Amanda Knox Guilt Reinstated.

Ass backwards because it's not the way you want it to be. And in case you haven't noticed the US system is just as fucked up.

The "investigator" was also the "prosecutor." And if you don't know why that's fucked up to begin with there isn't any help for you. He has a religious complex that rivals the times of the Salem Witch trials. He was charged and found guilty of prosecutorial misconduct IN THAT CASE! And [MENTION=47158]Manchester[/MENTION], too, no matter how fucked up our system is too - he would never get around the conflict of interest regarding THAT to have another shot at her, much less the protections we have about double jeopardy if her trial and (winning!) appeal took place here.

The Italian court, via that "investigator / prosecutor" gave the guy whose DNA was all over the crime scene and IN THE VICTIM a reduced sentence!

How deep must your misogyny run to have the attitude that this young woman rolled the dice and took her chances, that there is ANYTHING just in what she has experienced so far? :cuckoo:

How is an investigator / prosecuter a conflict of interests, the defence also gets to investigate. It's how their system works and it has worked well enough for them for them to be accepted in to the EU, an organisation with rigorous standards in the infrastructure of member states.

I do like the allegation of mysogyny running in parallel with the clear assumption that because a man's DNA is inside a woman then he clearly was the only one to do her any harm and that the only other woman in this trial MUST be innocent. Clear sexism aginst men if I've ever seen it.

If not a 'conflict of interest'; it simply lacks proper checks and balances. He lacks accountability.
Italian courts are no better or worse than American ones, yes there is some corruption over there just as there is in the US (probably more so at the top of government Bunga Bunga) but their court system is just fine. This was always going to be a close run thing as the prosectution had enough for a conviction but not enough for lawyers to punch enough holes in that conviction so she could escape.

What are you? The Italian Minister of Information?
One could write many books on the follies of the American Criminal Justice System.

Exhibit A being the bizarre practice of tossing out reliable, truthful information about the case because a law enforcement official is perceived to have violated the defendant's rights. So a killer goes free because the arresting office forgot to "Mirandize" the defendant before his confession. And by the way, the confession was truthful.

Although it is not entirely indefensible as a practice, it "punishes" society (releasing known felons into its midst) by spiting the police and prosecutors.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
One could write many books on the follies of the American Criminal Justice System.

Exhibit A being the bizarre practice of tossing out reliable, truthful information about the case because a law enforcement official is perceived to have violated the defendant's rights. So a killer goes free because the arresting office forgot to "Mirandize" the defendant before his confession. And by the way, the confession was truthful.

Although it is not entirely indefensible as a practice, it "punishes" society (releasing known felons into its midst) by spiting the police and prosecutors.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

There wasn't a shred of physical evidence introduced tying Amanda Knox or her then-boyfriend to the murder, and the ever-changing "motive" was one (three, actually) produced by the investo-prosecutor's evil-obsessed "mind."
I my posting (that you quoted) I said nothing about Amanda Knox.

I may respond to the rest of your posting in time, if I have the time. I think you might be wrong about the physical evidence.
I my posting (that you quoted) I said nothing about Amanda Knox.

I may respond to the rest of your posting in time, if I have the time. I think you might be wrong about the physical evidence.

You "think I may be wrong?"

Chica, if that's the depth of you knowledge of this case, you might be wise to shy away from absolute definitives in re your position ABOUT it.
Unfortunately I found, and spent a couple hours reading, a full translation of the "Sentence of the Court of Assizes of Perugia," some 397 pages long.

It is an interesting document, generated by a court which operates in a way that is totally unlike our system, in which such decisions are made by juries of postal workers, housewives, and retireees. The "jury" is comprised of professionals, mainly attorneys, who do this for a living.

For the "no evidence" crowd:

Amanda Knox's DNA was found on the murder weapon (a 31 cm knife), which had been brought back to Sollecito's apartment and cleaned. The forensic examiner concluded that the place of the DNA on the handle was not consistent with food preparation, but completely consistent with using the knife as a weapon.

Both Knox and Sollecito consistently claimed to have been together IN HIS APARTMENT from the evening of November 1 through at least 10:30 on the morning of November 2. This is disproven by several eyewitness reports. For example, they were seen by two people in the courtyard outside Knox's apartment late at night on 11/1. Also, Knox was seen purchasing unknown items from a local market at 0700 on November 2. She got the items from the part of the store where cleaning supplies were kept.

Knox's explanation of why she went back to her apartment on November 2 is totally inconsistent with the plans that they had mentioned to several people (taking along day-trip to a nearby town), and is illogical in the extreme. She had washed her hair the previous night, she had no need to "get a mop," and one does not delay starting a daytrip for at least an hour for this sort of venture.

Sollecito's DNA was found on a cut-off scrap of the victim's bloody bra. Transferrence of the DNA through anything other than his participation in the attack was totally disproven.

Knox falsely accused her employer of the crime, both orally (several times) and later confirmed in writing. Her explanation of why she did this is preposterous, and was not believed by anyone.

Knox and Sollecito staged a phony break-in of the apartment, to try to deflect attention from them to an unknown burglar. The staging was amateurish and easily seen through. Knox's statements to police at the time are inexplicable, except in light of the fact that she and Raffaelo did it. For example, she told police in the initial phone call that "nothing was stolen." There were four women living in the apartment. How could she possibly know whether some small items had been stolen from the other unlocked bedrooms, or from Kercher's room? Only one way.

Knox's actions and remarks in the time before Kercher's bedroom door was broken down by police were bizarre, untruthful, and only explainable as trying to delay the finding of Kercher's body by someone who knew it was lying there inside the room. When the door was being broken down she was still in the apartment, but as far away from the door as she could possibly be. Even after the body was discovered, she made no attempt to look inside the room.

Whoever let Guede (the main killer/rapist) into the house had a key to the front door. Amanda was the only possibility. The others with keys were out of town or dead.

The injuries and attack on Kercher could not have been done by a single person. Kercher was athletic, in good shape, trained in Karate, fully clothed, etc. Multiple attackers were necessary.

There is only one possible conclusion. Sollecito and Knox did it along with Guede.

It is impossible to say how this case would have played out in an American court. There is no "Aha!" evidence that, by itself proves what happened. But looking at all the evidence rationally, there is no other conclusion one can reach.
Please look up the word, "prior" before re-posting. My observations refer to the original convictions, which has been reaffirmed.
The forensic examiner concluded that the place of the DNA on the handle was not consistent with food preparation, but completely consistent with using the knife as a weapon.

I'd be interested in hearing how one supposedly determines the difference. Because at first glance, this looks like BS forensics.
Read the fucking report.

Honestly, I struck me as a stretch, but there was no photo of the knife in the report. I assume she (the DNA lady) was not an idiot, and there was something about the handle that made this conclustion possible. She drew the conclusion and the court agreed.
Read the fucking report.

Honestly, I struck me as a stretch, but there was no photo of the knife in the report. I assume she (the DNA lady) was not an idiot, and there was something about the handle that made this conclustion possible. She drew the conclusion and the court agreed.

The knife found in Amanda Knox's boyfriend's apartment did not even match the wounds on Meredith, and the DNA present on this knife was so small that it couldn't be tested more than once...(according to the known protocol used when DNA presence is so small) and could have been placed there through contamination during collection, contamination in the lab, or contamination by secondary transfer from a third party.

The knife that would match Meredith's wounds was never found. That they (Amanda/boyfriend) would have kept one knife and not the other seems absurd....they would have gotten rid of both of them if indeed that knife was used in the assault.
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Unfortunately I found, and spent a couple hours reading, a full translation of the "Sentence of the Court of Assizes of Perugia," some 397 pages long.

It is an interesting document, generated by a court which operates in a way that is totally unlike our system, in which such decisions are made by juries of postal workers, housewives, and retireees. The "jury" is comprised of professionals, mainly attorneys, who do this for a living.

For the "no evidence" crowd:

Amanda Knox's DNA was found on the murder weapon (a 31 cm knife), which had been brought back to Sollecito's apartment and cleaned. The forensic examiner concluded that the place of the DNA on the handle was not consistent with food preparation, but completely consistent with using the knife as a weapon.

Both Knox and Sollecito consistently claimed to have been together IN HIS APARTMENT from the evening of November 1 through at least 10:30 on the morning of November 2. This is disproven by several eyewitness reports. For example, they were seen by two people in the courtyard outside Knox's apartment late at night on 11/1. Also, Knox was seen purchasing unknown items from a local market at 0700 on November 2. She got the items from the part of the store where cleaning supplies were kept.

Knox's explanation of why she went back to her apartment on November 2 is totally inconsistent with the plans that they had mentioned to several people (taking along day-trip to a nearby town), and is illogical in the extreme. She had washed her hair the previous night, she had no need to "get a mop," and one does not delay starting a daytrip for at least an hour for this sort of venture.

Sollecito's DNA was found on a cut-off scrap of the victim's bloody bra. Transferrence of the DNA through anything other than his participation in the attack was totally disproven.

Knox falsely accused her employer of the crime, both orally (several times) and later confirmed in writing. Her explanation of why she did this is preposterous, and was not believed by anyone.

Knox and Sollecito staged a phony break-in of the apartment, to try to deflect attention from them to an unknown burglar. The staging was amateurish and easily seen through. Knox's statements to police at the time are inexplicable, except in light of the fact that she and Raffaelo did it. For example, she told police in the initial phone call that "nothing was stolen." There were four women living in the apartment. How could she possibly know whether some small items had been stolen from the other unlocked bedrooms, or from Kercher's room? Only one way.

Knox's actions and remarks in the time before Kercher's bedroom door was broken down by police were bizarre, untruthful, and only explainable as trying to delay the finding of Kercher's body by someone who knew it was lying there inside the room. When the door was being broken down she was still in the apartment, but as far away from the door as she could possibly be. Even after the body was discovered, she made no attempt to look inside the room.

Whoever let Guede (the main killer/rapist) into the house had a key to the front door. Amanda was the only possibility. The others with keys were out of town or dead.

The injuries and attack on Kercher could not have been done by a single person. Kercher was athletic, in good shape, trained in Karate, fully clothed, etc. Multiple attackers were necessary.

There is only one possible conclusion. Sollecito and Knox did it along with Guede.

It is impossible to say how this case would have played out in an American court. There is no "Aha!" evidence that, by itself proves what happened. But looking at all the evidence rationally, there is no other conclusion one can reach.

I would like to touch on the area I bolded. Jodi Arias killed her boyfriend. She ( a slight woman) stabbed him 29 times and then shot him, a male in great physical condition. Guede did not need anyone's help to kill Kercher. Women are raped and killed daily, they are tortured and ripped apart by a single perpetrator.

I've read the evidence and a lot of it has been found to be ridiculous evidence. Not to mention the crime scene was contaminated. Look at the crime scene photos. They have moved everything into other rooms before collecting and stepped on a lot of evidence, thusly transferring DNA throughout the house.

Examining Rudy Guede past criminal activity shows he committed similar crimes and this time was caught and took his crime further than in the past.

One of the most important of these criminal acts by Rudy Guede occurred in Milan on the morning of October 27, 2007, only six days prior to the murder. Rudy Guede was caught red-handed having broken into a nursery school as the owner, Maria Del Prato, arrived in the morning with two repairmen. There were thus three eye witnesses to this intrusion. The importance of these incidents cannot be emphasized enough. When questioned by police, Guede refused to answer questions about why he was there and told police that he was South American which was a lie. When police examined his backpack they found a laptop and cell phone that they quickly determined had been stolen from a Perugian law office a few days earlier. The similarities between Guede’s modus operandi in the law office break-in and what was found at the Meredith Kercher crime scene was stunning. In both incidents he had entered through an elevated window broken with a rock, he had no accomplices, he stole a cell phone, and he extensively ransacked the scene for no apparent reason. In the nursery school break-in he was also found to have stolen a large knife from the school’s kitchen and to have been in possession of a woman’s gold watch.

Guede is also suspected in the October 8, 2007 burglary of the same nursery school in which 2,000 Euros were stolen. Once again Guede’s distinctive M.O. of ransacking the property and preparing food was observed.

As pointed out by author Nina Burleigh, Guede was also a habitual liar. He had told friends that his father was a computer programmer who provided regular support for him. In fact his father was a laborer who had largely cut off contact with him. In other incidents Guede had described himself as either American or South African. He was neither.

The gold watch is particularly significant because of a possible link to an arson/burglary incident at the residence of one Madu Diaz four days earlier on October 23, 2007 in Perugia. In this incident the residence was extensively damaged by a fire that also killed Ms. Diaz’s cat. Rudy Guede lived next door to Ms. Diaz and was known to her. Although they had greeted each other on an almost daily basis prior to the fire, Guede was conspicuously absent following the fire. Ms. Diaz had had her suspicions about him and when, following the murder, his image was broadcast throughout Europe, she contacted police. Milanese police have never made any effort to determine if the gold watch they found in Guede’s backpack was the same one reported stolen by Madu Diaz. Once again his distinctive M.O. was very much observed at the crime scene: The entry there was through a window, the house was ransacked and he consumed food during the intrusion.

Perhaps the most important incident involving Guede prior to the murder occurred in the early hours of September 27, 2007 at the residence of Perugian bartender Christian Tramontano. Tramontano had been asleep upstairs at his home with his girlfriend when he was awoken by the sounds of someone rummaging through his belongings downstairs. Tramontano confronted the intruder, who he later identified as Guede, and a struggle ensued. Guede was able to escape when he threatened Tramontano with a pocket knife. Tramontano did call the police emergency number but police did not dispatch a patrol car to the residence. They simply told him to come to the police station the next day and fill out a form, advice he apparently did not follow up on because of long lines at the station

The Amanda Knox Case: New Questions Emerge Surrounding the Role of the Milanese Police | Opinion, World | ? Latest World News & Opinions

Not to mention his impossible story of having consensual sex with Kercher and being in the bathroom when she was attacked and killed. He said their were shadowy figures and never said it was Knox and her boyfriend until much later.
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This photo, after they finally collected Kercher's bra clasp weeks later and it being trampled on, should scare anyone especially with the scant amount of DNA found on the clasp. Look at the dirt/contamination/possible DNA/ etc on the gloved finger.


More photos of crime scene and contamination here: (Warning: some may find these photos graphic and disturbing)

Photo Gallery
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Giuliano Mignini

Mignini was convicted of prosecutorial misconduct for his abuses committed during the Monster of Florence case. He received a sixteen month sentence for abuse of office and bugging journalists in connection with the Francesco Narducci (Monster of Florence) case.

Aside from the possibility of being forced from office as prosecutor, the Narducci case could have further repurcussions. Mignini's computer was seized and contained an enemies list. You can read more on that here.
Sentencing Report for Giuliano Mignini

While Mignini will most likely never spend time in jail, if his conviction is upheld, he will be removed from public office and never be allowed to serve as a prosecutor or judge again.

It is important to keep in mind that the Florentine judge in this case imposed a heavier sentence than what was asked for, which came as a huge surprise to even Mignini himself. A judge handing out a stronger sentence than asked for is extremely rare in Italy and serves as an incredibly strong condemnation of Mignini's illegal behavior (though under Italian law he is still presumed innocent until he has exhausted his appeals---as are Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito).

Mignini attacks anyone who disagrees with him. Spezi and Preston simply disagreed with Mignini's view of a crime. Mignini tried to destroy their lives. Mignini's tactics didn't change during Amanda and Raffaele's trial. Once again, Mignini attacked his critics. He has filed defamation charges against anyone that has publicly dared to disagree with him. Mignini has used these lawsuits to embarrass Amanda & Raffaele. He has attacked their families and their lawyers. He has used these lawsuits in an attempt to put fear into the minds of journalists in hopes to silence them. Here is a list of Mignini's lawsuits. The count stands at twelve. Who's next?

#5 of twelve: 5. Joe Cottonwood - Home - Joe Cottonwood. Take a look at Joe's Website. Joe is a fiction writer. Joe doesn't even like Amanda Knox. He was simply voicing his opinion about the case. Why was Mignini threatened by him?

Here is Joe's quote that won him the honors of a Magnini lawsuit: "The Meredith Kercher murder is one of those mirrors that reflects the prejudices of whoever is looking into it. There is no physical evidence and no credible motive, and yet an egotistical prosecutor is blaming Amanda Knox anyway. In the USA, this would only happen if she were black. Perhaps partying American college kids are so hated in Italy that Amanda will be treated as blacks are treated in the USA, and she will be convicted not because of the evidence but because of general resentment of shallow rich Americans. Personally, from what I've read I don't like Amanda Knox. She sounds spoiled, naive, and shallow. But that's not a crime. I loathe the prosecutor, who has a counterpart in every city in the USA - a preening, intellectually dishonest bully who cares more about making newspaper headlines than in serving justice. It's the same all over the world. Power and prejudice are the enemies of justice."

Crimesider Articles

Crimesider Articles

Italy is to blame for allowing Giuliano Mignini to continue to prosecute cases. He was currently on trial for abuse of office when he was prosecuting Amanda and Raffaele's trial. He should have been nowhere near this case. Mignini is an unstable human being. He has repeatedly shown his paranoia by slapping defamation lawsuits on anyone that disagrees with him. He has made every attempt possible to destroy the lives of two innocent people. He should no longer have the power to prosecute. Even after his conviction for abuse of office, Mignini still holds onto his power.
Cleary, if you choose to believe that Knox and Sollecito were innocent, then you can do so. The evidence, however, stands in your way.

In every conceivable way, Knox and Sollecity acted like guilty people. They lied about where they were and what they were doing at the time of the murder, for no discernable reason OTHER THAN to deflect attention away from themselves. They were NOT alone in Sollecito's apartment until 10:30 on the morning of the 2nd, as they both repeatedly insisted through out this series of events. Rafaello was NOT sleeping when Knox left the apartment at 10:30 in the morning. Two eyewitnesses saw them in the courtyard outside Knox's apartment late on the night of the killing. Knox was seen and positively identified as waiting for the local market to open at 0700, then seen in the market in the area where cleaning supplies were displayed (The original report made no mention of what she bought). There was no reason for her to go back to her apartment to shower, wash her hair, change clothes and get a mop, particularly when they had longstanding plans to take a daytrip that day. Rafaello was on his computer at 0600, and talking to his father at 0830; Knox testified that he had slept through the night, and was still asleep when she left the apartment at 1030.

Why was the knife from Knox's apartment in Sollecito's kitchen?

The "coroner" found that two different knives were used in the attack; a large one and a very small one. Both were identified, although Sollecito disposed of his small one after the murder (he had previously always had it on his person).

No one was in a position to stage the fake burglary other than Knox. She was the only one with a key. The apartment was never entered through the broken window. It was more than 10 feet off the ground, and there was no evidence on the ground, on the outer wall, on the window sill or anyplace else, indicating someone had scaled the wall and come in. The broken glass was ON TOP OF the clothing that had been strewn around on the bed and floor. If a burglar had come in through the broken window, the clothing would have been on top of the broken glass. There was a large nail sticking out outside the window, and it would not have been possible to climb the wall, go over the railing and ente the window without bending the nail, or leaving some trace of having been there.

I don't care if the prosecutor was Kercher's Uncle Bob, Knox and Sollecito assisted Guede in raping and killing Meredith Kercher.
Cleary, if you choose to believe that Knox and Sollecito were innocent, then you can do so. The evidence, however, stands in your way.

In every conceivable way, Knox and Sollecity acted like guilty people. They lied about where they were and what they were doing at the time of the murder, for no discernable reason OTHER THAN to deflect attention away from themselves. They were NOT alone in Sollecito's apartment until 10:30 on the morning of the 2nd, as they both repeatedly insisted through out this series of events. Rafaello was NOT sleeping when Knox left the apartment at 10:30 in the morning. Two eyewitnesses saw them in the courtyard outside Knox's apartment late on the night of the killing. Knox was seen and positively identified as waiting for the local market to open at 0700, then seen in the market in the area where cleaning supplies were displayed (The original report made no mention of what she bought). There was no reason for her to go back to her apartment to shower, wash her hair, change clothes and get a mop, particularly when they had longstanding plans to take a daytrip that day. Rafaello was on his computer at 0600, and talking to his father at 0830; Knox testified that he had slept through the night, and was still asleep when she left the apartment at 1030.

Why was the knife from Knox's apartment in Sollecito's kitchen?

The "coroner" found that two different knives were used in the attack; a large one and a very small one. Both were identified, although Sollecito disposed of his small one after the murder (he had previously always had it on his person).

No one was in a position to stage the fake burglary other than Knox. She was the only one with a key. The apartment was never entered through the broken window. It was more than 10 feet off the ground, and there was no evidence on the ground, on the outer wall, on the window sill or anyplace else, indicating someone had scaled the wall and come in. The broken glass was ON TOP OF the clothing that had been strewn around on the bed and floor. If a burglar had come in through the broken window, the clothing would have been on top of the broken glass. There was a large nail sticking out outside the window, and it would not have been possible to climb the wall, go over the railing and ente the window without bending the nail, or leaving some trace of having been there.

I don't care if the prosecutor was Kercher's Uncle Bob, Knox and Sollecito assisted Guede in raping and killing Meredith Kercher.

Ill be back in a bit, but you might want to view this video and look at the crime scene photos. Glass is NOT shown on top of the clothes, in fact foot prints are and are consistent with the break in by Rudy Guede. And here is a video which shows how SIMPLE it was to gain entry into the second floor window, it takes mere seconds:

Why do you ignore Guede's MO of breaking and entering into second story flats? There were at least 3 break ins in the weeks before Kercher's death. All committed by a man who had no income and needed money. Two of which he used a knife to attack and or threaten his victims.

Here is a photo of the police climbing onto the security bars of the window beneath the window which was broken into as well. However the video above is amazing.

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Here is the nail you speak of as well. It would not be impossible to enter that window with the nail there, in fact it is a perfect grasping point from the lower window.


And the red arrow shows the fresh impact damage from the rock to the inside shutter:

Sollecito's DNA was found on a cut-off scrap of the victim's bloody bra. Transferrence of the DNA through anything other than his participation in the attack was totally disproven.

This is so far from the truth its sad. The bra clasp was not collected until 47 days later, and crime scene photos show it in several different spots before it was collected it was trampled and moved and then collected with dirty gloves. Look at the crime scene photos the police move items all over the house to include bloody mattress which they moved to the living room, sheets and comforter before collecting and bagging. Bloody shoes and clothes were stacked on top of evidence all over Kercher's room as well.


Note the disarray of Kercher's bedroom and the 'evidence stacked and thrown and stacked, this is how the bedroom appeared BEFORE police ruined the scene and contaminated evidence:


Kercher's matress in living room, transferring DNA and evidence throughout house:


Knox falsely accused her employer of the crime, both orally (several times) and later confirmed in writing. Her explanation of why she did this is preposterous, and was not believed by anyone.

Why did Knox say it was her employer? Because the police insisted it was after they accused her of lying about a text message she sent him. They told her she was meeting him later, because she typed "see you later" and the Italian police took that literally not as an American term for 'goodbye". Why would Amanda "lie" about replying to her employer after he told her not to come into work since it was slow that night? The police are the ones who brought her employer into this mess and a scared girl went along with what they were telling her.
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