Amazing how many people blame the US for the barbaric attacks in Libya and Egypt

this is Obama's Carter moment. Carter had to get rid of the shaw of Iran because he said he was a strong arm leader. There was a reason he was a strong arm leader and we are seeing it today. Now we have Obama bombing to get rid of Kadaffi and the result is worse. Just with everything liberal the opposite happens from the stated intent.
We replaced a democratically elected government in Iran, with a tyrannical dictator, far worse than Saddam Hussein, in 1953. That's why Iran is pissed off at us.

And we did it again in Libya.

And we're doing it in Syria, with our new ally, al Qaeda!
It's amazing to me how many people on this site blame the US, the West, all religions save Islam, etc for the barbaric attacks in Libya and Egypt, rather than the perpetrators.
Who helped put them in power? Who was praising the so called "Arab Spring"?

It wasn't me.

Right, it's not the U.S.'s fault entirely. But it is the fault of those in the U.S. who forced American Citizens to support and fund this illegitimate War. Not all in the U.S. supported it. However, most did. So, a vast portion of the U.S. is to blame. It is what it is.
this is Obama's Carter moment. Carter had to get rid of the shaw of Iran because he said he was a strong arm leader. There was a reason he was a strong arm leader and we are seeing it today. Now we have Obama bombing to get rid of Kadaffi and the result is worse. Just with everything liberal the opposite happens from the stated intent.
We replaced a democratically elected government in Iran, with a tyrannical dictator, far worse than Saddam Hussein, in 1953. That's why Iran is pissed off at us.

And we did it again in Libya.

And we're doing it in Syria, with our new ally, al Qaeda!

Iran is pissed at us because their ruling party is Shia.
A sepratist sect of Shia called the Twelvers. (The Twelfth Imam)
Iran's population is fairly pro US.
Iran is pissed at us because their ruling party is Shia.
A sepratist sect of Shia called the Twelvers. (The Twelfth Imam)
Iran's population is fairly pro US.
The Shia's in Iran love us for giving them Iraq, a country they used to be at war with.

As far as Iran's population, 70% of the people in that country, are under 30. It's only a matter of time before their old mullahs die off and they get Levi's.
Amazing how many people blame the US for the barbaric attacks in Libya and Egypt
Not the U.S.....just a herd o' White Wing/fundamentalist.....

Iran is pissed at us because their ruling party is Shia.
A sepratist sect of Shia called the Twelvers. (The Twelfth Imam)
Iran's population is fairly pro US.
The Shia's in Iran love us for giving them Iraq, a country they used to be at war with.

As far as Iran's population, 70% of the people in that country, are under 30. It's only a matter of time before their old mullahs die off and they get Levi's.

[ame=]Iranian Youth Ditch Oppressive Islam - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Another Revolution In IRAN - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Another Brick In The Wall (Hey Ayatollah, Leave Those Kids Alone!) - YouTube[/ame]


In Iran, it's......


They don't need War.....they need SOLIDARITY!!!!!

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[ame=]George Carlin - We Like War - YouTube[/ame]
Those are pretty good!

All we have to do, is think back to when we were in our 20's and how we felt about the "older generation". For me, I didn't trust anyone over 30. I just knew, 90% of the things they told me, was wrong. Like pot will turn you into a serial killer after just one hit.
There we go. Wasn't too hard, was it?
Yeah, but it's not that simple. There are other factors that contributed to the situation. What happened in Libya, because of our direct involvement in proliferating the insurrection in that country, is like if we all of a sudden, replaced the LAPD in Los Angeles, with the Crips or the Bloods. You don't think people who are on the wrong side of Crips/Bloods law enforcement, would look at us and think, "WTF are you doing?"

We didnt proliferate the insurrection. It was spontaneous.
So wrong on that point.

This isn't crips and bloods. Yet another wrong headed analogy.
this is Obama's Carter moment. Carter had to get rid of the shaw of Iran because he said he was a strong arm leader. There was a reason he was a strong arm leader and we are seeing it today. Now we have Obama bombing to get rid of Kadaffi and the result is worse. Just with everything liberal the opposite happens from the stated intent.
We replaced a democratically elected government in Iran, with a tyrannical dictator, far worse than Saddam Hussein, in 1953. That's why Iran is pissed off at us.

And we did it again in Libya.

And we're doing it in Syria, with our new ally, al Qaeda!

No, few people alive and working in 1953 are still around to be pissed off at us. So wrong on that score. Actually most people there are probably not pissed off at us. Most people there would want to be us. It is the leadership that needs an enemy to divert attention from their failed policies.
So wrong there.

Ghaddafi staged a coup against the King, is how he came to power. We had nothing to do with it. So wrong there too.

In Syria we have no involvement, despite the fact that the dictator there is murdering his countrymen by the thousands. If there was ever a moment for a president to take a stand for human rights, this would be it. Of course Obama is too cowardly to do anything that principled.

You're just having a fact-challenged day, arent you?
[ame=]Persian Rave Parties - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Americans talk to average Iranian males in Iran - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]New IRANIAN METAL band from TEHRAN( OFF = Sell Your Wife , Buy A TV) - YouTube[/ame]​
It's amazing to me how many people on this site blame the US, the West, all religions save Islam, etc for the barbaric attacks in Libya and Egypt, rather than the perpetrators.

You are right and it is pathetic! If we don;t stand up for American interests and values -- nobody else will. Muslim idealogs are as moronic as the US left - in fact they may as well be the same group. Its like US left is the propaganda machine for radical islam...

Freaking sad!!!!
No, few people alive and working in 1953 are still around to be pissed off at us. So wrong on that score. Actually most people there are probably not pissed off at us. Most people there would want to be us. It is the leadership that needs an enemy to divert attention from their failed policies.
So wrong there.
Since they're not around, that gives you the ability to re-write history?

Fact: Our CIA helped overthrow a democratically elected government there in 1953.
Fact: The Shah was a brutal dictator that had is own Gestapo-type security force in the Savat, that made that country more like Stalin's Russia.

The Iranian Revolution in 1979, was a direct result of an overflow of anger from the population towards the Shah and the people who put him in power. That's why they attacked the US embassy and held the diplomats there as hostages for 444 days. They didn't do that because they like our company and wanted to be like Mike.

Ghaddafi staged a coup against the King, is how he came to power. We had nothing to do with it. So wrong there too.
How Khadafi came into power is none of our business. We had nothing to do with that. We did, however, arm, fund and provide material support to a terrorist group in that country with direct ties to al Qaeda and made it possible for them to assume power. Now, just like with the Shah, that terrorist group is running around the country, doing what terrorist groups do. And you don't think the people in that country know who helped bring this situation to reality? Just like with the Shah, they know. And just like with the Shah, they attacked our embassy.

In Syria we have no involvement, despite the fact that the dictator there is murdering his countrymen by the thousands. If there was ever a moment for a president to take a stand for human rights, this would be it. Of course Obama is too cowardly to do anything that principled.
We are funding al Qaeda in Syria and providing direct material support to a known terrorist organization that for the last 10 years, we were being told they were the enemy. Now they're our ally's.

Al-Qaeda Now a US Ally in Syria

While we reflect on the 11th anniversary of the al Qaeda attacks on American soil, there is a blinding light that may obscure our view: this sworn enemy now fights hand in hand with the US against the Syrian regime.

You're just having a fact-challenged day, arent you?
Not at all. I can prove what I say.
We didnt proliferate the insurrection. It was spontaneous.
So wrong on that point.
Just because it was spontaneous, doesn't mean we played no role in putting a terrorist organization in charge of the country. It just means we took advantage of an opportunity to fullfil another PNAC goal.

US-Backed Terrorists Murder US Ambassador in Libya

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) militants, terrorists linked directly with Al Qaeda according to West Point reports and listed to this day by the US State Department, the UK Home Office and the UN as a “foreign terrorist organization.”

These same terrorists are now not only the defacto rulers of much of Libya
Like I said, I can prove what I say.

This isn't crips and bloods. Yet another wrong headed analogy.
Try again, maybe your luck will change.

[ame=]George Carlin Religion Is Bullshit - YouTube[/ame]​
Carlin was a prophet.

My favorite comment of his, was on prostitution.

"I don't understand why prostitution is illegal? Selling is legal. And fucking is legal. So why is selling fucking, illegal? Why is it illegal to sell something, that's perfectly legal to give away?"
- George Carlin
It's amazing to me how many people on this site blame the US, the West, all religions save Islam, etc for the barbaric attacks in Libya and Egypt, rather than the perpetrators.

The best defense against the "blame America" crowd is to master their arguments to the point where you can show them as factually incorrect.

Here is a lecture course on the middle east. It will not answer your Libya question, but it will give you a long history of US policy in a muslim part of the world. It will help you understand the parts of US intervention that might have resulted in blowback. The thing you will like is that it is far more sympathetic to the Right's vision of history than the Left's. But here is why I recommend it. Your radio, television, and paper pundits are terrible at teaching history. They give you cliches about how America is advancing the cause of freedom and justice, but they don't talk about actual policies and events. As an American citizen you should know more about U.S. foreign policy before starting threads like this. You might even discover more support for your opinions. Who knows? It's not too late!

United States and the Middle East: 1914 to 9/11
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