America is No Longer a Democracy.

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell, 1984
tags: 1948, control, propaganda, slogan

^^^ What an amazingly prophetic book, published in 1949....Orwell saw all that was coming.

Big Brother - Thought Police - Newspeak.......and much more.... he saw back then exactly what leftist progressive totalitarian authority has become!

contrary to some corny opinions, this country is not built to last. it's cheap, plastic, and disposable. in planned obsolescence we trust. the election cycles only serve as the social wrecking ball, and now with trump vs. hillary it might as well be controlled demolition.
Watching the Russians and Chinese eat these fools alive will be more than pleasureable. I only hope I can help in some way.

The house is divided. It is falling.

Watch what is happening in the South China Sea and the Ukraine.....
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.

We never were a democracy. We were, and are still trying to be, a Constitutional Republic.
Watching the Russians and Chinese eat these fools alive will be more than pleasureable. I only hope I can help in some way.

The house is divided. It is falling.

Watch what is happening in the South China Sea and the Ukraine.....

One is going to explode before the other while Obie is still in office..........and my money is on the Ukraine.
Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

That doesn't mean we aren't a democracy.

Whats that have to do with my side losing?
It's pretty obvious at this point that it doesnt matter what establishment puke we put in office we're gonna get screwed either way.
Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.
Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.


Enjoy your bubble.
This thread is laughable! hahaha Reagan used far more executive orders! that is a fact....Obama has done great things and you're just bitching because you're losing!

What you loserterians want would of course end this nation as a democracy the people couldn't vote in a government that would do their will.
Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.
This thread is laughable! hahaha Reagan used far more executive orders! that is a fact....Obama has done great things and you're just bitching because you're losing!

What you loserterians want would of course end this nation as a democracy the people couldn't vote in a government that would do their will
More lies from our resident liar little Matthew.
Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?


Ok, so you were born in 65 or 66. But you only answered half of my question.
This thread is laughable! hahaha Reagan used far more executive orders! that is a fact....Obama has done great things and you're just bitching because you're losing!

What you loserterians want would of course end this nation as a democracy the people couldn't vote in a government that would do their will.

This has been explained many times.
It's the type of executive order not the amount.
Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?


Ok, so you were born in 65 or 66. But you only answered half of my question.

So you missed my next post....
Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

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