, along with her Italian beau, Raffaele Sollecito, and a petty thief of her acquaintance, Rudy Guede, had murdered Knox's English roommate, Meredith Kercher, on the evening of Nov. 1, 2007.

Now liberals are howling that the DNA evidence was "contaminated," but they always say that. It wasn't. And the DNA was already thoroughly vetted at trial.

Nonetheless, let's consider only a tiny slice of the evidence available to the police in the first week after the murder -- long before any DNA tests came back.

Murders and murder convictions obviously occurred before 1986 -- the first time DNA was used in any criminal investigation -- so it is possible to establish guilt with no DNA at all.

Knox's first-of-several alibis for the night of the murder was that she was at her boyfriend (and co-defendant) Sollecito's house all night, sound asleep until 10 a.m. the next morning.

A few days later, when that was proved false by telephone records, eyewitnesses and Sollecito's admission that it was a lie, Knox claimed she was in the house during Meredith's murder ... and she knew who the murderer was!

She said it was her boss, Patrick Lumumba, the owner of a popular bar in town:

"He wanted her. ... Raffaele and I went into another room and then I heard screams. ... Patrick and Meredith were in Meredith's bedroom while I think I stayed in the kitchen. ... I can't remember how long they were together in the bedroom, but the only thing I can say is that at a certain point I remember hearing Meredith's screams and I covered my ears. ... I can't remember if Meredith was screaming and if I heard thuds but I could imagine what was going on."

Solely because of Knox's claim that Lumumba murdered Meredith, he was arrested and sat in jail for two weeks before being released when the police discovered about a hundred eyewitnesses who could place him at his bar all night, the night of the murder.

If the police were intent on framing Knox for the murder, they were easily distracted by this wild goose chase.

Knox later said she falsely accused Lumumba only because the police wanted her to do so.

But absent Knox's false accusation, there would have been no reason for the police to consider Lumumba a suspect in the first place. He was a successful entrepreneur in Perugia, married with a child, and had no connection whatsoever to the murdered girl.

Knox's effort to frame an innocent man was nothing but a desperate attempt to throw suspicion off herself. In the process, she inadvertently revealed that she knew something only the police knew about the murder: that Meredith had also been sexually assaulted.

Police first came to the house the day after the murder to investigate a burglary in the bedroom of another roommate, Filomena Romanelli, that had been reported by Knox and Sollecito.

But the break-in turned out to be staged. Among many other reasons, glass from the broken window was on top of the piles of clothes thrown on the floor. (Always remember to break the window before trying to stage a burglary!)

Also, nothing had been stolen from Filomena's room. Of course, that wasn't known by anyone except the fake "burglar" until Filomena returned and determined her jewelry and other valuables were still there.

So it is especially telling that when Sollecito had called the police to report the "burglary" in two separate, recorded phone calls, he said nothing had been stolen -- despite the fact that Filomena had not yet come home. The only way Sollecito would know nothing was stolen was if he had helped stage the burglary himself.

Also highly suspicious, when the police first arrived and Knox was the only roommate there, she lied to them, driving them away from Meredith's locked bedroom door by assuring them that Meredith always locked her door, even to go to the bathroom.

So the police continued to investigate the alleged burglary and ignored Meredith's room, until Filomena arrived, found out Meredith's door was locked and demanded the police break it down, telling them -- contra Knox -- that Meredith never locked her door.

Everyone in the apartment -- the police, Filomena and her friends -- gathered around Meredith's door before it was kicked in. Everyone, that is, except Knox and Sollecito, who moved as far away as possible, to the other end of the apartment, strangely uninterested in seeing what was behind Meredith's door.

Now Knox is back to claiming she was in Sollecito's apartment all night on Nov. 1 -- with no evidence to support that story, but witnesses, phone and computer records contradicting it. Her only alibi witness is her co-defendant, Sollecito, and he's already told the police that he has lied for her.

Based on the wounds on Meredith's body, investigators conclusively determined that she had multiple attackers.

By now, the only people who believe Knox and Sollecito are the usual criminal apologists and their friends in the American media.

From Tawana Brawley, Mumia and the Central Park rapists, to the Duke lacrosse players and Karl Rove, liberals are always on the wrong side of a criminal case. A few times could be a coincidence; every time is evidence of a psychological disorder.

As described in "Demonic," liberals defend the guilty and impugn the innocent not only because they side with barbarians, but because a fair and just system of law challenges their hegemony as judges of the universe.

Italian courts are no better or worse than American ones, yes there is some corruption over there just as there is in the US (probably more so at the top of government Bunga Bunga) but their court system is just fine. This was always going to be a close run thing as the prosectution had enough for a conviction but not enough for lawyers to punch enough holes in that conviction so she could escape.

What is missing here and I'm more than a little disappointed about is pictures of her as she is hot as hell.


Mmmmm danger sex

I followed the news on this and Italy never provided any clear evidence that Knox was even at the site of the crime....even the court in Italy admitted they had no conclusive evidence. Another person, Roy Guede was convicted of the crime and is serving time, so why they want to insist that Knox played a part is puzzling. Those who want to insist that she is guilty must have some repressed anger at her because she is an American, or because she is pretty.
For those who are saying here that there is "no evidence" against Amanda Knox, please read the following summary by Ann Coulter. Ann is admittedly a flame thrower, but facts is facts.

Despite liberals' desperate need for Europeans to like them, the American media have enraged the entire nation of Italy with their bald-faced lies about a heinous murder in Perugia committed by a fresh-faced American girl, Amanda Knox.

From Tawana Brawley, Mumia and the Central Park rapists, to the Duke lacrosse players and Karl Rove, liberals are always on the wrong side of a criminal case. A few times could be a coincidence; every time is evidence of a psychological disorder.

As described in "Demonic," liberals defend the guilty and impugn the innocent not only because they side with barbarians, but because a fair and just system of law challenges their hegemony as judges of the universe. [/B]

Good grief, we're supposed to take Ann Coulter's wonder you think she's guilty. And this isn't a political issue, you and others have tried to make it so, so you will believe anything an antagonist like Coulter tells you. Even Italy's court has mad an admission that there was no conclusive evidence. The knife they have claimed to be the murder weapon does not even match the size or shape of the wounds. Expert lawyers have examined the case and have come up with a much different conclusion.

Don't punish Knox just because you and Coulter hate liberals.

but a Perugia appeals court acquitted them in 2011, criticizing virtually the entire case mounted by prosecutors. The appellate court noted that the murder weapon was never found and said that DNA tests were faulty and that prosecutors provided no murder motive.

Italy's high court explains Amanda Knox reversal
How is an investigator / prosecuter a conflict of interests, the defence also gets to investigate. It's how their system works and it has worked well enough for them for them to be accepted in to the EU, an organisation with rigorous standards in the infrastructure of member states.

I do like the allegation of mysogyny running in parallel with the clear assumption that because a man's DNA is inside a woman then he clearly was the only one to do her any harm and that the only other woman in this trial MUST be innocent. Clear sexism aginst men if I've ever seen it.

and [MENTION=30967]Politico[/MENTION], wow - way to miss the POINT, you two. the investocutor was charged by the Italian courts of misconduct in the case he was then allowed to reopen! ALL for wounded pride and a gawd complex! And the DNA was not only inside the woman, it was all OVER the crime scene, he was found guilty of the murder and got a reduced sentence!

Why haven't you told us what the misconduct was? Cos all I remember was him getting to hot water over bugging a reporters phone for some reason. Instead of just blanket stating he was convicted of misconduct and leaving it there as though that one very thing means he MUST have just made his whole case up why don't you tell us what he did? How that makes the conviction of Knox unsafe?

Google is your friend.

But just to help you along, why aren't you and those who are so sure Knox is guilty not concerned at all with the real killer, what he knows, and why the Italian court seems to be coddling and protecting him? Why, since he is the killer, only given 16 years, and going to get out on parole soon, while Knox and her boyfriend, are being given a sentence of 28 years?

The answers they seek can only come from the convicted lone killer, Rudy Guede, who was prosecuted and found guilty in a separate ‘fast track’ trial in 2008. He was not charged with breaking and entering or with the theft of Meredith’s money, though his DNA was on her purse. These charges were reserved for Knox and Sollecito, although there was no credible evidence that they committed those offences. Guede was never cross-examined in any of the Knox/Sollecito trials, even though he is supposed to have been their co-conspirator. Former FBI agent Steve Moore believes that Guede was a police informant ‘gone bad’ and this connection needed to be hidden. He has been allowed to fade away and is due for release on parole this year.
The sidelining of Guede remains the real unsolved mystery of the case. He is the man who fatally stabbed Meredith, sexually abused her, stole from her and left her for dead, yet we rarely hear his name. Why did the police decide that Knox and Sollecito were involved as soon as they laid eyes on them, why were their phones tapped and why was Knox interviewed and interrogated for 46 hours out of 90 at a time when no forensic evidence was yet available? ‘Intuition’ and ‘behaviour analysis’ does not even come near to explaining this. The mass media are missing the real story. While they endlessly revisit the discredited evidence against Knox and Sollecito, the media are failing to ask who put it there and why.

Amanda Knox: Italian justice on trial | Crime and the law | Italy | spiked
As predictably as daytime follows night, Liberals invariably have the same reaction to Ann Coulter's writings.

She posts facts and draws conclusions, and Liberals say she's an asshole so she can't be right.

They NEVER dispute her facts - because they can't.

That is not a rebuttal, folks, that's called an ad hominem attack.

She actually read a translation of the prosecution's summary report. It contains incriminating FACTS. She cites a few of them above. Kercher was killed by MORE THAN ONE PERSON. Knox and her boyfriend continually acted like people who were guilty.

You can have your own opinions, guys, but the facts are what they are.
As predictably as daytime follows night, Liberals invariably have the same reaction to Ann Coulter's writings.

She posts facts and draws conclusions, and Liberals say she's an asshole so she can't be right.
She hasn't posted any facts, just the same made up allegations that the Italian press circulated and made every one think the worst of Knox.

They NEVER dispute her facts - because they can't.
Point out the facts you claim she has made. Experts, who have examined the case don't agree with her statements, and have found holes in those you may claim are facts. Most of her allegations you claim are "facts" have been debunked.

Over at World Net Daily Ann Coulter has once again insisted that Amanda Knox was guilty of murder, in spite of an almost complete absence of evidence or motive tying Knox to the crime. Amanda Knox, if you don't know, is an American student who was studying in Italy and wrongly convicted of murdering her housemate, Meredith Kercher. (The real perpetrator, a thug named Rudy Guede, was convicted of the crime after his bloody footprints, fingerprints, DNA and semen were found all over the crime scene. He lied and said he was only a spectator, that Amanda Knox and another housemate, Raffaele Sollecito, committed the crime, even though there was no DNA or fingerprints or bloody footprints from either of them anywhere near the crime scene, despite Mignini's misrepresentations to the contrary). Guede's lies were not unrewarded: his 30 year prison term for murder was reduced to only 16 years. Knox and Sollecito were later sentenced to 26 and 25 years, respectively -- based only on the imagination of Prosecutor Mignini. Note the irony: the actual murderer got ten years less than two innocent people. Italian justice would appear to be little more than a bad joke.

Knox had nothing to do with the crime, and the extensive scenario described by a ruthlessly dishonest prosecutor was nothing more than a fantasy. The prosecution's "evidence" has been thoroughly debunked by former FBI agent Steven Moore and Forensic Engineer Ron Hendry, Mark Waterubury, PhD, among others. Indeed, there has been a growing crowd of voices who have reviewed the evidence and have concluded that Amanda Knox and her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito are innocent. Nevertheless, Coulter continues to repeat disproven prosecution arguments as if they were fact, showing that her grasp of the case is entirely superficial. For instance, she argues:

1. That Amanda Knox falsely implicated her boss, Patrick Lumumba, in the crime, "to throw suspicion off of herself." However, that's not true. The prosecutors had found a negro hair at the murder site and suspected Lumumba, who is black. They wanted Knox to implicate Lumumba so they could arrest him. In a rigorous and exhausting all-night interrogation of Knox, where she was denied sleep, water and food and often slapped on the back of the head "to help her remember," the prosecution obtained a false and coerced "confession": Knox was asked to "imagine" a scenario where Lumumba took part in the murder, and she gave the imaginary scenario as requested, to stop the tortuous ordeal of an abusive interrogation and finally be allowed to drink water and sleep. (Note: I recently saw a documentary unrelated to this case that proved false confessions are easy to obtain through aggressive techniques such as these. That's why they are illegal in most western nations.) Lumumba was arrested, but had an air tight alibi and was soon released. The negro hair, however, belonged to the real killer, a black man named Rudy Guede who was later convicted. No problem for the prosecution: they dropped Lumumba and inserted Guede into their fantasized scenario of group sex turned murder. [See more about false confessions here.]
Saberpoint: Ann Coulter's Continuing Error on Amanda Knox and My Rebuttal

That is not a rebuttal, folks, that's called an ad hominem attack.
If you are going to provide information to back up your position, post non-partisan articles, we know that Coulter hates liberals, and most of her diatribe is aimed at spewing vitriol at Liberals, who had nothing to do with this crime.

She actually read a translation of the prosecution's summary report. It contains incriminating FACTS. She cites a few of them above. Kercher was killed by MORE THAN ONE PERSON. Knox and her boyfriend continually acted like people who were guilty.
That has never been proven, just supposition. The the entire article whose link I posted to see each of her allegations torn apart. The man that killed her did not need assistance, and no DNA or prints were found in the crime scene indicating that either Knox or her boyfriend were even present. That's why Guede was convicted of raping her, and killing her.

You can have your own opinions, guys, but the facts are what they are.
Yeah, well your opinion doesn't match the opinions of experts, and Coulter is certainly no expert, just a hate monger who is using any opportunity she can at spewing vitriol at Liberals when they have nothing to do with this crime. And FYI, WND is not the source anyone with serious and truthful allegations would use. They have no credibility whatsoever.
Ass backwards because it's not the way you want it to be. And in case you haven't noticed the US system is just as fucked up.

well, in the united states, if a verdict is thrown out, it can't be "reinstated". you might get a new trial, but they aren't going to say "oh yeah, well… we were just kidding… you're really guilty again".

and prosecutors aren't getting a "not guilty" verdict overturned.

Well as I keep pointing out Italy is not the United States. They have their laws. We have ours. If you don;t like theirs don't go there.

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