America First = America Alone

Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop

Lol.... America is the World’s patrol car and ambulance. The rest of the starting four and bench may wag their finger at US being the team’s Michael Jordan out of continuous envy but when the game is on the line, we are the go to.

Thank you for the basketball analogy. I am looking for the rest of the “team” to do more for US. Capitulation from US after all we do anyway is not an option.
Not really

The E.U. and China have economies as large

Your original argument is not about economy size. The US is relied upon first during global crisis with EU second. What is China doing for the rest of the world as a global citizen?

China has become heavily involved in Africa

Chinese Aid and Investment Are Good for Africa

Have you mi
America First = America Alone

We have no real allies. It is a farce.

There is no mutual benefit. It's all give and no take for us.

We have always been alone. Only the naive believe otherwise.


Have you ever missed most of the 20th and 21st centuries
Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop

Lol.... America is the World’s patrol car and ambulance. The rest of the starting four and bench may wag their finger at US being the team’s Michael Jordan out of continuous envy but when the game is on the line, we are the go to.

Thank you for the basketball analogy. I am looking for the rest of the “team” to do more for US. Capitulation from US after all we do anyway is not an option.
Not really

The E.U. and China have economies as large

Your original argument is not about economy size. The US is relied upon first during global crisis with EU second. What is China doing for the rest of the world as a global citizen?

China has become heavily involved in Africa

Chinese Aid and Investment Are Good for Africa

Africa. What else??
Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop

And then the team loses because the rest are weak players.

In any case, the world is not a baseball team, and of course we will place our interests above all others, as they also place theirs in the front.

This is where modern-day Democrats fail.
Bullshit, American conservatives may be the most inept diplomats the world has ever seen.

Only Nixon could go to China.
Trump has never understood the concept of fair
To him, fair is.....He gets everything, you get nothing

The rest of the world is not buying it.......Our trade deficit is INCREASING


You're not making sense. If the Trade deficit is something wrong, to slam Trump for it increasing, as you just did,

then that validates Trump's position that we need more balanced trade.

Do you just say whatever shit you think gives you an excuse to smear your enemies without any concern for what the words actually mean?

That was a rhetorical question. Of course that is what you do.
Trade Deficit is worse under Trump than the Great Obama

Seriously, why are you such a fucking troll?

WTF, do you get out of being like this?
Go play in the street Klan Boy

RW. I'm serious. Why are you like this? What are you getting out of this?

My goal here is to actually have real discussions with different people.

Yours seems to be to see how much of a dick you can be.

Is your life so crappy that that is your entertainment?

Have you looked into any more social forums, focused on less controversial topics?

Do you have any hobbies besides this?

He is a paid troll
Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop

Depends on the talent around you and their abilities. If they are not scorers, see LeBron two years ago in Cleveland, then taking over the game is going to give you the best chance to win.

Depends on the team and it's make up.
Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop
Suppose you walk into a bar each day, and all your moocher "friends" expect you to buy them several rounds and tip the bartender for

With "teammates" like that, Murica would do quite well to have several decades of "me time".
The post sounds like something out of a sissy on the school bus. Instead of standing up to the bully and showing some leadership he hands over his lunch money. America is arguably the sole world power left on the globe and when America shows leadership the civilized world usually follows. The problem for the President is that angry lefties have become willing agents for foreign propaganda and the whiny sissies would rather cave in to unfair trade practices than show some leadership during a republican administration. Bill Maher said it best for the left. He would rather see a recession no matter how much it hurts the U.S. if that's what it would take to shift the balance of power to the democrat/socialist party.

Have you mi
America First = America Alone

We have no real allies. It is a farce.

There is no mutual benefit. It's all give and no take for us.

We have always been alone. Only the naive believe otherwise.


Have you ever missed most of the 20th and 21st centuries
You ARE naive enough to believe we have true allies.

That explains a lot.


We have had strong alliances with Canada, UK, France, Germany, DENMARK, Japan, S Korea and even Mexico for over 70 years

Our President is in the process of destroying those alliances
Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop
Suppose you walk into a bar each day, and all your moocher "friends" expect you to buy them several rounds and tip the bartender for

With "teammates" like that, Murica would do quite well to have several decades of "me time".

Actually, those allies have had our back both politically and economically
Trump is destroying our reputation and RESPECT around the globe
Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop
Suppose you walk into a bar each day, and all your moocher "friends" expect you to buy them several rounds and tip the bartender for

With "teammates" like that, Murica would do quite well to have several decades of "me time".

Actually, those allies have had our back both politically and economically
Trump is destroying our reputation and RESPECT around the globe

Murica rebuilt Europe with the Marshal Plan and has been the only nation keeping the useless NATO afloat.

They're the biggest band of ingrates to ever draw a breath.

Have you mi
America First = America Alone

We have no real allies. It is a farce.

There is no mutual benefit. It's all give and no take for us.

We have always been alone. Only the naive believe otherwise.


Have you ever missed most of the 20th and 21st centuries
You ARE naive enough to believe we have true allies.

That explains a lot.


We have had strong alliances with Canada, UK, France, Germany, DENMARK, Japan, S Korea and even Mexico for over 70 years

Our President is in the process of destroying those alliances

How, they need us more than we need them
Suppose you are on a Basketball team and decide to take a “Me First” attitude. Your goal is to score as many points as you can. When your teammates complain, you are welcome to score as many points as you can too.

Sounds like a way to score more points

But what happens is you end up shooting every time you get the ball whether you have a shot or not. Your point total may go up at first, but eventually your teammates will stop passing you the ball.

Overall, your scoring will drop
Suppose you walk into a bar each day, and all your moocher "friends" expect you to buy them several rounds and tip the bartender for

With "teammates" like that, Murica would do quite well to have several decades of "me time".

Actually, those allies have had our back both politically and economically
Trump is destroying our reputation and RESPECT around the globe


The US defends them..and look on a fucking map will you

Have you mi
America First = America Alone

We have no real allies. It is a farce.

There is no mutual benefit. It's all give and no take for us.

We have always been alone. Only the naive believe otherwise.


Have you ever missed most of the 20th and 21st centuries
You ARE naive enough to believe we have true allies.

That explains a lot.


We have had strong alliances with Canada, UK, France, Germany, DENMARK, Japan, S Korea and even Mexico for over 70 years

Our President is in the process of destroying those alliances
They benefit from the U.S. way more, pal. We pretty much get nothing but free travel to Alaska.

At one time, France was a great ally. Now, they have been overrun by commies and they do nothing but try to undermine the U.S. while relying on our protections.

They are actually the second closest thing we have to an ally. Still, they benefit WAY more from us than we do from them.

What on EARTH has Denmark EVER done to benefit the U.S.? NOTHING. ZERO. That is a nation built on slavery and vikingism. They have a worse founding than ANYTHING comparable to the U.S. At least we bought our slaves. They actually INVENTED the word "slave" (comes from Slavs) with their raids and pillaging of Russia. If the U.S. founding was illegitimate, that place should be sold to the highest bidder.

This is our one true ally. We've still got a pretty good thing going with Japan. And they still benefit more, but only because me make them. If we turned Japan loose (we should), China would run for the hills.


They have been our enemy for 200 years. They sided with Germany in WW2. We have had to kick their asses TWICE. They are due for another ass beating. FUCK MEXICO.


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