America Before the Entitlement State

There was no sense of entitlement, no concept of being owed money, healthcare, what have you. That's the way it used to be, everyone was expected to work and earn their keep one way or another.

Oh... you mean back in the days when Doctors accepted Chickens as payment? Give it a try now.
one more thing...Why do you guys think we can compete with corporations from other countries that DO provide national Health care? Do you realize the cost "for profit" health insurance is to employers in this country? On that issue alone, it puts us at a great disadvantage.
Quote: Originally Posted by daveman
I've been told recently that there is no one claiming that government healthcare will cover more people with the same number of healthcare professionals at a lower cost.

Guess you didn't get that memo, huh?

You "heard" a lot of Pubcrappe, dittohead.
Tell that to your fellow traveler EriktheRed:

Um, no, actually no one has said that at all, numbnuts.
The White House did, you moron.

That link says ACA will END rationing by insurers. That makes you LIARS AND dumbasses...typical Pubcrappe, just like your bought off heroes...
Dave, change the GD channel...


Quote: Originally Posted by daveman
I've been told recently that there is no one claiming that government healthcare will cover more people with the same number of healthcare professionals at a lower cost.

Guess you didn't get that memo, huh?

You "heard" a lot of Pubcrappe, dittohead.
Tell that to your fellow traveler EriktheRed:


That link says ACA will END rationing by insurers. That makes you LIARS AND dumbasses...typical Pubcrappe, just like your bought off heroes...

Ummm... because you seem to worship Mel Gibson... an anti-semite and a racist? Seems like that flies in the face of Liberty.

Let me ask you something.... how much MORE liberty would we have if we didn't have to worry about health care? How much MORE would your employer be able to increase your wages because he/she no longer had to provide it? How much would that potential increase in pay help your situation?

That's just ONE example. I think you have a flawed or skewed definition of "liberty". And no... paying taxes is not Communism or dictatorship... that's bullshit logic.

If he worships Mel Gibson, what does your avatar say about you? Do you worship drug addicts?

No, It is a cartoon depicting America's addiction to oil... I thought you guys were supposed to be intelligent. Look not only at T's avatar, but his sig... he's obsessed.

A photo and a .gif from the movie "The Patriot" and he's obsessed with an actor?
Could it be that he's obsessed with patriotism, or is that concept foreign to you? Wait! Your avatar shows Uncle Sam with a needle in his arm.
There was no sense of entitlement, no concept of being owed money, healthcare, what have you. That's the way it used to be, everyone was expected to work and earn their keep one way or another.

And that’s how it is today, your partisan perception notwithstanding.

When has "Reactionaryism" ever proved dangerous to any nation?

From the Roman Empire to the rise of National Socialism in Germany - and scores of empires, kingdoms, and nations in between - efforts to resist change, reject progress, and force a people back to an imagined era of ‘greatness’ have failed.

Do a search for ‘Congress of Vienna.’
From the Roman Empire to the rise of National Socialism in Germany - and scores of empires, kingdoms, and nations in between - efforts to resist change, reject progress, and force a people back to an imagined era of ‘greatness’ have failed.

You'll have to provide an example because I can't think of any. Useless parasites sucking off productive people has always been the cause of problems in any society, not "reactionaryism."

BTW, national socialism wasn't view as "reactionary" by anyone of the time. They viewed it as being on the cutting edge of hope and change

Do a search for ‘Congress of Vienna.’

What would that prove, that Napoleon was defeated?
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From the Roman Empire to the rise of National Socialism in Germany - and scores of empires, kingdoms, and nations in between - efforts to resist change, reject progress, and force a people back to an imagined era of ‘greatness’ have failed.

You'll have to provide an example because I can't think of any. Useless parasites sucking off productive people has always been the cause of problems in any society, not "reactionaryism."

BTW, national socialism wasn't view as "reactionary" by anyone of the time. They viewed it as being on the cutting edge of hope and change

Do a search for ‘Congress of Vienna.’

What would that prove, that Napoleon was defeated?

Bullshit... the NAZI party rose to power due to the fear and uncertainty of the Great Depression. The Depression wasn't just an American Phenomenon. It affected the whole industrialized world. Ummmmm..... kind of like the far right are doing at this point and time... everyone who doesn't agree with them is the enemy, groups of people are demonized and blamed for our ills. Nationalism and "patriotic" sentiment is spewed relentlessly....

This is where your so-called "critical thinking" fails you. You either cannot or will not point those highly developed skills at your own. Hell, I know there are issues of cronyism and corruption within the Democratic Party. I am not afraid to say it.

But people like you... you refuse to see the dark side of your politics... in fact, you don't think there is any. Buzzwords like liberty, Freedom, Patriot etc...and their antitheses... the Fear words.... Marxist, Communist, Anti-American, and the like, are thinly veiled attempts to drive our country apart.

That's exactly how the Nazis took over Germany.... and it happened in the beer halls and places where the lesser educated, and the already scared and angry congregate. These days... you don't even have to do that. The internet is virtually free.
... everyone who doesn't agree with them is the enemy...

...groups of people are demonized and blamed for our ills.

Those People and Things Obama has Blamed for the Financial Mess
Here are some of the things Barak Obama has blamed for the financial mess he can't seem to do anything about:

The Tea Party
Political gridlock
ATM machines
Paul Ryan
Eric Cantor
John Boehner
The Tsunami in Japan
Too little government spending (no really, he did say this.)
Too few taxes
The debt debate
George W. Bush
Standard and Poor's
Wealthy people who want to keep what they earned
Oil companies
The War in Iraq
The War in Afghanistan
The heat wave in the midwest
Health care costs
A lack of government subsidized green energy
Math errors
Corporate jet owners
The Gulf oil spill
Millionaires and billionaires
Rich fat cats
Wall Street
Hedge fund managers
Some car that can't get out of the ditch
The debt limit
Congress and their resistance to spending more on stimulus programs
Vacationing in Las Vegas
The American form of representative democracy
People who don't eat their peas
Everything else in the world except Timothy Geitner and himself​

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