Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was not premeditated, directly contradicting top Libyan officials who say the attack was planned in advance.

Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated - ABC News

You have to read the above article, it is so damning of this administration I am surprised they are not now closing abc news. She is making the excuse for the lack of protect because it is a NEW installation. Isn't that exactly the opposite of logic and common sense.

She pretty much calls the leader of Libya a know nothing or a liar.

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned'

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned' -
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is why our resident liberals lie like deranged serial killers.. Their leadership are all a bunch of habitual liars.. From Debbie-Lyerman Schultz to this Administration officials.. Fox just showed the Embassy in Egypt and the crazies chanting, "DEATH TO OBAMA, DEATH TO AMERICA." But this has nothing to do with America??!! Or Obama doctrine, right??? Yea sure.. right.. ok.. LIARS.
She was on Meet the Press. it's all about the "video" that's their story and they're sticking too it.
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi was not premeditated, directly contradicting top Libyan officials who say the attack was planned in advance.

Ambassador Susan Rice: Libya Attack Not Premeditated - ABC News

You have to read the above article, it is so damning of this administration I am surprised they are not now closing abc news. She is making the excuse for the lack of protect because it is a NEW installation. Isn't that exactly the opposite of logic and common sense.

She pretty much calls the leader of Libya a know nothing or a liar.

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned'

Libyan president: 'No doubt' attack 'preplanned' -

This administration doesn't have a friggin clue what happened.
That's what we should take away from this.
Hillary has to take a major hit on this along with Obama.
There is no way they don't get away from this without some damage.

Well that would be true I guess if we had a fair and non biased media.
The obama regime either knows what happened and is lying about it, or really didn't have a clue. Now if they didn't know and didn't have a clue, the operative question is why didn't they? Everyone else knew.

If they didn't know then, they know now so what's the point in continuing the fiction that it was the film? Is it because they intend to blame Christians and our Constitution hoping that they can use muslim violence to rid the liberal world of both?
"Workplace violence" like Hassan. Someone was pissed off at the Embassy. "I said no sugar in my coffeeJihad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Under Obama there are no terrorist attacks.
The obama regime either knows what happened and is lying about it, or really didn't have a clue. Now if they didn't know and didn't have a clue, the operative question is why didn't they? Everyone else knew.

If they didn't know then, they know now so what's the point in continuing the fiction that it was the film? Is it because they intend to blame Christians and our Constitution hoping that they can use muslim violence to rid the liberal world of both?

Neither option is wonderful.

#1 Intelligence told Supreme leader and nothing was done

#2 Intelligence didn't know

Holy freaking toledo! Which option is better?
The obama regime either knows what happened and is lying about it, or really didn't have a clue. Now if they didn't know and didn't have a clue, the operative question is why didn't they? Everyone else knew.

If they didn't know then, they know now so what's the point in continuing the fiction that it was the film? Is it because they intend to blame Christians and our Constitution hoping that they can use muslim violence to rid the liberal world of both?

They are doing all they can to hide how unprepared they were and the intelligence they ignored. Meanwhile, the media is trying their damnedest to provide the cover for them.
valerie jarrett and ben bernake run the country now anyway

Go figure. I still can't beleive that even a really strong Dem like Carville would have allowed that woman this much power.

That's a conversation for another day, but I don't see the why or how of the party having allowed this.

But it's happened.
Rice is wrong. The Libyan president yesterday said the attacks were planned way ahead of time.
The obama regime either knows what happened and is lying about it, or really didn't have a clue. Now if they didn't know and didn't have a clue, the operative question is why didn't they? Everyone else knew.

If they didn't know then, they know now so what's the point in continuing the fiction that it was the film? Is it because they intend to blame Christians and our Constitution hoping that they can use muslim violence to rid the liberal world of both?

yes it's in the leftist liberal playbook.....always blame America first......
No, the government is blaming Screaming Eagle first, because SE hates America.
Nah, terrorists just sit around waiting for some media shit storm to hit the internet before they attack targets.....and somehow it just happened on some random date called 11 September.
Al Quaeda says "HEY STUPID, it wasn't the film".

Al-Qaeda says attack on U.S. consulate in Libya

Al-Qaeda said the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was in revenge for the killing of the network’s number two Sheikh Abu Yahya al-Libi, SITE Intelligence Group reported Saturday, as Libyan authorities have identified 50 people who were involved in the attack.

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