America Founded as a Christian Nation

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Porter Rockwell, post: 23886590
In the posts between 56 and this one I had to prove that Jefferson was a Christian. The stupidity of non-believers on that one is astonishing.

You prove nothing. You are playing a piano with only one Note. You play one note post after post:

Europe and the settled new world was Christian. Even a non-Christian was a Christian by default. Because of all that America was founded as a Christian nation.

Blather that isn't needed. You posting here because you need my validation: Priceless.
America was still founded as a Christian nation

I wanted to address one thing for Penelope before I move along to prove my original thesis.

The first Naturalization Act specified that only white people could become citizens in this country. Still people poured in by the millions to take advantage of opportunities willingly offered. Misguided Christians thought we could share our unique heritage and historical experiences with the rest of the world. Modern Christianity even began incorporating pagan customs into the church. The Catholics "christianizing" (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) Saturnalia and calling it Christmas is a good example.

Penelope also found fault with the mention of Jews and I did call them out in the thread America was founded as a white nation (in the race forum here.) The Jews invested heavily into America. It was a sure bet. They also invested heavily in slavery; they were war profiteers; they even tried to influence the Christian founders and framers. The way it's dealt with is to make the Jews as bullet-proof as the other protected classes. Hang a label around it and dare anyone to call them out equally to be held accountable. And then the denials... there weren't that many of them, for example. When you were a Haym Solomon (the colonists version of Mike Bloomberg) it don't make many to make a big financial impact.

Add to that this guy was also a Freemason that had the ear of fellow Mason, George Washington. But, Penelope would be well advised that God worked through a lot of evil people to get his work done. Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul) was a tax collector as was Matthew while Judas Iscariot (an ethnic non-Israelite "Jew") were apostles... though Jesus did know that Judas would betray him for thirty pieces of silver. I've always thought Jesus did that to illustrate the danger of befriending profiteers and banksters. But, I digress.

This is a continuation of posts 1 , 2, 7, 17, 35, 39, 56, 91 and 109

What is so stupid is that trolls jump on threads, sling skeet and don't have the common courtesy to see if their point has been answered. So, I have to keep repeating the same points and that is a waste of my time; it makes for a long and cumbersome thread and the points are never made and we never move forward. You're stupid to think I'll play along.

"A nation is a stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or psychological make-up manifested in a common culture."

Nation - Wikipedia

Our nation was built on those things that constitute that definition. Putting people from every corner of the earth, representing every race, color, creed, political persuasion, sexual persuasion, and religion into one big melting pot is not a nation. It is a recipe for disaster.

America was founded by white people who used the Bible as the basis for their system of jurisprudence - our history of articulating good from bad, right from wrong, just from unjust.

Seventy five years ago you could look at an American and you would know what he was, much the same way we can look at the Chinese, Japanese, North Korean, etc. today and know what they are. We were a homogeneous people.

As a homogeneous people, we shared common values. We valued the sanctity of life; we developed a belief in unalienable Rights - Rights that were so fundamental they were ruled above the law by our courts; we cherished Liberty. We had certain limitations. Unlike the Muslims, women were put on a pedestal, not in the closet. We had a very distinct outlook on things like fair play.

Today, the liberals control America. Our courtrooms are controlled by judges who were trained in law schools accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA.) The ABA is the most liberal organization in the United States - slightly left of Marxism. The over-all numerical advantage in Congress goes to the Democrats. Many Republicans are RINOs and neither side really supports the Constitution as it was originally written and intended.

Presidents have become figureheads and none of them in my lifetime were knowledgeable about the Bible. With Congress being predominantly Democrats, then it is Democrats that have to step up to the plate and answer for the status quo.

Everything from immigration laws to restrictions on our unalienable Rights lie at the feet of the people who are rejecting our culture and history in favor of a multicultural society. These non-believers who have dominated the political arena for the last two generations have been in charge as America has gone down the toilet. The youth are on drugs (and it is the non-believers who advocate for liberal drug laws.) Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply; we have the highest number of people in prisons both in raw numbers and per capita than the rest of the world; America's children are diagnosed with mental disorders in numbers higher than any nation on the planet.

If you follow the downfall of America, it's downfall can be measured by the number of laws and court decisions that have tried to exclude any mention of our cultural values and that is because those values are tied to the Bible. Though not a big fan of this guy, I feel his input is invaluable on this issue, so I'm leaving links for those who want to get serious:

America's Godly Heritage (B01)

Keys to Good Government (DVD03)
Porter Rockwell, post: 23886739
. So, I have to keep repeating the same points and that is a waste of my time; it makes for a long and cumbersome thread and the points are never made and we never move forward.

You want to move forward. Where are you going with this? Forward to what?

To get To the point, It sounds like you are acknowledging white Bible reading Americans are in decline and now America has gone down the toilet.

Hiwv does your request that we all agree that You are right that America was founded as a Christian nation get us out of the toilet?

Not that I agree with you down the toilet assessment though.

Are you a Jehovas Withess or something like that?
1. Our system of government did not, and does not define who we are.

I said our system of government defines our nation, our national identity.

i’m not saying it defines who we are as individuals or groups.

Think about at least getting what I write correct before replying.

And I am saying that it does not define out national identity.

Your pretense that I did not get it, was just a pretense you put out there, to justify a fake gotcha, because libs are like that.

That it has taken us this long to realize that you read "nation" and think "government" is a testimony to your poor communication skills.

But regardless, now that that mistake of your has been discovered, it is time for you to admit that this NATION, was founded as a Christian nation, and to drop all this talk about how the government was set up to be non sectarian. Because that is irrelevant to the thread topic.
That it has taken us this long to realize that you read "nation" and think "government" is a testimony to your poor communication skills.

i don’t read “nation” and think “government” at all. Perhaps it’s because I have the ability to keep more than one thought in my head at one time.

when I read United States of America I think of a great nation that’s blessed with a system of government that was established primarily by men of great minds and vision. These men had a higher calling than to be stuck in the rut and dogma of the common religion of their time.

It’s because of these men of the Enlightenment leading way for the religious people of the time, the United States of America is a great nation with freedom of religion and a strong ideal of separation of church and state firmly entrenched in a system of government and law that is and was and will be the main part of our national identity forever more.

perhaps you are still stuck in a rut and can’t think that way. Who knows?
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Porter Rockwell, post: 23886739
. So, I have to keep repeating the same points and that is a waste of my time; it makes for a long and cumbersome thread and the points are never made and we never move forward.

You want to move forward. Where are you going with this? Forward to what?

To get To the point, It sounds like you are acknowledging white Bible reading Americans are in decline and now America has gone down the toilet.

Hiwv does your request that we all agree that You are right that America was founded as a Christian nation get us out of the toilet?

Not that I agree with you down the toilet assessment though.

Are you a Jehovas Withess or something like that?

Not a Jehovah Witness.

If you don't think that America being flooded by the third world with the ability to take over our government, having more people in prison than any other nation, consuming over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply, and a people willing to institute socialism is not going down the toilet, then the only friends you have are smoking weed - which also puts our nation at a disadvantage.

Ultimately man will be ruled by God or by tyrants. Our moral compass will have to rely on some kind code. Democracy whereby the majority vote every day to see how popular a position is simply don't work for me. I want stability. When we used biblical principles, we were a great nation. Your secular system has put us in the toilet.

We are NOT a Christian nation today, but we were founded as one and until the secularists took over, the things I see wrong in society were not the norm. And you need not be a Christian to follow the basic laws of God. So, which of the Ten Commandments offends you? All of them?
Porter Rockwell, post: 23886739
The ABA is the most liberal organization in the United States - slightly left of Marxism.

Of course there are volumes of works in the annals of the ABA where all those left of Marxist lawyers devote all their time and resources to force the public ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange on our corrupt labor exploiting capitalist pig system.

a Christian Nation should not have to put up with that.

After all if we were to consider private property to be equivalent to what Jesus referred to as treasures..., all those lawyers be damned

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.”

oh, wait a minute. Jesus was to the left of Marxism when it comes to private property at least.
America was founded when it was an agricultural nation - now it is an urban nation

Porter Rockwell, post: 23887572
We are NOT a Christian nation today, but we were founded as one and until the secularists took over, the things I see wrong in society were not the norm.

Just wondering if you’ve noticed the American transformation since the era when Jefferson had this vision:
  • Jefferson's Agrarian Ideal. The political vision of a nation of independent farmers was made credible by the fact of geography--a vast expanse of territory which, Jefferson believed, would absorb the expansion of an agricultural community for centuries to come. › Documents › Jeff...Jefferson's agrarian ideal - DES SITES DE F. DUBAN
What’s happened to our culture since the start of the nations first full century. As the Continental 48 were being settled, America was predominantly a white Christian and agriculturally (rural) oriented nation.

Rural vs Urban.

Chart: Census every ten years 1790 -1990

1790 starts at the bottom.


That is one helluva transformation taking place concurrently with the amazing advances in technology, medicine, science and transportation.

it’s mind boggling.

I’m bring this up for a reason but first some background. I come from long line of Christian farm families of German heritage. I grew up in Mayberry RFD type small town. I have a deep appreciation for the family farm economic system and the agricultural community. I credit that background s as the primary connection to my values, spiritual, civil and work ethic.

I expect you can’t believe how conservative I am because I don’t believe in the divinity of Christ or accept the Bible as the word of God.

Enough of that.

You have modern America in the toilet and you mostly blame the Secularists.

I’d like to know what you think the impact has been on Morality in general due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.
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America was founded when it was an agricultural nation - now it is an urban nation

Porter Rockwell, post: 23887572
We are NOT a Christian nation today, but we were founded as one and until the secularists took over, the things I see wrong in society were not the norm.

Just wondering if you’ve noticed the American transformation since the era when Jefferson had this vision:
  • Jefferson's Agrarian Ideal. The political vision of a nation of independent farmers was made credible by the fact of geography--a vast expanse of territory which, Jefferson believed, would absorb the expansion of an agricultural community for centuries to come. › Documents › Jeff...Jefferson's agrarian ideal - DES SITES DE F. DUBAN
What’s happened to our culture since the start of the nations first full century. As the Continental 48 were being settled, America was predominantly a white Christian and agriculturally (rural) oriented nation.

Rural vs Urban.

Chart: Census every ten years 1790 -1990

1790 starts at the bottom.

View attachment 301131

That is one helluva transformation taking place concurrently with the amazing advances in technology, medicine, science and transportation.

it’s mind boggling.

I’m bring this up for a reason but first some background. I come from long line of Christian farm families of German heritage. I grew up in Mayberry RFD type small town. I have a deep appreciation for the family farm economic system and the agricultural community. I credit that background s as the primary connection to my values, spiritual, civil and work ethic.

I expect you can’t believe how conservative I am because I don’t believe in the divinity of Christ or accept the Bible as the word of God.

Enough of that.

You have modern America in the toilet and you mostly blame the Secularists.

I’d like to know what you think the impact has been on Morality in general due to the shift from a primarily agricultural nation to an urban one.

America naturalizes nearly a million new people a year. Most of those don't share our views (a fact I've posted on this board and cited statistics to a few times.) So, it becomes a complex dynamic.

We have a United States Supreme Court legislating from the bench; we have increasing numbers of foreigners that tend to congregate more in densely populated parts of the country; the news and entertainment media are programming people to change their values. All of that sits atop an incessant war against our culture, so you're looking at an impact that can't be explained by any single factor.

We took the creation view out of schools and replaced it with the theory of evolution, thereby not giving children the ability to objectively weigh all the evidence. IF we cracked down on immigration / naturalization and most of that growth were natural growth (our own society accounting for most of the increase in population growth) and we did not censor the ideology and values of the posterity of the founders / framers, would urban growth have affected our values and national culture?
That it has taken us this long to realize that you read "nation" and think "government" is a testimony to your poor communication skills.

i don’t read “nation” and think “government” at all. Perhaps it’s because I have the ability to keep more than one thought in my head at one time.

when I read United States of America I think of a great nation that’s blessed with a system of government that was established primarily by men of great minds and vision. These men had a higher calling than to be stuck in the rut and dogma of the common religion of their time.

It’s because of these men of the Enlightenment leading way for the religious people of the time, the United States of America is a great nation with freedom of religion and a strong ideal of separation of church and state firmly entrenched in a system of government and law that is and was and will be the main part of our national identity forever more.

perhaps you are still stuck in a rut and can’t think that way. Who knows?

LOL! NOt sure why you are denying what you just spent days doing.

This thread was about whether or not the Nation was founded as a Christian nation, and you spent days arguing about the Government not being "Christian" and slowly we came to realize that you were just confused.

THe FOunders wanted religious freedom for people of this great nation, so they took steps to make sure that there was never an Established State Religion.

Other than that, the nation was Christian from Day One, and always has been so.
America was still founded as a Christian nation

I wanted to address one thing for Penelope before I move along to prove my original thesis.

The first Naturalization Act specified that only white people could become citizens in this country. Still people poured in by the millions to take advantage of opportunities willingly offered. Misguided Christians thought we could share our unique heritage and historical experiences with the rest of the world. Modern Christianity even began incorporating pagan customs into the church. The Catholics "christianizing" (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) Saturnalia and calling it Christmas is a good example.

Penelope also found fault with the mention of Jews and I did call them out in the thread America was founded as a white nation (in the race forum here.) The Jews invested heavily into America. It was a sure bet. They also invested heavily in slavery; they were war profiteers; they even tried to influence the Christian founders and framers. The way it's dealt with is to make the Jews as bullet-proof as the other protected classes. Hang a label around it and dare anyone to call them out equally to be held accountable. And then the denials... there weren't that many of them, for example. When you were a Haym Solomon (the colonists version of Mike Bloomberg) it don't make many to make a big financial impact.

Add to that this guy was also a Freemason that had the ear of fellow Mason, George Washington. But, Penelope would be well advised that God worked through a lot of evil people to get his work done. Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul) was a tax collector as was Matthew while Judas Iscariot (an ethnic non-Israelite "Jew") were apostles... though Jesus did know that Judas would betray him for thirty pieces of silver. I've always thought Jesus did that to illustrate the danger of befriending profiteers and banksters. But, I digress.
No, we were not founded as a christian nation....thank the gods.
America was still founded as a Christian nation

I wanted to address one thing for Penelope before I move along to prove my original thesis.

The first Naturalization Act specified that only white people could become citizens in this country. Still people poured in by the millions to take advantage of opportunities willingly offered. Misguided Christians thought we could share our unique heritage and historical experiences with the rest of the world. Modern Christianity even began incorporating pagan customs into the church. The Catholics "christianizing" (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) Saturnalia and calling it Christmas is a good example.

Penelope also found fault with the mention of Jews and I did call them out in the thread America was founded as a white nation (in the race forum here.) The Jews invested heavily into America. It was a sure bet. They also invested heavily in slavery; they were war profiteers; they even tried to influence the Christian founders and framers. The way it's dealt with is to make the Jews as bullet-proof as the other protected classes. Hang a label around it and dare anyone to call them out equally to be held accountable. And then the denials... there weren't that many of them, for example. When you were a Haym Solomon (the colonists version of Mike Bloomberg) it don't make many to make a big financial impact.

Add to that this guy was also a Freemason that had the ear of fellow Mason, George Washington. But, Penelope would be well advised that God worked through a lot of evil people to get his work done. Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul) was a tax collector as was Matthew while Judas Iscariot (an ethnic non-Israelite "Jew") were apostles... though Jesus did know that Judas would betray him for thirty pieces of silver. I've always thought Jesus did that to illustrate the danger of befriending profiteers and banksters. But, I digress.
No, we were not founded as a christian nation....thank the gods.

Another pantload of B.S. posted by someone so ignorant that they forgot to read the DAMN THREAD.

See posts # 1, 2,...

In post # 2, I cited the state constitutions requiring one to be a Christian in order to hold elective office and in the ending paragraph, we discussed Article VI Paragraph III of the U.S. Constitution which requires all U.S. Senators and Representatives to be bound by an Oath or Affirmation. This is an oath, NOT a test (which would be prohibited.)

It seems pretty clear that the framers had no objection to the states requiring their politicians to be Christians. The other question is, can we find implications that the Constitution has biblical connections therein?

If you look at the early state constitutions Maryland had a tax "for the support of the Christian religion." Funny thing, THAT was not attacked by the framers in the Constitution, so there is lot to be said about what is NOT in the Constitution. NOTHING in the Constitution hampers the states from requiring their politicians to be Christians NOR taxing the people to educate the people regarding the Christian religion.

In a letter to Rev. Jasper Adams in 1833 regarding the "relations" Christianity has with the social, civil, and political "institutions" of America, Chief Justice John Marshall wrote:

"No person, I believe questions in importance of religion to the happiness of man even during the existence of this world... The American population is entirely Christian & with us Christianity and Religion are identified. It would be strange, indeed if, with such a people, our institutions did not presuppose Christianity & did not refer to it exhibit relations with it"

I mention that because it is one man's opinion (just as Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists was a private letter, neither of which are mandatory or even persuasive authority in a court of law.) BTW, Jefferson's separation of church and state means 180 degrees opposite of what the left claims.

Somewhere in the middle is the answer and I will continue to point these things out. There will be more posts on the biblical references in the Constitution.
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