America is a Racist Country

In the real world, this nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the early 60s.

BOTH partiers have had platforms and policies in support of this and were supported by the vast majority of voters.
King was talking about whites like you.

Truth is not projection and one sentence is not Dr. King.

You don't know shit about King.

Shut the fuck up.
King never mention White folks in his speech DUMBASS ....

He did mention people who would judge another based solely on the color of their skin. Something you do here everyday.

YOU are the VERY RACIST Dr. King was calling out.
Of course America is not a racist country to whites who practice racism.
You have hit nothing. You are being made an example out of.

Biden didn't say Blacks and Hispanics can't use the internet. YOU are a republican. YOU are why I will keep voting for democrats.
He did that say that! Could you imagine if Trump said that, oh the outrage? But Democrats say it, and they cover for him. Oh, and You vote Democrat because you can't think for yourself. You need tv pundits to tell you how to vote, and the Democrats say your race is too stupid to get an ID taken.

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Thank you. take them away from the public school system and then, you realize education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.
The key to ending poverty is not paying black men 87 for every dollar a white man makes and black women 63 cents for every dollar a white man makes regardless of educational attainment.

Greetings. In my opinion, based on my 12 years experience providing police services to fellow citizens residing in an impoverished American community, one of the most important KEYS to ending Poverty is addressing mental health issues experienced by women who intentionally introduce our nation's most precious assets to a traumatizing childhood upbringing fraught with struggles, pain, hardships, sadness and depression.

"Gov Stats Reveal Child Neglect, Abuse, Maltreatment Is Destroying The Black Community" ~Devils Advocate


☮️♥️ EndHate2021


Dinesh D’Souza Asks Where White Privilege Is, Then Answers His Own Question Seconds Later​

On Thursday, conservative pundit, filmmaker, and felon Dinesh D’Souza unwittingly answered his own question about white privilege while discussing “woke propaganda infiltrating our kids’ schools” on the Ingraham Angle.

D’Souza told host Laura Ingraham that liberals are bringing Marxism to the United States by replacing an emphasis on class struggle with racial grievances because, as D’Souza said, there’s “a deep racial history in America” that resonates with people. He suggested that the U.S. is a much different society today than in 1950, saying that non-Whites such as Asians are thriving academically and economically. “Essentially,” said D’Souza, “the Asian-Americans dominate the ethnic groups at the top.”

Then he asked a question.

So where is white privilege? Whites are actually not at the top of the totem pole of American society anymore. The only category in which Whites are on top is accumulated wealth, which of course reflects the legacy of the past. But it’s very difficult for these Critical Race Theory people to explain why Orientals and Asian Americans are doing the best because obviously they’re not discriminating against anybody. They are outperforming everybody.

In the capitalist society that D’Souza praises so frequently, accumulated wealth is an important, if not downright holy byproduct of successful capitalism-ing. The ideas that Whites are on top in accumulated wealth, but are also “not at the top of the totem pole of American society” simply do not comport with one another in this context.

More importantly, implicit in D’Souza’s analysis is the answer to his own question, “Where is the White privilege?”

He need look no further than his euphemistic “legacy of the past,” which in America includes more than two centuries of slavery and a few generations of Jim Crow, along with some less obvious though still odious forms of racism. This dynamic, by D’Souza’s own admission, has reaped substantial benefits for Whites in terms of accumulated wealth.

His key words were......"in the past." What happened in the past is just that, in the past, the same as racism in some other nations, however, it still exists against blacks as well as whites in other nations.
We're looking at the here and now. The only racists are in "individuals," no matter what part of the globe you go to.
Your agenda, being a Marxist is to constantly try to divide us, divide the nation. Take an actual critical look at the Marxist nations and it won't be so appealing, for their Politburo will turn on you as it suits them.
Whites are real quick to tell us who aren't about how they don't see racism in America. Therefore because they don't see it, it cannot exist. But we who are not white do not have the same experience and whites can't force it to be the same just because you don't like hearing it.

So let me repost this information. It begins in the year 2000 for those who always make the excuse of how such things are in the past.

Cost Of Racism: U.S. Economy Lost $16 Trillion Because Of Discrimination, Bank Says

Nationwide protests have cast a spotlight on racism and inequality in the United States. Now a major bank has put a price tag on how much the economy has lost as a result of discrimination against African Americans: $16 trillion.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup.

Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

When has money saved? People pursue it as if it can save. People fool themselves. Money is the thing that is lost. People are always trying to save it, and yet people say: Save me money, save me. That thing makes people think we have a problem with racium.
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When has money saved? People pursue it as if it can save. People fool themselves. Money is the thing that is lost. People are always trying to save it, and yet people say: Save me money, save me. That thing makes people think we have a problem with racium.
Money is a tool that allows people to get things like property, go to school and allows people to start businesses that employ other people. America has a huge problem with racism and the only people who don't think so are racists and Uncle Toms.
Money is a tool that allows people to get things like property, go to school and allows people to start businesses that employ other people. America has a huge problem with racism and the only people who don't think so are racists and Uncle Toms.
Satan says tool. We need to control ourselves. God, the giver of gifts does that. The church even admits that God is a gift giver, and then says, fuck you God. I will not be like you. I will be like your enemy. That is what church leaders would say had they be honest. How can we exspected that. We are God's children. That makes us to be gods. Don't get big headed knowing that. God giving to god what is God's is one person giving to another person what is God's. One, giving up money would make a homeless person. Why you may ask? The world is still using money. Money that says love me, and only me. What will that do to the minds of God's children? It will make them to love money, not loving people. God's image is not abler to do what God does with each other. They fool themselves with Christmas. That is fake giving. Money is still used. The most depressing time of the year. Money makes God's image to say no to God's image. Money demands a sacrafice when money is in short supply. Abortions occur. Money is depleting our resources and could run out by 2050. The best of whatever could become available to whoever. Bike frames need to flex, to not have a stiff legged, riding machine.
NO, it isn't. Prove racism is even real, and we can go from there. Right now it's just a mass delusion and science fiction. Prove "racism" is real beyond a shadow of a doubt with verifiable facts. Not generalizations. Not feelings, not this political mass delusion. Facts.

Nobody ever gives examples of racism. Racism is nonexistent in America. Anti-racist radicals who back up their claim that America is racist also do not exist.

There is a blank sheet of paper in ever state legislator and US congressmen’s office that would loved to be filled with racial injustices that need to be corrected. It would be a guaranteed reelection to anybody who fixed anything on the list but the list is blank.

People scream racism to the top of their lungs with the highest of passion and emotion. When comes time to actually address it they magically lose their passion and start playing dumb. (Maybe they ain’t playing.) They can’t even give one example. They can’t even give a bad example.

Why people love looking like completely mindless and stupid imbeciles is beyond me. It seems like it would be embarrassing to prove your stupidity so often but they keep on going with their passionate rants of how racism is a problem that needs to be fixed. Well. Give us the list and let’s get to work. 100% of all Americans would be against the racist stuff. It would be fixed immediately with zero opposition.
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Nobody ever gives examples of racism. Racism is nonexistent in America. Anti-racist radicals who back up their claim that America is racist also do not exist.

There is a blank sheet of paper in ever state legislator and US congressmen’s office that would loved to be filled with racial injustices that need to be corrected. It would be a guaranteed reelection to anybody who fixed anything on the list but the list is blank.

People scream racism to the top of their lungs with the highest of passion and emotion. When comes time to actually address it they magically lose their passion and start playing dumb. (Maybe they ain’t playing.) They can’t even give one example. They can’t even give a bad example.

Why people love looking like completely mindless and stupid imbeciles is beyond me. It seems like it would be embarrassing to prove your stupidity so often but they keep on going with their passionate rants of how racism is a problem that needs to be fixed. Well. Give us the list and let’s get to work. 100% of all Americans would be against the racist stuff. It would be fixed immediately with zero opposition.

America is very much infected with racism. Only whites who are racist make the claim that it does not exist. If you're looking for overt Jim Crow style racist, you're living in the past.

Rising out of the ashes of Jim Crow racism was an attitude of Lasseiz-Faire racism. Lasseiz-Faire racism is sometimes described as the kinder form of racism as if there is such a thing. It is based on the Group Position Theory of racial prejudice. “There are four basic types of feeling that seem to be always present in race prejudice in the dominant group. They are (1) a feeling of superiority, (2) a feeling that the subordinate race is intrinsically different and alien, (3) a feeling of proprietary claim to certain areas of privilege and advantage, and (4) a fear and suspicion that the subordinate race harbors designs on the prerogatives of the dominant race.”

Lasseiz-Faire racism focuses on 2 of the feelings described, the feeling of proprietary claim to certain areas of privilege and advantages, and fear or suspicion that the “subordinate” race has designs on the perogatives of the “dominant race”. So as Jim Crow apartheid was being removed from it’s hold on white America the feelings of entitle, proprietary claims to privilege and the belief that other races wanted to have or held the same perogatives remained a part of the group belief in many white Americans.

So Instead of looking at the demands blacks made and continue to make as efforts towards true democratic equality, there were and are today, whites who look upon these efforts as as threatening incursions on their interests and prerogatives” or infringements on their rights. As a response, we get Lasseiz ‘Faire racism. “ Laissez Faire Racism involves persistent negative stereotyping of African Americans, a tendency to blame blacks themselves for the black-white gap in socioeconomic standing, and resistance to meaningful policy efforts to ameliorate America's racist social conditions and institutions”.

We see this every day here at USMB.
Imagine a qualified Black being turned down by a college because s/he was Black. The very idea is silly. Schools bend over backwards to lower standards and overlook personal history of Black applicants that would be disqualifying for whites or Asians.

And while it is undeniable that Blacks could be the victim of racism in employment, there are so many potential employers, particularly large companies and companies doing a lot of government contracts, as well as different levels of government, that there is no reason to accept that discrimination. Furthermore, there are enough employers who are seeking out Blacks that those opportunities overshadow the incidents of racism that do occur.

The bottom line is that there are so few examples of racist infractions that the "anti-racism" community has had to make up new terminology to claim racism where none can actually be identified.

Most white people are totally indifferent to Blacks - couldn't care less. The claim that this is a racist country is nothing more than losers making excuses for their failure to take advantage of the cornucopia of opportunity that does exist for Black people, as well as everyone else.
Whites are real quick to tell us who aren't about how they don't see racism in America. Therefore because they don't see it, it cannot exist. But we who are not white do not have the same experience and whites can't force it to be the same just because you don't like hearing it.

So let me repost this information. It begins in the year 2000 for those who always make the excuse of how such things are in the past.

Cost Of Racism: U.S. Economy Lost $16 Trillion Because Of Discrimination, Bank Says

Nationwide protests have cast a spotlight on racism and inequality in the United States. Now a major bank has put a price tag on how much the economy has lost as a result of discrimination against African Americans: $16 trillion.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup.

Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

You're free to leave
Imagine a qualified Black being turned down by a college because s/he was Black. The very idea is silly. Schools bend over backwards to lower standards and overlook personal history of Black applicants that would be disqualifying for whites or Asians.

And while it is undeniable that Blacks could be the victim of racism in employment, there are so many potential employers, particularly large companies and companies doing a lot of government contracts, as well as different levels of government, that there is no reason to accept that discrimination. Furthermore, there are enough employers who are seeking out Blacks that those opportunities overshadow the incidents of racism that do occur.

The bottom line is that there are so few examples of racist infractions that the "anti-racism" community has had to make up new terminology to claim racism where none can actually be identified.

Most white people are totally indifferent to Blacks - couldn't care less. The claim that this is a racist country is nothing more than losers making excuses for their failure to take advantage of the cornucopia of opportunity that does exist for Black people, as well as everyone else.
Also, IM2 overlooks or dismisses that just because someone is black doesn’t give them a free ticket to get the job, school acceptance, etc. there are a lot of whites denied these too. Not everyone is qualified.

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