America is No Longer a Democracy.

Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?


Ok, so you were born in 65 or 66. But you only answered half of my question.

So you missed my next post....

I did. I had to take a piss. But I've read it, and responded.
Translation: "My side is losing, so we are no longer a democracy."

I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.


Enjoy your bubble.

My "bubble"?

I live in Oakland.
Good that the left wing isn’t the only one given to hyperbole….

The nation is built to last. It’s strong enough to endure a presidency of Trump or Clinton or whomever. When it starts to suffer is when it’s citizens are afraid so much to think that there is no difference when quite clearly there is.

I mean, if you were hiring a warehouse manager, would you hire someone who never ran one? No.
Why would you do so as a President?

You would not hire an experienced warehouse that lies, cheats, you know could and already did get some of your most valuable and faithful employees killed through mismanagement or whatever and then lied about it on top of that, plus with all that information you can also see with your own eyes that this person is obviously very sick as their brain short circuits or whatever. A warehouse company owner would rather hire the other person that has obviously managed a world wide company successfully and feel that person will learn any other details that the job may require. The warehouse owner might question why this highly experienced person want the job in the first place but regardless you would hire the person that has not been involved in a fiasco that got other valuable employees tortured and killed at one of your facilities already.
I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

Mmmmmm No....
The American Middle Class Is Losing Ground

I cant believe you dont know this since it's been a topic of interest for the last ten years.
What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

Mmmmmm No....
The American Middle Class Is Losing Ground

I cant believe you dont know this since it's been a topic of interest for the last ten years.

Nothing in that article contradicts anything I've said. It's all about how you define the "middle class".
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.
We never were a democracy. We were, and are still trying to be, a Constitutional Republic.
Where have you been?

America is No Longer a Democracy.
I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

What you're forgetting is that trump supporters aren't well educated. Most didn't go to college.

For people like that, manufacturing jobs are their only way to be in and remain middle class.

So when trump supporters say income has dropped they're talking about themselves. They aren't properly educated and don't have the skills to make it in the 21st century.
The liberal media might be on the side of the democrat party but the last time I looked the greatest Country in the world was still a democracy. I ain't got a clue about what Bush 92 is talking about.
If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

Mmmmmm No....
The American Middle Class Is Losing Ground

I cant believe you dont know this since it's been a topic of interest for the last ten years.

Nothing in that article contradicts anything I've said. It's all about how you define the "middle class".

Oh fer fucks sake.....

Median income falls to a 20-year low | RedState

U.S. Incomes Edged Lower in 2014

Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'

Americans’ Incomes Have Fallen $3,040 During the Obama ‘Recovery’

Chart: Median household incomes have collapsed since the recession

US median income has plunged, inequality has grown in Obama “recovery” - World Socialist Web Site

Median Household Income Dropped 4 Percent Since The End Of The Great Recession: Report

Average Family Today Has Less Income Than When Obama Took Office

US Household Income | Department of Numbers

I can keep going if you'd like.....
What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

What you're forgetting is that trump supporters aren't well educated. Most didn't go to college.

For people like that, manufacturing jobs are their only way to be in and remain middle class.

So when trump supporters say income has dropped they're talking about themselves. They aren't properly educated and don't have the skills to make it in the 21st century.

So you're a dumb fuck as well?

So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

Mmmmmm No....
The American Middle Class Is Losing Ground

I cant believe you dont know this since it's been a topic of interest for the last ten years.

Nothing in that article contradicts anything I've said. It's all about how you define the "middle class".

Oh fer fucks sake.....

Median income falls to a 20-year low | RedState

U.S. Incomes Edged Lower in 2014

Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'

Americans’ Incomes Have Fallen $3,040 During the Obama ‘Recovery’

Chart: Median household incomes have collapsed since the recession

US median income has plunged, inequality has grown in Obama “recovery” - World Socialist Web Site

Median Household Income Dropped 4 Percent Since The End Of The Great Recession: Report

Average Family Today Has Less Income Than When Obama Took Office

US Household Income | Department of Numbers

I can keep going if you'd like.....

I thought you said you were 51. Are you saying that 1996 was before your lifetime?
What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

What you're forgetting is that trump supporters aren't well educated. Most didn't go to college.

For people like that, manufacturing jobs are their only way to be in and remain middle class.

So when trump supporters say income has dropped they're talking about themselves. They aren't properly educated and don't have the skills to make it in the 21st century.
One does not have to "go to college" to make more than the average college educated idiot with a degree that will be paying their students loans off until their own children are almost in college. Some of us lowly middle class idiots have made more than your average college educated person will ever dream of. I hired those people with college degrees in my company because they could not get a jobs back in the 1980's and it has gotten worse for many of those poor suckers giving up their futures to bank loans ever since. Basically you are talking out your ass. Even without a fairly large company which I built and gave up I made more than most highly paid attorneys per hour and per day. Another person who went into commercial art and took four years of college was trying to eek out a living came to me while I was on a job one day and asked if I would teach her what I knew. I learned that all on my lonesome with the talent God gave. Talk your shit somewhere were there are really truly stupid people.
I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

Mmmmmm No....
The American Middle Class Is Losing Ground

I cant believe you dont know this since it's been a topic of interest for the last ten years.

Nothing in that article contradicts anything I've said. It's all about how you define the "middle class".

Oh fer fucks sake.....

Median income falls to a 20-year low | RedState

U.S. Incomes Edged Lower in 2014

Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'

Americans’ Incomes Have Fallen $3,040 During the Obama ‘Recovery’

Chart: Median household incomes have collapsed since the recession

US median income has plunged, inequality has grown in Obama “recovery” - World Socialist Web Site

Median Household Income Dropped 4 Percent Since The End Of The Great Recession: Report

Average Family Today Has Less Income Than When Obama Took Office

US Household Income | Department of Numbers

I can keep going if you'd like.....

I thought you said you were 51. Are you saying that 1996 was before your lifetime?

You're not even good at deflecting.
Hey all you fucking peasants that live outside NYC or the Beltway in DC, your nation has been stolen from you by a liberal media. We now have state controlled news agencies that are backing Hillary and the Democrats and the sheep from Orwell's Animal Farm go along with it. These sheep are called "Hillary Supporters." Let Hillary have the Justice Department and see what happens to your civil liberties. Also, if you are a Bernie Sandres supporter and vote Hillary you are a fucking lemming.

We never were a democracy. We were, and are still trying to be, a Constitutional Republic.
We are a Constitutional Democratic you know what that is? Do you know the difference between a democracy and a republic?
I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.
Manufacturing built the middle-class in this country. In order to be a superpower you need a strong manufacturing base. I would take 1 steelworker over a dozen computer geeks.
I havent seen the middle class in this bad of shape in my lifetime.
And I dont see it getting any better if we keep putting establishment pukes in charge.

What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.


Enjoy your bubble.

My "bubble"?

I live in Oakland.
Oakland. That says a lot.
What do you mean by bad shape, and how old are you?

If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

What you're forgetting is that trump supporters aren't well educated. Most didn't go to college.

For people like that, manufacturing jobs are their only way to be in and remain middle class.

So when trump supporters say income has dropped they're talking about themselves. They aren't properly educated and don't have the skills to make it in the 21st century.

The incomes of uneducated middle-class white males have fallen 16% since 2000. Death rates have also been rising for them, the only cohort for which this has occurred.

Try and imagine the shape of the country if everyone's income had fallen by 16%.

This is why there is so much support for Trump from this group. The political system is not responding to them, so they want to blow it up.
How can any country be a democracy that doesn't embrace Conservative doctrine?

Something must be wrong
If you are not aware enough to know on your own, then you shouldn't be commenting.


So you don't have an answer?

I've been "middle class" my whole life, and me and my family (and most everyone we know) are doing just fine, thank you very much.

I actually dont have anything to complain about financially but you cant say that about a lot of the middle class and those trying to get there.
Look at the drop in household income lately and the loss of manufacturing jobs that used to be the heart of the middle class.

Real median household income hasn't "dropped" - it hasn't gone up, but it's stayed fairly steady for the last 50 years. And while manufacturing jobs are a smaller piece of the whole, they're not the only "middle class" jobs.

Information technology is a "middle class" job, too.

What you're forgetting is that trump supporters aren't well educated. Most didn't go to college.

For people like that, manufacturing jobs are their only way to be in and remain middle class.

So when trump supporters say income has dropped they're talking about themselves. They aren't properly educated and don't have the skills to make it in the 21st century.

The incomes of uneducated middle-class white males have fallen 16% since 2000. Death rates have also been rising for them, the only cohort for which this has occurred.

Try and imagine the shape of the country if everyone's income had fallen by 16%.

This is why there is so much support for Trump from this group. The political system is not responding to them, so they want to blow it up.

They should realize that an education will help them stay in the middle class.
“America is No Longer a Democracy”

Such is the ignorance common to most on the right.

America never was a democracy, it isn’t now, and thankfully it will never be.
Not in a singular sense as per ancient Athens. But we are a democratic republic, nice attempt to skip around core of the thread with your cherry picking. Typical liberal. Did not want to respond to core of post but instead wanted to attempt to show everyone what a big brain you have. It's most likely egg shaped.

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