America is No Longer a Democracy.

Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.
seems like your world is collapsing
No...our world is collapsing idiot. Hillary just might win and I hope she fucks over every labor union member, college kid, and white suburbanite in this country. It's coming you idiots. I can survive, but I will laugh at your pain. "But Hillary promised!" Haaaaaaaaa idiots Robots. Lemmings.

I hear the kids will be sending their contributions toward their college school books to a new college books store that is opening up to aid all the new students who will enter college under Hillary's free college tuition program. Write this down if you will be becoming a new student: Send your funds for books to: The Clinton Foundation, Washington, D.C.

“And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
George Orwell, 1984
tags: 1948, control, propaganda, slogan
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.
seems like your world is collapsing
No...our world is collapsing idiot. Hillary just might win and I hope she fucks over every labor union member, college kid, and white suburbanite in this country. It's coming you idiots. I can survive, but I will laugh at your pain. "But Hillary promised!" Haaaaaaaaa idiots Robots. Lemmings.


No, it's not. Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

The world isn't ending just because someone you don't like is going to become President. Grow the fuck up.

He never said the world was ending. More like a transformation to a soviet style rule that Russia, fortunately for them, threw off in 1992.
Don't panic, cause no doubt that he is a it's your turn to act like one!
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.
seems like your world is collapsing
No...our world is collapsing idiot. Hillary just might win and I hope she fucks over every labor union member, college kid, and white suburbanite in this country. It's coming you idiots. I can survive, but I will laugh at your pain. "But Hillary promised!" Haaaaaaaaa idiots Robots. Lemmings.
our world is collapsing

don't project your delusions on me
No, it was stolen by two establishment parties who's only real care is power and money.
Yupp! Grizz gets it!!!......(too bad the majority of sociopathic Americans do not!)
That's an off-year topic. The reality is that there are only two choices. If you want to break the grip of the parties, support public financing of elections and turn them into idea machines, not money machines.
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.
seems like your world is collapsing
No...our world is collapsing idiot. Hillary just might win and I hope she fucks over every labor union member, college kid, and white suburbanite in this country. It's coming you idiots. I can survive, but I will laugh at your pain. "But Hillary promised!" Haaaaaaaaa idiots Robots. Lemmings.


No, it's not. Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you guys?

The world isn't ending just because someone you don't like is going to become President. Grow the fuck up.

He never said the world was ending. More like a transformation to a soviet style rule that Russia, fortunately for them, threw off in 1992.
Don't panic, cause no doubt that he is a it's your turn to act like one!


I'm not the one panicking, clown shoes. That would you guys - you know, the "grown-ups" who throw tantrums because they're not getting their way.
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.

Suggest you take a remedial 6th grade civics class but until then, try putting your head down between your knees and taking deep breaths.

I suggest you not tell be about government Brit. I have a poli sci degree. I am furious about what is happening in my country my a state run news agencies and liberals with the mentality of a can of corn.
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.
seems like your world is collapsing
No...our world is collapsing idiot. Hillary just might win and I hope she fucks over every labor union member, college kid, and white suburbanite in this country. It's coming you idiots. I can survive, but I will laugh at your pain. "But Hillary promised!" Haaaaaaaaa idiots Robots. Lemmings.
our world is collapsing

don't project your delusions on me
See you in chains sheep.
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.
Tissue time?
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.
seems like your world is collapsing
No...our world is collapsing idiot. Hillary just might win and I hope she fucks over every labor union member, college kid, and white suburbanite in this country. It's coming you idiots. I can survive, but I will laugh at your pain. "But Hillary promised!" Haaaaaaaaa idiots Robots. Lemmings.
our world is collapsing

don't project your delusions on me
See you in chains sheep.
wow, such a bitter little peckerwood with revenge fantasies
Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."
Translation: "Your side is winning...we are no longer a democracy."

Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.
Tissue time?
more like this

Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

Never underestimate the amount of Americans who are willing to die on their knees. This thread is proof that there are many of 'em.
Watching the Russians and Chinese eat these fools alive will be more than pleasureable. I only hope I can help in some way.

The house is divided. It is falling.

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