Amber Guyger Guilty of Murder

Walking into someone's home that you have no right to be in, drawing a weapon and shooting them twice in the chest IS MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT.
For the hundredth time, INTENT MATTERS. Your account is an intentional LIE. You did this with "MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT."

Ex-Cop Found Guilty of Murder After Shooting unarmed Botham Jean in His Own Apartment
The former Dallas cop who fatally shot an unarmed black man in his own apartment has been convicted of murder.

The jury in Amber Guyger's trial delivered their verdict Tuesday morning after beginning their deliberations Monday. Cheers erupted in the hallways of the courthouse as the verdict was announced.

The jury will reconvene to decide her punishment. She could face life in prison.

Guyger had fatally shot Botham Jean on Sept. 6, 2018 after coming home from work and walking into his apartment that she said she mistook for her own.

Her lawyers argued that she simply made a mistake when she arrived at her apartment building after a 13-hour shift. They said a tired Guyger thought she was walking into her own apartment and mistook Jean for an intruder in her home. Therefore, they said, she shot him in self-defense.

Guyger wept on the witness stand as she testified at her trial, saying she feels like "a piece of crap" and repeating “I’m sorry."Ex-Cop Found Guilty of Murder After Shooting Botham Jean in His Own Apartment

:clap: Guess some people are not giving COPS a pass these days. As COPS are killing Black for mostly Trophy points.
The police kill more than twice as many White suspects per year, but the Press never makes it a huge racial issue like they do when a Black suspect is shot.
The Press always fans the flames of racial hatred for the Racist Democratic Party because it empowers them.
Walking into someone's home that you have no right to be in, drawing a weapon and shooting them twice in the chest IS MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT.
For the hundredth time, INTENT MATTERS. Your account is an intentional LIE. You did this with "MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT."


She didn't intend to walk into the wrong apartment but that doesn't excuse her behavior after she does, sorry.

Care to tell me what her intent was when she pointed her service weapon at his chest and double tapped him center mass?

She intended to kill him. She drew her firearm which she herself stated knew would most likely kill him, and shot him in the chest in the heart, not once BUT TWICE which she stated herself she knew would kill him. She intended to kill him. She stated it herself.

Shes on video not rendering first aid at all and just walking around upset that she would lose her job. Shes a murderer and should not see the light of day again.

Thanks for playing.
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Murder is defined as premeditated. A deliberate act of malice with forethought. This incident does not fit that definition. It was Manslaughter, an accident. That's it. This has become a political/racial issue, not a judicial one. I think of blacks doing drive bys shooting little kids or grannies, this is small potatoes.

This has been explained many times.
Extreme negligence can cause an act to be murder even without it being intentional or with malice.
Drunk driving accident deaths are often murder without any malice or intent.
There are also things that can elevate charges, and in this case Amber was in the commission of the crime of trespassing, while armed.
Which accelerates the charge.
When you are allowed to carry a gun by permit, you accept a higher standard for being careful about how you use that gun.
Simple mistakes then become crimes.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa here you are again trying to spread your ill-informed opinions on the law after you have been discredited on the other forum

For murder to exist there must be malice.
Legal Dictionary -

Then you say she was guilty of criminal trespass ...wrong again. She was a innocent trespasser.

What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary)

Then you further confuse yourself by claiming drunk drivers that kill someone are charged with murder.

In very rare cases some drunk drivers have been charged with 2nd degree murder....but there is a huge difference between 2nd degree murder and murder.

Murder requires malice...but 2nd degree murder does not. Thus drunk drivers are never charged with murder because it requires malice.

There is no 2nd degree murder in Texas.

Then you blather on about how carrying a gun obligates someone to a higher standard of conduct...maybe you learned that from some podunk class on concealed and carry but there is no law on the books requiring a higher standard of conduct by anyone...all citizens are under the same laws whether you carry a weapon or not.

Geeez....have you ever been right about anything?

You need to go back to law school and look up the definition of the word "Malice" before you use it to defend yourself.

Walking into someone's home that you have no right to be in, drawing a weapon and shooting them twice in the chest IS MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT.
That's kinda hard to prove. Shooting someone is certainly not nice...but if whomever spontaneously fears for their life (no matter if they are mistaken) and acts to protect themselves, without preplanning with intent to do bodily harm, that is NOT murder. Its that simple.
Murder is defined as premeditated. A deliberate act of malice with forethought. This incident does not fit that definition. It was Manslaughter, an accident. That's it. This has become a political/racial issue, not a judicial one. I think of blacks doing drive bys shooting little kids or grannies, this is small potatoes.

This has been explained many times.
Extreme negligence can cause an act to be murder even without it being intentional or with malice.
Drunk driving accident deaths are often murder without any malice or intent.
There are also things that can elevate charges, and in this case Amber was in the commission of the crime of trespassing, while armed.
Which accelerates the charge.
When you are allowed to carry a gun by permit, you accept a higher standard for being careful about how you use that gun.
Simple mistakes then become crimes.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa here you are again trying to spread your ill-informed opinions on the law after you have been discredited on the other forum

For murder to exist there must be malice.
Legal Dictionary -

Then you say she was guilty of criminal trespass ...wrong again. She was a innocent trespasser.

What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary)

Then you further confuse yourself by claiming drunk drivers that kill someone are charged with murder.

In very rare cases some drunk drivers have been charged with 2nd degree murder....but there is a huge difference between 2nd degree murder and murder.

Murder requires malice...but 2nd degree murder does not. Thus drunk drivers are never charged with murder because it requires malice.

There is no 2nd degree murder in Texas.

Then you blather on about how carrying a gun obligates someone to a higher standard of conduct...maybe you learned that from some podunk class on concealed and carry but there is no law on the books requiring a higher standard of conduct by anyone...all citizens are under the same laws whether you carry a weapon or not.

Geeez....have you ever been right about anything?

You need to go back to law school and look up the definition of the word "Malice" before you use it to defend yourself.

Walking into someone's home that you have no right to be in, drawing a weapon and shooting them twice in the chest IS MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT.
That's kinda hard to prove. Shooting someone is certainly not nice...but if whomever spontaneously fears for their life (no matter if they are mistaken) and acts to protect themselves, without preplanning with intent to do bodily harm, that is NOT murder. Its that simple.

Wrong. She drew her weapon and pointed it at him admitting that her intent was to kill. That's why she was convicted. Can you sit there and say she didn't intend to harm him when she double tapped him center mass with her service weapon? What did she think those bullets would do?

Let's face it. The jury unanimously agrees with me and not with you or death angel.

Move on.
Murder is defined as premeditated. A deliberate act of malice with forethought. This incident does not fit that definition. It was Manslaughter, an accident. That's it. This has become a political/racial issue, not a judicial one. I think of blacks doing drive bys shooting little kids or grannies, this is small potatoes.

This has been explained many times.
Extreme negligence can cause an act to be murder even without it being intentional or with malice.
Drunk driving accident deaths are often murder without any malice or intent.
There are also things that can elevate charges, and in this case Amber was in the commission of the crime of trespassing, while armed.
Which accelerates the charge.
When you are allowed to carry a gun by permit, you accept a higher standard for being careful about how you use that gun.
Simple mistakes then become crimes.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa here you are again trying to spread your ill-informed opinions on the law after you have been discredited on the other forum

For murder to exist there must be malice.
Legal Dictionary -

Then you say she was guilty of criminal trespass ...wrong again. She was a innocent trespasser.

What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary)

Then you further confuse yourself by claiming drunk drivers that kill someone are charged with murder.

In very rare cases some drunk drivers have been charged with 2nd degree murder....but there is a huge difference between 2nd degree murder and murder.

Murder requires malice...but 2nd degree murder does not. Thus drunk drivers are never charged with murder because it requires malice.

There is no 2nd degree murder in Texas.

Then you blather on about how carrying a gun obligates someone to a higher standard of conduct...maybe you learned that from some podunk class on concealed and carry but there is no law on the books requiring a higher standard of conduct by anyone...all citizens are under the same laws whether you carry a weapon or not.

Geeez....have you ever been right about anything?

You need to go back to law school and look up the definition of the word "Malice" before you use it to defend yourself.

Walking into someone's home that you have no right to be in, drawing a weapon and shooting them twice in the chest IS MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT.
That's kinda hard to prove. Shooting someone is certainly not nice...but if whomever spontaneously fears for their life (no matter if they are mistaken) and acts to protect themselves, without preplanning with intent to do bodily harm, that is NOT murder. Its that simple.

Wrong. She drew her weapon and pointed it at him admitting that her intent was to kill. That's why she was convicted. Can you sit there and say she didn't intend to harm him when she double tapped him center mass with her service weapon? What did she think those bullets would do?

Let's face it. The jury unanimously agrees with me and not with you or death angel.

Move on.
I am not defending Guyger. She may be smarter than either one of us, but what she did was just dumb. And that's it, she made a mistake. And you seem to not be able to comprehend that. It wasn't planned, I don't think she even knew the victim nor had any ill intentions to harm this poor guy. This sucks all the way 'round. But murder? That is a stretch. Might as well call her a witch and burn her at the stake. Would that make you happy?
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Murder is defined as premeditated. A deliberate act of malice with forethought. This incident does not fit that definition. It was Manslaughter, an accident. That's it. This has become a political/racial issue, not a judicial one. I think of blacks doing drive bys shooting little kids or grannies, this is small potatoes.

This has been explained many times.
Extreme negligence can cause an act to be murder even without it being intentional or with malice.
Drunk driving accident deaths are often murder without any malice or intent.
There are also things that can elevate charges, and in this case Amber was in the commission of the crime of trespassing, while armed.
Which accelerates the charge.
When you are allowed to carry a gun by permit, you accept a higher standard for being careful about how you use that gun.
Simple mistakes then become crimes.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa here you are again trying to spread your ill-informed opinions on the law after you have been discredited on the other forum

For murder to exist there must be malice.
Legal Dictionary -

Then you say she was guilty of criminal trespass ...wrong again. She was a innocent trespasser.

What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary)

Then you further confuse yourself by claiming drunk drivers that kill someone are charged with murder.

In very rare cases some drunk drivers have been charged with 2nd degree murder....but there is a huge difference between 2nd degree murder and murder.

Murder requires malice...but 2nd degree murder does not. Thus drunk drivers are never charged with murder because it requires malice.

There is no 2nd degree murder in Texas.

Then you blather on about how carrying a gun obligates someone to a higher standard of conduct...maybe you learned that from some podunk class on concealed and carry but there is no law on the books requiring a higher standard of conduct by anyone...all citizens are under the same laws whether you carry a weapon or not.

Geeez....have you ever been right about anything?

You need to go back to law school and look up the definition of the word "Malice" before you use it to defend yourself.

Walking into someone's home that you have no right to be in, drawing a weapon and shooting them twice in the chest IS MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT.
That's kinda hard to prove. Shooting someone is certainly not nice...but if whomever spontaneously fears for their life (no matter if they are mistaken) and acts to protect themselves, without preplanning with intent to do bodily harm, that is NOT murder. Its that simple.

Absolutely correct....the mindset of the defendant must be considered if one is to render a legitimate analysis of self defense.

A horrendous one denies that. Yet there is nothing to preclude the fact she was in reasonable fear of her life....because in her reality at that time...she was in her apartment confronted with an intruder who had the lights off and the door about mistakes and then he refused to obey her lawful order.

I have heard he was high on marijuana maybe that explains his refusal to be rational.
Walking into someone's home that you have no right to be in, drawing a weapon and shooting them twice in the chest IS MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT.
For the hundredth time, INTENT MATTERS. Your account is an intentional LIE. You did this with "MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT."


She didn't intend to walk into the wrong apartment but that doesn't excuse her behavior after she does, sorry.

Care to tell me what her intent was when she pointed her service weapon at his chest and double tapped him center mass?

She intended to kill him. She drew her firearm which she herself stated knew would most likely kill him, and shot him in the chest in the heart, not once BUT TWICE which she stated herself she knew would kill him. She intended to kill him. She stated it herself.

Shes on video not rendering first aid at all and just walking around upset that she would lose her job. Shes a murderer and should not see the light of day again.

Thanks for playing.

Lookie here billy bob when you are in fear of your life you best shoot to kill....the police dept. trains their police to aim for center of mass when they use their weapon to defend their life.
Murder is defined as premeditated. A deliberate act of malice with forethought. This incident does not fit that definition. It was Manslaughter, an accident. That's it. This has become a political/racial issue, not a judicial one. I think of blacks doing drive bys shooting little kids or grannies, this is small potatoes.

This has been explained many times.
Extreme negligence can cause an act to be murder even without it being intentional or with malice.
Drunk driving accident deaths are often murder without any malice or intent.
There are also things that can elevate charges, and in this case Amber was in the commission of the crime of trespassing, while armed.
Which accelerates the charge.
When you are allowed to carry a gun by permit, you accept a higher standard for being careful about how you use that gun.
Simple mistakes then become crimes.

Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa here you are again trying to spread your ill-informed opinions on the law after you have been discredited on the other forum

For murder to exist there must be malice.
Legal Dictionary -

Then you say she was guilty of criminal trespass ...wrong again. She was a innocent trespasser.

What is INNOCENT TRESPASSER? definition of INNOCENT TRESPASSER (Black's Law Dictionary)

Then you further confuse yourself by claiming drunk drivers that kill someone are charged with murder.

In very rare cases some drunk drivers have been charged with 2nd degree murder....but there is a huge difference between 2nd degree murder and murder.

Murder requires malice...but 2nd degree murder does not. Thus drunk drivers are never charged with murder because it requires malice.

There is no 2nd degree murder in Texas.

Then you blather on about how carrying a gun obligates someone to a higher standard of conduct...maybe you learned that from some podunk class on concealed and carry but there is no law on the books requiring a higher standard of conduct by anyone...all citizens are under the same laws whether you carry a weapon or not.

Geeez....have you ever been right about anything?

You need to go back to law school and look up the definition of the word "Malice" before you use it to defend yourself.

Walking into someone's home that you have no right to be in, drawing a weapon and shooting them twice in the chest IS MALICE AND FORETHOUGHT. And it doubles as malice when the defendant herself stated she shot him to kill him.

She CANNOT claim self defense I don't care what the guy did. She had no right to be in there. Just like a bank robber can't shoot someone and say they were in fear for their life when they saw someone point a gun at them. They're committing a felony so self defense does not apply. Her being a cop is irrelevant. She is just another armed intruder and I wish he could have shot her dead.

She went down for murder rightly so but didn't get sentenced NEARLY high enough. She should get life without.

Now that is just retarded......she did not walk into the apartment intending to kill anyone......there was no premediation. She responded as she had been taught when a perp poses a danger to your life....shoot twice and shoot to kill center mass.

Legal Dictionary -
Somebody died here, I get it. There is this blood lust for revenge, but the justice system is above that. But in this case, not so much. But I cant help but perceive this verdict as a punitive/racial/political in every sense. The Judge in this case obviously had a prejudice and should have recused herself. This clearly wasn't murder, and it begs for a retrial.
Somebody died here, I get it. There is this blood lust for revenge, but the justice system is above that. But in this case, not so much. But I cant help but perceive this verdict as a punitive/racial/political in every sense. The Judge in this case obviously had a prejudice and should have recused herself. This clearly wasn't murder, and it begs for a retrial.
They went too far when they sought a murder conviction. The anti white left should have sought reasonable charges.
Somebody died here, I get it. There is this blood lust for revenge, but the justice system is above that. But in this case, not so much. But I cant help but perceive this verdict as a punitive/racial/political in every sense. The Judge in this case obviously had a prejudice and should have recused herself. This clearly wasn't murder, and it begs for a retrial.

I completely agree....her mistake of going to the wrong apartment was not that egregious-- since so many others in that complex had done the same was a obvious problem that the administrators of the complex refused to deal with and that resulted in a catastrophic mistake.

No reasonable person should refuse to believe that the police officer was not in reasonable fear of her life.

Anyone walking into their apartment and confronting an intruder in the dark cannot be disputed to be in fear of dtheir life...just a normal response in such a scenario.

The negroes on here and others say oh but she was not in her apartment so there was no threat....that is true but the policer officer obviously did not know that ....thus she is innocent of murder.
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The justice system is broken and some preach about how Americans are free...
Thos criminal went on to kill a man in his house with cold blood and she gets only 10 years ?

She was a innocent trespasser...the door to the apartment was open....she walked in thinking she was in her own apartment and immediately spotted a silhouette of a person...who she naturally thought was either a intruder or burglar....reasonable for her to believe that since she thought she was in her own apartment....she became very frightened...only natural....issued a order for the person to show his hands....he failed to comply...then she shot twice hitting him once.

A tragedy for all concerned but what she did was not murder....for murder to occurr there must be malice...she had no malice.

The most she should have been charged with would be negligent homicide.

This case is being appealed and should result in a new trial....otherwise it is a miscarriage of justice.
So she cant tell her house from a neighbour"s house? Sounds to me she is a danger to society...she deserves a death sentence for killing an innocent human in his house....intrusion, trespassing and premeditated killing ...she deserves the death penalty IMHO.

10 years in the pen is too light of a sentence for murder. I agree she should have gotten the death penalty, or life in prison at the very least.

If it were me I would have fried her sorry ass and smashed her fucking phone.

Hate women much? hehheh

Do not fret too much --this case will be appealed and over-turned.

It was a legal mistake to charge her with murder...which requires malice...the most she should have been charged with was negligent homicide.

In truth this was a political show trial to appease the Negroes. Even the police chief said it was just an accident.
She killed an innocent man in his house and we should beleive that somehow she didnt know it wasnt her house? Same couches, same layout, same decor....? If the roles were reversed the black Male would be one death row by now.
Somebody died here, I get it. There is this blood lust for revenge, but the justice system is above that. But in this case, not so much. But I cant help but perceive this verdict as a punitive/racial/political in every sense. The Judge in this case obviously had a prejudice and should have recused herself. This clearly wasn't murder, and it begs for a retrial.
They went too far when they sought a murder conviction. The anti white left should have sought reasonable charges.

Without a doubt they went way beyond the boundaries of what if anything she should have been charged with.

But the city had a huge problem....if she was not charged there probably would have been riots, looting and burning as negroes are always looking for some excuse to do that.

Thus it is kinda obvious they needed a sacrifical lamb to appease the threatening negroes.
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Somebody died here, I get it. There is this blood lust for revenge, but the justice system is above that. But in this case, not so much. But I cant help but perceive this verdict as a punitive/racial/political in every sense. The Judge in this case obviously had a prejudice and should have recused herself. This clearly wasn't murder, and it begs for a retrial.
They went too far when they sought a murder conviction. The anti white left should have sought reasonable charges.

Without a doubt they went way beyond the boundaries of what if anything she should have been charged with.

But the city had a huge problem....if she was not charged there probably would have been riots, looting and burning as negroes are always looking for some excuse to do that.

Though it is kinda obvious they needed a sacrifical lamb to appease the threatening negroes.
Dallas police dept was "preparing for an acquittal"

What does that mean leftist tards? Preparing for an acquittal?
The justice system is broken and some preach about how Americans are free...
Thos criminal went on to kill a man in his house with cold blood and she gets only 10 years ?

She was a innocent trespasser...the door to the apartment was open....she walked in thinking she was in her own apartment and immediately spotted a silhouette of a person...who she naturally thought was either a intruder or burglar....reasonable for her to believe that since she thought she was in her own apartment....she became very frightened...only natural....issued a order for the person to show his hands....he failed to comply...then she shot twice hitting him once.

A tragedy for all concerned but what she did was not murder....for murder to occurr there must be malice...she had no malice.

The most she should have been charged with would be negligent homicide.

This case is being appealed and should result in a new trial....otherwise it is a miscarriage of justice.
So she cant tell her house from a neighbour"s house? Sounds to me she is a danger to society...she deserves a death sentence for killing an innocent human in his house....intrusion, trespassing and premeditated killing ...she deserves the death penalty IMHO.

10 years in the pen is too light of a sentence for murder. I agree she should have gotten the death penalty, or life in prison at the very least.

If it were me I would have fried her sorry ass and smashed her fucking phone.

Hate women much? hehheh

Do not fret too much --this case will be appealed and over-turned.

It was a legal mistake to charge her with murder...which requires malice...the most she should have been charged with was negligent homicide.

In truth this was a political show trial to appease the Negroes. Even the police chief said it was just an accident.
She killed an innocent man in his house and we should beleive that somehow she didnt know it wasnt her house? Same couches, same layout, same decor....? If the roles were reversed the black Male would be one death row by now.

Only a idiot would believe that. We all know how there is a double-standard when it comes to negroes....the media constantly proclaims their innocence no matter wht they do, they constantly comitt hate crimes for which they are never charged.

It has gotten so ridiculous they...the blacks...are almost above the law.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance

Only the dupes of the media think the police officer is guilty of was a honest mistake, the lights were off and in the dark she could not see it was not her apartment....only aftere turning the lights on did she realize it was the wrong apartment.
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Somebody died here, I get it. There is this blood lust for revenge, but the justice system is above that. But in this case, not so much. But I cant help but perceive this verdict as a punitive/racial/political in every sense. The Judge in this case obviously had a prejudice and should have recused herself. This clearly wasn't murder, and it begs for a retrial.
They went too far when they sought a murder conviction. The anti white left should have sought reasonable charges.

Without a doubt they went way beyond the boundaries of what if anything she should have been charged with.

But the city had a huge problem....if she was not charged there probably would have been riots, looting and burning as negroes are always looking for some excuse to do that.

Though it is kinda obvious they needed a sacrifical lamb to appease the threatening negroes.
I agree. Like the Spike Lee film "Do the right thing" , where the kid throws the trash can through the pizzeria window...But is this the kind of world we want to live in? Superficial pandering? So a year from now, when passions have cooled and common sense prevails ... Aren't we better than that?
She was a innocent trespasser...the door to the apartment was open....she walked in thinking she was in her own apartment and immediately spotted a silhouette of a person...who she naturally thought was either a intruder or burglar....reasonable for her to believe that since she thought she was in her own apartment....she became very frightened...only natural....issued a order for the person to show his hands....he failed to comply...then she shot twice hitting him once.

A tragedy for all concerned but what she did was not murder....for murder to occurr there must be malice...she had no malice.

The most she should have been charged with would be negligent homicide.

This case is being appealed and should result in a new trial....otherwise it is a miscarriage of justice.
So she cant tell her house from a neighbour"s house? Sounds to me she is a danger to society...she deserves a death sentence for killing an innocent human in his house....intrusion, trespassing and premeditated killing ...she deserves the death penalty IMHO.

10 years in the pen is too light of a sentence for murder. I agree she should have gotten the death penalty, or life in prison at the very least.

If it were me I would have fried her sorry ass and smashed her fucking phone.

Hate women much? hehheh

Do not fret too much --this case will be appealed and over-turned.

It was a legal mistake to charge her with murder...which requires malice...the most she should have been charged with was negligent homicide.

In truth this was a political show trial to appease the Negroes. Even the police chief said it was just an accident.
She killed an innocent man in his house and we should beleive that somehow she didnt know it wasnt her house? Same couches, same layout, same decor....? If the roles were reversed the black Male would be one death row by now.

Only a idiot would believe that. We all know how there is a double-standard when it comes to negroes....the media constantly proclaims their innocence no matter wht they do, they constantly comitt hate crimes for which they are never charged.

It has gotten so ridiculous they...the blacks...are almost above the law.
The exact same thing can be, and has been said for cops. Decisions, decisions...
Somebody died here, I get it. There is this blood lust for revenge, but the justice system is above that. But in this case, not so much. But I cant help but perceive this verdict as a punitive/racial/political in every sense. The Judge in this case obviously had a prejudice and should have recused herself. This clearly wasn't murder, and it begs for a retrial.
They went too far when they sought a murder conviction. The anti white left should have sought reasonable charges.

Without a doubt they went way beyond the boundaries of what if anything she should have been charged with.

But the city had a huge problem....if she was not charged there probably would have been riots, looting and burning as negroes are always looking for some excuse to do that.

Though it is kinda obvious they needed a sacrifical lamb to appease the threatening negroes.
I agree. Like the Spike Lee film "Do the right thing" , where the kid throws the trash can through the pizzeria window...But is this the kind of world we want to live in? Superficial pandering? So a year from now, when passions have cooled. Aren't we better than that?

Perhaps there was a time under the right leadership in both the black and white communities that we could have come to some kind of agreement on living in unity and peace....if that time ever existed--I think it is long over....the media, hollywood, our corrupt politicians and race hustlers both black and white have seen to that.

This nation is divided more now than at any time since the Civil War and I am convinced it will only get worse.

We are unravelling and the masses have no idea of the consequences of that.

When I was in college....there was a saying the optimists study Russian and the Pessimists study chinese.
So she cant tell her house from a neighbour"s house? Sounds to me she is a danger to society...she deserves a death sentence for killing an innocent human in his house....intrusion, trespassing and premeditated killing ...she deserves the death penalty IMHO.

10 years in the pen is too light of a sentence for murder. I agree she should have gotten the death penalty, or life in prison at the very least.

If it were me I would have fried her sorry ass and smashed her fucking phone.

Hate women much? hehheh

Do not fret too much --this case will be appealed and over-turned.

It was a legal mistake to charge her with murder...which requires malice...the most she should have been charged with was negligent homicide.

In truth this was a political show trial to appease the Negroes. Even the police chief said it was just an accident.
She killed an innocent man in his house and we should beleive that somehow she didnt know it wasnt her house? Same couches, same layout, same decor....? If the roles were reversed the black Male would be one death row by now.

Only a idiot would believe that. We all know how there is a double-standard when it comes to negroes....the media constantly proclaims their innocence no matter wht they do, they constantly comitt hate crimes for which they are never charged.

It has gotten so ridiculous they...the blacks...are almost above the law.
The exact same thing can be, and has been said for cops. Decisions, decisions...

At one time there was a lot of police brutality....I think those days are long over.

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