America in Permanent Decline?

Obama had as absolute a power as possible here. Bush did not have that luxury at any time.

And, if your take on it with respect to what he thought is correct, then it still shows his greenness and naivete, obviously bought by so many.

Personally, I think he is not as feckless as he was, but what a colossal waste of two years on someone who took time needed for on-the-job training for the presidency to a whole new level.

But, that's what the country as a whole wanted.

And here we are today. Not a pretty picture.

Damn it on Hilary for not winning.

He didn't waste anything. He saved the economy from collapsing. Even Romney is starting to admit that now..and reversing his postion.

His biggest failure was bringing the two parties together to work for the common good. But then one would be able to do that..given how radical the Republican party has become.

And again. NO ONE HAS ABSOLUTE POWER. That's a conservative myth.

Read the Constitution sometime. There's plenty of stuff in there about checks and balances.

His idea of 'bringing the two parties together' is to demonize the Republicans every chance he gets.

How's that working out?

The Rs are being obstructionists, the Rs are demanding this and that, the Rs want compromise . . . which is exactly what the Ds do when the Rs are holding the reigns. Isn't that their job? Or is one party suppose to just say 'hey, ok you're in charge now we'll do everything your way'? They're suppose to approach things from their different perspectives and reach a common ground for the common good. And the president? The president (any president) is suppose to unite; Obama has intentionally done the exact opposite.

Did Bushie go around poo-pooing the Ds constantly? Did he demonize, belittle and mock them every chance he could? I wasn't paying any attention back then but I don't recall seeing/hearing him on tv ad nauseum doing this.

Obama needs to start leading, stop acting like a petulant child and be president.
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Obama had as absolute a power as possible here. Bush did not have that luxury at any time.

And, if your take on it with respect to what he thought is correct, then it still shows his greenness and naivete, obviously bought by so many.

Personally, I think he is not as feckless as he was, but what a colossal waste of two years on someone who took time needed for on-the-job training for the presidency to a whole new level.

But, that's what the country as a whole wanted.

And here we are today. Not a pretty picture.

Damn it on Hilary for not winning.

He didn't waste anything. He saved the economy from collapsing. Even Romney is starting to admit that now..and reversing his postion.

His biggest failure was bringing the two parties together to work for the common good. But then one would be able to do that..given how radical the Republican party has become.

And again. NO ONE HAS ABSOLUTE POWER. That's a conservative myth.

Read the Constitution sometime. There's plenty of stuff in there about checks and balances.

His idea of 'bringing the two parties together' is to demonize the Republicans every chance he gets.

How's that working out?

The Rs are being obstructionists, the Rs are demanding this and that, the Rs want compromise . . . which is exactly what the Ds do when the Rs are holding the reigns. Isn't that their job? Or is one party suppose to just say 'hey, ok you're in charge now we'll do everything your way'? They're suppose to approach things from their different perspectives and reach a common ground for the common good. And the president? The president (any president) is suppose to unite; Obama has intentionally done the exact opposite.

Did Bushie go around poo-pooing the Ds constantly? Did he demonize, belittle and mock them every chance he could? I wasn't paying any attention back then but I don't recall seeing/hearing him on tv ad nauseum doing this.

Obama needs to start leading, stop acting like a petulant child and be president.
The Republicans want compromise?!? On what? Since when? Town Hall meetings in 2009? How many Republicans were ready to compromise on Health Care? Tax cuts? Raise the rater to Clinton era levels and the Republicans scream "Rape!". Cut Medicare. Cut Social Security. Cut school funding, hospital funding, public broadcasting funding. But raise the tax rate on millionaires to the levels they paid during the Clinton boom years and the Republicans throw sand in the gears!
He didn't waste anything. He saved the economy from collapsing. Even Romney is starting to admit that now..and reversing his postion.

His biggest failure was bringing the two parties together to work for the common good. But then one would be able to do that..given how radical the Republican party has become.

And again. NO ONE HAS ABSOLUTE POWER. That's a conservative myth.

Read the Constitution sometime. There's plenty of stuff in there about checks and balances.

His idea of 'bringing the two parties together' is to demonize the Republicans every chance he gets.

How's that working out?

The Rs are being obstructionists, the Rs are demanding this and that, the Rs want compromise . . . which is exactly what the Ds do when the Rs are holding the reigns. Isn't that their job? Or is one party suppose to just say 'hey, ok you're in charge now we'll do everything your way'? They're suppose to approach things from their different perspectives and reach a common ground for the common good. And the president? The president (any president) is suppose to unite; Obama has intentionally done the exact opposite.

Did Bushie go around poo-pooing the Ds constantly? Did he demonize, belittle and mock them every chance he could? I wasn't paying any attention back then but I don't recall seeing/hearing him on tv ad nauseum doing this.

Obama needs to start leading, stop acting like a petulant child and be president.
The Republicans want compromise?!? On what? Since when? Town Hall meetings in 2009? How many Republicans were ready to compromise on Health Care? Tax cuts? Raise the rater to Clinton era levels and the Republicans scream "Rape!". Cut Medicare. Cut Social Security. Cut school funding, hospital funding, public broadcasting funding. But raise the tax rate on millionaires to the levels they paid during the Clinton boom years and the Republicans throw sand in the gears!
Just change the names and the presidential term time frame and you sound just like your opposition.

Plus ca change.
First you all want to say he's a continuation of bush, then you say he tanked the country. Make up your fucking minds. You look stupid. Facts of the matter are this....He took the reigns when we were headed for the abyss. The 'I hope he fails' mantra, well, it failed. Get over it. So you had a Black President. So fucking what. He wasn't all that different from the white guys that stuck their dick in you ear for the last 200 years...........

There was a time in this country that when the election was over, congress rolled up it's sleeves and worked with the guy that won.

Unfortunately now, we have ultra right wing conservatives that are only interested in one thing. Holding all the reigns of power.

Mitch McConnell defined the Republican strategy, "They want Obama to be a one term President"...and nothing is going to get in their way.

If the economy fails and Obama looks bad. Mission Accomplished.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President‬‏[/ame]

They got their orders from this man..

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Rush Limbaugh: "I hope Obama fails"‬‏[/ame]

Yes I seem to remember the left doing exactly that with the Previous administration do I'm wondering why the sudden tears with this administration.

Prove it.

Find a politician that said anything like Mitch McConnell did. Or how about we compare the number of filibusters during the first two years of the Bush adminstration with Obama's. Or lets compare Bush's and Obama's speed with filling cabinet slots.
Obama had as absolute a power as possible here. Bush did not have that luxury at any time.

And, if your take on it with respect to what he thought is correct, then it still shows his greenness and naivete, obviously bought by so many.

Personally, I think he is not as feckless as he was, but what a colossal waste of two years on someone who took time needed for on-the-job training for the presidency to a whole new level.

But, that's what the country as a whole wanted.

And here we are today. Not a pretty picture.

Damn it on Hilary for not winning.

He didn't waste anything. He saved the economy from collapsing. Even Romney is starting to admit that now..and reversing his postion.

His biggest failure was bringing the two parties together to work for the common good. But then one would be able to do that..given how radical the Republican party has become.

And again. NO ONE HAS ABSOLUTE POWER. That's a conservative myth.

Read the Constitution sometime. There's plenty of stuff in there about checks and balances.

His idea of 'bringing the two parties together' is to demonize the Republicans every chance he gets.

How's that working out?

The Rs are being obstructionists, the Rs are demanding this and that, the Rs want compromise . . . which is exactly what the Ds do when the Rs are holding the reigns. Isn't that their job? Or is one party suppose to just say 'hey, ok you're in charge now we'll do everything your way'? They're suppose to approach things from their different perspectives and reach a common ground for the common good. And the president? The president (any president) is suppose to unite; Obama has intentionally done the exact opposite.

Did Bushie go around poo-pooing the Ds constantly? Did he demonize, belittle and mock them every chance he could? I wasn't paying any attention back then but I don't recall seeing/hearing him on tv ad nauseum doing this.

Obama needs to start leading, stop acting like a petulant child and be president.

Why the heck would he?

He got a pretty sweetheart deal from Clinton..a humming economy and surplus.

And he got almost everything he wanted from the Democrats.
There was a time in this country that when the election was over, congress rolled up it's sleeves and worked with the guy that won.

Unfortunately now, we have ultra right wing conservatives that are only interested in one thing. Holding all the reigns of power.

Mitch McConnell defined the Republican strategy, "They want Obama to be a one term President"...and nothing is going to get in their way.

If the economy fails and Obama looks bad. Mission Accomplished.

YouTube - ‪Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President‬‏

They got their orders from this man..

YouTube - ‪Rush Limbaugh: "I hope Obama fails"‬‏

Yes I seem to remember the left doing exactly that with the Previous administration do I'm wondering why the sudden tears with this administration.

Prove it.

Find a politician that said anything like Mitch McConnell did. Or how about we compare the number of filibusters during the first two years of the Bush adminstration with Obama's. Or lets compare Bush's and Obama's speed with filling cabinet slots.

The Previous administration was Held Hostage by the dems including the pert where that administration attempted to make significant reforms to housing market which they warned was going to collapse the left went so far as to claim there was absolutely nothing wrong.WTG asshat's we are here today because of that.

As far as Appointments goes Democrats Move to Block Bush Appointments - New York Times yes teh left went out of its way to block everything.
Yes I seem to remember the left doing exactly that with the Previous administration do I'm wondering why the sudden tears with this administration.

Prove it.

Find a politician that said anything like Mitch McConnell did. Or how about we compare the number of filibusters during the first two years of the Bush adminstration with Obama's. Or lets compare Bush's and Obama's speed with filling cabinet slots.

The Previous administration was Held Hostage by the dems including the pert where that administration attempted to make significant reforms to housing market which they warned was going to collapse the left went so far as to claim there was absolutely nothing wrong.WTG asshat's we are here today because of that.

As far as Appointments goes Democrats Move to Block Bush Appointments - New York Times yes teh left went out of its way to block everything.
What about the part where the federal over sight agencies were supposed to monitor the dealings of the financial institutions so they would not sell worthless paper as bundled derivatives? Opps! I guess the Republican buddies on Wall Street called in their markers!
Yes I seem to remember the left doing exactly that with the Previous administration do I'm wondering why the sudden tears with this administration.

Prove it.

Find a politician that said anything like Mitch McConnell did. Or how about we compare the number of filibusters during the first two years of the Bush adminstration with Obama's. Or lets compare Bush's and Obama's speed with filling cabinet slots.

The Previous administration was Held Hostage by the dems including the pert where that administration attempted to make significant reforms to housing market which they warned was going to collapse the left went so far as to claim there was absolutely nothing wrong.WTG asshat's we are here today because of that.

As far as Appointments goes Democrats Move to Block Bush Appointments - New York Times yes teh left went out of its way to block everything.


No they didn't.

Bush got everything he wanted. Nothing got blocked...with the exception of Harriet Meirs and SSI "reform".

And even his own party was shocked with that one.
Permanent decline? I don't think so. However nanny-statism must be defeated as a national ideology.
America in Permanent Decline?

I am very susprised that we have lasted this long.

The declined began in the early 1900's when the Demopublicans created the Federal Reserve Board. The economy showed that it could not be centrally controlled and planned when it crashed in 1935. The Demopublicans ignored the signs and symptoms and adopted measures which will make matters worse in the future.

Prove it.

Find a politician that said anything like Mitch McConnell did. Or how about we compare the number of filibusters during the first two years of the Bush adminstration with Obama's. Or lets compare Bush's and Obama's speed with filling cabinet slots.

The Previous administration was Held Hostage by the dems including the pert where that administration attempted to make significant reforms to housing market which they warned was going to collapse the left went so far as to claim there was absolutely nothing wrong.WTG asshat's we are here today because of that.

As far as Appointments goes Democrats Move to Block Bush Appointments - New York Times yes teh left went out of its way to block everything.


No they didn't.

Bush got everything he wanted. Nothing got blocked...with the exception of Harriet Meirs and SSI "reform".

And even his own party was shocked with that one.

Have to love revisionists history the previous administration was blocked every step of the way which is fine the less the government does that far better off we all are but when it comes to partisan politics the left has nothing at all to cry about. You know that as well as I do
The 40% (permanent decline) are the die hard democrats who would rather believe there is no hope than admit that Obama is a failure.
Have the Obama/Democrat policies lead the country into a time of permanent decline...Eh .. I 'm too much of an optimist to believe it but dang it.... it's not really not looking so good...


Wednesday in a depressing news poll, Americans revealed that when it comes to the economy, hope for strong recovery is bleak. With only 20% of voters expecting the economy to get better, the mood of the country has soured. Seeing prices rise at the grocery store, gas pumps, and listening to Congress and the White House quibble about the necessity of tightening the belt, lowering debt and raising taxes, well Americans are losing hope.

According to the CBS News Poll released Wednesday, the mood of the country has taken a decidedly pessimistic turn. What is most troubling is that nearly 40% of Americans belive our economy is in a permanent decline.

'It's the Economy, Stupid': Americans... | Gather

The Republican Party is shrinking. As it gets older and more and more die off, you will see a resurgent America. But it will take time.
Have the Obama/Democrat policies lead the country into a time of permanent decline...Eh .. I 'm too much of an optimist to believe it but dang it.... it's not really not looking so good...


Wednesday in a depressing news poll, Americans revealed that when it comes to the economy, hope for strong recovery is bleak. With only 20% of voters expecting the economy to get better, the mood of the country has soured. Seeing prices rise at the grocery store, gas pumps, and listening to Congress and the White House quibble about the necessity of tightening the belt, lowering debt and raising taxes, well Americans are losing hope.

According to the CBS News Poll released Wednesday, the mood of the country has taken a decidedly pessimistic turn. What is most troubling is that nearly 40% of Americans belive our economy is in a permanent decline.

'It's the Economy, Stupid': Americans... | Gather

The Republican Party is shrinking. As it gets older and more and more die off, you will see a resurgent America. But it will take time.
Yeah. Single party states rock!
Have the Obama/Democrat policies lead the country into a time of permanent decline...Eh .. I 'm too much of an optimist to believe it but dang it.... it's not really not looking so good...


Wednesday in a depressing news poll, Americans revealed that when it comes to the economy, hope for strong recovery is bleak. With only 20% of voters expecting the economy to get better, the mood of the country has soured. Seeing prices rise at the grocery store, gas pumps, and listening to Congress and the White House quibble about the necessity of tightening the belt, lowering debt and raising taxes, well Americans are losing hope.

According to the CBS News Poll released Wednesday, the mood of the country has taken a decidedly pessimistic turn. What is most troubling is that nearly 40% of Americans belive our economy is in a permanent decline.

'It's the Economy, Stupid': Americans... | Gather

The Republican Party is shrinking. As it gets older and more and more die off, you will see a resurgent America. But it will take time.

I know you have your blinders on 100 percent of the time......but what you're not seeing is the product of two parties screwing shit up over the last 70 years or so.

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