America Founded as a Christian Nation

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civilization would have come much earlier if it were not banned and blocked by Christians.

Christians and the freakin Church thought the world was fiat for most the 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth.

Galileo figured out heliocentricity and the Church banned his books was forced to recant when he was shown instruments of torture.
  • In January 1638 Galileo, now totally blind, petitioned the Inquisition to be freed, but his petition was denied. On 8th January 1641 he died. In 1835 his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems was taken off the Vatican's list of banned books. In 1992 the Catholic Church formally admitted that Galileo’s views on the solar system were correct.
What the hell is wrong with you Christians? Denying science and reason for 1600 years.

and then finally humans in Europe had an Enlightenment - The Age of Reason.
  • European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment.Dec 16, 2009

HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows › topics › e...
Enlightenment - HISTORY

You could at least give some credit to those who brought the Church out of its ignorance.
Due to popular request I am starting a thread covering the fact that America was begun as a Christian nation. Be forewarned, I will not respond to posts that are more than twelve or so paragraphs. If we are going to discuss the issue, it has to be a few things at a time. Bottom line: America was founded as a Christian nation.

As soon as one says that the atheists and other non-believers will start with their lies and straw man arguments. They will tell you that I just said America was founded as a theocracy. AMERICA WAS NOT FOUNDED AS A THEOCRACY. IT WAS FOUNDED AS A REPUBLIC BASED UPON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES.

Politics is nothing more than religion in action. Our sense of right and wrong are all predicated on moral values and we got from biblical precepts. The very first governing document of the New World was the Mayflower Compact. It states:

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and “advancements of the Christian faith

Okay, I’m well aware that St. Augustine is the oldest city in the U.S, the Spaniards were there before the colonists and that other colonists preceded those on the Mayflower. That Mayflower Compact was the first GOVERNING document of the New World. Colonization and founding are synonymous.

The First Charter of Virginia of 1606 stated:

We greatly commending, and graciously accepting of, their Desires for the Furtherance of so noble a Work, which may, by the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God, and may in time bring the Infidels and Savages, living in those parts, to human Civility, to a settled and quiet government.”

Similar language attesting to our Christian roots during this period would be the Second Charter of Virginia of 1609, Third Charter of Virginia 1611 – 1612, The Charter of New England 1620, Ordinances For Virginia, July 24, 1621, The Charter of Massachusetts Bay 1629, and I will add more to the chorological order each time I post.

In 1630, John Winthrop delivered a sermon aboard the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World. That sermon has been cited by U.S. statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. It defines WHO the colonists were and what their objective was in the New World. Any sermon being quoted by American politicians 300 years later deserves to be examined. Here is a link to it and it is a must read if you want to add intelligent commentary to this thread: Model of Christian Charity.pdf More to come

You are right if the credentials of Christians are murder, genocide, and back-shooting.
Western Civilization, with all of its flaws, has done more to improve the quality of life and bring freedom and democracy to the world like no other Civilization before it.

Western Civilization was built by Christians.

Take a hike, you piece of shit.

If you exemplify Christianity, it is off the rails.
Due to popular request I am starting a thread covering the fact that America was begun as a Christian nation. Be forewarned, I will not respond to posts that are more than twelve or so paragraphs. If we are going to discuss the issue, it has to be a few things at a time. Bottom line: America was founded as a Christian nation.

As soon as one says that the atheists and other non-believers will start with their lies and straw man arguments. They will tell you that I just said America was founded as a theocracy. AMERICA WAS NOT FOUNDED AS A THEOCRACY. IT WAS FOUNDED AS A REPUBLIC BASED UPON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES.

Politics is nothing more than religion in action. Our sense of right and wrong are all predicated on moral values and we got from biblical precepts. The very first governing document of the New World was the Mayflower Compact. It states:

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and “advancements of the Christian faith

Okay, I’m well aware that St. Augustine is the oldest city in the U.S, the Spaniards were there before the colonists and that other colonists preceded those on the Mayflower. That Mayflower Compact was the first GOVERNING document of the New World. Colonization and founding are synonymous.

The First Charter of Virginia of 1606 stated:

We greatly commending, and graciously accepting of, their Desires for the Furtherance of so noble a Work, which may, by the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God, and may in time bring the Infidels and Savages, living in those parts, to human Civility, to a settled and quiet government.”

Similar language attesting to our Christian roots during this period would be the Second Charter of Virginia of 1609, Third Charter of Virginia 1611 – 1612, The Charter of New England 1620, Ordinances For Virginia, July 24, 1621, The Charter of Massachusetts Bay 1629, and I will add more to the chorological order each time I post.

In 1630, John Winthrop delivered a sermon aboard the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World. That sermon has been cited by U.S. statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. It defines WHO the colonists were and what their objective was in the New World. Any sermon being quoted by American politicians 300 years later deserves to be examined. Here is a link to it and it is a must read if you want to add intelligent commentary to this thread: Model of Christian Charity.pdf More to come

You are right if the credentials of Christians are murder, genocide, and back-shooting.
Western Civilization, with all of its flaws, has done more to improve the quality of life and bring freedom and democracy to the world like no other Civilization before it.

Western Civilization was built by Christians.

Take a hike, you piece of shit.

If you exemplify Christianity, it is off the rails.
You don’t know that guy.

I do.
civilization would have come much earlier if it were not banned and blocked by Christians.

Christians and the freakin Church thought the world was fiat for most the 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth.

Galileo figured out heliocentricity and the Church banned his books was forced to recant when he was shown instruments of torture.
  • In January 1638 Galileo, now totally blind, petitioned the Inquisition to be freed, but his petition was denied. On 8th January 1641 he died. In 1835 his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems was taken off the Vatican's list of banned books. In 1992 the Catholic Church formally admitted that Galileo’s views on the solar system were correct.
What the hell is wrong with you Christians? Denying science and reason for 1600 years.

and then finally humans in Europe had an Enlightenment - The Age of Reason.
  • European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment.Dec 16, 2009
View attachment 301599
HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows › topics › e...
Enlightenment - HISTORY

You could at least give some credit to those who brought the Church out of its ignorance.
I am giving credit where credit is due. Virtue is the greatest organizing principle known to man. You can’t have freedom and liberty without it.

No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.
Due to popular request I am starting a thread covering the fact that America was begun as a Christian nation. Be forewarned, I will not respond to posts that are more than twelve or so paragraphs. If we are going to discuss the issue, it has to be a few things at a time. Bottom line: America was founded as a Christian nation.

As soon as one says that the atheists and other non-believers will start with their lies and straw man arguments. They will tell you that I just said America was founded as a theocracy. AMERICA WAS NOT FOUNDED AS A THEOCRACY. IT WAS FOUNDED AS A REPUBLIC BASED UPON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES.

Politics is nothing more than religion in action. Our sense of right and wrong are all predicated on moral values and we got from biblical precepts. The very first governing document of the New World was the Mayflower Compact. It states:

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and “advancements of the Christian faith

Okay, I’m well aware that St. Augustine is the oldest city in the U.S, the Spaniards were there before the colonists and that other colonists preceded those on the Mayflower. That Mayflower Compact was the first GOVERNING document of the New World. Colonization and founding are synonymous.

The First Charter of Virginia of 1606 stated:

We greatly commending, and graciously accepting of, their Desires for the Furtherance of so noble a Work, which may, by the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God, and may in time bring the Infidels and Savages, living in those parts, to human Civility, to a settled and quiet government.”

Similar language attesting to our Christian roots during this period would be the Second Charter of Virginia of 1609, Third Charter of Virginia 1611 – 1612, The Charter of New England 1620, Ordinances For Virginia, July 24, 1621, The Charter of Massachusetts Bay 1629, and I will add more to the chorological order each time I post.

In 1630, John Winthrop delivered a sermon aboard the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World. That sermon has been cited by U.S. statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. It defines WHO the colonists were and what their objective was in the New World. Any sermon being quoted by American politicians 300 years later deserves to be examined. Here is a link to it and it is a must read if you want to add intelligent commentary to this thread: Model of Christian Charity.pdf More to come

You are right if the credentials of Christians are murder, genocide, and back-shooting.
Western Civilization, with all of its flaws, has done more to improve the quality of life and bring freedom and democracy to the world like no other Civilization before it.

Western Civilization was built by Christians.

Take a hike, you piece of shit.

If you exemplify Christianity, it is off the rails.

You don’t know that guy.

I do.

Thank god I don't.
Due to popular request I am starting a thread covering the fact that America was begun as a Christian nation. Be forewarned, I will not respond to posts that are more than twelve or so paragraphs. If we are going to discuss the issue, it has to be a few things at a time. Bottom line: America was founded as a Christian nation.

As soon as one says that the atheists and other non-believers will start with their lies and straw man arguments. They will tell you that I just said America was founded as a theocracy. AMERICA WAS NOT FOUNDED AS A THEOCRACY. IT WAS FOUNDED AS A REPUBLIC BASED UPON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES.

Politics is nothing more than religion in action. Our sense of right and wrong are all predicated on moral values and we got from biblical precepts. The very first governing document of the New World was the Mayflower Compact. It states:

In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord King James, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, defender of the Faith, etc.

Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and “advancements of the Christian faith

Okay, I’m well aware that St. Augustine is the oldest city in the U.S, the Spaniards were there before the colonists and that other colonists preceded those on the Mayflower. That Mayflower Compact was the first GOVERNING document of the New World. Colonization and founding are synonymous.

The First Charter of Virginia of 1606 stated:

We greatly commending, and graciously accepting of, their Desires for the Furtherance of so noble a Work, which may, by the Providence of Almighty God, hereafter tend to the Glory his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God, and may in time bring the Infidels and Savages, living in those parts, to human Civility, to a settled and quiet government.”

Similar language attesting to our Christian roots during this period would be the Second Charter of Virginia of 1609, Third Charter of Virginia 1611 – 1612, The Charter of New England 1620, Ordinances For Virginia, July 24, 1621, The Charter of Massachusetts Bay 1629, and I will add more to the chorological order each time I post.

In 1630, John Winthrop delivered a sermon aboard the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World. That sermon has been cited by U.S. statesmen including, but not limited to JFK and Ronald Reagan. It defines WHO the colonists were and what their objective was in the New World. Any sermon being quoted by American politicians 300 years later deserves to be examined. Here is a link to it and it is a must read if you want to add intelligent commentary to this thread: Model of Christian Charity.pdf More to come

You are right if the credentials of Christians are murder, genocide, and back-shooting.
Western Civilization, with all of its flaws, has done more to improve the quality of life and bring freedom and democracy to the world like no other Civilization before it.

Western Civilization was built by Christians.

Take a hike, you piece of shit.

If you exemplify Christianity, it is off the rails.

You don’t know that guy.

I do.

Thank god I don't.
I wish I didn’t.
civilization would have come much earlier if it were not banned and blocked by Christians.

Christians and the freakin Church thought the world was fiat for most the 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth.

Galileo figured out heliocentricity and the Church banned his books was forced to recant when he was shown instruments of torture.
  • In January 1638 Galileo, now totally blind, petitioned the Inquisition to be freed, but his petition was denied. On 8th January 1641 he died. In 1835 his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems was taken off the Vatican's list of banned books. In 1992 the Catholic Church formally admitted that Galileo’s views on the solar system were correct.
What the hell is wrong with you Christians? Denying science and reason for 1600 years.

and then finally humans in Europe had an Enlightenment - The Age of Reason.
  • European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment.Dec 16, 2009
View attachment 301599
HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows › topics › e...
Enlightenment - HISTORY

You could at least give some credit to those who brought the Church out of its ignorance.
I am giving credit where credit is due. Virtue is the greatest organizing principle known to man. You can’t have freedom and liberty without it.

No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

Were genocide, torture, and mass murder attributes of Christian 'virtue'?
civilization would have come much earlier if it were not banned and blocked by Christians.

Christians and the freakin Church thought the world was fiat for most the 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth.

Galileo figured out heliocentricity and the Church banned his books was forced to recant when he was shown instruments of torture.
  • In January 1638 Galileo, now totally blind, petitioned the Inquisition to be freed, but his petition was denied. On 8th January 1641 he died. In 1835 his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems was taken off the Vatican's list of banned books. In 1992 the Catholic Church formally admitted that Galileo’s views on the solar system were correct.
What the hell is wrong with you Christians? Denying science and reason for 1600 years.

and then finally humans in Europe had an Enlightenment - The Age of Reason.
  • European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment.Dec 16, 2009
View attachment 301599
HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows › topics › e...
Enlightenment - HISTORY

You could at least give some credit to those who brought the Church out of its ignorance.
I am giving credit where credit is due. Virtue is the greatest organizing principle known to man. You can’t have freedom and liberty without it.

No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

Were genocide, torture, and mass murder attributes of Christian 'virtue'?
No. Why would you think that? Is that all you can see?
civilization would have come much earlier if it were not banned and blocked by Christians.

Christians and the freakin Church thought the world was fiat for most the 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth.

Galileo figured out heliocentricity and the Church banned his books was forced to recant when he was shown instruments of torture.
  • In January 1638 Galileo, now totally blind, petitioned the Inquisition to be freed, but his petition was denied. On 8th January 1641 he died. In 1835 his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems was taken off the Vatican's list of banned books. In 1992 the Catholic Church formally admitted that Galileo’s views on the solar system were correct.
What the hell is wrong with you Christians? Denying science and reason for 1600 years.

and then finally humans in Europe had an Enlightenment - The Age of Reason.
  • European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment.Dec 16, 2009
View attachment 301599
HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows › topics › e...
Enlightenment - HISTORY

You could at least give some credit to those who brought the Church out of its ignorance.
I am giving credit where credit is due. Virtue is the greatest organizing principle known to man. You can’t have freedom and liberty without it.

No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

Were genocide, torture, and mass murder attributes of Christian 'virtue'?

No. Why would you think that? Is that all you can see?

If Christianity was as 'lovey dovey' as you purport, there would not be different Christian groups. There would be one amorphous mass of Christians who did not need Christian demagogs to inspire them.

The disparate Christian groupings don't express any love for each other.
civilization would have come much earlier if it were not banned and blocked by Christians.

Christians and the freakin Church thought the world was fiat for most the 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth.

Galileo figured out heliocentricity and the Church banned his books was forced to recant when he was shown instruments of torture.
  • In January 1638 Galileo, now totally blind, petitioned the Inquisition to be freed, but his petition was denied. On 8th January 1641 he died. In 1835 his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems was taken off the Vatican's list of banned books. In 1992 the Catholic Church formally admitted that Galileo’s views on the solar system were correct.
What the hell is wrong with you Christians? Denying science and reason for 1600 years.

and then finally humans in Europe had an Enlightenment - The Age of Reason.
  • European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment.Dec 16, 2009
View attachment 301599
HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows › topics › e...
Enlightenment - HISTORY

You could at least give some credit to those who brought the Church out of its ignorance.
I am giving credit where credit is due. Virtue is the greatest organizing principle known to man. You can’t have freedom and liberty without it.

No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

Were genocide, torture, and mass murder attributes of Christian 'virtue'?

No. Why would you think that? Is that all you can see?

If Christianity was as 'lovey dovey' as you purport, there would not be different Christian groups. There would be one amorphous mass of Christians who did not need Christian demagogs to inspire them.

The disparate Christian groupings don't express any love for each other.
No. Diversity is good. It’s the natural order. It’s how truth is discovered. Through a conflict and confusion process. It’s actually very similar to the technology cycle or any other evolutionary phenomenon.

It’s how virtue is arrived at. It’s all very Darwinian. In fact, the continued existence in a belief in a power greater than man is Darwinian. How else would man’s belief in a higher power exist in such overwhelming numbers throughout all of mankind if it didn’t offer a functional advantage?
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civilization would have come much earlier if it were not banned and blocked by Christians.

Christians and the freakin Church thought the world was fiat for most the 2000 years since Jesus walked the earth.

Galileo figured out heliocentricity and the Church banned his books was forced to recant when he was shown instruments of torture.
  • In January 1638 Galileo, now totally blind, petitioned the Inquisition to be freed, but his petition was denied. On 8th January 1641 he died. In 1835 his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems was taken off the Vatican's list of banned books. In 1992 the Catholic Church formally admitted that Galileo’s views on the solar system were correct.
What the hell is wrong with you Christians? Denying science and reason for 1600 years.

and then finally humans in Europe had an Enlightenment - The Age of Reason.
  • European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment.Dec 16, 2009
View attachment 301599
HISTORY | Watch Full Episodes of Your Favorite Shows › topics › e...
Enlightenment - HISTORY

You could at least give some credit to those who brought the Church out of its ignorance.
I am giving credit where credit is due. Virtue is the greatest organizing principle known to man. You can’t have freedom and liberty without it.

No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

Were genocide, torture, and mass murder attributes of Christian 'virtue'?

No. Why would you think that? Is that all you can see?

If Christianity was as 'lovey dovey' as you purport, there would not be different Christian groups. There would be one amorphous mass of Christians who did not need Christian demagogs to inspire them.

The disparate Christian groupings don't express any love for each other.
But I don’t purport that Christianity is 'lovey dovey’. Existence is quite messy. Lots of plans colliding with each other. I’m certainly no saint that’s for sure. And I am quite certain that other Christians aren’t saints either. We just have a notion that we should aspire to become one which is a sight better than not having a notion to become one.
The disparate Christian groupings don't express any love for each other.
True. It’s quite natural. Rivals are gonna compete. Just look at the animal kingdom. It’s not all bad. Even forest fires serve a purpose, you know? They allow for new growth. So does competition and debate. The good news is that since error can’t stand, truth is eventually discovered. Error eventually fails.
I’d like to know what you think the impact has been on Morality in general due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

I disagreed with you and stated that there are too many factors to determine what would happen had we remained an agricultural nation.

But your entire thread is based upon your determination that America has lost its morality because of:

.......we used to have a culture.
95% rural culture, predominately white and bible believing.

......America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion..
Yepp. 4,400,000 white European Bible believing Christians and 900,000 slaves.
.......Our values were rooted in the Holy Bible.
those values were not extended to the non-Christian inhabitants that lived here first.,

There was a time, when America was great, that only Christians could hold elective .
Twas a great time to be a white male wasn't it. Having dominion over all things, livestock and people who were not white and male.

Putting people from every corner of the earth, representing every race, color, creed, political persuasion, sexual persuasion, and religion into one big melting pot is not a nation. It is a recipe for disaster.
White Christian males in charge of everything brought almost a million African human beings into Colonial America, Why is white male dominated Christianity as practiced back then, not responsible for what you call the melting pot disaster.

I hope you would agree that slavery had to end, eradication of native Americans, had to end, male dominance over women had to end, shortly after the Constitution was ratified and the United States of America was born.

But that white male working model of Christian morality did not end when white male Christians were in control.

I must assume that you yearn for a return to patriarchal Biblical Christianity as recorded prior to 1800 to avert the disaster that your fear mongering in writing is so deeply absorbed.

I’d still like to know why you think you are unable to determine whether a detrimental impact on morality could be due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

And I’d like you to explain that in light of what else I’ve pointed out just more, that your standard for high morality prior to 1900 is not a truly high bar, all things considered.
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You could at least give some credit to those who brought the Church out of its ignorance.

I am giving credit where credit is due. Virtue is the greatest organizing principle known to man. You can’t have freedom and liberty without it.

Only perhaps if you credit the Catholic Church for all the warfare that Europe went through to shape it as it has been shaped.

No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

On a peaceful basis I credit man’s inventiveness as shaping western civilization more than when mankind invented a God that was on their side especially during war.

And that It’s accurate to say that God’s representatives on earth repressed innovation, free thinking and science for 1600 years.
We just have a notion that we should aspire to become one which is a sight better than not having a notion to become one.

What do you think of Pope Francis’ aspirations that finally focus on Jesus original teaching to take care of the poor and try to end their suffering?
You could at least give some credit to those who brought the Church out of its ignorance.

I am giving credit where credit is due. Virtue is the greatest organizing principle known to man. You can’t have freedom and liberty without it.

Only perhaps if you credit the Catholic Church for all the warfare that Europe went through to shape it as it has been shaped.

No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church.

On a peaceful basis I credit man’s inventiveness as shaping western civilization more than when mankind invented a God that was on their side especially during war.

And that It’s accurate to say that God’s representatives on earth repressed innovation, free thinking and science for 1600 years.
Nope try again. And this time put your heart into it.

What has the Catholic Church done for the world? The answer is all around us, from the laws that protect us, to the principles that guide us. It has shaped every area of our lives, yet because its influence is so huge, we take its heritage for granted and forget that it was the source of this civilization. No other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the Catholic Church. Modern science was born in the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church gave us great thinkers, leaders and humanitarians. The Catholic Church gave us incredible artwork, music and architecture. Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market. The Catholic Church invented the university. Western law grew out of Church canon law. The Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life. The Church constantly sought to alleviate the evils of slavery and repeatedly denounced the mass enslavement of conquered populations and the infamous slave trade, thereby undermining slavery at its sources.
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We just have a notion that we should aspire to become one which is a sight better than not having a notion to become one.

What do you think of Pope Francis’ aspirations that finally focus on Jesus original teaching to take care of the poor and try to end their suffering?
He’s confused Jesus for Buddha. Or maybe you did. Jesus didn’t come to end suffering. That was Buddha’s thing. Jesus was born into this world to testify to the truth.
I’d like to know what you think the impact has been on Morality in general due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

I disagreed with you and stated that there are too many factors to determine what would happen had we remained an agricultural nation.

But your entire thread is based upon your determination that America has lost its morality because of:

.......we used to have a culture.
95% rural culture, predominately white and bible believing.

......America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion..
Yepp. 4,400,000 white European Bible believing Christians and 900,000 slaves.
.......Our values were rooted in the Holy Bible.
those values were not extended to the non-Christian inhabitants that lived here first.,

There was a time, when America was great, that only Christians could hold elective .
Twas a great time to be a white male wasn't it. Having dominion over all things, livestock and people who were not white and male.

Putting people from every corner of the earth, representing every race, color, creed, political persuasion, sexual persuasion, and religion into one big melting pot is not a nation. It is a recipe for disaster.
White Christian males in charge of everything brought almost a million African human beings into Colonial America, Why is white male dominated Christianity as practiced back then, not responsible for what you call the melting pot disaster.

I hope you would agree that slavery had to end, eradication of native Americans, had to end, male dominance over women had to end, shortly after the Constitution was ratified and the United States of America was born.

But that white male working model of Christian morality did not end when white male Christians were in control.

I must assume that you yearn for a return to patriarchal Biblical Christianity as recorded prior to 1800 to avert the disaster that your fear mongering in writing is so deeply absorbed.

I’d still like to know why you think you are unable to determine whether a detrimental impact on morality could be due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

And I’d like you to explain that in light of what else I’ve pointed out just more, that your standard for high morality prior to 1900 is not a truly high bar, all things considered.

I’d like to know what you think the impact has been on Morality in general due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

I disagreed with you and stated that there are too many factors to determine what would happen had we remained an agricultural nation.

But your entire thread is based upon your determination that America has lost its morality because of:

.......we used to have a culture.
95% rural culture, predominately white and bible believing.

......America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion..
Yepp. 4,400,000 white European Bible believing Christians and 900,000 slaves.
.......Our values were rooted in the Holy Bible.
those values were not extended to the non-Christian inhabitants that lived here first.,

There was a time, when America was great, that only Christians could hold elective .
Twas a great time to be a white male wasn't it. Having dominion over all things, livestock and people who were not white and male.

Putting people from every corner of the earth, representing every race, color, creed, political persuasion, sexual persuasion, and religion into one big melting pot is not a nation. It is a recipe for disaster.
White Christian males in charge of everything brought almost a million African human beings into Colonial America, Why is white male dominated Christianity as practiced back then, not responsible for what you call the melting pot disaster.

I hope you would agree that slavery had to end, eradication of native Americans, had to end, male dominance over women had to end, shortly after the Constitution was ratified and the United States of America was born.

But that white male working model of Christian morality did not end when white male Christians were in control.

I must assume that you yearn for a return to patriarchal Biblical Christianity as recorded prior to 1800 to avert the disaster that your fear mongering in writing is so deeply absorbed.

I’d still like to know why you think you are unable to determine whether a detrimental impact on morality could be due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

And I’d like you to explain that in light of what else I’ve pointed out just more, that your standard for high morality prior to 1900 is not a truly high bar, all things considered.

Let me say, I do not understand your posts. You appear to be all over the map with with presuppositions, questions, etc. So, without an idea of where it is you think you want to go, all I can do is take a swag at this:

1) Slavery is not a sin. It was practiced way before the United States came into existence. As a matter of fact, my ancestors spent over 400 years in slavery. The slavery issue has become a pretext for non-whites to suck off the productive people of this country and blame the white man for every bad thing that ever happened to them.

At the end of the day what you're advocating is a subtle form of genocide since America will never get past the slavery issue

2) YOU are a slave and you are a slave under a multicultural leadership. Most people demand slavery. Yesterday, on the Dr. Phil Show, he had a Chinese girl that had won a beauty contest and was stripped of her title and kicked out of a fraternity for posting her conservative political ideology on social media.

You have a Socialist Surveillance Number ..."Social Security Number" and you pay income tax. The 16th Amendment is an illegally ratified Amendment that steals the fruits of your labor. The income tax is a plank out of the Communist Manifesto. That is a form of slavery

3) Those who bitch and wail about slavery the most are those most likely to join the party that perpetuated it and they have abandoned the the Republicans that illegally ratified the 14th Amendment. That Amendment did not give blacks anything they didn't have. It reduced all of us to slavery. So, quite frankly, without giving you 100 or more paragraphs straightening you out about that topic. Here is a link to a book that will give you just the facts about the slavery you obsess over. It is well worth the $10 you will spend on it:

4) I told you before that whether America is in an urban or agricultural environment, unless and until there is religious Liberty, I can deduce NOTHING about whether or not Christians could be relevant while being locked out of all public discussions. We teach the theory of evolution, but the secular humanists are scared to death that if children are taught BOTH the theory of evolution along with creationism, the humanists and secularists will lose their stranglehold on America.
We just have a notion that we should aspire to become one which is a sight better than not having a notion to become one.

What do you think of Pope Francis’ aspirations that finally focus on Jesus original teaching to take care of the poor and try to end their suffering?
He’s confused Jesus for Buddha. Or maybe you did. Jesus didn’t come to end suffering. That was Buddha’s thing. Jesus was born into this world to testify to the truth.

The Pope is confused?
We just have a notion that we should aspire to become one which is a sight better than not having a notion to become one.

What do you think of Pope Francis’ aspirations that finally focus on Jesus original teaching to take care of the poor and try to end their suffering?
He’s confused Jesus for Buddha. Or maybe you did. Jesus didn’t come to end suffering. That was Buddha’s thing. Jesus was born into this world to testify to the truth.

The Pope is confused?
If he teaches that Jesus came to end suffering he is. At this point that’s hearsay though as I don’t know that’s what he said. I only know that’s what you said he said.
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