Zone1 America is in trouble because we don't FAST often


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
As those who know Scripture will acknowledge, Jesus said important things about fasting.

When he was tempted by the devil he had been fasting 40 days!

I don't think anyone should go 40 days without some kind of food. Jesus was God, but most Americans don't want to go 40 hours without food.

And that is one reason we are having so many problems: stolen elections, snark everywhere.. people caving on the abortion issue.

OK, I know, I know... What do those things have to do with fasting?

Sigh... To explain: If you are not fasting as often as you can, you are opening or keeping open a BIG door to let Satan in and who knows what lie he will put into your head/heart to get you to do God knows what.

Jesus said there is a particular kind of demonic activity (paraphrase) that only is rectified by FASTING and prayer.
America is in trouble because it has not repented.
As those who know Scripture will acknowledge, Jesus said important things about fasting.

When he was tempted by the devil he had been fasting 40 days!

I don't think anyone should go 40 days without some kind of food. Jesus was God, but most Americans don't want to go 40 hours without food.

And that is one reason we are having so many problems: stolen elections, snark everywhere.. people caving on the abortion issue.

OK, I know, I know... What do those things have to do with fasting?

Sigh... To explain: If you are not fasting as often as you can, you are opening or keeping open a BIG door to let Satan in and who knows what lie he will put into your head/heart to get you to do God knows what.

Jesus said there is a particular kind of demonic activity (paraphrase) that only is rectified by FASTING and prayer.
There are many reasons that America is in trouble. Fasting should be used for a couple of reasons. One, to humble ourselves on occasions when we need to remember who we are and who God is so we don't get so full or ourselves. Two, remember there are actually hungry people who cannot fee themselves for various reasons. The money we save by fasting say 24 hours, two or three meals, could be sent to a charity to feed those in need. Our few dollars doesn't seem much. But, if we had 100 million people or more doing so, that would be a big deal. God would like America for doing this. $25 or $50 dollars a month by $100 million people. WOW!!!
As those who know Scripture will acknowledge, Jesus said important things about fasting.

When he was tempted by the devil he had been fasting 40 days!

I don't think anyone should go 40 days without some kind of food. Jesus was God, but most Americans don't want to go 40 hours without food.

And that is one reason we are having so many problems: stolen elections, snark everywhere.. people caving on the abortion issue.

OK, I know, I know... What do those things have to do with fasting?

Sigh... To explain: If you are not fasting as often as you can, you are opening or keeping open a BIG door to let Satan in and who knows what lie he will put into your head/heart to get you to do God knows what.

Jesus said there is a particular kind of demonic activity (paraphrase) that only is rectified by FASTING and prayer.
He didn't mean the victim should fast and pray but those concerned about him.
God has punished nations. And racism is not the only sin here. This nation began with Europeans covetiing what was not theirs. We see murrder, stealing,, bearing false witness,,the worship of graven images, treating the constitution as if it is the bible, and these are just a few things done by ciitizens of this nation. So you can drop the dumb broadbrush white victimhood tactic junior because not every white person is a racist therefore no broadbbrush is being applied nor would God be punishing everry white person for racism.

You've spent too many years listening to white race hustlers whining.
Our sins have all been forgiven with Jesus dying on the cross, IM2.
Praise the Lord

Denying oneself anything -- excessive food, entertainment, sex, consumerism -- teaches discipline, something we see so little of in America these days.

There are many reasons that America is in trouble. Fasting should be used for a couple of reasons. One, to humble ourselves on occasions when we need to remember who we are and who God is so we don't get so full or ourselves. Two, remember there are actually hungry people who cannot fee themselves for various reasons. The money we save by fasting say 24 hours, two or three meals, could be sent to a charity to feed those in need. Our few dollars doesn't seem much. But, if we had 100 million people or more doing so, that would be a big deal. God would like America for doing this. $25 or $50 dollars a month by $100 million people. WOW!!!
for once, we agree

All sins are equal.

Personally, if I were married and I had the choice of my spouse cheating on me

or calling me a name when in the middle of a heated argument... which do u think I'd choose?
He didn't mean the victim should fast and pray but those concerned about him.
not true

And how do we know which of a plethora of interpretations of the Word is true and which is just subjective wishful thinking?

only having a CHURCH to inform us makes sense

Personally, if I were married and I had the choice of my spouse cheating on me

or calling me a name when in the middle of a heated argument... which do u think I'd choose?
You are not God.
not true

And how do we know which of a plethora of interpretations of the Word is true and which is just subjective wishful thinking?

only having a CHURCH to inform us makes sense
God, speaking through the author of Hebrews, tells us that at some point we "ought to be teachers", rightly dividing the word of truth. Do you believe that we are to be "milk-of-the-word" drinkers forever? Are you unable to determine what Jesus meant from this fairly simple to understand event?
You don't need a church for that.
you absolutely DO

Notice all the confusion in religion just in the US

tens of thousands of christian or so called christian religions

and still we have

legalized abortion
high murder rape
high rape rate

high crime in general rate

riots when people pretend to be pissed off because some crook got killed in the process of being arrested

All because Luther broke from the Church Christ founded to start his own religion... as if man can improve on Jesus Christ's work!

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