Amanda Knox Guilt Reinstated.

As it should be. Until better evidence to the contrary, even her initial actions after the murders paint her as guilty. We need to honor the extradition treaty we have with Italy.
As it should be. Until better evidence to the contrary, even her initial actions after the murders paint her as guilty. We need to honor the extradition treaty we have with Italy.

Her initial actions were exaggerated by the Italian media. They kept showing her and her boyfriend kissing over and over, when actually it was like 3 kisses they exchanged...not every one reacts the same to a situation, but they were trying to discredit her from the start.

We don't have to honor anything as ludicrous as their messed up investigation.
As it should be. Until better evidence to the contrary, even her initial actions after the murders paint her as guilty. We need to honor the extradition treaty we have with Italy.

Her initial actions were exaggerated by the Italian media. They kept showing her and her boyfriend kissing over and over, when actually it was like 3 kisses they exchanged...not every one reacts the same to a situation, but they were trying to discredit her from the start.

We don't have to honor anything as ludicrous as their messed up investigation.

I was talking about her accusation that another black man from Africa committed the crime...who later turned out not to even be in the area at the time. As well as a lot of other events.

The girl went a little wild after leaving home, and now doesn't know how to be accountable for her actions. I suppose that is natural.
As it should be. Until better evidence to the contrary, even her initial actions after the murders paint her as guilty. We need to honor the extradition treaty we have with Italy.

No you don't.

They found her guilty in their court of law.
She spent four years in prison.

Then they found her innocent in their court of law.
She was released and came home.

They can't now have another turn at her.
As it should be. Until better evidence to the contrary, even her initial actions after the murders paint her as guilty. We need to honor the extradition treaty we have with Italy.

Her initial actions were exaggerated by the Italian media. They kept showing her and her boyfriend kissing over and over, when actually it was like 3 kisses they exchanged...not every one reacts the same to a situation, but they were trying to discredit her from the start.

We don't have to honor anything as ludicrous as their messed up investigation.

I was talking about her accusation that another black man from Africa committed the crime...who later turned out not to even be in the area at the time. As well as a lot of other events.
Read some of the comments in this thread....where someone pointed out that she was being interrogated for hours on end, and the prosecutor introduced the black man (her boss) and tried to imply that her note to him, "see ya later," which in America just means goodbye, not that you really are making a date to see them, and told her that the note meant she was meeting up with him. She had used drugs that night with her boyfriend, so it's not unreasonable to think that a bedraggled person (who's been pummeled with accusations), sleepy, tired and scared would begin to think that maybe she just didn't remember and they were right?
She didn't even have a lawyer present to advice her not to say anything....that's BS, we don't do that in the US.

The girl went a little wild after leaving home, and now doesn't know how to be accountable for her actions. I suppose that is natural.
Why should she be accountable for something she didn't do?
Her initial actions were exaggerated by the Italian media. They kept showing her and her boyfriend kissing over and over, when actually it was like 3 kisses they exchanged...not every one reacts the same to a situation, but they were trying to discredit her from the start.

We don't have to honor anything as ludicrous as their messed up investigation.

I was talking about her accusation that another black man from Africa committed the crime...who later turned out not to even be in the area at the time. As well as a lot of other events.
Read some of the comments in this thread....where someone pointed out that she was being interrogated for hours on end, and the prosecutor introduced the black man (her boss) and tried to imply that her note to him, "see ya later," which in America just means goodbye, not that you really are making a date to see them, and told her that the note meant she was meeting up with him. She had used drugs that night with her boyfriend, so it's not unreasonable to think that a bedraggled person (who's been pummeled with accusations), sleepy, tired and scared would begin to think that maybe she just didn't remember and they were right?
She didn't even have a lawyer present to advice her not to say anything....that's BS, we don't do that in the US.

The girl went a little wild after leaving home, and now doesn't know how to be accountable for her actions. I suppose that is natural.
Why should she be accountable for something she didn't do?

We don't do that in the US? Hmmm, interesting. The process of the Italian courts is sound, and we have a treaty with them. We have to support it. The Supreme Court of Italy ruled on that to a fair review of the evidence.
As it should be. Until better evidence to the contrary, even her initial actions after the murders paint her as guilty. We need to honor the extradition treaty we have with Italy.

Her initial actions were exaggerated by the Italian media. They kept showing her and her boyfriend kissing over and over, when actually it was like 3 kisses they exchanged...not every one reacts the same to a situation, but they were trying to discredit her from the start.

We don't have to honor anything as ludicrous as their messed up investigation.

I was talking about her accusation that another black man from Africa committed the crime...who later turned out not to even be in the area at the time. As well as a lot of other events.

The girl went a little wild after leaving home, and now doesn't know how to be accountable for her actions. I suppose that is natural.

Amanda consistently told the same story over and over again. She repeatedly told the truth for 5 days until the police 'broke' her. She never once asked for a lawyer because she knew she was innocent. Her 'confession" is written in Italian by the Italian police. She did not write the confession and spoke very limited Italian.

She did not bring up her boss, Patrick Lumumba, the Italian Police did. They questioned her after looking at her cell phone (and after lying to Knox telling her that her boyfriend said she murdered Kercher and was not with him that evening when he did not say anything like that). Her boss, Lumumba texted Knox the evening Kercher was murdered and told her she was not needed for work since it was slow. She replied back "ok, see ya later". Italain police believed it was meant in the literal sense of "see you later" instead of the American way of saying bye.

When police asked her if she had any contact with Lumumba she said no. She forgot she replied to him and police then said she was obviously trying to protect Lumumba since she texted him and said she would 'see him later'. They then said it was obvious she was hiding something and insisted she met Lumumba later that evening, and Knox and Lumumba murdered Kercher. After hours of interrogation Amanda said "she imagined" Lumumba must have been there and she was in the kitchen covering her ears while Lumumba was in Kerchers' bedroom and she heard Kercher screaming.

When she said she "imagined" Lumumba was there, she had been in interrogation on and off for 5 days she was hit and left without food and or a toilet AND she said she 'imagined such" because the police repeatedly told her to imagine what might have happened that night.

Of note: Amanda Knox IMMEDIATLY (within hours) after agreeing with police Lumumba was there, said her "confession" was wrong and Lumumba and she NEVER did what she "imagined".
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NIce job. I had not seen those photos or videos.

Hey, thanks. There are soooo many more photos and videos. I'm all for justice and of course there are things that don't make sense but I honestly believe Knox and her boyfriend had done some pretty heavy drugs that night and both don't recall all of their actions, but I don't think they had a thing to do with Kercher's murder. Given Guede's history of breaking into second story flats and attacking people with knives, it was him and him alone.
I was talking about her accusation that another black man from Africa committed the crime...who later turned out not to even be in the area at the time. As well as a lot of other events.
Read some of the comments in this thread....where someone pointed out that she was being interrogated for hours on end, and the prosecutor introduced the black man (her boss) and tried to imply that her note to him, "see ya later," which in America just means goodbye, not that you really are making a date to see them, and told her that the note meant she was meeting up with him. She had used drugs that night with her boyfriend, so it's not unreasonable to think that a bedraggled person (who's been pummeled with accusations), sleepy, tired and scared would begin to think that maybe she just didn't remember and they were right?
She didn't even have a lawyer present to advice her not to say anything....that's BS, we don't do that in the US.

The girl went a little wild after leaving home, and now doesn't know how to be accountable for her actions. I suppose that is natural.
Why should she be accountable for something she didn't do?

We don't do that in the US? Hmmm, interesting. The process of the Italian courts is sound, and we have a treaty with them. We have to support it. The Supreme Court of Italy ruled on that to a fair review of the evidence.

No, they didn't have any new evidence....they had already acquitted her based on the lack of evidence. She wasn't there, they already have the murderer in prison....and Italy's fine system, why did they give the guy who killed her more than a few years....he's getting out this year and they want to send Knox to prison for 28 years.....that's looney.
Her initial actions were exaggerated by the Italian media. They kept showing her and her boyfriend kissing over and over, when actually it was like 3 kisses they exchanged...not every one reacts the same to a situation, but they were trying to discredit her from the start.

We don't have to honor anything as ludicrous as their messed up investigation.

I was talking about her accusation that another black man from Africa committed the crime...who later turned out not to even be in the area at the time. As well as a lot of other events.
Read some of the comments in this thread....where someone pointed out that she was being interrogated for hours on end, and the prosecutor introduced the black man (her boss) and tried to imply that her note to him, "see ya later," which in America just means goodbye, not that you really are making a date to see them, and told her that the note meant she was meeting up with him. She had used drugs that night with her boyfriend, so it's not unreasonable to think that a bedraggled person (who's been pummeled with accusations), sleepy, tired and scared would begin to think that maybe she just didn't remember and they were right?
She didn't even have a lawyer present to advice her not to say anything....that's BS, we don't do that in the US.

The girl went a little wild after leaving home, and now doesn't know how to be accountable for her actions. I suppose that is natural.
Why should she be accountable for something she didn't do?

I find it interesting that our xenophobic "we're # 1" right-wing authoritarians just ADORE other legal systems if those systems effectively do what our constitutional protections don't allow them to do here. Look at the bromance between them and Vlad with his anti-gay repression, and now how enamored they are with this religious zealot's "slut shaming" of what they consider a promiscuous American girl getting her just desserts for her loose ways. :eusa_whistle:
1. She was not acquitted for lack of evidence...but what those judges questioned was current evidence in DNA testing. That decision was not ratified by the Court of Constancy as required in Italian law. The Supreme Court agreed. In other words, there was no double jeopardy as is against American law, for the decision was never finalized. The Supreme Court thus ruled to the original decision of quilt.

2. The perpetrator now in jail could not name his accomplice in court, though he was allowed to say it was two other people who he did not know very well, but lived there. I do not know the particulars of Italian law as to why this is, though it is taken everyone by now knew who he was inferring to.

The young British girl's death deserves justice. We should not let jingoism and personal senses of nationalism get in the way of justice. The justices that ruled here are just as smart and diligent as those in the states. It is wrong to wish they are not. The case was well prepared, and resolved, and most likely she will be sent back to serve her sentence.
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1. She was not acquitted for lack of evidence...but what those judges questioned was current evidence in DNA testing. That decision was not ratified by the Court of Constancy as required in Italian law. The Supreme Court agreed. In other words, there was no double jeopardy as is against American law, for the decision was never finalized. The Supreme Court thus ruled to the original decision of quilt.

2. The perpetrator now in jail could not name his accomplice in court, though he was allowed to say it was two other people who he did not know very well, but lived there. I do not know the particulars of Italian law as to why this is, though it is taken everyone by now knew who he was inferring to.

The young British girl's death deserves justice. We should not let jingoism and personal senses of nationalism get in the way of justice. The justices that ruled here are just as smart and diligent as those in the states. It is wrong to wish they are not. The case was well prepared, and resolved, and most likely she will be sent back to serve her sentence.

I can't imagine the American government sending back a pretty young white girl to serve a sentence in a foreign country that can't get it right.

The perp in Jail would probably have implicated Santa Claus if he though he could get away with it.
I suppose what really got me to wondering, when this case came to the fore once more late last year, was reading something posted from her prison diary. Because of my background and experience in life, it raised a very high red flag in my thinking.

"If you had found blood in your bathroom, the door to your home left wide-open, and later learned one of your most dear roommates had been stabbed in the neck and raped prior to death--and you were arrested for her murder--would you "want to remember?"

That was when I started reading more on the matter, and much stuck out to me all too clearly. For one, the receipts for a bottle of bleach found in her wallet by the police, showing the purchase at a local store early the morning after the murders. The knife found in her boyfriends apartment that showed to have been cleaned with bleach, and contained only Amanda's DNA (the result that would be expected if it had been handled after cleaning off whatever was there before), and to which the police showed matched the wounds in the dead girls body. And Amanda was not an angel. She was a wild partier. Even the night before leaving for Italy police in her hometown had to be called to quell disturbances at her home, that included throwing rocks and other items at neighbors passing by. I recommend reading the analysis by the behavior specialist Radell Smith of this diary Amanda kept at the following link.

Amanda Knox's Prison Diary: What Did Amanda Knox Write About the Murder of Meredith Kercher? - Yahoo Voices -

Or, read her diary directly here at...

It's chilling to ever think that a murderer is still out there amongst us that can actually convince so many of her innocence.
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I was talking about her accusation that another black man from Africa committed the crime...who later turned out not to even be in the area at the time. As well as a lot of other events.
Read some of the comments in this thread....where someone pointed out that she was being interrogated for hours on end, and the prosecutor introduced the black man (her boss) and tried to imply that her note to him, "see ya later," which in America just means goodbye, not that you really are making a date to see them, and told her that the note meant she was meeting up with him. She had used drugs that night with her boyfriend, so it's not unreasonable to think that a bedraggled person (who's been pummeled with accusations), sleepy, tired and scared would begin to think that maybe she just didn't remember and they were right?
She didn't even have a lawyer present to advice her not to say anything....that's BS, we don't do that in the US.

The girl went a little wild after leaving home, and now doesn't know how to be accountable for her actions. I suppose that is natural.
Why should she be accountable for something she didn't do?

I find it interesting that our xenophobic "we're # 1" right-wing authoritarians just ADORE other legal systems if those systems effectively do what our constitutional protections don't allow them to do here. Look at the bromance between them and Vlad with his anti-gay repression, and now how enamored they are with this religious zealot's "slut shaming" of what they consider a promiscuous American girl getting her just desserts for her loose ways. :eusa_whistle:

I defies reason.....:confused:
I defies reason.....:confused:

So, you have no argument, other than that she is innocent. Let us then take the words of preeminent Harvard professor and defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, who many claim to be liberal, as well as the lawyer and columnist Ann Coulter, both of whom state that if she were ugly and not wealthy, she would not even come to the attention of her current supporters. They continue with key points on why she and her boyfriend are guilty, including what they say is one of the key factors in the case many do not note, that earlier in the day they reported the burglary of another roommates room. Police now know it was them that reported it because of phone records. But Filomina Rosselinni was not even home at the time, and they had never seen her. How did they know her room, and only her room had been burglarized? Furthermore, police said it was staged, but did not know why? Amanda would not let them check Meredith's room. She barred their way. It was only when Filomena Rosselinni came home that she said she did not call about her room being burglarized, and that Meredith never locked her door, contrary to Amanda's story. According to all witness there at the time, Amanda and her boyfriend retreated to the other side of the apartment at that time and hugged one another as everyone else stood around with the police to bust down Meredith's door.

The evidence points to not only her quilt, but that they did it with such sheer unconcern. They did not care, and really believed that they would get away with it. But, what makes this case so especially disturbing, is the number of people who will give shelter and support to not only criminals, but those that are absolutely evil.

Dershowitz: I Wouldn't Want My Son Going Out With Amanda Knox

Ann Coulter - September 7, 2011 - AMANDA KNOX: THE NEW MUMIA!
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I defies reason.....:confused:

Barb didn't say that, I did. I hate when posters screw up the quotes and accredit someone for saying something that someone else said. You need to preview your responses to make sure you aren't screwing them up, the next thing you are going to have me saying that Amanda is guilty.....

So, you have no argument, other than that she is innocent. Let us then take the words of preeminent Harvard professor and defense attorney Alan Dershowitz, who many claim to be liberal, as well as the lawyer and columnist Ann Coulter, both of whom state that if she were ugly and not wealthy, she would not even come to the attention of her current supporters. They continue with key points on why she and her boyfriend are guilty, including what they say is one of the key factors in the case many do not note, that earlier in the day they reported the burglary of another roommates room. Police now know it was them that reported it because of phone records. But Filomina Rosselinni was not even home at the time, and they had never seen her. How did they know her room, and only her room had been burglarized? Furthermore, police said it was staged, but did not know why? Amanda would not let them check Meredith's room. She barred their way. It was only when Filomena Rosselinni came home that she said she did not call about her room being burglarized, and that Meredith never locked her door, contrary to Amanda's story. According to all witness there at the time, Amanda and her boyfriend retreated to the other side of the apartment at that time and hugged one another as everyone else stood around with the police to bust down Meredith's door.

The evidence points to not only her quilt, but that they did it with such sheer unconcern. They did not care, and really believed that they would get away with it. But, what makes this case so especially disturbing, is the number of people who will give shelter and support to not only criminals, but those that are absolutely evil.

Dershowitz: I Wouldn't Want My Son Going Out With Amanda Knox

Ann Coulter - September 7, 2011 - AMANDA KNOX: THE NEW MUMIA!

Perhaps that is why so many on the right are ready to crucify this innocent girl, they are basing their opinions on the rantings of some vitriol crazy person, who doesn't mind lying in order to get people to believer her rants, and who doesn't mind sending an innocent person to prison in order to make a political point.

If you are going to go by Ann Coulter's comments, first you must prove that what Ann Coulter is saying is's an article, written by a Republican who discredits some of Ann Coulter supposed "facts".

I was a career FBI Agent, the son of an FBI Agent. I was a SWAT team-member, a certified sniper, an undercover agent, and a helicopter pilot. I followed terrorism investigations overseas into Pakistan and Indonesia. I have (and wear) American flag lapel pins. I own guns. I haven’t voted for a Democrat for president since….well, ever. I am a member of the National Rifle Association, and I am an NRA certified Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor.

I consider myself a Christian. I believe God loves me in spite of my weaknesses and failures, not because of their absence. I depend on God daily to teach me, to give me guidance, and to shape me into a person who cares more about others than I do myself. I am not there yet, by the way, but that’s not an excuse not to keep trying.
And now, to my amazement, I’ve just found out that I’m a “Liberal.”

This comes as a terrific surprise to me, but if Ann Coulter says it, it must be true, as she’s never wrong. In fact, not only am I a liberal, but according to her, I’m suffering from a “psychological disorder.” According to her, I’m also “demonic” because I “intentionally defend the guilty and impugn the innocent,” I “side with barbarians,” because “a fair and just system of law challenges [my] hegemony as a “judge of the universe.”

In an article on September 7, 2011, mean-spiritedly entitled “Amanda Knox: The New Mumia,” Coulter uses lists of long-discredited, flat-earth-society “facts” to postulate the guilt of Amanda Knox, the American College student railroaded for murder in Italy in 2007. Coulter initially branded Knox as guilty several years ago, based on Knox’s alleged purchase of bleach on the morning after the murder of her roommate. This type of American press savagery is partially why Knox is still in prison four years later. Because this alleged bleach purchase never happened: No bleach was ever found, no records of any such purchase exist, the checkout employee flatly stated that Knox was not in the store that morning; and regardless, the crime scene that Knox is wrongly accused of causing was not cleaned with bleach. I knew these things about the bleach at the time Coulter said them, but I simply chalked it up to the fact that investigating violent crime wasn’t a hobby for me. But I was still disappointed, because Coulter and I shared some conservative political views and I trusted her. (Now that I realize I am a ‘liberal’ I am not sure how this could have been possible.)

After Coulter’s unfounded bleach “fact” was shown to be apocryphal, she fell into a long silence about the case. I naturally assumed that she had learned that the facts on which she based her conclusion were wrong, and that she therefore changed her opinion and was weighing how to best help this innocent girl. Instead, Coulter fired back this week with a list of even more incorrect, discredited facts; an article simply breathtaking in its naiveté. The problem with this isn’t simply that people more knowledgeable about the crime than her (lawyers, FBI agents, judges, scientists, DNA experts, senators, FBI profilers, almost a dozen members of the Italian Parliament, Pulitzer-prize winning journalists and New York Times Best-Selling authors) have all come to the conclusion that Knox is innocent. The problem is that Coulter is quoting “facts” discredited over a year ago. The other problem is that that if you disagree with her, you are evil.

Coulter alleges in her 9/7 masterwork; “Now liberals are howling that the DNA evidence was "contaminated,…” For the readers’ edification, here is a short list of just some of the ‘liberals’ who have spoken out in favor of Amanda Knox’s innocence: Megyn Kelly, Shepard Smith of Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, Geraldo Rivera, and Donald Trump, who recently attended a tree-hugging, “pinko” rally held by a group calling themselves the “Tea Party.” In fact, a recent meeting between me and another “liberal” who believes Knox was railroaded was held at the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, because both of us are inexplicable admirers of the man.

But what is more striking than Coulter’s incredible ignorance about the case is her startlingly bigoted assessment of anybody who disagrees with her. She leaves the intelligent reader speechless and just a little afraid.

This shouldn’t surprise us, really. Coulter is becoming a pariah even to conservatives. Until 2001, for instance, Coulter was a columnist for National Review Online, a sharply conservative publication. But she was fired. Why? Jonah Goldberg, editor at large of NRO said at the time; “We did not ‘fire’ Ann for what she wrote…we ended the relationship because she behaved with a total lack of professionalism, friendship and loyalty.”

Coulter’s syndicated column was dropped by the Arizona Daily Star in August 2005, because, “Many readers find her shrill, bombastic and mean-spirited. And those are the words used by readers who identified themselves as conservatives.”
Amanda Knox, and Ann Coulter?s New McCarthyism | Opinion, World | ? Latest World News & Opinions

If you are really interested in the truth, check this out, A site detailing the wrongful conviction of Amanda Knox & Raffaele Sollecito

Or, you can continue to post erroneous fact and believe the lie that Ann Coulter told you.
I see you choose one to chastise, when I gave two links from both sides of the political spectrum who both agree that she is guilty, and are noteworthy in their fields and law. I myself, prefer Alan Dershowitz, so attempting to color this as a right-wing conspiracy doesn't fly. I shared both for your benefit.

As the evidence showed in court, they huddled together prior to the breaking down of Meredith's door. They knew what would be found, for they had been there when the evil deed had been committed.
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I see you choose one to chastise, when I gave two links from both sides of the political spectrum who both agree that she is guilty, and are noteworthy in their fields and law. I myself, prefer Alan Dershowitz, so attempting to color this as a right-wing conspiracy doesn't fly. I shared both for your benefit.

As the evidence showed in court, they huddled together prior to the breaking down of Meredith's door. They knew what would be found, for they had been there when the evil deed had been committed.

One of your links was worthless....Ann Coulter doesn't count, especially since all her so called "facts" have been debunked.

As for my mentioned many people whose political affiliation has nothing to do with this crime, who believe that Knox is innocent. So many compared to your one....think she is innocent.....that says a lot.

From my previous link:
that people more knowledgeable about the crime than her (lawyers, FBI agents, judges, scientists, DNA experts, senators, FBI profilers, almost a dozen members of the Italian Parliament, Pulitzer-prize winning journalists and New York Times Best-Selling authors) have all come to the conclusion that Knox is innocent.
Sadly, it seems jingoism dominates much of the attitudes among those Americans so vehemently defending Amanda Knox. No matter what Americans do overseas, if you are white, pretty, and of priviledge and look good for a gig on Maxim and Oprah, you should be able to do whatever you want overseas. The norms, values, and mores of other nations are of no importance, for those overseas should be lucky to have them there. Or so they believe.

There is also what amounts to Hybristophilia, or the fascination with those that commit murder to the point of falling in love, writing, or following them into court as if groupies for a rock band. This is widely documented in other cases such as Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Richard Ramirez.

In the end, it will play out as it will. The US State Department will order her extradited per our treaty with Italy. They will do so, if for no other reason, than that the Italians have pending arrest warrants for 23 CIA agents and other US personnel that entered Italy during the War on Terror and abducted people on their territory, and we would like that to go away. Also, the CIA has no doubt already looked into this matter, knowing full well that their opinion will be asked for in the future prior to any decision being made on the matter of extradition. They have every reason to send her back, regardless of whether they believe the charges or not, which I suspect they do and will.

Within the next two months, Alessandro Nencini, the judge in the Amanda Knox case will deliver the written report detailing the reasoning for his verdict. Because of this own words at the conclusion of the case ( “Had Amanda gone to work that evening, I don’t believe we would be here now.”), reveals much about what he will report.

1. Lies. From the beginning, whether in police custody or not, Amanda and her boyfriend repeatedly changed their story on so many facets of the investigation, from falsely accusing her African employer of the crime, saying she was asleep at home the morning after the murder when she was not, to even telling the police that Meredith always locked her door when she did not, will weigh heavily in this report. The boyfriend is already on record as saying he has lied for Amanda several times.

2. The botched burglary scene. Telephone records reveal that Amanda and her boyfriend called police to report a burglary at the home. When police arrived, they saw immediately that it was staged, with clothes and possessions on the floor here and there, but the glass on top of the disarray. In other words, the burglar broke in after making a mess of the room. In the same investigation when police arrived, Amanda barred police from going to Meredith’s room, saying she always locked it. When the other roommate, Filomena Roselinni came home as police were on the scene, she contradicted Amanda before police, saying she did not know her room had been burglarized and that Meredith never locked her door.

3. Behavior. They act quilty. Their actions immediately before, during, and after the discovery of Meredith’s body in the apartment. As Filomena Roselinni reported to police that Meredith never locked her door, and the decision was made to open it, Amanda and her boyfriend retreated to the far side of the room, holding each other. This is just one of the many actions that will be in the mind of the judge when writing his decision.

4. DNA. Despite some questions of validity, it is only in technique. Both Amanda and Meredith’s DNA are mixed together in blood drops on the floor of the room of Filomena Rossellini where the fake burglary was staged. That peace of evidence is not in dispute. It should not even be there.

5. Proximnity. Amanda and her boyfriend were seen where they said they were not. She says she was sleeping that morning until 10 am, yet their cell phone records, eye witnesses, and shop receipts show they were up and actively about doing something as early as 6am.

6. Bleach. It was bought the morning after the crime by Amanda. The knife found in her boyfriends apartment had been cleaned, just not enough to erase that one small bit of Meredith’s DNA originally detected. Amanda’s DNA did remain, as one would expect from someone handling the knife after cleaning.

7. Her own words. Even in her prison diary, Amanda says, “I don’t want to remember.”

There is more, but I suspect these items will no doubt play into his looking even more closely at the rest of the evidence as indeed pointing to the guilt of Amanda and her boyfriend.

The officials in this case are wise and educated people who are seeking justice for a murdered young woman, despite attempts by some Americans to paint the Italians as primitives. Those Americans locked into a sense of fascination with Amanda Knox need to understand that we send many of our own citizens to jail every year for a lot less evidence.
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