America Founded as a Christian Nation

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My first post on this thread contained nary a single personal insult. See it right here:

How many currently immersed and obsessed with Christianity today would have appreciated one if the greatest minds of all the founders declaring that the Christian Bible is full of political dung. Nice word for bullshit. [6]. Religious views of Thomas Jefferson - Wikipedia

The record shows that it was Porter Rockwell who flung poo first.

Ignorance is bliss, brother and you seem to enjoy it.

Then Porter Rockwell falsely accused me of doing what he did.

Sir, you began name calling.

After setting the record straight for Saint Rockwell I guess he didn’t want to be bothered with the facts.

I'm not reading this freaking thread over.

With this post he won’t need to.

Other posters can read the thread and see I'm being honest and accurate.

sorry, Saint Rockwell.... Other posters can read it right here and see plain as day that you are neither honest or accurate.
Last edited:

Part 2 of more to come regardless of how many trolls try to prevent this.

See posts # 317 and 320
to get the first parts of this posting:

Contrary to the trolls who are trying to derail this thread and avoiding reading my posts OR even commenting on the parts of their views that have been refuted, they have sunk to making baseless allegations.

I'd like to repeat something here. Benjamin Franklin stated that:
"Man will ultimately be ruled by God or by tyrants."

When you walk into a courtroom, whether a law is constitutional or unconstitutional may rest on what we think as a national body politic. It don't have squat to do whether Jesus Christ is in charge or the humanists one eyed green monster. The Holy Trinity case cited in the previous post lays this stuff out so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel. The problem for secularists, Democrats, Social Democrats, liberals, atheists, and those who stand against moral absolutes is that without them, we have the situation we have today. For example, a person could have been convicted of a crime, sent to prison and now have a felony record for the rest of his life. Then the laws are changed on a whim by the courts and the SAME LAW doesn't mean what it did the first time the courts ruled... so the next guy is allowed to go free.

That is an unjust system - the clusterph^(k I spoke of in the previous posting. For that reason our laws are set up to coincide with a system that predates "the Enlightenment" and my critics know it. Then the argument comes down to values - the real MEAT of this posting.

Under our Constitution you have Liberty
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have Liberty until taken by "due process of law."

Under our Constitution you have a Right to Freedom of Religion
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have the IRS regulating churches and their tenets of faith

Under our Constitution you have the Right to defend your life, the lives of loved ones, those in imminent danger and threats to your property
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have this B.S. line that only the police and military should own a firearm and you cannot "take the law into your own hands." You end up with gun control, limited property Rights, and are forced to become a willing victim

Under our Constitution you have a Right to that which you acquire by your labor
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have the privilege of having your money stolen in order to finance undocumented foreigners, people too lazy to work for a living, healthcare for deadbeats, and incessant waste on people to prop them up as opposed to rehabilitating them

Under our Constitution you have a Right to Life
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have the privilege of DEATH - whether it comes from drugs, abortions, making yourself a willing victim of crime, disease, or other dangerous lifestyles that conflict with the Rights of your fellow man.

Courts rule on these issues every day and the real law is how the United States Supreme Court originally ruled... which takes us back to the common law and ultimately the practice of a Christian culture. And, if you look objectively, the Courts ORIGINALLY ruled consistent with biblical principles - Right to self defense, the Right to Liberty, the Right to Life, the Right to own personal property, the Right to be ruled by those whose values mirror your own... and the only other thing we can do is give you the chapter and verse of the Bible that discusses the different points.

Part 1 of more to come IF the atheists are confident enough to wait and debate this aspect.

I was asked what the differences were between A Christian nation and the current system we have (which, through mostly United States Supreme Court decisions is a secular Federal Legislative Democracy owned and controlled by multinational corporations.

From the outset of our Republic, it was under attack. The Illuminati had begun developing their globalist agenda. From 1715 to about the time the Constitution was ratified, we had the period known as The Enlightenment. Things had not gone so well for the framers as they were divided between the Federalists and anti - Federalists when they debated the Constitution's ratification.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the United States was marginally united; near financial ruin by 1787. The major voice of the Federalists was James Madison along with Alexander Hamilton and the man who was the heart and soul of the Anti-Federalists was Patrick Henry.

Though the Federalists prevailed, the Anti-Federalists (of which Thomas Jefferson sided with) got a consolation prize: the addition of the Bill of Rights. During the Constitutional Convention Patrick Henry addressed the delegates:

"Twenty-three years ago was I supposed a traitor to my country," he said. "I may be thought suspicious when I say our privileges and rights are in danger...But, sir, suspicion is a virtue, as long as its object is the preservation of the public good."

Henry suspected that at least some of those behind the Constitution had an ulterior motive. "When the American spirit was in its youth...liberty...was then the primary object," he said. "But now...the American about to convert this country Unit() a powerful and mighty empire....There will be no checks, no real balances, in this government

Patrick Henry Smells a Rat | AMERICAN HERITAGE

Patrick Henry complained that he smelled a rat, but ended up embracing the Constitution as it was the best they could get (or so George Washington told Henry.)

So, here we are, 231 years later, our Constitution in ruins, the people divided, Liberty mocked and ridiculed and we have a debate upon what principles the Republic rests. The liberals like to claim that the leaders of The Enlightenment were the only people the framers relied on in creating the Constitution. They invoke names like C. L. J. de S. Montesquieu, D. Hume, and Adam Smith and J.-J. Rousseau. And, actually, truth be told, none of those guys were against Christianity; they simply thought one religion was as good as another (which is irrelevant to the Constitution.) The reality is:

"In a now-famous study published in the American Political Science Review on the influence of European writers on the political literature of the founding, Donald S. Lutz reported that the Bible was cited more frequently than any European writer or even any European school of thought. The Bible, he found, accounted for approximately one-third of the citations in the literature he surveyed. The book of Deuteronomy alone was the most frequently cited work, followed by Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws, the most cited secular source. In fact, Deuteronomy was referenced nearly twice as often as Locke’s writings, and the Apostle Paul was mentioned about as frequently as Montesquieu."

The Bible in the Political Culture of the American Founding – SHEAR

I could do hundreds of examples of exactly how many of the framers felt, but one of the people who said it so unequivocally was when John Adams wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson on June 28, 1813 and said

“The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”

I will have to finish this in parts as it looks like this will be lengthy if the subject is to covered so thorough that the atheists cannot refute i

Part 2 of more to come regardless of how many trolls try to prevent this.

See post # 317
to get the first part of this subject:

Critics continue to want to focus on parts of this which we've already touched on. They can read the thread. If you want to know the differences between a Christian Nation and a Secular Nation, the first place to look is at how our system works. Under our de jure / legal / constitutional Republic we had three branches of government. They were the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive and their powers were pretty much held in check until the passing of all the remaining founders and framers.

Once a law is passed the Legislative branch it goes to the president who signs the legislation into law. The courts then interpret the law. Once the United States Supreme Court weighs in and rules on what the law means, that was supposed to be the law. That is not how it ended up working out. That might have been the rat that Patrick Henry thought he smelled. Regardless of whether a framer was Federalist or Anti-Federalist, they realized the danger of not following that principle. Thomas Jefferson said this:

"On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." --Thomas Jefferson to William Johnson, 1823.

Now, we get past this incessant back and forth B.S. about what founder / framer said what and get down to what we ended up with. And we ended up with the courts interpreting the law in accordance with the common law which is tied to Anglo - Saxon jurisprudence - which in turn, has its roots in Christianity.

Once the United States Supreme Court rules on a question regarding the Constitution, that is the law unless / until the Constitution is legally amended. When we allow the high Court to reinterpret their own decisions, it is not only one giant clusterph^(k , but it makes it impossible for you to know what is legal or illegal since the law can change on a whim. Stare decisis / precedent means let the decision stand. So, in order to know what the law REALLY means, the rightful way is to go to the FIRST time the United States Supreme Court rules on an issue and that is the legitimate ruling on the law. Now we can proceed to build our case:

"There is no dissonance in these declarations. There is a universal language pervading them all, having one meaning. They affirm and reaffirm that this is a religious nation. These are not individual sayings, declarations of private persons. They are organic utterances. They speak the voice of the entire people. While because of a general recognition of this truth the question has seldom been presented to the courts, yet we find that in Updegraph v. Comm., 11 Serg. & R. 394, 400, it was decided that, "Christianity, general Christianity, is, and always has been, a part of the common law of Pennsylvania; * * * not Christianity with an established church and tithes and spiritual courts, but Christianity with liberty of conscience to all men.

..If we pass beyond these matters to a view of American life, as expressed by its laws, its business, its customs, and its society, we find everywhere a clear recognition of the same truth. Among other matters note the following: The form of oath universally prevailing, concluding with an appeal to the Almighty; the custom of opening sessions of all deliberative bodies and most conventions with prayer; the prefatory words of all wills, "In the name of God, amen;" the laws respecting the observance of the Sabbath, with the general cessation of all secular business, and the closing of courts, legislatures, and other similar public assemblies on that day; the churches and church organizations which abound in every city, town, and hamlet; the multitude of charitable organizations existing everywhere under Christian auspices; the gigantic missionary associations, with general support, and aiming to establish Christian missions in every quarter of the globe. These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation

HOLY TRINITY CHURCH v. U.S. 143 U.S. 457, 12 S.Ct. 511, 36 L.Ed. 226
Feb. 29, 1892

Holy Trinity Church v. U.S. (1892)

You can read the entire Court ruling and see, exactly what is meant by a Christian Nation. It is NOT about a theorcacy; it's not about forced religion; it's not even a mandate for you to be compelled to do anything you find objectionable.

I will finish this train of thought in my next posting on this aspect

Part 3 regardless of how many trolls try to prevent this.

See posts # 317 and 320
to get the first parts of this posting:

Contrary to the trolls who are trying to derail this thread and avoiding reading my posts OR even commenting on the parts of their views that have been refuted, they have sunk to making baseless allegations.

I'd like to repeat something here. Benjamin Franklin stated that:
"Man will ultimately be ruled by God or by tyrants."

When you walk into a courtroom, whether a law is constitutional or unconstitutional may rest on what we think as a national body politic. It don't have squat to do whether Jesus Christ is in charge or the humanists one eyed green monster. The Holy Trinity case cited in the previous post lays this stuff out so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel. The problem for secularists, Democrats, Social Democrats, liberals, atheists, and those who stand against moral absolutes is that without them, we have the situation we have today. For example, a person could have been convicted of a crime, sent to prison and now have a felony record for the rest of his life. Then the laws are changed on a whim by the courts and the SAME LAW doesn't mean what it did the first time the courts ruled... so the next guy is allowed to go free.

That is an unjust system - the clusterph^(k I spoke of in the previous posting. For that reason our laws are set up to coincide with a system that predates "the Enlightenment" and my critics know it. Then the argument comes down to values - the real MEAT of this posting.

Under our Constitution you have Liberty
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have Liberty until taken by "due process of law."

Under our Constitution you have a Right to Freedom of Religion
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have the IRS regulating churches and their tenets of faith

Under our Constitution you have the Right to defend your life, the lives of loved ones, those in imminent danger and threats to your property
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have this B.S. line that only the police and military should own a firearm and you cannot "take the law into your own hands." You end up with gun control, limited property Rights, and are forced to become a willing victim

Under our Constitution you have a Right to that which you acquire by your labor
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have the privilege of having your money stolen in order to finance undocumented foreigners, people too lazy to work for a living, healthcare for deadbeats, and incessant waste on people to prop them up as opposed to rehabilitating them

Under our Constitution you have a Right to Life
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have the privilege of DEATH - whether it comes from drugs, abortions, making yourself a willing victim of crime, disease, or other dangerous lifestyles that conflict with the Rights of your fellow man.

Courts rule on these issues every day and the real law is how the United States Supreme Court originally ruled... which takes us back to the common law and ultimately the practice of a Christian culture. And, if you look objectively, the Courts ORIGINALLY ruled consistent with biblical principles - Right to self defense, the Right to Liberty, the Right to Life, the Right to own personal property, the Right to be ruled by those whose values mirror your own... and the only other thing we can do is give you the chapter and verse of the Bible that discusses the different points.

Part 3 regardless of how many trolls try to prevent this.

See posts # 317 and 320
to get the first parts of this posting:

Contrary to the trolls who are trying to derail this thread and avoiding reading my posts OR even commenting on the parts of their views that have been refuted, they have sunk to making baseless allegations.

I'd like to repeat something here. Benjamin Franklin stated that:
"Man will ultimately be ruled by God or by tyrants."

When you walk into a courtroom, whether a law is constitutional or unconstitutional may rest on what we think as a national body politic. It don't have squat to do whether Jesus Christ is in charge or the humanists one eyed green monster. The Holy Trinity case cited in the previous post lays this stuff out so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel. The problem for secularists, Democrats, Social Democrats, liberals, atheists, and those who stand against moral absolutes is that without them, we have the situation we have today. For example, a person could have been convicted of a crime, sent to prison and now have a felony record for the rest of his life. Then the laws are changed on a whim by the courts and the SAME LAW doesn't mean what it did the first time the courts ruled... so the next guy is allowed to go free.

That is an unjust system - the clusterph^(k I spoke of in the previous posting. For that reason our laws are set up to coincide with a system that predates "the Enlightenment" and my critics know it. Then the argument comes down to values - the real MEAT of this posting.

Under our Constitution you have Liberty
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have Liberty until taken by "due process of law."

Under our Constitution you have a Right to Freedom of Religion
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have the IRS regulating churches and their tenets of faith

Under our Constitution you have the Right to defend your life, the lives of loved ones, those in imminent danger and threats to your property
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have this B.S. line that only the police and military should own a firearm and you cannot "take the law into your own hands." You end up with gun control, limited property Rights, and are forced to become a willing victim

Under our Constitution you have a Right to that which you acquire by your labor
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have the privilege of having your money stolen in order to finance undocumented foreigners, people too lazy to work for a living, healthcare for deadbeats, and incessant waste on people to prop them up as opposed to rehabilitating them

Under our Constitution you have a Right to Life
Under the Atheists, Humanists, Liberals you have the privilege of DEATH - whether it comes from drugs, abortions, making yourself a willing victim of crime, disease, or other dangerous lifestyles that conflict with the Rights of your fellow man.

Courts rule on these issues every day and the real law is how the United States Supreme Court originally ruled... which takes us back to the common law and ultimately the practice of a Christian culture. And, if you look objectively, the Courts ORIGINALLY ruled consistent with biblical principles - Right to self defense, the Right to Liberty, the Right to Life, the Right to own personal property, the Right to be ruled by those whose values mirror your own... and the only other thing we can do is give you the chapter and verse of the Bible that discusses the different points.
tl; dr
Contrary to the trolls who are trying to derail this thread and avoiding reading my posts OR even commenting on the parts of their views that have been refuted, they have sunk to making baseless allegations.

I'd like to repeat something here. Benjamin Franklin stated that:
"Man will ultimately be ruled by God or by tyrants."

Under your system, my dear Porter, we will be ruled by tyrants who think they're doing God's Will.
Porter Rockwell, post: 23886163
For that reason our laws are set up to coincide with a system that predates "the Enlightenment"

(01) Laws that predated the Enlightenment do not negate the Enlightenment nor the Enlightenment’s influence on the founding of America.

Therefore no matter the depth of the roots that fed the Christian laws of which you speak, those laws could not have influenced founding of America. They were there like the earth and the sky.

America was not founded as an earth and sky Nation. But the earth and sky were necessarily there too.
Contrary to the trolls who are trying to derail this thread and avoiding reading my posts OR even commenting on the parts of their views that have been refuted, they have sunk to making baseless allegations.

I'd like to repeat something here. Benjamin Franklin stated that:
"Man will ultimately be ruled by God or by tyrants."

Under your system, my dear Porter, we will be ruled by tyrants who think they're doing God's Will.

Under the system that I am for, we became the greatest nation in the annals of history and put more missionaries in the world than all other nations combined! We had the highest degree of Liberty, the highest standard of living, the longest mortality rates, and far fewer stupid people like you running around looking for validation.
Porter Rockwell, post: 23886163
For that reason our laws are set up to coincide with a system that predates "the Enlightenment"

(01) Laws that predated the Enlightenment do not negate the Enlightenment nor the Enlightenment’s influence on the founding of America.

Therefore no matter the depth of the roots that fed the Christian laws of which you speak, those laws could not have influenced founding of America. They were there like the earth and the sky.

America was not founded as an earth and sky Nation. But the earth and sky were necessarily there too.

Your incessant babbling and nonsense have been a constant drain on this thread. You don't know the difference between an observation, an insult and calling your fellow poster names. You can't read, you can't reason and you've always got your nose up my ass like I can validate you or maybe one of those other misguided illiterates that have tried to derail this thread.

The real value in my posts are the amount of time whiners like you spend complaining about them and then making silly posts... like the one where you wasted your time to say I "slung poo" when your original accusation was that I called you names first. Nobody really cares that you got butt hurt. So, attack all you like. From here on out, all I have to is copy and paste my relevant posts each day. It must really hurt. You cannot stop the truth.
This is a continuation of posts # 1 and 2


In post # 2, I cited the state constitutions requiring one to be a Christian in order to hold elective office and in the ending paragraph, we discussed Article VI Paragraph III of the U.S. Constitution which requires all U.S. Senators and Representatives to be bound by an Oath or Affirmation. This is an oath, NOT a test (which would be prohibited.)

It seems pretty clear that the framers had no objection to the states requiring their politicians to be Christians. The other question is, can we find implications that the Constitution has biblical connections therein?

If you look at the early state constitutions Maryland had a tax "for the support of the Christian religion." Funny thing, THAT was not attacked by the framers in the Constitution, so there is lot to be said about what is NOT in the Constitution. NOTHING in the Constitution hampers the states from requiring their politicians to be Christians NOR taxing the people to educate the people regarding the Christian religion.

In a letter to Rev. Jasper Adams in 1833 regarding the "relations" Christianity has with the social, civil, and political "institutions" of America, Chief Justice John Marshall wrote:

"No person, I believe questions in importance of religion to the happiness of man even during the existence of this world... The American population is entirely Christian & with us Christianity and Religion are identified. It would be strange, indeed if, with such a people, our institutions did not presuppose Christianity & did not refer to it exhibit relations with it"

I mention that because it is one man's opinion (just as Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists was a private letter, neither of which are mandatory or even persuasive authority in a court of law.) BTW, Jefferson's separation of church and state means 180 degrees opposite of what the left claims.

Somewhere in the middle is the answer and I will continue to point these things out. There will be more posts on the biblical references in the Constitution.
America was still founded as a Christian nation

I wanted to address one thing for Penelope before I move along to prove my original thesis.

The first Naturalization Act specified that only white people could become citizens in this country. Still people poured in by the millions to take advantage of opportunities willingly offered. Misguided Christians thought we could share our unique heritage and historical experiences with the rest of the world. Modern Christianity even began incorporating pagan customs into the church. The Catholics "christianizing" (for lack of a more descriptive adjective) Saturnalia and calling it Christmas is a good example.

Penelope also found fault with the mention of Jews and I did call them out in the thread America was founded as a white nation (in the race forum here.) The Jews invested heavily into America. It was a sure bet. They also invested heavily in slavery; they were war profiteers; they even tried to influence the Christian founders and framers. The way it's dealt with is to make the Jews as bullet-proof as the other protected classes. Hang a label around it and dare anyone to call them out equally to be held accountable. And then the denials... there weren't that many of them, for example. When you were a Haym Solomon (the colonists version of Mike Bloomberg) it don't make many to make a big financial impact.

Add to that this guy was also a Freemason that had the ear of fellow Mason, George Washington. But, Penelope would be well advised that God worked through a lot of evil people to get his work done. Saul of Tarsus (aka Paul) was a tax collector as was Matthew while Judas Iscariot (an ethnic non-Israelite "Jew") were apostles... though Jesus did know that Judas would betray him for thirty pieces of silver. I've always thought Jesus did that to illustrate the danger of befriending profiteers and banksters. But, I digress.
America was still founded as a Christian nation

A continuation of posts # 1 , 2, 7, 17, and 35 (plus others)

If we start with some of America's founding documents, we begin to get a picture of what we mean when we say America was founded as Christian nation. In the Declaration of Independence, we find these words:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

If America could be summed up in one word, it would be Liberty. It was the battle cry that, after much debate, stirred the colonists up to the point that 56 men were willing to sign onto the Declaration of Independence, pledging to each other their Lives, their Fortunes, and their Sacred Honor. Imagine trying to get 56 men today to sign a document like that in support of Liberty today!

The most important things to consider about the Declaration of Independence:

1) The Declaration of Independence starts out with a presupposition that we have a Creator. This is just an observation, but those are the words of Thomas Jefferson penned. That simply does not sound too secular to me

2) This Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be) bestowed upon you, at birth, unalienable Rights (of which the secularists helped to abolish recently.) Those Rights were God given, inherent, natural, absolute, irrevocable, unalienable and above the law (see
Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394 (1859) ) as one example

3) Among those Rights was Liberty. Liberty was a concept that Jefferson understood from a Christian perspective. Jefferson stated:

"...nothing then is unchangeable but the inherent and unalienable rights of man." Letter to John Cartwright 5 June 1824)

Secularism cannot accept that premise, so to pretend Thomas Jefferson was not a Christian is laughable. Liberty is an unalienable Right. If that Right is given by a Creator, then you have to believe in a God in order to make such an assertion. And THAT should have as much authority as an out of context statement Jefferson made to the Danbury Baptists - that means 180 degrees of what unbelievers think - IF you read that letter in its full context.

II Corinthians 3 : 17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Nobody really cares that you got butt hurt.

Actually I enjoy catching phony intellectual blowhards like you putting such easily provable lies in writing.

You thought you could get away with it behind your wall of words that literally say nothing.

get over b yourself.
Nobody really cares that you got butt hurt.

Actually I enjoy catching phony intellectual blowhards like you putting such easily provable lies in writing.

You thought you could get away with it behind your wall of words that literally say nothing.

get over b yourself.

Quit looking in the mirror when you type. Projecting is distracting. If you're going to troll, be original and quit projecting your weaknesses into the posts.

This is a continuation of posts 1 , 2, 7, 17, 35, 39, and 56

After suffering ignorant people (of whom I have little patience with - ESPECIALLY when they make assumptions and never ask questions) I got a little off track.

In the posts between 56 and this one I had to prove that Jefferson was a Christian. The stupidity of non-believers on that one is astonishing. But, a lot of people fall for the argument of non - believers because this discussion lacks context.

The founders / framers of the Constitution were mortal men. They were sinners - even those who were dedicated Christians. Throughout their lives they would have varying views on the Bible. You have probably gone through some of it yourselves. We don't believe; someone convinces you differently so you believe; a radical change in our lives (like a bad experience with a religious group or a dramatically change in life like a death or major health issue) and people change their views again.

People like Jefferson, Washington, etc., etc. were also politicians. So, it becomes hard to deduce what they were really about at varying stages of their lives. That is why I used the law - statutes, Compacts, Charters, and references within our system to show where we developed our cultural values from.

America uses the common law to interpret our laws. That system is based on Anglo Saxon jurisprudence.

Common law - The feudal land law

There is the general influence of the Bible through the medium of the Christian religion upon the law. It has been often said, indeed, that Christianity is part of the common law of England, and this is due in great measure to the authority of Sir Matthew Hale (King v. Taylor, i Vent. 293, 3 Keble 507), Blackstone and other writers, while Lord Mansfield held (Chamberlain of London v. Evans, 1767) that the essential principles of revealed religion are part of the common law.

The next time you want to know how the courts arrive at a decision, it is via the common law. So, in short, our system of interpreting the law is predicated upon the way the Bible is interpreted - Commandments, like statutes are given and the courts apply fact situations to the law in the same way the Bible explains the application of law.

This is a continuation of posts 1 , 2, 7, 17, 35, 39, 56, and 91

We've now passed the 100 post mark and the unbelievers have failed to refute those above posts. We're seeing the beginnings of them attacking me with falsehoods and the most illiterate of the bunch, trying to derail the thread with lies. OMG. How desperate can they get!!!

America was founded as a Christian nation . The LIARS who are pretending to be critics try their best to insinuate that I said America is a Christian nation and / or theocracy. Neither statement is true. What IS true is that those illiterate critics who refuse to access the provided links are LYING.

But, we move forward. There is a move to distance the posterity of the framers of the Constitution, divide them, and replace our government with some nonexistent utopia.

The fact is America became the envy of the world because we used to have a culture. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. Our values were rooted in the Holy Bible. AND, America was blessed in proportion to the numbers of people that made an attempt to observe God's laws.

The equalitarians, Democrats as an example, passed laws that claimed to just be giving everyone an equal say and make non-whites citizens. As those people flooded America, they began to erase our national identity and erase our history. Today we are a reflection of what my critics want America to be - NOT what it was when America could lay claim to being the greatest nation in the world.

My purpose in participating on this thread is to reach those who have been disenfranchised and see that something is amiss. Americans have been programmed to find fault with the founders and framers of this country while showing the highest degree of respect and tolerance for any other religion, culture, class, etc. of people. The posterity of the founders have been programmed to hate themselves and they carry abound a phony guilt complex, instilled in them by a political power that seeks to control them from the womb to the tomb.
Porter Rockwell, post: 23886590
In the posts between 56 and this one I had to prove that Jefferson was a Christian. The stupidity of non-believers on that one is astonishing.

You prove nothing. You are playing a piano with only one Note. You play one note post after post:

Europe and the settled new world was Christian. Even a non-Christian was a Christian by default. Because of all that America was founded as a Christian nation.
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