Amazon, And 56 0ther Corporations Took Your Tax Dollars

That's right. Sixty profitable corporations paid no federal taxes in 2018, twice the number that typically paid nothing in the years before the 2017 tax breaks took effect. In fact, it's worse than that. Fifty-seven of these corporations demanded rebates from the government which means taxpayers like you and me paid them to exist. These are corporations on the dole. They claim to hate socialism if it means Medicare for All, but they sure as hell love socialism when it's welfare for them.

Another ill effect is that government debt balloons. The U.S. Treasury Department reported that the deficit rose $113 billion or 17 percent in the first year of the tax cuts, the largest one-year increase since 2009, which was during the worst of the Great Recession. That black hole is projected to occur every year the tax cuts remain in effect.

Republicans take those deficit figures -- deficits they created by cutting taxes -- and use them to demand offsetting spending cuts that is cuts to Social Security, cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, cuts to food stamps and school lunch programs, cuts to programs that are precious to workers and the poor.

The deficits grow like this: Amazon, the online marketplace, made nearly $11 billion last year and instead of paying the current, low 21-percent corporate tax rate on that income, it demanded that taxpayers give it $129 million. Which they did. It wasn't a rebate since Amazon paid no taxes. It was a big fat, gift withdrawn involuntarily from workers' pockets, wrapped in a fuzzy, flocked Amazon smiley bag, and deposited directly into corporate coffers. This is perverse wealth transfer, from the poor and middle class to the rich and corporations.

Amazon -- and 56 Other Corporations -- Took Your Tax Dollars

Full trickle.

Replace Amazon with single mother and you'd be demanding that she no longer be allowed to vote.
If Jeff said" FUCK YOU" and moved to China(as he should) your unemployment would jump grande and UPS/Fedex/USPS would damn near bankrupt. He doesn't have to pay SHIT.
The people that only work.... because he has lotsa work, take care of that ( so IsNtReal can have more aid)
That's right. Sixty profitable corporations paid no federal taxes in 2018, twice the number that typically paid nothing in the years before the 2017 tax breaks took effect. In fact, it's worse than that. Fifty-seven of these corporations demanded rebates from the government which means taxpayers like you and me paid them to exist. These are corporations on the dole. They claim to hate socialism if it means Medicare for All, but they sure as hell love socialism when it's welfare for them.

Another ill effect is that government debt balloons. The U.S. Treasury Department reported that the deficit rose $113 billion or 17 percent in the first year of the tax cuts, the largest one-year increase since 2009, which was during the worst of the Great Recession. That black hole is projected to occur every year the tax cuts remain in effect.

Republicans take those deficit figures -- deficits they created by cutting taxes -- and use them to demand offsetting spending cuts that is cuts to Social Security, cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, cuts to food stamps and school lunch programs, cuts to programs that are precious to workers and the poor.

The deficits grow like this: Amazon, the online marketplace, made nearly $11 billion last year and instead of paying the current, low 21-percent corporate tax rate on that income, it demanded that taxpayers give it $129 million. Which they did. It wasn't a rebate since Amazon paid no taxes. It was a big fat, gift withdrawn involuntarily from workers' pockets, wrapped in a fuzzy, flocked Amazon smiley bag, and deposited directly into corporate coffers. This is perverse wealth transfer, from the poor and middle class to the rich and corporations.

Amazon -- and 56 Other Corporations -- Took Your Tax Dollars

Full trickle.

One, tax cuts have never caused deficits. Every major tax cut has been followed by an increase in federal revenue.

Two, Amazon’s low tax bill was partly due to carried-forward losses from years when the company was not profitable and tax credits for massive investments in R&D and stock-based employee compensation.

Three, do you ever stop to consider the hundreds of millions of dollars that Amazon pays in local property taxes, unemployment compensation insurance, state income taxes, city taxes, and its share of its employees' payroll taxes? Or do you just not care?

That didn't happen with this tax cut, revenue actually fell. Did you know that revenues have actually risen with every increase in taxes?
The most productive hardest working generation this nation has ever seen is eagerly waiting to make 12 bucks an hour. They are excited to work for that. Heck for that a company shouldn't expect much

You must have that crippler weed.
LOL, Amazon has cut the throats of a ton of Ma & Pa, businesses, and other corner stores, including corporate ones.

This has directly cut out a ton of jobs, consolidated into Amazons hands who in return hire far less than all these businesses would.

Why is this a good thing, exactly?

Oh, Bezos doesn't have enough money, boo hoo hoo.

How about Bezos pays for that wall?

If you cannot compete, you go out of business...that is the free market.

People whined about WalMart and Home Deopt/Lowes doing the same thing.

It's no wonder why America's real wages are in decline, despite a spike in productivity.

It's not bad enough that Illegals, H2B visa people cut down wages at home, and outsourced abroad. (All by Capitalism)

Now we have Internet corporations like Amazon cutting out cashiers, clerks, stock boys, etc. etc.

No wonder our nation stumbles.

And elevators now run without elevator operators and people get into buildings without a doorman opening the door for them. I can place a call without going through the operator and I no longer need to go to the blacksmith to get shoes for my horse.

It is called progress.

Still drunk this morning I see.
That's right. Sixty profitable corporations paid no federal taxes in 2018, twice the number that typically paid nothing in the years before the 2017 tax breaks took effect. In fact, it's worse than that. Fifty-seven of these corporations demanded rebates from the government which means taxpayers like you and me paid them to exist. These are corporations on the dole. They claim to hate socialism if it means Medicare for All, but they sure as hell love socialism when it's welfare for them.

Another ill effect is that government debt balloons. The U.S. Treasury Department reported that the deficit rose $113 billion or 17 percent in the first year of the tax cuts, the largest one-year increase since 2009, which was during the worst of the Great Recession. That black hole is projected to occur every year the tax cuts remain in effect.

Republicans take those deficit figures -- deficits they created by cutting taxes -- and use them to demand offsetting spending cuts that is cuts to Social Security, cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, cuts to food stamps and school lunch programs, cuts to programs that are precious to workers and the poor.

The deficits grow like this: Amazon, the online marketplace, made nearly $11 billion last year and instead of paying the current, low 21-percent corporate tax rate on that income, it demanded that taxpayers give it $129 million. Which they did. It wasn't a rebate since Amazon paid no taxes. It was a big fat, gift withdrawn involuntarily from workers' pockets, wrapped in a fuzzy, flocked Amazon smiley bag, and deposited directly into corporate coffers. This is perverse wealth transfer, from the poor and middle class to the rich and corporations.

Amazon -- and 56 Other Corporations -- Took Your Tax Dollars

Full trickle.

One, tax cuts have never caused deficits. Every major tax cut has been followed by an increase in federal revenue.

Two, Amazon’s low tax bill was partly due to carried-forward losses from years when the company was not profitable and tax credits for massive investments in R&D and stock-based employee compensation.

Three, do you ever stop to consider the hundreds of millions of dollars that Amazon pays in local property taxes, unemployment compensation insurance, state income taxes, city taxes, and its share of its employees' payroll taxes? Or do you just not care?

That didn't happen with this tax cut, revenue actually fell. Did you know that revenues have actually risen with every increase in taxes?
All federal tax’s stay in DC...
That's right. Sixty profitable corporations paid no federal taxes in 2018, twice the number that typically paid nothing in the years before the 2017 tax breaks took effect. In fact, it's worse than that. Fifty-seven of these corporations demanded rebates from the government which means taxpayers like you and me paid them to exist. These are corporations on the dole. They claim to hate socialism if it means Medicare for All, but they sure as hell love socialism when it's welfare for them.

Another ill effect is that government debt balloons. The U.S. Treasury Department reported that the deficit rose $113 billion or 17 percent in the first year of the tax cuts, the largest one-year increase since 2009, which was during the worst of the Great Recession. That black hole is projected to occur every year the tax cuts remain in effect.

Republicans take those deficit figures -- deficits they created by cutting taxes -- and use them to demand offsetting spending cuts that is cuts to Social Security, cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, cuts to food stamps and school lunch programs, cuts to programs that are precious to workers and the poor.

The deficits grow like this: Amazon, the online marketplace, made nearly $11 billion last year and instead of paying the current, low 21-percent corporate tax rate on that income, it demanded that taxpayers give it $129 million. Which they did. It wasn't a rebate since Amazon paid no taxes. It was a big fat, gift withdrawn involuntarily from workers' pockets, wrapped in a fuzzy, flocked Amazon smiley bag, and deposited directly into corporate coffers. This is perverse wealth transfer, from the poor and middle class to the rich and corporations.

Amazon -- and 56 Other Corporations -- Took Your Tax Dollars

Full trickle.

anytime a person or company gets to keep more of their money is a good day,,,

If Jeff said" FUCK YOU" and moved to China(as he should) your unemployment would jump grande and UPS/Fedex/USPS would damn near bankrupt. He doesn't have to pay SHIT.
The people that only work.... because he has lotsa work, take care of that ( so IsNtReal can have more aid)

Amazon can't just move to China. The government would not allow them to operate there. The workers aren't educated enough, and there are no protections on the IT or their rights. Amazon is ONLY possible in a country like the USA.

The people who WORK haven't had a raise in 40 years, paying corporations for the privilege of working for them. They use massive amounts of infrastructure and government resources protecting their property and their intellectual property rights. There are huge costs involved in providing these platforms for corporations to have the workers and the protections to thrive and flourish. And you think that multi-billionaire corporations shouldn't have to pay anything for the resources they use.

You ignorance is just simply astounding.
A range of cities offered the moon to Amazon to locate there.
Here Are Some Of The Most Outrageous Perks Cities Offered Amazon | HuffPost
Why? If a company generates thousands of jobs in an area, that's thousands buying new homes, cars, vacations, frivolous purchases, all of which generates more revenue and taxes on multiple levels.
If Amazon is so evil, why were liberal cities promising the world to them?
Tax breaks are not giveaways. It is a reduction in confiscation of income from production.
Governments produce nothing.
EVERYONE should have a problem with a tax code that allows this nonsense to occur. The outrage should be aimed solely at the pricks in DC who write the tax code to INTENTIONALLY create these loopholes.

We need some type of Flat Tax or Consumption Tax that is applied to everyone equally and eliminate deductions completely.

At the same time the left needs to stop the emotional hatred that they constantly spew about corporations.
Man, I can remember all the way back to 2009, when the news came out that GE,- a company run by a bootlicker of Barry Oboingo- paid no taxes.....The collective yawn was ear splitting.

Good times.
That's right. Sixty profitable corporations paid no federal taxes in 2018, twice the number that typically paid nothing in the years before the 2017 tax breaks took effect. In fact, it's worse than that. Fifty-seven of these corporations demanded rebates from the government which means taxpayers like you and me paid them to exist. These are corporations on the dole. They claim to hate socialism if it means Medicare for All, but they sure as hell love socialism when it's welfare for them.

Another ill effect is that government debt balloons. The U.S. Treasury Department reported that the deficit rose $113 billion or 17 percent in the first year of the tax cuts, the largest one-year increase since 2009, which was during the worst of the Great Recession. That black hole is projected to occur every year the tax cuts remain in effect.

Republicans take those deficit figures -- deficits they created by cutting taxes -- and use them to demand offsetting spending cuts that is cuts to Social Security, cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, cuts to food stamps and school lunch programs, cuts to programs that are precious to workers and the poor.

The deficits grow like this: Amazon, the online marketplace, made nearly $11 billion last year and instead of paying the current, low 21-percent corporate tax rate on that income, it demanded that taxpayers give it $129 million. Which they did. It wasn't a rebate since Amazon paid no taxes. It was a big fat, gift withdrawn involuntarily from workers' pockets, wrapped in a fuzzy, flocked Amazon smiley bag, and deposited directly into corporate coffers. This is perverse wealth transfer, from the poor and middle class to the rich and corporations.

Amazon -- and 56 Other Corporations -- Took Your Tax Dollars

Full trickle.

Corporations rarely pay income tax as profits are passed through to shareholders via schedule K1 form.
Considering how quick you stupid people are to call others stupid I’ll bet you already knew that right?
Tell us the shit that actually matters....the shareholders of these corps your speak of...what was their effective tax rate and how much did they pay?
That's right. Sixty profitable corporations paid no federal taxes in 2018, twice the number that typically paid nothing in the years before the 2017 tax breaks took effect. In fact, it's worse than that. Fifty-seven of these corporations demanded rebates from the government which means taxpayers like you and me paid them to exist. These are corporations on the dole. They claim to hate socialism if it means Medicare for All, but they sure as hell love socialism when it's welfare for them.

Another ill effect is that government debt balloons. The U.S. Treasury Department reported that the deficit rose $113 billion or 17 percent in the first year of the tax cuts, the largest one-year increase since 2009, which was during the worst of the Great Recession. That black hole is projected to occur every year the tax cuts remain in effect.

Republicans take those deficit figures -- deficits they created by cutting taxes -- and use them to demand offsetting spending cuts that is cuts to Social Security, cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, cuts to food stamps and school lunch programs, cuts to programs that are precious to workers and the poor.

The deficits grow like this: Amazon, the online marketplace, made nearly $11 billion last year and instead of paying the current, low 21-percent corporate tax rate on that income, it demanded that taxpayers give it $129 million. Which they did. It wasn't a rebate since Amazon paid no taxes. It was a big fat, gift withdrawn involuntarily from workers' pockets, wrapped in a fuzzy, flocked Amazon smiley bag, and deposited directly into corporate coffers. This is perverse wealth transfer, from the poor and middle class to the rich and corporations.

Amazon -- and 56 Other Corporations -- Took Your Tax Dollars

Full trickle.

One, tax cuts have never caused deficits. Every major tax cut has been followed by an increase in federal revenue.

Two, Amazon’s low tax bill was partly due to carried-forward losses from years when the company was not profitable and tax credits for massive investments in R&D and stock-based employee compensation.

Three, do you ever stop to consider the hundreds of millions of dollars that Amazon pays in local property taxes, unemployment compensation insurance, state income taxes, city taxes, and its share of its employees' payroll taxes? Or do you just not care?

That didn't happen with this tax cut, revenue actually fell. Did you know that revenues have actually risen with every increase in taxes?

That's not true. Supply siders have long said this but that doesn't make it true. Revenues decreased significantly when Reagan cut taxes. That's why he raised taxes two years later. Bush's tax cuts didn't increase revenue either.

The Legacy of the 2001 and 2003 “Bush” Tax Cuts
EVERYONE should have a problem with a tax code that allows this nonsense to occur.....
I have a problem with a federal income tax code existing at all.

View attachment 257100
I don't mind the taxes in general. I do mind how they are used for superfluous bullshit.
Well then you're part of the problem.

We fought a war over this shit more than 200 years ago, now we get "I don't mind the taxes in general."

Fuck my life.
That's right. Sixty profitable corporations paid no federal taxes in 2018, twice the number that typically paid nothing in the years before the 2017 tax breaks took effect. In fact, it's worse than that. Fifty-seven of these corporations demanded rebates from the government which means taxpayers like you and me paid them to exist. These are corporations on the dole. They claim to hate socialism if it means Medicare for All, but they sure as hell love socialism when it's welfare for them.

Another ill effect is that government debt balloons. The U.S. Treasury Department reported that the deficit rose $113 billion or 17 percent in the first year of the tax cuts, the largest one-year increase since 2009, which was during the worst of the Great Recession. That black hole is projected to occur every year the tax cuts remain in effect.

Republicans take those deficit figures -- deficits they created by cutting taxes -- and use them to demand offsetting spending cuts that is cuts to Social Security, cuts to Medicare and Medicaid, cuts to food stamps and school lunch programs, cuts to programs that are precious to workers and the poor.

The deficits grow like this: Amazon, the online marketplace, made nearly $11 billion last year and instead of paying the current, low 21-percent corporate tax rate on that income, it demanded that taxpayers give it $129 million. Which they did. It wasn't a rebate since Amazon paid no taxes. It was a big fat, gift withdrawn involuntarily from workers' pockets, wrapped in a fuzzy, flocked Amazon smiley bag, and deposited directly into corporate coffers. This is perverse wealth transfer, from the poor and middle class to the rich and corporations.

Amazon -- and 56 Other Corporations -- Took Your Tax Dollars

Full trickle.

One, tax cuts have never caused deficits. Every major tax cut has been followed by an increase in federal revenue.

Two, Amazon’s low tax bill was partly due to carried-forward losses from years when the company was not profitable and tax credits for massive investments in R&D and stock-based employee compensation.

Three, do you ever stop to consider the hundreds of millions of dollars that Amazon pays in local property taxes, unemployment compensation insurance, state income taxes, city taxes, and its share of its employees' payroll taxes? Or do you just not care?

That didn't happen with this tax cut, revenue actually fell. Did you know that revenues have actually risen with every increase in taxes?
All federal tax’s stay in DC...

WTF are ewe even rambling about?
We have the greatest military in the world. This young generation amazes me how educated they are and how hard they work. Do taxes not pay for this? I have zero problem paying taxes to support the bravest most courageous military force in the world.

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